Sweet Angle Smile
Montreal Escorts

any younger than 25 merbites?


Lily from Montreal

I will answer you and we will,maybe,be able to go back to the original topic...you see my view on the 18 years old hypothetic daughter is the same as the 25 years old hobbyiest...it's too young...I am sure there is 18 years pretty girls mature enough to chose the hooby,but from my experience it is too early at that age to go that route...I would surmise that most of the 18 years old agency girls are under some kind of pressure...myself I could not have done it that early...of course since I was a virgin till I turn 20 ,it would have been a major obstacle...loll...I guess I was a late bloomer ...And now if you don't mind I will avoid that thread and Mr.Black ....


Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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I mentioned that the thread starting post was consistent with the 1976 science fiction movie "Logan's Run", and now I just read that a remake of that movie is in the works and has been confirmed:


Sounds like the OP should sign up as an extra for the movie. Can't be over 30 for this film, as everyone who turns 30 is put to death in that world.


New Member
Apr 24, 2005
I mentioned that the thread starting post was consistent with the 1976 science fiction movie "Logan's Run", and now I just read that a remake of that movie is in the works and has been confirmed:


Sounds like the OP should sign up as an extra for the movie. Can't be over 30 for this film, as everyone who turns 30 is put to death in that world.

There was a more recent movie with Justin Timberlake called In Time; he was actually pretty good in it.
Feb 2, 2011
Money, time, desire and opportunity. These are some of the ingredients to make a hobbyist. Years ago when there was a lot of cigarette smuggling going on in Quebec, I was told by a SP that she had 15 year olds showing up for service. They were flushed with bucks because they dealed Indian Ciggys to their high school buddies.


User Registered
Feb 4, 2010
Montreal, QC
I'll try to add a perspective that hasn't been seen in the last few pages that I've skimmed. I'm in my early 30s now but I started hobbying in my late 20s after a big drought. Just got fed up of yanking off solo I guess. After many many rejections in my life, this avenue seemed to be the only logical reaction to fulfil a need. I don't expect sympathy or understanding from guys that thing that young merbites hitting the gym and macking women will solve their sexual problems. There are a lot of gameless guys in my age bracket. Some of us are man enough to fess up about it here. I would like to think that all the experience that I've gathered thru hobbying will pay off when I bang a girl and I'm not totally terrible at it. That said, I'm glad to have read the multiple views here and I appreciate this community for the valuable services provided.

Halloween Mike

Original Dude
Apr 19, 2009
My story is well known...

I was 24(minus a month) when i started seeing escorts(even over 4 years later i still find the term hobbying funny) :lol: and the main reason i didn't start earlier... well actually i did started earlier, but not really. Sound unclear huh... I did see 2 girls when i was around 22 years old, this was after my cousin took me to the strip club for the first time, around my 21 birthday. I don't know why i didn't go there before, guess i was fearing the place, like its shown on tv, and going there alone... bah... nop. But once he took me there, i became addicted, even going solo didn't bother me as i knew the place now and all(i didn't want to go there alone the first time) and after a while i saw the ads in La Tribune newspaper...

I realized i was paying around 60$ for just dances every time i got there(back then it was common standard to be 10$ dances, not sure if still the case) and the doorman tip was 2$... lol good old times. So my entree plus beer costed 10$, and i put 50$ on dances... But like i said i realized it was a lot for just touching a pair of breast... i wanted more, i was a virgin, was VERY FAT back then... and i tried calling the agency in the paper... Turned out extremely bad for both time... First girl was an overweigh cross-eyed that didn't do much(CBJ) and second time, the girl was ok looking, not super pretty, not ugly, basicly just GND but in the "very normal day life GND, not GND as in the movie with elisha cuthbert lol" but again CBJ, and she did the STAR... i even said to her i was a virgin, unexperienced and still... i pounded her for maybe 1 min before realizing it was bad as crap and just having her give me a handjob to cum... So basically i had paid 100$(for 30 mins) for having a handjob... something i can do myself... So for a while i avoided escorts, tough it was crap... and it was, in sherbrooke... until K.I.M came and showed me how awesome the montreal scene was... One month later i was repeating the experience for my 24th birthday and altough i took only a BBJ from KIM that time i got full way and this is where i consider i lost my virginity... a nice long and cool fuck session with that little red head (C-cup breast) called Kelly at Satin Dreamz back then...

So i was back then under 25, and i would had started before could i had the chance. Now these days, during those years well i lost a lot of weight couple years ago(i was almost going slim), then i took back some, im not as fat as i was in my peek, far from it actually, but still im overweight , i don't go clubbing, when i work its at place where i can't really meet peoples, either on delivery its mostly old people(and 60% of the clients are not even at home when we do, we leave them the invoice and they post a check) , at the camping it was mainly old people too(retired) or families, and the rest of the small jobs i do don't involve much interaction either. Im also very shy with girls in real life, wich don't help and well lets just say both physically and verbally i have trouble with them... So escorting is like a nice way i found to get laid kinda regulary and with very hot girls on top of that, for not "too much". So it satisfy me...

Like i already said to lily, not every young guy is a fit good with the lady type... lol , and not every guy in the "hobby" is there to get some warmth because its not working anymore with his wife and all... Me im there to have a good time, take back what i didn't had when i was a teen(aka fucking a lot during my school years like my cousin)


Well-Known Member
Jan 10, 2005
Im also very shy with girls in real life, wich don't help and well lets just say both physically and verbally i have trouble with them... So escorting is like a nice way i found to get laid kinda regulary and with very hot girls on top of that, for not "too much". So it satisfy me...

Booking escorts is not helping and is in fact is making your social skills worse. Escorts are just a fantasy and afterwards you become detached from reality. Believe it or not your weight is not as huge a problem as your shyness. You shyness and lack of self confidence are the biggest problem right now. Got to go out there and socialize with women without having any expectations. The more you practice the better you will get. The longer you stay away the more difficult and awkward you will feel. You got a whole your life ahead of you and you may want to actually have a woman that cares and loves you and maybe have a family... something to think about. Women do not like shy men and they expect men to go up to them and make a move. They can smell a insecure man from a mile away. They get turned off. But anyways it is your life...

The more you stay with escorts the more trouble you will have verbally with women in real life.

Halloween Mike

Original Dude
Apr 19, 2009
yur probably right... but i hate being rejected... i dunno, i guess thats why i never tried... even if i know normal guys probably get rejected plent of time before being accepted once... There is also the fact that i don't like to go clubbing, where could i meat somebody really? And right now escorts are like an adiction.. i go to see one or 2 every month and i wait for that day like a kid wait for his birthday... LOL

Halloween Mike

Original Dude
Apr 19, 2009
Le gros probleme Walleye, ces que en plus de ce que j'ai dit... je vis chez ma mere(la majorité du temps, je pars en appart a l'ocasion mais sa dur un temps), j'ai pas d'auto(un major problem) et je travaille a temps partiel avec aucun but de carriere... Quesce que j'ai a offrir a une fille? En plus bon je sais que une copine ne sera jamais hot comme une escorte, mais je suis quand meme difficile sur les fille qui me tente. Les filles que je me dit "tien elle pourais etre nice celle la" premiere affair je vois ces qu'a sors avec un gars qui parais bien ou alors elle a deja ete avec un.. meme si elle est chubby.

La dur realite ces que souvent des gars que je trouve "beau", sans le dire de facon gay, sont souvent avec des filles je trouve a peine ok ou moche... et on dirais le seul genre de fille que je pourais me pogner ces une fille plus grosse que moi... alors sa non merci. Je serais meme pas capable la lever au lit... Je vois meme des fille vraiment grosse et laide parfois avec des gars qui semble pas si pire que sa...

Moral : La fille est toujours plus laide que le mec a la base... alors quand tes overweight pis pas super physiquement... ouch. Je sais je sais, le physique ces pas tout... mais faut bien avoir une certaine attirance avec elle. Sinon aussi bien qu elle sois juste une amie...


Active Member
Aug 24, 2011
wait, habiter avec les parents n'a rien de mal tant que tu as des objectifs de vie/carrière par exemple économiser pour une maison, encore aux études pis être endetter comme ça ne se peut pas, prendre soin de ses parents âgés, etc.

ne pas avoir de voiture, dépend où tu habites. à montréal, dans le centre, l'auto n'a pas vraiment d'avantages

pour ce qui est du reste, faut apprendre à s'aimer soi-même et l'amour viendra

Halloween Mike

Original Dude
Apr 19, 2009
Ouais bas je suis honnete au moin :p, je bullshit pas les gens. :amen:

Pour repondre a tes questions... je suis deja inscrit dans un gym, mais il est a sherbrooke, je suis dans un village, sans auto, une fois par semaine je me deplace en autocar et je dors chez mon cousin pour aller a mon cours de Kali. Mais je ne peut pas me permettre plus, quand j'etait a sherbrooke j'y allais plus souvent. J'aime les arts martiaux mais je tripe pas les gym conventionel... sa sers a rien pour un gars comme moi, je veut pas faire de la muscu, mais du cardio, sa je peut le faire dehors... et je le fait quand je peut.

Lacher la biere... oh j'essaye crois moi, je bois moin qu'avant... j'essaye de me limité a 2 fois semaine maintenant... mais ces dur quand le soir arrive, ces tellement le fun dla biere avec les jeux video ou des films... le probleme ces que quand ces pas dla biere, ces des boisson energetique ou du pepsi(diet mais bon... aussi nossif pour la santé) on dirais jsuis pas capable boire que de l eau meme quand j essaye. Les activité... pas grand chose dans mon village pour etre franc...ces tres petit.

Faire un certificat? tu veut dire un DEP? deja pensé... mais je sais pas dans quoi... choix tres limité ou je vis... bien sur ya sherbrooke a coté mais bon voila sa impliquerais vivre la... et avant de mettre 1000$ dans un un DEP que je suis pas sur d'aimer... mouais bon...

Et je pourais avoir mon propre appart... ou du moin une chambre, en colloc ou whatever, je l etait ya pas si longtemps mais sa me gosse un peu de me dire que je flaubais 250$ par mois quand je peut reste ici avec ma mere sans que sa me coute une cent... surtout que j ai la cave pour moi tout seul... Moi sa me gene pas du tout et j ai la paix... MAIS je disais qu une fille peut pensé autrement. Aussi ma grand mere(qui restais avec ma mere) est morte ya quelque semaine, et ma mere etait tres proche de elle, elle voulais je revienne a la maison, juste quand je pars chez mon cousin le lundi pour mon kali a sherb, sa la tracasse... elle deteste coucher seul... alors pour un certain temps ces bien que je reste avec elle... pour elle comme pour moi.

mais ta philosophie de vie: "moi je fais rien pour améliorer mon sort". C'est vraiment bof. Just sayin'...

Le probleme ces que ma vie elle me plais comme sa moi... et si une potentiel copine ne peut accepter sa, hey bin just too bad ... ces sa je me dit... Oh bien sur j'aurais aimé savoir a 16 ans ou je voudrais m en aller, faire une carriere et si et sa... mais le sors en a decidé autrement... je suis passer par plein d'ecole limité, des centres pour jeune delinquant(alors que frenchement j'aurais jamais du me retrouvé la... si sa avais pas ete du beau pere sa aurais pas ete le cas) et j'ai du passé par plein d'ecole de ratrapage pour obtenir mon diplome de 5... et aujourd'hui l'ecole... jsuis pus capable. Quand jsuis labas sa va... mais faire des traveaux en dehors, jsuis juste pas capable... alors le cegep on oublie.. dommage car ces la que y avais certaine chose qui m aurais tenter... mais bon bref oui ya un coté que je veut pas me forcer trop trop, jdit pas le contraire. Mais quand jvois des chummey et leur montage de devoir etc, yark... sa me tente juste tellement pas.

Hey oui... j'suis encore sur la mentalité party, sex et rock and roll.... si on peut dire. Je travaille un peu quand je veut(entreprise familiale) , j'ai en masse de temps pour gamer, et faire mes autres truc... et ouais jsuis obseder du gaming... je l avoue. Actuellement je vais bientot finir Black Ops 2 Prestige Master et jsuis excité comme un poux... lol premiere fois ma toper un call of duty(j etait plus un joueur ocasionel avant celui la, je jouais pratiquement qu a GOW online) je sais, pour la plupart des gens, quel objectif de merde, ou de gamin, peu importe, mais merde moi sa me plais... et je tripe de gamer online... ces ma passion depuis plusieurs année.. avant s etait les jeu solo, maintenant ces le cote competitif online. Et ces surement car jsuis quand meme pas mal, alors jtrouve sa cool de dominer, ya qqc dans la vie que jsuis bon quoi... sa me valorise, meme si pour la plupart des gens ces futile... enfin bon ces dur a explique toute de meme dans un texte... mais comme tu peut voir jsuis un livre ouvert, et sa me derenge pas du tout de parler de ma vie.

Themonk : quand j'ai poste ta reponse etait pas... mais bon comme je disais non j'ai pas d'objectif de carriere car rien me tente...tout ce que je veut ces un boulot de 20 heure semaine, histoire de payer mes truc et puis voila... avoir du temps libre pour ma vie... je sais pas trop, je vois le monde travailler a 40 heure semaine et my god jme verrais pas faire sa constament... je l ai fait quand je travaillais au camping mais jsavais s etait un ete... et pour etre franc... 75% du temps je glandais sur le net quand y avais pas de clients... alors ste pas tres dur... mais j aurais pas fait sa a longueur d annee, sois je ferais du 40 sem a 6 mois par annee, et apres rien, sois 20 heure semaine a l annee, jveut pas plus que sa...

Halloween Mike

Original Dude
Apr 19, 2009
John, somebody replied to me in french, i followed in french, and as far as i know both language are autorised in every thread on this board. Either google translate or learn french... thats all i can say. I like to be able to post in french sometimes too, after all its my language, and its still call MONTREAL Escort Review Board... not Toronto or Vancouver... its only normal that french is present. In any case be sure nothing that is directed at you would be writed in french, so you can therefore just skip my post with a free mind of knowing i ain't talking about you at all :thumb:

PS : When i talk of things from my life, and its long long sentences, i prefer to use french... cause my english ain't perfect and if its too long of a block of text, it can become hard to follow trough.

Halloween Mike

Original Dude
Apr 19, 2009
I saw many times french threads having an english reply and some people(myself include) would follow trough for a while in english to reply to that person, it work both ways and nobody complaint when its french becoming english, but you seem to make it a mountain for one post that was directed at somebody else...

I won't write something in french to butcher it with google translation and post it in english... if you want to read it, you do what you did, translate it yourself. In any case i doubt many people would go crazy because one reply who was directlty directed(if i can say that) to one person in particular was in french.


Aug 5, 2011
HM: Have you seen the "Princess Bride?" Too young, maybe. Well, you have just entered into a land war in Asia. You will not "win" with JSB. If you wish to continue, good luck!

Mod 10

New Member
Jul 24, 2009
here s the English translation maybe we can continue this thread in the language it started in
How do we go from 11 pages all in English to French,
Thank you for all the people who wrote in this thread, many who are not bilingual.
those who wrote in French ,are well capable to write in English ,but just descided to blow everyone off.
lot of class and respect.I can understand if it was a French thread but normally we continue in the language of the thread.

John S. Black,

why don't you just keep going to translate the concerned posts if you really want to know what the members are saying?

Bringing language issues into this thread will accomplish nothing other than getting yourself banned. Anybody can use an internet translator and ask precision for things that aren't clear. MERB is bilingual and people can use French or English as they wish. Those who don't feel the discussion is important enough to make the effort to use translation can skip posts done in a language they don't understand.


Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003
THE GAME by Neil Strauss is indeed a great book, from all accounts. I started reading the book a few years ago & i still have two-thirds of the book left to go. The character "Mystery" in the book, based on a real person, is a fascinating read!

I'll have to remind myself to start reading this book once again once i'm back home in a couple of days.

Highly recommended to all hobbyists!! :thumb:

Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003
My brief story on how i became a hobbyist.....and why i'm still a hobbyist

I was 34 & single for 2 years. I was still a 'player' around the club scene, but got fed up with the usual one-night stand thing, mostly because several of the women i'd wind up with for the one-night would get all dramatic on me when they realized i had no intention of getting into a relationship with them after a night of intense sex. What could i say? I was horny & willing to go, and when i'd find an attractive partner who felt the same way i did, off we went! However, once the deed was over & done with, i no longer had any interest whatsoever in my part-time lover since at the time, a relathionship was the last thing i wanted after spending over a decade in various long-term relationships that eventually failed.

So while i decided to cool down my night life, i discovered the internet & it led to websites & forums dedicated to the sex industry. At first, sites dedicated to stripclubs caught my interest, which led to reading reviews about escorts. I realized that maybe this was the ultimate 'no-strings attached' sex that i had been looking for. Sure, there was a cost involved, but without the drama. So curiosity got the best of me later that year & during a trip to Montreal to watch the Leafs/Habs in their opener, i saw my first escort, who was named Monica. No doubt her name was chosen after Monica Lewinski, and she was a lot of fun!

I then got back in the dating scene, and every 6 months or so i'd make a trip to Montreal to watch either hockey, the Expos or a music concert. I love live music as much as i love sports! Along the way, i met a couple of sps i liked named Andrea & Racquel, who became a regular during every visit. A year later, Racquel recommended a couple of other girls that i should see, and i began to experiment. Eventually i began to befriend some of the girls i'd meet, which only encouraged me to visit Montreal more often.

The next thing you know, i was becoming more & more involved with the business. I now had my own website (Doc Holliday's Saloon, which later became Rick's Cafe Americain) and at one time i had over 800 members which consisted of hobbyists, sps & a couple of agency owners who would be weekly guests in my chatroom. It's through these two sites that i met several hobbyists who later became very good friends of mine. It was also through my posts on a couple of popular boards at the time (plus my site) that some sps got into contact with me and wanted to meet up.

I was barely past my mid-30's and was by then way over my head with the business. It felt like i was living two separate lives: my 'Doc Holliday' life when i'd be in Mtl, and my personal life away from Mtl. It came a point where i began to struggle between the two. I was visiting Mtl more & more frequently, and for longer periods. I also began to see more & more girls. During one trip, i counted 10 different girls & a couple of them were repeats. I also realized that i saw many of the girls not because i was horny or needed to be with a woman, but because i had the urge to write a review. Indeed, i was hooked!!

At the time, i also felt i had no business seeing escorts at my age. Especially when i didn't really have difficultly finding willing 'sex partners' whenever i'd go out & put my mind to it. However, what this 'hobby' also did was to make me lazy socially. I'd go out & didn't feel like putting an effort in trying to hook up with somebody anymore, since i realized all i had to do was take a trip to Montreal, pick up the phone & order an sp. I could actually chose who i wanted to be with, from hair color, eye color, body type, height, weight, services offered, etc. It was so damn easy!!

However, as the years went by, my life changed for the better & i got a good grip on my life. I was in my early forties by then & realized that i'd wind up going broke if i didn't put the brakes on my wild lifestyle, which included calling for an sp whenever i'd get the urge or needed some company. Although i still felt that i was still too young to see sps, i realized that if i didn't get things under control, i'd wind up being a john for life, which at the time turned me off. I didn't want to be in my 60's & probably having to work simply to maintain a habit. My plan all along was to retire in my mid-50's and enjoy life, and unless i cut down on my many trips to Mtl & hobbyied moderately, it wasn't going to happen.

For the past few years, i mostly travel to Montreal during the summer months, and usually only see a few girls that i've seen in the past & know for sure i'll have a good time with. Girls sometimes ask me why i see escorts, and i explain to them that my reasons have changed several times over the years. Today, i tell them that when i happen to be in Montreal, why shouldn't i see escorts? I tell them that for me, it's fun & that life is short, so i like to make the most out of the opportunities offered to me.

All in moderation, of course. :D


Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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I am still amazed by the belief that seeing escorts from time to time keeps a person from being successful in picking up girls, or meeting one's "soulmate".

I think the younger hobbyist needs to compliment seeing escorts with time picking up girls at bars. Otherwise social retardation may occur. I actually saw an example of this with a young hobbyist who attended a party I was at a few years ago. He more or less admitted to me that he was socially retarded (those were not the words he used - I think he said he was "unconquerably shy" or something like that). He viewed escorts as a way to meet women socially - very bad idea. Not a bad looking guy, but seriously lacking in basic social skills with women, which was obvious to everyone including himself. I am not sure 1 hour sex sessions with escorts will help a young 25 yo hobbyist develop his social skills. He therefore needs to go to bars and learn how to talk to women and to other people in general. Usually 25 year olds are capable of MSOGs and are more concerned with positions than conversation in a 1 hour sex marathon. Although I book longer dates with escorts than most, there are some hobbyists who, even if they had the money to do so, would not know what to say or talk about. They lack essential social conversational skills. These are not learned by pumping your dick in a girl's ass for 20 minutes and then asking her to ride you cowgirl for the rest of the session. This is what the younger hobbyists need to do. It's called balance. Everyone needs to have balance in their life. You need girfriends, wives, platonic friends with whom you have no sex (men and women) and then escorts on the side. There should not be too much of any one thing.

It's really quite easy to go out one night a week, sit at a bar, order some food and talk to people. It will help you develop any social skills that need to be developed. Some people are naturally shy and need to work on and develop these skills. Some have no skills at all and need to develop basic skills. Some are on their game and need to tune up and refine from time to time. All depends on the person but I would be concerned about any 25 year old using escorts as a substitute for traditional girlfriends.
Last edited:

Halloween Mike

Original Dude
Apr 19, 2009

J'etait en appart 2 ans il y a quelque année, et j'ai passé quelque mois en chambre dernierement aussi, oui c'est cool, et je m'ennuis de mon grand loyer mais j'ai eu de la chance, la derniere année entiere ou presque j'avais un colloc qui etait jamais la, alors c'etait comme si je vivais seul mais au cout de seulement la moitier... Il dormais a peine une fois semaine a l'appart... il etait toujours chez sa blond.... Je comprend ce que tu me dit, et oui un jour je pense a me pousser avec un pack sac a l'autre bout du monde et tenter ma chance... mais je suis pas encore rendue la... Pour l'instant j'ai trop de fun a gamer, et quand je passe 3 jours sans mon xbox comme l'autre jour ou j'ai resté plus longtemps chez mon cousin parce que je lui donnais un coup de main a reparer sa cave, bin damn quand jsuis revenu j avais peur d'avoir manquer quelque chose. lol je sais ces pathetique et faudrais que je tourne la page au complet sur sa un jour mais je suis pas pret... comme je dit toujours... je me donne jusqua 30 ans pour triper, apres sera le temps de tourner de bord... j'esper reussir a le faire...

Mon probleme ces que je vis dans les films surtout, je veut dire j'aimerais que l université sois des party de frat boy a toute les semaine... j'aurais aimer etre un jock qui se claque la head cheeleader genre. Ou encore j'aimerais pouvoir combattre dans des club underground comme dans les films de combat et etre payer pour chaque combat, et vivre ma vie comme sa... mais ces pas de meme que sa marche en vrai...les fighters font meme pas d'argent souvent sur les combats de gala en amateur et les ring underground... p-e sa existe au states... jsais pas mais ici ya rien fuck all... et ces la que j'ai du mal a trouver l equilibre... j aimerais parfois que la vie sois comme dans les films... je pense ces pour sa j en ecoute autant... En tout cas ces compliquer...

Disons que j'ai pas de mal a admettre etre immature sur plusieurs sujet, mais si je sais etre serieux quand il le faut... en fait je suis comme disais Eagerbeaver, socially retarded, sur la vie en general meme si je suis pas retardé mentalement disons, j aimerais vivre comme un jeune de 18 ans toute ma vie quoi... party up , drink, have sex pis faire du combat, mais la dur reality ces que j'aproche de 30 ans et meme pour fighter si j attend trop je pourai meme pas, ma etre trop vieu :( J'ai rate ma chance au kickboxing ya quelque annee quand je me suis blesser, sa pris un sacré bout a se refair... j'allais fighter en amateur pour la premiere fois... et apres j ai plus eu la motivation de retourner... j ai repris du poid et tout , mais la je m entraine au kali depuis 4 mois... je sors de la avec des bleu plein les bras chaque semaine mais j aime sa pareil :p

Anyway ces bizarre jaser de sa de meme ouvert sur un forum d'escorte... lol, mais bon jsuis de meme ces tout

from 1998 till today I have spent $47,743

precise to the $... LOOOOL
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