What a stupid comment to make ! Your assumption is that everyone shares your taste's, wrong. I am a businessman in a senior position with a large Canadian corporation. I have tattoo's myself and have no problem with them on a woman. To suggest that a beautiful woman like Julia or any other would...
Has she indicated whether she would prefer to do incall or outcall ? There is an agency I go to on a semi regular basis in Laval that might suit her since they don't discriminate based on body type. It might be a stepping stone to working as an indy Contact me via PM and I'll give you the owners...
I just saw this story on the news tonight. That people can do this to children is unthinkable. These kids will be messed up for the rest of their lives
With my ATF I still see her from time to time and always bring her a coffee from Tim's ( her preference) 2 milk and 1 sugar along with something to eat. When I see her we usually spend a couple of hours together ( she always charges me for 1 hour ) and catch up. I enjoy the company and the...
I saw the responses regarding Robin's spreadsheet, those were primitive days in this hobby but the info was pretty accurate. I met some pretty good SP's through the spreadsheet. Memories ;)
They are the best I've ever had ! He was a lawyer in France and gave up his career to become a pastry chef and move to Canada, his passion is in the products he sells .
I like to check on annonces 123 or backpage and will then do a search here to see if there is a positive or negative review. Every now and then I take it upon myself to book and take the plunge. I am sure to ask in text whether or not the pictures in the ad are accurate and when this is...
Aspen has the most beautiful women during the ski season (especially during the holiday season ) and has the most amazing skiing I have ever experienced,.
The only time I bought an extended warranty and used it, I bought a Maytag dishwasher and over the five year warranty must have had it serviced 15 times. I had a No Lemon warranty and the service guy said the only time that kicks in is if the same problem is repaired 3 times which as he told me...
The dude was an ass hole Julia Sky , not your fault at all. It never ceases to surprise me how men can be such dicks. Yes, we are stronger and bigger but to take advantage of someone at any time is unacceptable. I feel sad for what a 16 year old had to endure at the hands of a mature man. I hope...
Damn, if you can get away from the electric range and go to gas, far more efficient, instant heat, easy to clean so many advantages. If you are going with an electric, Whirlpool still has a broad range ( lol) of ranges ;)
I've been told on more than one occasion both in and out of this hobby that I am a charmer. If that's true, I'll take it all the way to the bank. I was raised to live my life by the golden rule and I have done that always. Respect begets respect, don't ever forget that .