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2015 /2016 Habs thread. GO HABS GO !


New Member
Oct 3, 2008
Bro, you will win her over i am sure of that, you should have a second career as a porn star, you have the moves like Jagger my friend lol....

I am actually pretty damn flattered we had AG's place before AG did! Great marketing for future parties.....Question tho is, is AG really a VIP :confused:

Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003
Good morning! :D



Well-Known Member
Mar 23, 2010
I don't know if Tampa would go for that. Maybe Chanel's going to have to be included in the trade. ;)

p.s. I have a feeling that PK is also being shopped around.

Tampa would jump at that trade!! Montreal would (and should) never make that deal. Nothing happened with Chucky, he and Smelly partied with girls, fell asleep and when Chucky's girlfriend showed up the next morning she found 3-4-5-6 girls sleeping in the apartment with the guys. No big deal. He's 21, makes 3.5M a year! We'd do the same...probably worse! It's not like they were out in a bar, they were home. Nothing wrong here.

Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003
Nothing happened with Chucky, he and Smelly partied with girls, fell asleep and when Chucky's girlfriend showed up the next morning she found 3-4-5-6 girls sleeping in the apartment with the guys. No big deal. He's 21, makes 3.5M a year! We'd do the same...probably worse! It's not like they were out in a bar, they were home. Nothing wrong here.

I totally agree and the media is making a big fuss about it just because its the habs. But the habs hate having their players being talked about in negative situations in the media. Now imagine all the ridicule the evil doll will face on the ice from opposing players. It's embarrassing not only for him, but for the entire organization and that's an organization which in the past has shown near-zero tolerance for stuff like that. They may not trade him now, but i'm sure they're thinking about it. DSP may be gone very soon.

The organization is well aware of Galchenyuk's antics off the ice. It's partly why Therrien hasn't given him the ice-time many feel he deserves. The organization would prefer he hang out with a different crowd and that he wouldn't be going out with a stripper, who often come with a lot of baggage i'm not gonna lie. But they're willing to be more patient with him than the Bruins were with Tyler Seguin.

However, it's no big secret that a big trade is imminent. Fans and media are getting restless of the typical 'Marc Bergevin' trade where he sends another team a spade for a spade. The pressure is on him to make a big name involving a markee name or two in order to wake the team up and get it off its current funk. Their next three games are against the Blackhawks (twice) and the Blues. The following games won't be much easier.

And the way Carey Price was paraded on the ice yesterday, i'm not certain he's coming back at all. He was on skates, sure....but he was barely moving!! And as former goalie Eric Fichaud said on Dave Morissette last night, he appears to be several weeks away from any type of action and they'll have a better idea of his progress once he starts bending down and dropping to his knees, which is crucial to a goaltender's role and success.

Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003
One of the girls who was at Galchenyuk's after-party was interviewed yesterday. She had her face hidden so that she could remain unanimous. She was very credible. She said that she and a few girls arrived at his residence at around 5-6 am and not much was going on. She said he and DSP just sat quietly in the dining room while a few other girls were in the next room dancing. She said she didn't know who Galchenyuk was until then. She also mentionned she barely spoke to him since she found him a bit of a stuck-up.

She said she and her friends joined the other girls since they seemed to have more energy and the next thing you know DSP left to go to bed in the upstairs bedroom and slept like a log. As the party was reaching its end, she and her friend then found the downstairs bedroom and went to sleep there, alone. She added that shortly after, she heard whoever remained leave the party and the music being turned down. Not long after, as she was about to fall asleep, she felt the bedroom door open and the next thing you know, Galchenyuk's girlfriend who had just arrived there jumped on the bed and went crazy, kicking them and screaming at them to leave a.s.a.p.

Galchenyuk then arrived in the room when he heard the commotion. She pushed the girls out of the room and they then saw her throw two good punches at Galchenuyk, which bloodied his nose. She then locked the door and refused to let them go back in to retrieve their personal things (purse, cell phone, etc). So the girls went downstairs to the lobby and called 9-1-1. It was around 8 am. The girl said that the whole shock of the whole thing caused her to cry at one time. She said at least three cop cars showed up and the cops interviewed everyone there and the next thing you know, two female cops escorted Chanel L out of the building, but she wasn't in handcuffs. She said they wound up staying there until about 11am due to the on-scene investigation.

What i conclude is that Galchenyuk (and DSP) are blameless in this whole thing and basically victims of unfortunate circumstances. Chanel's reaction is also understandable considering she must have jumped to conclusions when she arrived and saw two girls sleeping in their bed and thought the worse. The girl interviewed said she was surprised the other girls at the party were ignoring the two hockey players for most of the time she was there. She said they sure didn't act like the typical groupies that she's seen in the past. She said that Galchenyuk and DSP just sat there quietly by themselves and didn't interact with the others. She did say he had offered her a drink, which she refused.

So basically it's a small incident that was totally exaggerated by the media, mostly because it was linked to a player for the Montreal Canadiens. I suppose that the fact Chanel L is a total babe added to the sensationalism. And the fact that the habs have been in a miserable slump for over a month also added to the drama.

The habs also announced yesterday that the two players would face no discipline.


Well-Known Member
Jul 28, 2011
While Habs are 3-7-0, Galchenyuk is 9-1-1.

Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003
On top of that club in QC that i mentionned, she also worked several years at Les Amazones & also at Solid Gold. Trouble has always followed her. It's supposedly no big secret that she's been with more than one habs player over the years. I'd be curious to know how they met and if she was still considered to be his 'girlfriend' the night of the party. I mean, where the hell was she all night before showing up at 8 am?

By the way, former Blackhawks great (and former hab) Denis Savard met his future wife at Chez Paree. And it's also well-known that former baseball great Jose Canseco married a stripper he met at Club Wanda's.

Who knows, maybe we'll hear wedding bells next year or so at the Galchenyuk residence? I doubt it. :lol:

Everyone now knows where Galchenyuk's residence is located. It wouldn't surprise me to see him relocate now that groupies and die-hard fans will stalk the building now that they know where he lives. But this is good news!!! It'll vacate the space for the next Iggy party!!! :D

Kasey Jones

Mar 24, 2008
First time I've come across this thread... I was initially surprised at how many Toronto boys had so much to say about the Habs... then I remembered; they are Toronto boys! The only thing interesting about their team is behind the bench... sad... :-(

Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003
I keep hearing all this talk that the habs will start winning again once Carey Price returns, if he returns, blah-blah-blah.

However, they forget that you need to score more than 1 goal a game if you want to win hockey games. This is hockey, after all. Not soccer.

And then, you hear others say that the players will play better once Price returns. They'll start scoring again, etc.

I didn't know that Carey Price was this great magician who can magically turn Max (Mr. Bean) Pacioretty into a 40-goal scorer; Tomas Plekanec (Le col roulle) into a 20-goal scorer; Galchenyuk into a 20-goal scorer; David Desharnais into a 20-goal scorer; Dale Wiese into a 70-goal scorer; PK "the hotdog" Subban into a 15-goal scorer.....and Lars Eller into a hockey player! :D

But i also keep hearing that they're not a one-man team, that they're a real top-notch team when Price is between the pipes, etc. Look folks, there are 29 other team in the league whose goaltenders are not named Carey Price and they manage to win hockey games. Take the Leafs, whom many picked to finish last. They've been the third-best team in the Eastern Conference since November and yet, they've managed to win games although their goaltenders were named Bernier, Reimer and Sparks.....not CAREY PRICE!!!!

So in other words, those habs fans are basically telling us that they're entire team stinks!!! And why? Because without Carey Price, they can't find a way to score, they can't find a way to win games and the players are all badly struggling other than the rejects they picked up on waivers! And why do they stink? Because as i said previously, 29 other teams don't have Carey Price, yet have figured out a way to score goals and win games! :nod:

Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003
Here's are Doc's recommendations to heal the habs:

1) Get rid of PK Subban. He'd be able to fetch very good forwards, including a true #1 center. The habs would also save a considerable amount of money off the cap. Why? Subban is a cancer and a bad influence on that team and truthfully, he brings nothing positive to the team. He doesn't score, he's the league's giveaway king by far, and he's one of the most selfish players in the NHL.

2) Get rid of Alex Galchenyuk. In his 4th season, he hasn't improved and hasn't shown anything. He's even worst at center than he was playing the wing. He's already a millionaire and doesn't have heart. They still could fetch a very good young player for this guy who would help the team a lot more. Plus, he loves the nightlife too much and his choice of 'friends' isn't good for both him and the team.

3) Get rid of Nathan "The Great" Beaulieu. Similar reasons to Galchenyuk's. He loves the nightlife way too much and it's affecting his play on the ice. He also could fetch a decent player if he's traded to the right team.

4) Get rid of the excess baggage such as Plekanec, Eller, DSP and Gilbert. I'd add Markov, but he's got a no-trade contract and he'd bet tough to move. Plekanec's big contract will also be very tough to move, but teams can get creative, like the Flyers and Leafs did in the past two seasons.

5) Get rid of Marc Bergevin. He's been a dismal failure this season. He only brings in 4th liners and picks up everyone else's rejects on waivers. He's gun-shy and afraid to pull the trigger to make a big trade, which is what the team has badly needed over the past few weeks. He keeps using the same old excuse that trades are hard to make in today's hockey. However, rival GMs have found ways to pull the trigger and make those much-needed big trades. He just needs to grow a pair of balls.

I'd even consider trading Carey Price. He's become injury-prone and a goalie with bad knees is very risky. He'll also be an unrestricted free agent in a couple of years and he'll expect to be the team's top-paid player. The team has a very good young goalie in Mike Condon and trading Price now would get them any player they may seek, possibly even a Sidney Crosby or Evgeni Malkin. A GM with balls would make such a trade since he'd know Price's best days are behind him.

And finally, i'd replace the guys cleaning the ice with "Ice Girls" that other teams began doing a few years ago. Habs fans used to joke that their team 'didn't need' ice girls to motivate themselves. Well, i beg to differ. Attractive young women cleaning the ice during commercial breaks would certainly motivate a few players, certainly a player like Alex Galchenyuk who has a fine eye for attractive women (however, he seems to prefer older women). Who the hell wants to kill time watching a bunch of guys cleaning the ice (okay, i realize not every player is into women....the stats show it, but still....)? Habs fans should demand ice girls!!!

Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003
Marc Bergevin has just given his coach some help:

He sent down Daniel Carr & Sven Andrighetto, two of his most-offensive and productive players at the moment along with Paul Byron.

He brought up Jacob De Larose and his two goals.

Unbelievable!!! :noidea:

Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003
Wow!! The habs fans are on fire this morning on the morning call-in shows. The fire came out even more when they just heard of Marc Bergevin's most recent moves. I can't really blame them.

Plekanec, Beaulieu and Eller are getting hammered out there! Fans are also questioning Markov and the effect Subban has around the dressing room and the team. And there's now vitriol for GM Marc Bergevin. The fans are finally realizing that he hasn't really done anything. They also are saying that maybe he loves his players a little too much for his own good and the good of the team.

Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003
Tinordi traded to Arizona

The habs have finally found an ounce of compassion and just gave defenceman Jared Tinordi his freedom. He was just traded to the Arizona Coyotes. Details will follow.

Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003
I'm hearing that all-star John Scott may be one of the players heading back to Montreal in the trade. If true, this would make two all-stars that the habs would be sending to the upcoming all-star game. Impressive! :D

Chris Nilan just said on radio: "Does this mean tall guy for tall guy?" :lol:
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