Montreal Escorts

Are the new indy agencies really independent?

Are the new indy agencies really independent?

  • Yes, I believe these indies banded together

    Votes: 15 25.0%
  • no, this smells like some agency owner is behind them

    Votes: 19 31.7%
  • A mixture of both

    Votes: 10 16.7%
  • I have no clue and I do not care

    Votes: 16 26.7%

  • Total voters


New Member
Nov 9, 2003
hobby11 said:
u cannot believe thats possible to go indy ... thats it!

I have been Indy for a long time. :cool:

I worked for many different agencies before deciding that I can do a better job on my own. :rolleyes:

Why would anyone believe I would give this up? :confused:

Do people really think I am stupid enough to let myself be pimped? I guess that is why I am getting so defensive. :eek:



New Member
Jan 9, 2006
You have called PP an agency a few times already. Why is it so offensive to you that you work with an agency and even though you maintain some independence that you are not "really" independent? I am not sure why you find that insulting! However, again, we already agreed to disagree.

In reference to my quote - so PP breaks down the agencies advertising fees for the girls to see and how much has been taken from each girl is tracked as well? If in fact the indies handle their own calls, how does the agency keep track of what dates go through?


naughtylady said:
PP does not charge a monthly fee if the gal is not working. AND the fee is payable over the first couple of dates. So she has a smaller % of that first date of the month going to cover that fee





New Member
Nov 9, 2003
Just-ass-weet said:
You have called PP an agency a few times already. Why is it so offensive to you that you work with an agency and even though you maintain some independence that you are not "really" independent? I am not sure why you find that insulting! However, again, we already agreed to disagree.

In reference to my quote - so PP breaks down the agencies advertising fees for the girls to see and how much has been taken from each girl is tracked as well? If in fact the indies handle their own calls, how does the agency keep track of what dates go through?


I guess what insults me is the implication that someone is earning money off of me working on my back.
In every agency I ever worked for they took a cut off of each and every call.

By the way In what way am I not "really" independant? Just because we advertise together? Every indy has to advertise and is dependant on those sites she advertises on.

I do not know what to call PP. A co-op?

How does Cassey know if the date goes through after she gives him my #? We are friends and I tell her. Friends trust each other and are honest with each other. Remember we are working together. I do not work for her. I will not work for anybody as an escort.

Again I ask the question, why is it such a strech to imagine a bunch of friends working together, supporting each other morally, without anyone getting rich off of the others escorting... Yeah I think co-op is the best term now that I think about it...

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Montreal Sex City

Classy, Pretty & Sexy GFE
Mar 24, 2007
Maria Divina said:
J'étais "on the road" ce soir....Très intéressant comme lecture...
Je suis une femme qui se fait envoyer régulièrement des pms par des agences d'indy me proposant de les rejoindre.......
Je suis une femme qui se fait toujours offrir de le faire "sans l'agence" même par des gens qui commencent des threads, imaginez....:rolleyes:

Ben la je me roule a terre !!! :D

Et dire que pendant que tu étais sur la route, je te défendais encore sur ce point dans le chat room alors que le principal intéressé essayait de faire valoir son point en tentant de salire ma réputation ... encore !!! :rolleyes:

BTW you are not the only one who had a sharp tongue in this thread...


Tiens, parlant du sujet, ça doit être moi ! Ben quoi ça prends toujours une responsable ... ne suis-je pas une personne responsable ! :)

Elizabeth said:
No apologies are needed. :)

I never questioned the quality of the ladies, their services, their backgrounds or anything like that.

I said that you are misusing the term "indy" just to get more customers.

And I stand by that.

Bon ben tu m'enlève les mots de la bouche ! :D

En tout cas ... pis en passant quand Maria Divina voudra être une Indépendante, non seulement elle est grandement assez grande pour faire ses propres choix par elle même mais elle sait, que comme pour d'autres, je vais l'aider a y arriver.

Après tout, même si nous sommes une agence, nous sommes avant tout un équipe ... Et encore une fois Belle Divina, superbe les photos que tu as prise pour Sylvia Vixen ! ;)

Bonne Journée a tous et a toutes !



Retired Ol'timer
Nov 19, 2006
traveller_76 said:
If there was a flat fee to pay we'd have less of a debate. It would be more like paying for standard web-hosting, or whatever service an independent requires to be a functional independent.
May I jump in again?

From what Ronnie is explaining, it looks like her fees are not necessarily based on her bookings, but more of a flat fee, and they have some kind of agreement that PP gives her "indies" a break if they have less bookings. Does it sound better this way?

traveller_76 said:
An associate independent, as someone else (maybe you, I can't recall now) said would maybe be the better word.
FKS indeed call some of their team members "Associates".



New Member
Jan 9, 2006
Hey look, in the end, we are woman trying to make a buck - whether you package it as an Indy, an agency girl or an associate - it irrelevant in the end. As women, we need to stick together and support each other, period. If this thread felt like it was an attack on anyone it certainly wasn't, though it may have gotten a bit emotional. I think using the word "pimp" was not very nice, and I myself, would not have used that word, as to me, it has emotional manipulation tagged to it. I wanted to say that first and foremost - because it IS the most important factor here.

I am not going to debate this anymore - I agree to disagree. Peace



New Member
Jan 9, 2006
Certainly, there comes a problem with anything like this, the opportunity to abuse a term is there, and even Ronnie when speaking to me the other night, said that PP is not like other agencies - thereby implying that the other "indy" agencies are not really indy agencies. Indy is a term used much like the term GFE. It is is loosely defined, and remains difficult to narrow down to an exact definition, because of this, it is often overused, or used for marketing without genuinely reflecting the situation.

I'm sitting here, trying to figure out why the Indy agency ideas bug me so much... why? Most of it has to do with an emotional knee-jerk, that says, I worked hard to earn my reputation, and part of my pride in this has to do with the fact that I did it entirely on my own. I am proud of that, very proud. So a group of Indy - takes away what being an indy to me means.

That doesn't mean that I don't think we should support each other, or help each other out, so please don't take it that way... as I said, the reaction, when I dig into it, has "feelings" and so, it not necessarily based in reason. However, I am pretty good at sensing when something is wrong, and though I have yet to delve into the logical reasons, using the term INDY for an agency, is wrong - I can first conclude that it is at very least an oxymoron.



New Member
Jan 10, 2005
my final comment

if you have your own website ( so you dont pay monthly or per call fee to anyone)

and you manage all your emails and calls yourself...

and you go to your calls by yourself...

but you have a pimp then you re not an indy...

u knoe what i mean?
I know more than one hdh indies who are in this situation in Montreal
you vant names???

Special K

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May 3, 2003
Red Sox Nation
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The question is , will there be clients to support and accept an indie agency with a pricepoint of $200 an hour when there are ample choices at $160-$180 an hour at traditional agencies??

As long as Mercedez and Judy stay here I will continue to support this indy agency ;)

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New Member
Nov 9, 2003
CoolAmadeus said:
May I jump in again?

From what Ronnie is explaining, it looks like her fees are not necessarily based on her bookings, but more of a flat fee, and they have some kind of agreement that PP gives her "indies" a break if they have less bookings. Does it sound better this way?

FKS indeed call some of their team members "Associates".


CA, You seem to have figured out the basics...



New Member
Nov 9, 2003
traveller_76 said:
If that revenue was really ONLY based on representation--i.e. advertising your name through her agency name on websites you wouldn't have the time (nor desire) to advertise yourself on-- you'd be charged strickly on that basis. The owner would not make more revenue the more clients you saw.


She does not make more based on the number of clients. She just does not expect us to pay the monthly fees in one shot AND does not expect any money if she sends no business our way.

To use the FKS example: So much per month is due at the beginning of each month, regardless of whether any business comes your way from this association.

With PP, so much per month is due, payable from your first couple of dates in the month. After the monthly ammount is collected nothing else is due. After the basic is covered 100% goes to the SP, AND if you do not get enough dates from PP to cover that monthly fee, so be it, you paid less that month since the fee is not due all at once but over the first couple of dates.

Nothing is due to PP for dates made directly with the provider, only for the ones made through PP.

Like I said before a very busy girl does not pay more than a less busy girl, assuming that both have seen more than enough clients to cover the monthly fee.

Hypothetical situation:
Girl one sees 5 clients from PP.
Girl two sees 10 from PP
Girl three sees 20
and girl four sees only 1.

Girls one, two and three all ended up paying the same ammount, while girl four paid less.

Does this make sense now?

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New Member
Nov 9, 2003
traveller_76 said:

Ok. I must have misunderstood the concept :rolleyes:

Don't worry, I won't explain it here since I did say I wouldn't take it out of pm, as much as it irks me to read this.

Maybe you could reciprocate that gesture by not taking me for an idiot when it comes to defining (or redefining) your concept in public.

But, from what you've posted:

So after 5 clients the 'fee' is paid :rolleyes:
If this is true, seems to me it's in PP's interest to make sure to send you more than 1. But that is quite different from taking a commission.

I never said after how many clients the fee is paid. The above was an example.

The reason I did not want to go into details here is that with more girls the fee is less.

Though with new sites to pay for ads on the fee needs to be adjusted again.

PP is still very new (two months?)

Of course it is in PP's interest to send us to more than 1 client because we are all working together. It is in every SPs interest to see more than 1 client per month. (How else can we earn a living?) If none of us go out on calls then it is a lot of advertising invested for nothing. Remember Cassey, (the mother of PP) is an escort like the rest of us, pays her share of the advertising, and makes her living seeing clients just like the rest of us.

Nobody works FOR PP, we advertise through PP to gain visibility to gents who only look at agencies.

Why is it so hard to accept that Cassey is not making money off our backs but came up with an idea to have our advertising reach a wider audience.

Would it be better if she asked each of us for our share of the ad costs in full in one shot whether PP brings us new business or not; instead of allowing us to pay it in bits with the first few clients?

Why does this seem to bother you so? Why do so many of you seem determined to make PP look like "just another agency" where the owner sits back and get rich off of sending girls out on dates? Why is it so hard to accept that Cassey came up with a way that is beneficial for all with taking advantage of no one?

Why is it better to pay monthly ad costs in one lump sum?



New Member
Jan 9, 2006
naughtylady said:
Would it be better if she asked each of us for our share of the ad costs in full in one shot whether PP brings us new business or not; instead of allowing us to pay it in bits with the first few clients?

Yes, it would be better, because that is what you are saying PP is - a place where indies come together to share the cost of advertising. If that is the purpose, whether the indy gets clients or not, she is still paying less in advertising fees than if she had paid for ads on her own.

Why does this seem to bother you so? Why do so many of you seem determined to make PP look like "just another agency" where the owner sits back and get rich off of sending girls out on dates? Why is it so hard to accept that Cassey came up with a way that is beneficial for all with taking advantage of no one?

Let's ask you a question then... do you think that Kiki is running a business that should be called Indy? How about Judys Secret? Or how about FKS? In our conversation the other night, you seemed determined to clarify that PP was different, and "really" Indy, not like the other agencies that claim to be Indy. Why did you make that distinction?

It bothers me because I don't believe that that is the reality of what PP is. Yes, I do believe that PP is making a profit, because I asked you about transparency of advertising costs and "website management" (yes, I know about the other free websites PP uses as well) and you never answered the questions. Do I think PP is getting rich of it, no, I doubt it. Do I think that PP is not getting anything out of it over and above advertising costs - absolutely.

A few thoughts came to mind as I am overtired and how about answering this... if you are still Indy and part of being indy is maintaining your own separate website... what is Casseys separate website address? If part of it is also having your own separate phone line - does Cassey use a separate line for herself or is the "agency" line also her indy line?

Just saying, there are few people I would trust not to try to make a buck off my back.

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Jan 4, 2007
Hello Ladies And Gents !

I ve been watching this on and off for a while now , I can understand your dismay and wil post one comment and one comment only and you may run in any direction you like with it !

so here goes nothing! when i first started 7 months ago. I worked with maids to order , at 140 a call working my way up tp 180,

at 140 a call leaving me with 80 $ was difficult seeing several people per day .
and at 180 still only makind 100 a day , was exhausting , and this was driving myself to make the extra 20 $ ,
for the agency went up in rate , my take home was still the same except for the 20$ extra for using my car and driving myself around in snowstorms at all hours of the eve , after 18 days straight and 5- 11 calls per day , i was what they call burnt out , exhausted .
I decided to go Indy . and up my rates , as I so felt I had deserved based on my reviews .
THIS WAS ALL GOOD, too good in fact , I had gents calling for dous and bachelor parties .....only one problem ! there was only one cassey. there was only one thing to do I thought. find more girls , .
I wondered if any other girls had the same problem , so I began my quest for answers .
now because I had been exposed to the burn out situations that can arise by working for an agency ,I decided that any and all girls who wanted to join me would not be exibitioned at market value and that their money would remain theirs .
so I calculated what it would cost per month to advertise in the agency sections of the 22 sites I m on and devised a fair way to pay for this all,

now I m going to come clean on this ,and think what you may, but in my mind as well as MANY clients who have sent me e mails thanking me for said great service , they dont seem to mind .
It saves them time on their search and more time to enjoy their stay. in the end everyone is happy .
and no one is forced to do anything they dont want. yes grant it . the girls are more pricey , and they should be . they are true independants who have their own independant sites independant # s , rates , scedules , take their own calls and make their own decisions who when and where and if . the only reason we are advertised in the agency section is because there is no co op , friends , associates or whatever banner there is only 2 choices , I ndy or agency, if there was other banner options , i wouldnt be known as an agency because of all the stereotype that goes with it . through my stats I DISCOVERED 50 PERCENT of the calls came on an agency basis. this being said that is where half of the exposure was , men who mever looked at indyS called agencies , because they had a group of girls to choose from and being that we were now a group, it was fitting . we are Indys , that are also part of a secondary income which forms a group, this basically just bring more exposure in area where some would not look .

we all advertise seperately have our own web sites ,# s rates and all is the same as before we merged , we maintain our Independance , AND TAKE OUR CALLS FIRST BEFORE THE AGENCY CALLS.
yet we have a, supplimentery income of calls that come as being a group advertising as such.
unfortunately its as an agency , that we must categorize this secondary income , as a back up if you want to call it that for when the indy calls dont fill our scedules . if someone invents an sp friends group...... I m there in a flash dont you worry , but until then I guess I ll take the heat . but the girls rate stays the same and the fee is incorperated in the call which means .... yes the men pay for the agency rate . as if any other agency dont do that already , only difference is the girl who works for an agency does not have the choice of what she makes. the agency decides what she is worth, the ladies on playmates decide their rate and all the details, nor do i ant them to give up their site or their indy status . my goal was to attain exposure in areas from which we were lacking you cant advertise as an agency when you are alone, when you are a group you can , and men have more choice of ladies when they click on my site . hence we get calls you reguler indy s dont thats all .

if you think my site is ugly ...... well opinions are like rear ends .... everbody got one and so far no one has made that comment except the few in here . my goal is to keep cost down and allow the girls advertising, which in reality cost them not 1 penny . whether they get 2 calls or 10 . the client pays a small fee tacked on to the girls rate . same ad the agencys, except the girl keeps her full rate.; ex, ronnie wants 200 $ per hr . agency rate is 225- ronnie gets her 200 and the 25 $ goes to the advertising , this is done for the first 2 hours only , now if she does more hours and more calls , that is exta in her pocket , not mine, .
if the girl hypathetically never goes out , she pays nothing , so its a win win , for the girls. and it costs me total $ 500 now in costs for ads and banneres and domain names , etc.
and yes i do have seperate line for me and for playmates . I look
like a loony, WITH 2 PNONES and i put the girls on my site , sO if any one in no longer really indy ,, oh my god .... its me ok , AND FYI ,I CREATED EVERY INCH OF PLAYMATES FROM THE NAME ,TO THE SITE ,TO ADS ,AND PHOTES, HOW MANY OF YOU DID YOURS ? IF YOU HAD HELP . YOUR NOT TOTALLY INDY EITHER ! happy now. im not on anyones site but my own , which I share with the girls for their extra exposure , (because I M SUCH A MISER AND ATTENTION FREAK, ) DONT YOU KNOW ? (I fugured Id take all the focus off me and throw in some competition , ) ( duh . c, mon , get real) THIS WAS FOR THE GIRLS! AS IM NOT GOING TO DO THIS VERY LONG NOT IF I CAN HELP IT . I HAVE OTHER PLANS FOR MY LIFE.

Sorry if Im bent out of shape over this but . your not sitting in my hot seat now , are you. I M JUST REALLY TIRED OF WORKING night and day ,on the site , driving girls around , answering calls at 4 30 am am and 7 am no sleep and then having to go out on my own calls in between, not making money with this and dealing with crap about it . so please forgive my annoyed ,exhausted attitude .

OBVIOUSLY ,when certain girls dont go out . it costs me ! . I STILL must work to live and keep this going . thats my commitment .
so you say , no , one will do this for free or for the greater good or the goodness of ones heart to help out a fellow sp and friend. well i guess you now know the story behind purrfect playmates. your very wrong ,and this is why im exhausted and burnt out again , many who saw me at the gt can attest to this .

I tried to do something good and its all blown out of proportion , because certain agencies are there to make money and a scam !.

im not mentioning names but i was a victim of said scam and would not do that to anyone else , least of all someone I considered a friend .
so think what you will . but it doesnt really matter to me anymore anyways , because I m so damn tired and im going to retire soon anyways maybe I ll continie to see my clients only . go back to my day carreer and dancing on weekends. since I got a few calls asking me to come back and quite frankly I DO MISS ENTERTAINING AND TOURING ,

. you see im not an sp at heart , im much too sensitive for all this catty backstabbing thats going on :( I SAY THIS ( weeping ) from exhaustion ,

and I was not so ashamed of being an sp,
but rather the classless levels to which I have had to lower myself in my defence, is nausiating and makes me sick to my stomache ,:eek:
to see human beings behave in such a shameful manner , myself include . :mad: i am truly ashamed it has come to this :(
so there you finally have you answers , are you happy now , is it enough for you ? did you tear it to shreads enough ! the big scam , or prostitution ring . the awful pimpette behind it is down on the ground now , exhausted and burnt out . so you can all have a good laugh on my expense .are you still so savage to kick someone when ther down and exhausted , we'll see wont we.
just how low will you stoop . i m not so sure i want to find out anymore . :confused:
I m done . :(
purrfect playmate will remain for ronnie if she wants it ..... but im done .
I HAVE DONE MY BEST TO ACCOMADATE ALL OF YOU AND NOW . im going elsewhere to do what makes me happy .playmates is and will remain in existance whether you like it or not. its not going to die , not if i have any say in it . this as my project and I WILL see it to its sucess ....... one way or the other . even if at a distance . but I WONT WASTE USELESS ENRGY ON STUPIDITY ANY MORE . you have the full story now on playmate so Im sure theres other fresh meat out there ,for you SAVAGES to attack.
I thought of way for girls to make thier own money without being taken advantage of. .so theres your story think what you want ! good day to all . even if some of you , dont deserve it!
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New Member
Nov 9, 2003
Just-ass-weet said:
Yes, it would be better, because that is what you are saying PP is - a place where indies come together to share the cost of advertising. If that is the purpose, whether the indy gets clients or not, she is still paying less in advertising fees than if she had paid for ads on her own.

Let's ask you a question then... do you think that Kiki is running a business that should be called Indy? How about Judys Secret? Or how about FKS? In our conversation the other night, you seemed determined to clarify that PP was different, and "really" Indy, not like the other agencies that claim to be Indy. Why did you make that distinction?

It bothers me because I don't believe that that is the reality of what PP is. Yes, I do believe that PP is making a profit, because I asked you about transparency of advertising costs and "website management" (yes, I know about the other free websites PP uses as well) and you never answered the questions. Do I think PP is getting rich of it, no, I doubt it. Do I think that PP is not getting anything out of it over and above advertising costs - absolutely.

A few thoughts came to mind as I am overtired and how about answering this... if you are still Indy and part of being indy is maintaining your own separate website... what is Casseys separate website address? If part of it is also having your own separate phone line - does Cassey use a separate line for herself or is the "agency" line also her indy line?

Just saying, there are few people I would trust not to try to make a buck off my back.


Well when we were first talking about PP before Cassey started it, She felt it would be unfair to take money from an SP when she is getting nothing in return; thus we each pay our part only after we have had clients from PP. Happily, all of us have gotten extra business from PP.

I did not say like other agencies that claim to be indy because I do not know first hand how the operate, I am not qualified to compare. Other than to comment on Indy's secrets since they explained how they work here; PP is nothing like them, since if an SP is getting nothing she owes nothing; also $400 a month is a crazy high ammount IMHO.

Moreover, I did saywas not like other agencies (rather than indy agencies): every agency I ever worked for took anywhere from 1/3 to 1/2 of the hourly rate for each and every hour on each and every call; I never spoke to the client before showing up at the door; and for many other reasons I decide I could do a better job myself.

If you don't believe it then there is nothing I can say that will change your mind.

Cassey does have 2 phone lines, one for herseld and one for PP...

Why am I trying to explain things to you? You already decided that you do not believe what I am trying to explain and you keep trying to make things more complicated than they are.

I will repeat what I said Before: We are a group of friends who decided to try to reach a larger potential client base by banding together to place ads in the agency section of ad sites.

Now since you have admitted that you do not want to believe what I have been trying to explain to you all along why not just let it drop.



Jan 4, 2007
ronnie the stats speak for themselves .

ive posted the full story from beginning to end , if they dont want to believe it thats their choice and not our loss sweetie , remember where our 95 percent comes from , we dont have a banner on merb and theres a good reason for that so babe ... drop it . its really not worth the greif especially for these members . you know im right . you ve seen the facts and we are busy . more so than before , so this is a waste of time . let them figure it out for themselves ,..... and by the way . playmates is full we are no longer hiring at the present time and when we are . we wont let you know. you had you chances you know who you are and as i said before ........ im done !:cool: to all a good day . i have no more time to waste on such nonsense . as if being an sp was a status symbol, for gods sake e re not doctors or lawyers , who do you brag to that your an escort ? i dont ! most of us wish to remain annonymous , so wheres the status again ? :confused: . ok now im done ! goodnight all and happy and safe hobbying !


New Member
Nov 9, 2003
Merci Maylee.

J'ai essayer d'eviter de continuer la discussion (voir poste 58 et 61) mais ils ne voulait pas le laisser tomber mais a la meme fois je ne voulait pas avoir beaucoup de mauvais information et de rumeurs...

J'ai realiser trop tard que peut import ques'que je disais, ils ont deja pris une decision. En retrospect, pour la majorite, le but de leurs questions semble d'etre prouver leurs point-de-vue au lieu de mieux comprendre.

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