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2012 Baseball Free For All thread

Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003
Should be a great series this weekend, may the better team win!!!!.

I don't expect it to be a close series at all. The Red Sox have been an embarassment to Red Sox fans all season long & i have no reason to believe why this will change this weekend. The Yankees, on the other hand, have also battled their share of injuries & are not known as the Bronx Bombers for nothing. The Yankees haven't slowed down a bit & are leading the AL East by a considerable margin.

As for the Jays, they need to win this weekend series against the Tigers to have any chance at staying alive in the wild card race.


Well-Known Member
Jun 20, 2003
Le Chabrol, Saint - Jacques
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Bawhahahaha, what an embarrassment to the sport of baseball, all that money and all it gets you is a ticket to the basement, I would be embarrassed to say that I am from Massachussets, if I were I would simply tell people that I'm from Rhode Island.:rolleyes:


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Feb 9, 2004
NY State
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Did you see that amazing catch by Carl Crawford in the 7th? It was something like this:


but he caught it and ...

it was a routine fly ball.

Guess you Boston Red Suck fans got to be happy ol' King Carl is back and in style.


New Member
Oct 3, 2008
New Hampshire is nice. If I had a choice it would be that state, certainly NOT Vermont! Is that even big enuf to be called a state? really?
Bawhahahaha, what an embarrassment to the sport of baseball, all that money and all it gets you is a ticket to the basement, I would be embarrassed to say that I am from Massachussets, if I were I would simply tell people that I'm from Rhode Island.:rolleyes:

Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003
I'll admit that Clay Bucholz is a darn good pitcher. The Sox always have a chance of pulling out a win when he's on the mound. Josh Beckett? He's been a terrible disappointment throughout his 'Red Sox' career. Jon Lester? So-so. If he'd lose 20-30 lbs, he'd be a decent pitcher, i think. Dice-K? I'm not even gonna talk about it. Cook? Journeyman. Doubront? Average at best. Where's John Lackie? Busy cheating on his wife again? Or is it ex-wife? Aceves? Decent pitcher, but definitely not a closer. Set-up man at best. I'm aware that Andrew Bailey was acquired to be their closer, but honestly, has his loss really mattered? Not it hasn't.

I wonder if Bobby V will last the season. If he does, he can thank Larry Lucchino, the guy who brought him to the Sox against Cherington's wishes.

I have a feeling that Terry "Tito" Francona is laughing his ass off these days.............LOL!!!!!


New Member
Oct 3, 2008
Doc, doesn't it seem like boston is like the Yanks were when King George was running the "Zoo" back in the day? Larry and uncle John henry interferring, red socks trying to outspend everyone for free agents (yet unlike the Yanks, have failed miserably on most) and going away from what made them contenders like drafting and bringing the home grown talent slowly?

Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003
Doc, doesn't it seem like boston is like the Yanks were when King George was running the "Zoo" back in the day? Larry and uncle John henry interferring, red socks trying to outspend everyone for free agents (yet unlike the Yanks, have failed miserably on most) and going away from what made them contenders like drafting and bringing the home grown talent slowly?

Believe it or not, i'd be willing to wager that the majority of Red Sox fans (including those on this board) think the same way. In reality, they're embarrassed about the team & how low the organization has sunk over the past couple of years.


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Feb 9, 2004
NY State
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...translation of "Told ya Doc!" = my sweet big daddy. :p :eyebrows: :nod: :eek::faint: :noidea: :crazy: :rolleyes: :lol: :wave:

DD is licking his brutal wounds after everyone clobbered him in the Bachman thread.

BTW..."big enuf" (spelling like a 2nd grader) meaning size...for the factually inept...Vermont is bigger.



Hey, look everybody, one of the weasels crawled out of his burrow after one of his team's rare victories. Of course his team got help from a misplayed fly ball, but he's not telling anyone.

Hey weasel, I mean Merlot, I had no wounds, but it sure didn't smell very good in thread with all the Liberals crapping in the thread.


New Member
Oct 3, 2008
Actually, I happen to know that DD is gone sometimes for days at a time with his career, to another place in the country and does not have access to Merb from his work computer. He has no way to respond in that or any other threads for a day or multiple days at a time. The second thing I highlighted, well all that needs to be said is, you should know :lol: I mean, i dont think DD has a whole thread dedicated to bashing him on a rival board unlike A
that has seen his baseball buddies completely abandon him :lol:

Now, before you take this any further off the thread subject, lets get back to red sock bashing. Nice to hear Terry Francona give the Yanks props on doing their homework and getting Ichiro. Francona must be laughing his butt off at the mess Bobby V has on his hands. I see from a previous post, merlot, you are still using the INJURY excuse, Pathetic! Injuries are part of the game and if your sucks had such a great minor league system like rumps always tried to make us believe, then the red socks would be much closer than they are. GO YANKS!
Hey DD,

I did feel sorry for you during that episode, especially after you disappeared for four days after that beating. You sure know how to draw a huge disparate group together and generate wholesale disgust of yourself on a wide scale. Even when I stayed out you took pounding from such a diverse group that has never gotten so closely together on anything as rejecting and often shaking their heads at your opinion. Yeah I've stood against Yankee suck-ups and their daddy, but you sure know how to unite a much broader span of members who usually go after each other.

Maybe we should put you in a room with representatives of the U.S. Iran, Russia, China, Syria, Israel, Afghanistan, Sudan, North Korea, India, Timor and everyone else that fights each other and let you speak. When they all unite against your nonsense then we'll have world peace.

Awesome job pal,



Well-Known Member
Jun 20, 2003
Le Chabrol, Saint - Jacques
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Actually, I happen to know that DD is gone sometimes for days at a time with his career, to another place in the country and does not have access to Merb from his work computer. He has no way to respond in that or any other threads for a day or multiple days at a time. The second thing I highlighted, well all that needs to be said is, you should know :lol: I mean, i dont think DD has a whole thread dedicated to bashing him on a rival board unlike A
that has seen his baseball buddies completely abandon him :lol:

Now, before you take this any further off the thread subject, lets get back to red sock bashing. Nice to hear Terry Francona give the Yanks props on doing their homework and getting Ichiro. Francona must be laughing his butt off at the mess Bobby V has on his hands. I see from a previous post, merlot, you are still using the INJURY excuse, Pathetic! Injuries are part of the game and if your sucks had such a great minor league system like rumps always tried to make us believe, then the red socks would be much closer than they are. GO YANKS!

Ouch!!!!, and OWNED!!!


Nov 4, 2009
You sure know how to draw a huge disparate group together, some of whom don't like each other like LM, Doc, and I, and generate wholesale disgust of yourself on a wide scale.

Please don't speak for me or anybody else. Speak only for yourself. I have nothing against Doc.

Hey DD,
There sure were a lot of members against your views.
I did feel sorry for you during that episode, especially after you disappeared for four days after that beating.Even when I stayed out you took pounding from such a diverse group that has never gotten so closely together on anything as rejecting and often shaking their heads at your opinion.

I must admit that DD was owned with epic proportion in the political thread, one might even argue for it to be considered among the greatest ownages in the history of the online world. But as Igna pointed out, very few can stand next to you in the hall of shame, well maybe a few Brooms and Socks, if you get what I mean. By the way, this is the baseball thread, you've done another fine job of bringing up irrelevant shit from some other thread.

Nice rep,



New Member
Oct 3, 2008
Aceves lit up like a Christmas Tree, red socks lose again to the "mighty" Twins

Is it just me or does Al Aceves remind us all of this guy after tonights performance?

Hey Rumps, where is that great pitcher the Yanks "supposedly" gave up on and was a steal of a signing by the Red Socks?

What do you think Jayman? The pics look similar, eh bub?


Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003
To be fair to the Red Sox pitching staff, the rest of the team ain't doing much either.

Pedroia is having one of his worse seasons, Crawford & Ellesbury were injured for a good part of the year but haven't done anything since they've been back. Speaking of Crawford, he'll likely undergo Tommy John surgery once the Red Sox throw-in the towel to their awful season. Adrian Gonzalez is having a good year, but for a first baseman, his power numbers are suspect. Middlebrooks is okay, but if i were the Red Sox, i'd rather have Youkilis playing in his spot. The shortstop position is once again the achilles' heel & there probably will be a new shortstop once again next season starting for the Red Sox. As for the catchers, they're nothing to write home about.

The outfield (incl. Ellesbury) is decent, but not much power. This season, the team's MVP has been Big Poppa, but he's been injured for the past few weeks & his absence has shown.

The only starter who's been effective has been Clay Bucholz, but he hasn't had much run support lately. As for the rest...Beckett, Lester, Melancon, Dice-K, Aceves....bums! The guy who cheated on his wife & dumped her as she was battling cancer hasn't thrown a pitch this season & he's been a disaster since they acquired him. I'm talking about John Lackie, of course. A world-class a-hole. Doubront has been okay, i must admit. That's about it.

Bobby Valentine will likely be fired after this season (or told to resign) and i'm not even certain if he had a fair shake. With all the injuries (okay, all the teams have had them, including the Yankees & Jays), the poor performances from the pitching staff, off-year by the players expected to lead....Pedroia, Crawford & Ellesbury....and most importantly, the loss of team leader & fan favorite Kevin Youikilis hurt the team. Let's not forget that the retirement of their catcher & long-time captain (and the lucky s.o.b. who screwed Heidi Watney) Jason Varitek certainly didn't help matters when leadership would have been greatly needed on this badly dysfunctional team. Adrian Gonzalez isn't a leader. Big Poppa could be, but he doesn't want to be & will likely play elsewhere next season.

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