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Montreal Escorts

The Rising Cost of the Hobby and Rate Increases


Well-Known Member
Jun 8, 2015
False. They absolutely had it easy. I started hobbying a while ago when I was very very young. Even my broke ass could afford it. I make 5x what I used to make and it's harder to afford it now.

This is objectively false. Cost of living has gone up and wages have stagnated. Nothing you wrote is true.
So, you say “they”. Thus, you definitely do not belong to the boomers’ generation. Then I agree, after us you had an easier life. ;)


Well-Known Member
Nov 7, 2024
Canada and the rising cost of whatever is a godsend and a piece of cake.
But you were set before the cost increase. 6 years ago the economy was much better, one could get a house at a reasonable price, the banks handed out mortgages easier, lower house costs equals more fun money. A majority of the younger generation will not have the disposable income for SP's.
My son is 34, can't see him getting escorts and not due to the cost, he goes out and actually meets people, many ladies out there looking for a dude to be with. Helps that he has my charm and sense of humor :)


Well-Known Member
Nov 7, 2024
False. They absolutely had it easy. I started hobbying a while ago when I was very very young. Even my broke ass could afford it. I make 5x what I used to make and it's harder to afford it now.

This is objectively false. Cost of living has gone up and wages have stagnated. Nothing you wrote is true.
It was way easier 6 years ago compared to now, did not need to be a boomer to enjoy life on the cheap.
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Well-Known Member
Feb 1, 2021
False. They absolutely had it easy. I started hobbying a while ago when I was very very young. Even my broke ass could afford it. I make 5x what I used to make and it's harder to afford it now.

This is objectively false. Cost of living has gone up and wages have stagnated. Nothing you wrote is true.
It's like I always say you make your own luck in life. You need to work harder and stop slacking off. Stop blaming the world for all your problems and earn your way like the boomers before you.
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Well-Known Member
Jan 10, 2005
But you were set before the cost increase. 6 years ago the economy was much better, one could get a house at a reasonable price, the banks handed out mortgages easier, lower house costs equals more fun money. A majority of the younger generation will not have the disposable income for SP's.
My son is 34, can't see him getting escorts and not due to the cost, he goes out and actually meets people, many ladies out there looking for a dude to be with. Helps that he has my charm and sense of humor :)
Do not forget all those so called social programs is costing money. Trudope put the country in so much debt that the younger generation will be paying that for decades. I do not see a reduction in the cost of living for several years. Shutting down immigration will take some time to have an effect because Trudope brought in an enormous amount of people plus it will take decades of austerity to balance the budget somewhat. People will be on tight budgets for many things including escorts.


Well-Known Member
Apr 9, 2019
Around the corner
But you were set before the cost increase. 6 years ago the economy was much better, one could get a house at a reasonable price, the banks handed out mortgages easier, lower house costs equals more fun money. A majority of the younger generation will not have the disposable income for SP's.
My son is 34, can't see him getting escorts and not due to the cost, he goes out and actually meets people, many ladies out there looking for a dude to be with. Helps that he has my charm and sense of humor :)
Yes way before 6 years ago.
My children also in their 30s could afford SP if they wanted to, they are happily married with families they don’t need SP just like I didn’t need them until cancer took my wife.
I could easily find a girlfriend now if I wanted too also just not interested in women my age or even 10 years younger and don’t want any longterm relationship, much better of with regular SP, for now it suits me they are friends but without any commitments on either side. I am happy spending most of my time with family, friends, grandchildren and yes I have a lot of free time and can see SP if I want or go on vacations.
Yes the younger generation have it harder generally speaking, but they don’t even come close to what I went through but I won’t get into details.
Bottom line is all is achievable just need to make the effort instead of whining constantly.
Canada with all its faults is still one of the best places in the world to live.


Well-Known Member
Mar 26, 2017
There's very little correlation to rates vs performance, so there's no real reason not to go downmarket if you're a little strapped. The difference tends to be in environment and occasionally but not always somewhat on looks, but there's little or no correlation to looks vs. performance either. Men always seem to think that booking a dime will result in way better sex and a better experience, and that's simply categorically untrue. The basis for spending your cash should always be performance and attituide rather than looks, 100% of the time. Of course, everyone's standard is different, and there's always a minimum level of attraction for each guy, but there's always a scale to work with, and what's objectively more attractive usually costs more without necessarily being any better. I think the guys that only chase eye candy are cheating themselves, but hey, that's just my two cents. Similar services are available all up and down the line unless you're getting into some of the specialty kinks.

So, go downmarket, go less often, or go somewhere else. Montreal is my home town, and I love the city, but I've lived in a bunch of places, and I know it shortcomings as far as mongering goes. When I started mongering it was here, picking up SWs on the street at a relatively tender age. I have since run the gamut of types of places all over the world and have come to understand that there's a lot of ways of doing things. The disappearance of SWs pushed everything upmarket a bit, but not everything and not entirely. As wolfie mentioned, the system is either breaking or broke here now, depending on who you talk to, relative to what it used to be. It is what it is. That doesn't mean that fun can't be had here, but it's not the same. Yes, I know some guys are going to come storming in here to say that's it's just as vibrant and fun and crazy as it ever was, blah, blah,blah, but it's just not, by any objective measure. This is true of a lot of places, actually, including some of my old favorite haunts. Things change. If you don't have to always indulge yourself then you can only indulge yourself occasionally here and spend your cash elsewhere in more concentrated but separated doses. Without taking travel costs into account I can monger for a week all day and night, with sex, social time, drinks, company, conversation and massages for what a 2hr session costs here. The service offering abroad is so far superior abroad to what it is here that it feels bad to come home sometimes, but hey, again it is what it is. Wolfie said he likes Europe better, but I tend to prefer latin america or Asia over Europe too. Notice I don't say that the women are better people or better looking, necessarily, but simply that the culture differences allow for a better service experience abroad. So, if you can limit your mongering to a handful of times a year then even including travel costs it's cheaper and better to travel, with perhaps an occasional indulgence here, plus you get that vacation feeling and you get to hang around with lots of like-minded guys in many of the more popular places, which you can't really here. That's a really big bonus if you've never experienced it before. If you can't travel or don't have the time then obviously this isn't for you. If you're American and drinking in the benefits of foreign exchange then maybe what Canadians are complaining about doesn't apply because of the relative currency value.

No matter what, there are a great variety of options that can be explored, even just locally. The guys here seem to like to compare agency rates as a go-to measure of relative cost, but agencies are far from the only option here locally too. You just need to open up your mind a little to explore some other possibilities.
Agree there is no correlation between rates and quality.

For my information, what is downmarket?

Could you provide examples of the different options locally?


Well-Known Member
Mar 26, 2017
I understand that rising costs are just reflecting the cost of living. I thought the big change was pre and post COVID. I noticed providers who were willing to risk continuing to do business started charging more, and Lo and behold, clients were willing to pay more. And, as others have pointed out, if a beautiful woman can get clients who pay more, why shouldn’t she?

But I came into The Lounge hoping to find a thread with a more useful topic: “Have any of you found a hidden gem who’s charging a bit less?”. Maybe I’ll start a thread like that. Or if anyone knows of such a thread, please direct me to it!
I started a thread called “Current gems”, but it’s gone dormant! Haha

Feel free to revive it:

For me a “hidden gem who’s charging a bit less” is Li-Anna. Although, she’s not so hidden, as well reviewed here. And she recently increased her rates (well-deserved) so not much less anymore! ;)


Well-Known Member
Mar 26, 2017
Read up on the econolodge, have recently heard about them but the reviews look pretty good for some and they seem to he busy.
I never understood the Econolodge. Do they advertise? Is there a website? Pics?


Well-Known Member
Mar 26, 2017
I think its normal.
Woman being in this for years its hard on them.
You notice some become clock watchers cant wait to throw you out, or that bit of xtra time or passion seems to fade.
sevices seem rushed with some exceptions(bio hazard suit required wink wink)
Its a buyers market.The are all crying the blues
i get endless phone calls and texts from studios and privates . exampe the famous lalya of asia spa also known as owner ming on deglise in stlaurent which closed up was literaly crying on the phone said she was going home every night swearing as some days no clients and many places have mirrored this.
in fact most business owners of every imaginable type of business are complaining
Thank Justin Castro that brainless idiot and his crew of goonies.
Food prices... a necessity have doubled... as well rents and affordable houseing
never mind considering buying a house. Very few people walking around with a lot of free cash.
The working girls and escorts all have the same complaints except they are providers who cringe when clients complain about riseing costs.
its only going to get worse for clients and providers.
That doesn’t make sense. If it was a buyers market, the prices would go down and there would be a much larger offering.
And why would it get worse for BOTH clients and providers? I think it’s a sellers market which is more favorable to providers than clients. Just saying.
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Well-Known Member
Feb 24, 2013
Agree there is no correlation between rates and quality.

For my information, what is downmarket?

Could you provide examples of the different options locally?

Downmarket is simply going for equal services perhaps from either less conventionally popular SPs or less spectacular surroundings. MySweetMilf is an example of this. Less than $200/hr for an experienced and usually somewhat attractive milf. They may be women ranging from 30's to 50 and may be quite skilled or still quite attractive, but not necessarily agerncy material. MP providers that offer full services may be another example of this.

Less explored local options are available, but there are caveats and disclaimers that go with some of them. In some cases they may be things that you learn abroad that can be imported here. So, here's a few. Cuddle sites. CuddleUp was the big one but I think it shut down now. There are others. The cuddlers are often flexible with their services, develop their services with you personally, or straight up offer sex. I have maintained probably a half dozen ongoing connections through such sites, two of which I still see. Half the price of an SP or less, but watch out as the sites are infested with Nigerian scammers looking for gift card payments. Any place, especially chinese places, that offer both esthetics and massage is a potential downmarket location. They often don't advertise in English sites and are often undiscovered outside of chinese communities, but are happy to take in new clients. Language may be an issue. I haven't gone through the trouble of tracking any down here in Montreal, but I had 3-4 I went to in Vancouver. Ethnic classifieds, either sites or bulletin boards. Again the target audience is often unassimilated immigrants or visitors looking for either documented or undocumented work. You can either look for ads or place ads/flyers phrasing it as you like, but usually looking for body rub etc. You can do it in English but it helps if you also use the target language. I use Spanish. Sites like Locanto sometimes have hidden gems, but a filter is needed. Strangely enough, people who go to places to spend less money are often looking to make money too. Flea market boards etc. Place an ad directly yourself, again usually if in ethnic areas with a high percentage of immigrants. Instead of looking for ads in Kijiji ,A123 etc put one up as "looking for" and ask for what you like. Create a disposable email and profile though. You will get responses. You can also do this in schools and career colleges. but you have to be circumspect and most schools require that your ad be approved for either virtual or physical posting or they remove it, so it may not last long. Any filipina job search network sites or community centres. Very hungry for work and if you are diplomatic in your phrasing you will get responses and discussions, and some will bite. There are others, but you get the idea. I have at one time or another used all of these methods and have obtained positive results, but not all in Montreal. Most of them though.

OK, so here's the caveats. First off, it's a numbers game. You have to be prepared to get no result or little result or slow results with ad type searches. Over time you will acquire enough people that you can eliminate all of the legwork. It's not for quick hits though, except for the cuddle and estehtics places. There is actually some work and time that needs to be invested. Second, a lot of these things are geared towards maintaining an ongoing understanding with the girls in question. In other words, it usually only is worth doing if you live in the targeted area, so no good for visitors without a lot of work. Location may be an issue for some mongers, so plan accordingly depending on your method/taret audience. Get a monger phone. You will go crazy if you use your regular phone for this and there are occasionally some weirdos. lol. Lastly you need to be basically honest. You don't need to say everything up front, but you do need to explain clearly what you want once you engage directly with someone. If you lie to them it will reflect very badly on you and it can cause you serious problems too. Don't try to do all of this stuff at once. Looking at salons and such can be targets of opportunity when you're around them. Likewise an ad here or there. looking at sites is easy, of course. If you're not in hurry and just do stuff as time and circumstances permit then over time you will develop cheap, pleasant and familiar relationships of convenience. Look at it as amateur SA or Sugar Daddy stuff for some of the options. Not everything will work for everybody and not everybody will want to invest the time or see it as too much hassle, which of course it is. The upside is that once the time is invested and the hassle has been suffered there's very little to do and you can reap the rewards on an ongoing basis for a long time with very little maintenance.

TLDR, use your imagination and look for people who are looking for you but don't know how to find you.


Well-Known Member
Apr 5, 2022
The fact that I know that that's Billy Idol and his original band pretty much pegs me right there. lol
I bought that 45 in London England as a teenage boy.

Sorry, the video is not synched with the song. It was a song that was a rip-off in many ways of the Who's My Generation, or rather, an updated version to reflect how the new younger punk generation felt about the hippies.

Yes, that is where Billy Idol got his start.


Well-Known Member
Mar 26, 2017
Downmarket is simply going for equal services perhaps from either less conventionally popular SPs or less spectacular surroundings. MySweetMilf is an example of this. Less than $200/hr for an experienced and usually somewhat attractive milf. They may be women ranging from 30's to 50 and may be quite skilled or still quite attractive, but not necessarily agerncy material. MP providers that offer full services may be another example of this.

Less explored local options are available, but there are caveats and disclaimers that go with some of them. In some cases they may be things that you learn abroad that can be imported here. So, here's a few. Cuddle sites. CuddleUp was the big one but I think it shut down now. There are others. The cuddlers are often flexible with their services, develop their services with you personally, or straight up offer sex. I have maintained probably a half dozen ongoing connections through such sites, two of which I still see. Half the price of an SP or less, but watch out as the sites are infested with Nigerian scammers looking for gift card payments. Any place, especially chinese places, that offer both esthetics and massage is a potential downmarket location. They often don't advertise in English sites and are often undiscovered outside of chinese communities, but are happy to take in new clients. Language may be an issue. I haven't gone through the trouble of tracking any down here in Montreal, but I had 3-4 I went to in Vancouver. Ethnic classifieds, either sites or bulletin boards. Again the target audience is often unassimilated immigrants or visitors looking for either documented or undocumented work. You can either look for ads or place ads/flyers phrasing it as you like, but usually looking for body rub etc. You can do it in English but it helps if you also use the target language. I use Spanish. Sites like Locanto sometimes have hidden gems, but a filter is needed. Strangely enough, people who go to places to spend less money are often looking to make money too. Flea market boards etc. Place an ad directly yourself, again usually if in ethnic areas with a high percentage of immigrants. Instead of looking for ads in Kijiji ,A123 etc put one up as "looking for" and ask for what you like. Create a disposable email and profile though. You will get responses. You can also do this in schools and career colleges. but you have to be circumspect and most schools require that your ad be approved for either virtual or physical posting or they remove it, so it may not last long. Any filipina job search network sites or community centres. Very hungry for work and if you are diplomatic in your phrasing you will get responses and discussions, and some will bite. There are others, but you get the idea. I have at one time or another used all of these methods and have obtained positive results, but not all in Montreal. Most of them though.

OK, so here's the caveats. First off, it's a numbers game. You have to be prepared to get no result or little result or slow results with ad type searches. Over time you will acquire enough people that you can eliminate all of the legwork. It's not for quick hits though, except for the cuddle and estehtics places. There is actually some work and time that needs to be invested. Second, a lot of these things are geared towards maintaining an ongoing understanding with the girls in question. In other words, it usually only is worth doing if you live in the targeted area, so no good for visitors without a lot of work. Location may be an issue for some mongers, so plan accordingly depending on your method/taret audience. Get a monger phone. You will go crazy if you use your regular phone for this and there are occasionally some weirdos. lol. Lastly you need to be basically honest. You don't need to say everything up front, but you do need to explain clearly what you want once you engage directly with someone. If you lie to them it will reflect very badly on you and it can cause you serious problems too. Don't try to do all of this stuff at once. Looking at salons and such can be targets of opportunity when you're around them. Likewise an ad here or there. looking at sites is easy, of course. If you're not in hurry and just do stuff as time and circumstances permit then over time you will develop cheap, pleasant and familiar relationships of convenience. Look at it as amateur SA or Sugar Daddy stuff for some of the options. Not everything will work for everybody and not everybody will want to invest the time or see it as too much hassle, which of course it is. The upside is that once the time is invested and the hassle has been suffered there's very little to do and you can reap the rewards on an ongoing basis for a long time with very little maintenance.

TLDR, use your imagination and look for people who are looking for you but don't know how to find you.
Thanks for that! It’s nearly a thesis! :)


Well-Known Member
Feb 24, 2013
Thanks for that! It’s nearly a thesis! :)
D-oh! I forgot to add one of the obvious ones. Some MPs are available for sessions outside of their salon and their normal work hours, especially the ones that work multiple salons part time. Moving some of the salon fee directly into their hands nets her more and costs you less. You must be very discreet though, and use a subtle lead-in to gauge interest. Some salons have unwarranted proprietary tendencies over their MPs even if the ladies are off the clock.
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