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any younger than 25 merbites?


Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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I am a middle aged attorney who was at one time a young attorney working those kinds of hours and not having much of a social life. So I can speak with some experience and know that many of the things you say are true.

However, one thing that has changed especially for attorneys is that romance has gone online. One of the attorneys I work with is now on his 3rd marriage and marriage #3 seems to be the charm. After the divorce from wife #2 he started using dating websites. He met myriad women on those websites, and some were quite attractive. I will never forget when we were both working late one night and he invited me into his office where he showed me on his computer how one of the websites worked. I forget the name of the website, but basically it was a pay site and you fed into the computer the age, weight, height, race, hair color, tit size, educational credentials etc., of the woman you were looking for, and the site spat out candidates. And he showed me all his candidates and asked me to help him choose. Which was kind of funny because he was asking me what I would go for, and what I go for and what he goes for are 2 different things. He met many attractive women using that dating website.

Ultimately, after dating many women, he met wife #3 on one of those websites. What wife #3 had going for her that the 1st two wives did not was (1) a very high educational level (she had a Master's Degree) and (2) a certain independent mindedness. She was also a lot younger (14 years younger, I believe) and from another country originally. She had gone through school and gotten a good job but she was looking for a stable professional man. It seems like a good match and they have now been married about 10 years with 2 young children.

Anyway, right after his divorce from wife #2, this particular attorney and I used to go to bars. He is a major league schmoozer. He even talked one woman he met at a bar into asking me on a date, although I politely declined, because I was not attracted to her and after talking to her for a while I realized she was a mental case. He just realized he did not have enough time to schmooze, as there are only 24 hours in a day. He was looking for a wife, not to get laid randomly. Had he wanted to get laid randomly, he could have.

The point is that the young attorney has Internet dating choices available that did not exist in years past. There are also assorted Sugar Daddy websites which some attorney friends I know have used. They are basically populated by college girls looking to pay education getting laid by older professional guys. You do not have to pay as much for such arrangements as you think. These girls are kind of semi-pros, they are not really professional escorts but college type girls who have financial issues and are looking for one guy they can see on a semi-regular basis and provide sexual favors to in exchange for money. In some cases, from what I hear, guys using these websites are paying the same amount as what we spend on escorts. Yet the girls on these websites do not really thing of themselves as escorts but as a "friend who gives benefits." To them it is not prostitution at all. Which is kind of odd because it is a form of prostitution for sure.
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Sol Tee Nutz

Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2012
Look behind you.
Just waiting for Dr.Phil to step into the conversation.


Oct 11, 2012
the best I can get
I agree, but I think it has gotten even harder to turn the probability in a single guy's favor. Take the whole Facebook friends and Twitter update thing. A long time ago, a girl might actually take a chance on going out with a stranger...

Out of curiousity, how do you view the changes that have occurred in the developing world mongering market. I read the complaints on other boards regarding hyperinflation, but the prices still seem so low compared to U.S. / Canada. But 20 more year of inflation will take its toll on the comparison.
I do also agree because even though I am in my fifties I had nice interesting talks with a 30 years single fellow at work who is kind of good looking, intelligent and well educated. He tells me that he gets his girls through social networking and then invite them to bars to have fun and get into serious business, if not directly to his place for a nice supper...
According to what he tells me, this kind of hunt is kind of easy and fast. I did not ask him yet, but I doubt he ever had called an escort.
I only remenber picking up one girl and in a bar and getting to fuck her that same night in my long life...I never met an escort until I was 50. Yes I got to know a girl through international social networking, she was a good fuck but a weird story, it did not last but I met a wonderfull lady right after because she brought me to the place where I had to meet cannot control your destiny. Technological changes don't really make a difference in romance and sex.
As for developing world opportunities, I can only talk about Cuba and Dominican Republic, where things don't really seem to change that fast...


New Member
May 30, 2013
Patron I think you are dead wrong they would say its more appropriate for the older man.

Sol Tee Nutz

Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2012
Look behind you.
I agree with econz.

Lily from Montreal

Hum,do you mind changing "not normal" for "not average"?... I kind of resent being labelled not normal?


May 24, 2013
Las Vegas, NV
Patron any normal woman is disgusted at men seeing escorts and many with men going to strip bars.

Guess I'm not "normal" either...sure, I'm an escort now, but I wasn't always, and I've never found it disgusting. I was in my first strip club at the age of 18 and instead of being disgusted, I thought, "that's hot, I could do that". Which I did for years before I started escorting.
When I was a dancer I had many friends outside of the business who had no problem with the sex industry and overall I found that men were quicker to judge than other women were.

Lily from Montreal

Careful in your view the father who meets escorts is ok but the daughter meeting men no?
Isn't it the keetle calling the pot black? Well, then you are well named...
Fathers (and mothers) wants their daughters to be happy...whatever it takes...

Lily from Montreal,no,no...never took drugs,never been abused,sorry to disapoint you my prudish hobbyist, i am not a broken soul who seek oblivion in meeting the way , I do not suck cock as you so elegantly say, I'll admit I like fellatio....I donotneed a psychiatrist as I am the most stable and down to earth person you would ever meet...enjoy your life

Lily from Montreal

He is dead for 25 years...and I hobby since 4 years so if there is a after life ,yes he knows,if not ...


Well-Known Member
Jan 10, 2005
im a prude cause I don't wish my daughter was a prostitute'
how many of you guys out there have daughters wish they were a prostitute'
and for those who don't have kids if you had a daughter would you want them to be a prostitute

You sound like a very typical conservative man. My question to you->

1)Do you use the services of an escort or massage parlor?
2)Do you visit stripclubs? And do you take lapdances?

If you answered yes to any of these then that makes you the biggest hypocrite like a lot of other conservative people out there. You obviously have a negative opinion of prostitutes and do not want your daughter to be one yet you partake and avail yourself to the services of one. Now you are having sex with some other mans daughter who may have the same sentiments as you regarding prostitutes. You are contributing to the same thing that you hate. Why the double standards? My suggestion to you is to stop using services of an escort and quit this board all together. You do not belong here.


Well-Known Member
Jan 10, 2005
secoundly do you honestly think he would be happy his little girl was an escort-yes or no.
and if you had a daughter would you wish she was an escort at 18 or had a chance at love and a normal life.

How is this any concern of yours? Who gave you the right to pass judgement? Live your life the way you want and let her live her life the way she wants. Not your place to judge.


Well-Known Member
Jan 10, 2005
just cause im stupid to use hoes does not mean I want my family members to be hoes

No one is stupid to use hoes. I think people who hate hoes or does not want their family members to be hoes and use the service of hoes are stupid. But that is just my opinion.


Well-Known Member
Jan 10, 2005
cloud500 I met you at cleos a number of years ago and like many I have met I felt sorry for you.
I realize why you have to pay for sex .

I am not the same man as those many years ago. That was over seven years. Things change. I hardly pay for sex now. Last time I had an escort was winter of 2012. I have been escort free and plan to remain escort free. Also I am slowly phasing out of taking lapdances now. Why pay when you can get it for free? Got to up the swagg. We could have a drink at Cleos soon if you want ;)

If you read some of my comments in the under age 25 merbites thread you why I am so against young merbites using escorts. They are doing themselves a big disfavor to themselves. If a young man got to pay for sex due to being too shy, lack of confidence, out of shape they are not helping themselves by paying for it. They put themselves deeper into the fantasy. Got to go out there and practice your swagg and up yo game. The more you practice the better you get. It builds self confidence to pick up a woman.

->just cause im stupid to use hoes<-

where did I say someone is stupid to use hoes.
just cause I use them and would not want a family member to be one is my opinion.

This part in bold in one of your posts. The way you phrased. I could have misunderstood what you meant.


Well-Known Member
Jan 10, 2005
so which female members of yo family is a hoe.

So far none that I know off. But who knows they could be keeping it a secret from me like many other prostitutes do with their family members.


Well-Known Member
Jan 10, 2005
Would this not be hipicritical.
I mean you say your fine with it,
the 2 escorts in the thread say it is normal and their friends are ok with it
why not let the family in on the situation and who knows maybe the mothers and sisters would join in and it could be a whole family business.

I agree with you here. That is why I said you sounded like a typical conservative person. My family is conservative just as are a majority of people living in North America. I am fine with it but those people who become escorts know that if conservative people found out what they did for a living that they would be judged just as you are doing now. If they were free from judgement and criticism then they would not keep it a secret. Fact is that sex workers are not regarded with much respect by the general population. It is funny to hear men talk so negatively about prostitutes and women that sleep with many men (whores) or have one night stands. Yet these same men partake with these women. They have sex with them but never make them their main broad. I just find this all very curious. These men want their GFs to be loyal yet these same men go behind their woman's back and have sex with other woman and more often then not book an escort. I just find this hypocritical and silly at the same time.


Well-Known Member
Jan 10, 2005
John S. Black,

Based on your opinion you are a conservative man. I do not say it as an insult. It is what it is. Personally I would discourage my son from paying for sex much more then my daughter becoming one. My daughter at least is doing this for cash. I am okay with her doing it so long as she practices safe sex and to stays drug free. What is my sons excuse? Pay cuz he cannot get none on his own? I consider that very pathetic, sad and I would pity him. I hope my son never ever has to pay for sex. I want him to up his game and swagg and train in the gym to be fit. Go out and pick up the ladies. If I ever catch him paying for sex imma go after him and give him a peace of my mind. BTW my family knows I go to stripclubs and have used escorts in the past. They are very much against it. Anyhow I am escort free since winter of 2012.


May 24, 2013
Las Vegas, NV
I feel extremely apologetic regarding the comments that were directed at Lily and the other escort (I cannot remember her handle). It is incredible that posters say unpleasant things about escorts and sex work on an escort review board. Most of us clearly appreciate escorts - otherwise we would not be here.

Thank you! And we appreciate you as well :)
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