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2015 /2016 Habs thread. GO HABS GO !

Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003
Merb scoop: The real reason why Zack Cassian was traded to Edmonton

As i mentionned earlier in the free-for-all thread, here is the REAL reason why Zack Cassian got traded to the Oilers:

As we all know, he was sent to rehab for a couple of months or so following his incident last October. By the way, i'm not buying the 'official' story that one of the girls he was with was driving his pick-up truck that night. But that's another story.

The plan was to have Cassian sent to St-John's for a conditioning stint once his time in rehab was over, and then get called up by the big team. Well, things didn't exactly go as planned. But the team doesn't want anyone to know this, right?

So here's what happened:

Cassian came out of rehab a couple of weeks ago or so. When he came out of rehab, he learned he'd be sent to St-John's for conditioning. So the following night while in Montreal to pick up his things, he got a phone call from a few of his teammates to join them at a well-known bar in Montreal. Since it was his last night in town before heading off to St-John's, he figured why not, even though he had just come out of rehab and fully knew he was on a short leash with the coach and GM.

So he went out and joined some of his habs teammates. It's not known if he drank or not. It's also not known at what time he got home, but that's not important. Later that morning, he got a call from someone affiliated with habs management. "Where's your wallet, Zack?" Cassian realized he didn't have his wallet. "We know where it is. It's at one of the establishments you were at last night. Go over and pick it up now."

It turns out that one of the bouncers from one of the clubs had found Cassian's wallet and contacted the team about it. But before contacting the team, he contacted one of the bouncer's old contacts in the media. To prove to this contact that he wasn't lying, he took pictures of the wallet in question and some of the items inside (credit cards, i.d. cards, etc) which proved that it belonged to Cassian. Cassian then went over and picked up the wallet, and later left for St-John's to join the habs' farm team for his conditioning stint.

However, when GM Marc Bergevin found out about this, he was furious!!!!! But since the holiday trading freeze was coming up, he chose to tell Cassian to head back home in Montreal and to wait for instructions. Meanwhile, Bergevin made up his mind that there was no way he wanted someone like Cassian in his organization. He had run out of chances. So he got on the phone and contacted a few organizations about making a trade for Cassian. From what i was told, only two teams showed a legit interest in Cassian. Or let's say that they were willing to give up something for him: the Oilers and the Sharks. So he was traded to the Edmonton Oilers for Ben Scrivens. But the trade could only be announced on the 28th due to the holiday trading freeze.

So there you go, folks. That's why Zack Cassian's time with the habs was short-lived. The habs were literally fed up with him. Already.

p.s. My source's source refused to give me the name of the establishment where Kassian lost his wallet since he didn't want his contact (bouncer) to get in trouble with his boss.

Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003
P.K. Subban may have played one of his worst games in his career last night. Today, he's getting crucified by the Montreal media, who mockingly refer to him as "Pernell Karl Subban" and are suggesting it's time to part company with him. They're saying that if it's up to Geoff Molson, "Pernell Karl" stays and Michel Therrien will be the first one to leave among the two. But if it's up to Marc Bergevin according to some of the people in the media (mostly french media), then "Pernell Karl" would leave the organization before Therrien. Bergevin never wanted to grant Subban that huge contract he signed a year or so ago. Geoff Molson ordered him to do it. Sure, Subban is a great ambassador for the team, but he's not doing anything on the ice other than hurting his team on a regular basis. He's now being described as being a very selfish player. Is it only a matter of time until the boobirds at the Bell Centre start getting on his case?


Habs Fan
Aug 27, 2003
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nice try , almost a day late ! LOL !

Merb scoop: The real reason why Zack Cassian was traded to Edmonton

According to 91.9 Sports, Zach Kassian loss his wallet in a bar the day after he got out of therapy. Good luck Edmonton!
6:41 AM - 29 Dec 2015

consider yourself pwned - again !

Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003
Not necessarily. I held on to the story for an extra day in order to get my source to confirm it with his most reliable source. Since i knew that no one else on this board had a clue what was going on, i knew that i'd be the first here to come up with the scoop. By the way, the story has yet to hit the sports pages in the media. Did i just scoop the media itself? It sure looks like it.

The Doc was right again! You're welcome! :D

Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003
A morning observation.....

I happened to flip channels today and saw that they're having a 'Hockey Wives' marathon this morning.

For the life of me, how can Brandon Prust put up with his fiancee? She (Maripier Morin) would get on my nerves so much!!!!

Maybe the best thing that could ever happen to him was getting traded to the Canucks.

p.s. Another one of those girls who'd get on my nerves is Angela Price, Carey's wife. It's not surprising she wound up with a quiet guy who barely says two words.


Habs Fan
Aug 27, 2003
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internet fraud and poser

Not necessarily. I held on to the story for an extra day in order to get my source to confirm it with his most reliable source. Since i knew that no one else on this board had a clue what was going on, i knew that i'd be the first here to come up with the scoop. By the way, the story has yet to hit the sports pages in the media. Did i just scoop the media itself? It sure looks like it.

The Doc was right again! You're welcome! :D

100% b.s. exposed yet again.

it was discussed and in the public domain a full 12 hours before you even hinted about your so-called "source".

Tell us something we don't know - other than your other fails such as Babcock to Buffalo or Galchenyuk being traded - like the name of the establishment?

Yeah, that's what I thought ... you're going to hold on to that one too ... :eek:


New Member
Oct 3, 2008
Thanks Doc, everyone but the jealous love your scoops and appreciate them, continue to keep us all imformed my good man and a big Happy New Year to you mon ami!

PS.... seems that habby fans are cranky these days, I wonder why lol

PSS....Go Bruins Go!
Not necessarily. I held on to the story for an extra day in order to get my source to confirm it with his most reliable source. Since i knew that no one else on this board had a clue what was going on, i knew that i'd be the first here to come up with the scoop. By the way, the story has yet to hit the sports pages in the media. Did i just scoop the media itself? It sure looks like it.

The Doc was right again! You're welcome! :D


New Member
Oct 3, 2008
Here's a thought for you ghg, instead of hating on all the good Doc does to bring us news/scoops that likely 99.9% of us do not know yet, why don't you post the scoops first? Actions speak louder than words my friend. Try it sometime ;)
100% b.s. exposed yet again.

it was discussed and in the public domain a full 12 hours before you even hinted about your so-called "source".

Tell us something we don't know - other than your other fails such as Babcock to Buffalo or Galchenyuk being traded - like the name of the establishment?

Yeah, that's what I thought ... you're going to hold on to that one too ... :eek:

Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003
Here's a thought for you ghg, instead of hating on all the good Doc does to bring us news/scoops that likely 99.9% of us do not know yet, why don't you post the scoops first? Actions speak louder than words my friend. Try it sometime ;)

It'll never happen. When has he brought anything of relevance to the board? Like his hero JC, all he does is mock, insult and bring negativity to the board. Name me a current more useless merbite?

Happy New Year to you too, Iggy. I still insist that you're the most important member of this entire board and take it from me, popularity always attracts detractors. I take the hate & criticism as a compliment, like i always have.

By the way, i can't blame habs fans for being very cranky lately. They now have probably the worst team in all of hockey. Next to them, the Leafs look like Stanley Cup contenders!!! :lol:


Active Member
Mar 18, 2005
Here's a thought for you ghg, instead of hating on all the good Doc does to bring us news/scoops that likely 99.9% of us do not know yet, why don't you post the scoops first? Actions speak louder than words my friend. Try it sometime ;)

He's got a point there :nod:

Best Regards


Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003
As i reported the other day in the likelyhood that super-pest Brendan Gallagher may be rejoining the habs for the Winter Classic, it was confirmed earlier today. In order to make room on the roster for the super-pest, the habs demoted forward Sven Andrighetto, whom in my opinion was one of the rare habs performing to the best of his ability. Oh well, Marc Bergevin gets paid to make the big decisions, so what do i care?


New Member
Oct 31, 2012
Here's a thought for you ghg, instead of hating on all the good Doc does to bring us news/scoops that likely 99.9% of us do not know yet, why don't you post the scoops first? Actions speak louder than words my friend. Try it sometime ;)

I think that HGH is pointing out that if you are a sports fan and you do read alot of sports such as hockey, most of what Doc post have been read already.

To imply that the post is unknown to the public, has been amusing at times to most who do read sports, most especially hockey.

The label ' scoop' 'source' and even 'reliable source' is just plain funny. Sorry, not to offend anyone, but that how I feel about the matter.

Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003
One of my sources just told me that he learned Dale Wiese will miss up to 10 games due to an injury he suffered to his right thumb yesterday. It sounds like a break. As crazy as it may sound, the habs will miss him.


Habs Fan
Aug 27, 2003
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another fail

One of my sources just told me that he learned Dale Wiese will miss up to 10 games due to an injury he suffered to his right thumb yesterday. It sounds like a break. As crazy as it may sound, the habs will miss him.

Your "source" obviously subsribes to Renaud Lavoie's twitter feed ...

Renaud Lavoie

Brendan Gallagher is back in #canadiens line-up, but they lost Dale Weise for some time. 5 to 10 games. Depends on the rehab. #tvasports

12:26 PM - 2 Jan 2016

Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003
HGH, how is it a fail?? Please explain.

p.s. Welcome back, buddy. You only seem to show up when the habs win. :D

Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003
The habs went back to their losing ways tonight against the lowly Flyers. Philly totally dominated the habs. Things were so bad for the habs that although he allowed 4 goals, Ben Scrivens was the 3rd star of the game.

Pacioretty, Plekanec, Desharnais and Eller were invisible for most of the game. Daniel Carr scored again. Devante Smith-Pelley was awful and only had 1 bodycheck throughout the game. Jeff Petry had another bad game. Markov was invisible. PK had another bad game and only had two shots on net. The best players were Scrivens, Carr and Byron. Galchenyuk was so-so.

This team is struggling badly and a trade will happen. Carey Price's progress isn't going as quickly as expected. He'll be out AT LEAST another month. I still can't figure out why Therrien is benching Andrighetto, but he's the coach and not me.

After watching PK Subban over the past dozen games, i'm still clueless as to why so many habs fans still regard him as one of the best defencemen in the league. Honestly, he's not even a top 20 defenceman in my book. If he's worth $9 million a season, then the Leafs have a great bargain in Dion Phaneuf who's only getting paid $7 million a season. Looking at both players over the past dozen games and comparing them, if PK's worth $9 million, then Phaneuf is worth $12 million. He's not the liability Subban is defensively, he's a leader and PK is not, he plays hard and he plays tough, and he scores as many goals as PK can score. And Subban has way too many distractions off the ice and as long as he's in Montreal, it'll never change.

Want to know what i'd do if i were the habs GM? I'd trade PK Subban tomorrow. He's hurting the team a lot more than he's helping it. He doesn't bring anything to the team right now, and hasn't since the short season where he won the Norris. It's no wonder he spent the Olympics warming up the press box for Team Canada.

The habs absolutely must make a big trade to shake up the team. You can't trade Price, you can't really trade Galchenyuk and Gallagher has nearly become an untouchable. Pacioretty's not producing like he should and he's a soft player. A case could also be made that he's injury-prone. Would he be a different player had Zdeno Chara not nearly kill him that time? Who knows. Nathan Beaulieu could also be a bargaining chip. But the habs don't have a lot of cap room if they want to bring back a proven quality player, so that's why trading PK Subban now would make sense. He'd give the GM a lot of cap room for current and future transactions.

Forget about trading the likes of Plekanec, Eller, Markov and Desharnais for a quality player. NO ONE WANTS THEM!!!!

Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003
The habs traded goalie Dustin Tokarski to the Ducks for forward Max Friberg, who was playing for their farm team. It's a good trade for the habs. Tokarski no longer had a future with the organization and the habs have always loved europeans, so taking a chance on Friberg won't cost them a thing and he fits the current mold of players on the team, being only 5'11" and from Sweden.

And a shocker, pop queen Marie Mai and long-time boyfriend Fred St-Gelais have called it quits. They had been together for 11 years.


New Member
Oct 3, 2008
Wow, what a shocker indeed....never heard of either lol

As far as the habs trade, sounds like a classic marc bergervin trade.
And a shocker, pop queen Marie Mai and long-time boyfriend Fred St-Gelais have called it quits. They had been together for 11 years.
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