Montreal Escorts

Are the new indy agencies really independent?

Are the new indy agencies really independent?

  • Yes, I believe these indies banded together

    Votes: 15 25.0%
  • no, this smells like some agency owner is behind them

    Votes: 19 31.7%
  • A mixture of both

    Votes: 10 16.7%
  • I have no clue and I do not care

    Votes: 16 26.7%

  • Total voters


New Member
Nov 9, 2003

I don't know if this is relevant or not, but I would just like to say I am still an Indy Hobbyist and am not associated with any other Hobbyists..

Thank You.


ROFLMAO!!!!!!!!! hahahahhehehe :D :D :D



New Member
Nov 9, 2003
traveller_76 said:
Ronnie: I was asking a genuine question.

You said you still earn the exact same rate. Does that mean you still make (speculating-- the exact hourly fee is unimportant) 200$ an hour on each date, or you still charge 200$ on each date but just owe them a share? I'm confused because I'd like to understand how this Purrfect Playmate thing works. I'm seeing a lot of these indie doesn't-cost-you-a-penny-to-work-for-us agencies popping up lately and I'd like to understand how they stay in business because they all seem to not charge their 'indies' anything, yet I have difficulty believing anyone in this biz works pro bono.

And if you do owe them a share on your rate (say 50 or 60$), can you please explain the difference between that and owing an agency owner a part of your rate?



I will explain it all in a PM....



New Member
Nov 9, 2003
difference of definitions

To me independance means that I have 100% controle over who I see and when I work. I screen my own clients and have to answer to nobody.

It seems to me that to t76 and Anik it means not being affiliated with any group.

I spoke to Anik on the phone last night: we agreed to disagree.

Why go into details in a PM? Because some things are better left to be discussed between working girls only and need not be explained to hobbiests (sorry boys).



New Member
Feb 28, 2007
naughtylady said:
Why go into details in a PM? Because some things are better left to be discussed between working girls only and need not be explained to hobbiests (sorry boys).
Why not? Aren't the boys also entitled to understand how things work?


New Member
Feb 28, 2007
naughtylady said:
Purrfect Playmates advertises on 22 sites...

Out of curiosity, does Purrfect Playmates own any of the 22 sites it's advertising on? Plus, what's the targeted clientèle?
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New Member
Feb 28, 2007
traveller_76 said:
it seems to me that advertizing 'independent' in one's company name is just another marketing ploy for people who aren't escorts to make money off escorts.
At higher rates.

Montreal Sex City

Classy, Pretty & Sexy GFE
Mar 24, 2007
Ok as usual I am going to say something that will make many people unhappy ... :cool:

Did someone ever asked if this kind of association pissed off the owner of the board ?

Let me explain:

1 indy = 1 fee for advertizing
10 indy = 10 times the fee
1 group of indy = 1 fee for advertizing


Oh and Anik, thanks for the spelling of skeptical !



New Member
Nov 9, 2003
Daringly>>> It is a way to pool advertising resources and gain visibility to clientele who never look at indy sites and only look at agency advertising. What is so complicated? FKS has been doing this for years. How it is done with each group may vary, some ways may be better suited to one SP other ways better for another.

Ziggy>>> Other than domain names for their own web sites, do any agencies or indies own all the sites they advertise on?

By the way I just as I do not think it is the clients business how much a gal spends on advertising, I also do not think it is the business of the client of how her associations work. I also do not think it is the responsibility of any agency to disclose how much their SPs earn per client. Some things are just not the clients business IMHO.

One of the many reasons I am not going into the mechanics of how PP works here is that it is not my brainchild.

By the way I have received comments of my associating with someone who has been banned here. Many agency owners, indys and members have been banned here... many when they first joined because they were unaware of the rules. Many of those who have been banned at various times are respected members of the board. Big Deal.

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It's a whole new ballgame
Jan 20, 2007
Where I belong.
So much ado about nothing. If 4-5-6 people band together to do a little cooperative advertising, how in god's name does this compromise their independence? It's called efficiency, Liz. By divvying up the cost of advertising and hiring a phone assistant, the members of a coop can tend to their own business and operate much less expensively than they can if they had to take these expenses on herself.

I remember quite well when T6 retired her complaining to me that she'd spent a bunch of money for a 2 year contract on her web site and taken out a multi year plan with her cellphone company. How much would she have saved had their been such cooperatives as PP and Judy's Secrets around at that time?

The one member of one of these new coops with whom I've spoken tells me that she pays a small weekly fee to cover the cost of their advertising and to pay the person they've hired to answer the phone. Whether she takes 1 or 15 calls, her coop fee remains the same.

Nobody is skimming off the top. Nobody is telling her what to charge and how much to work.
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Retired Ol'timer
Nov 19, 2006
Daringly said:
I near choked when i seen an ad on merb to be an indy and keep 100% of the money. Yeah like the people behind these new indie agencies are doing it out of the goodness of their heart and charging nothing.

Don't choke Daringly, all those groups do it for a fee. My understanding is that two fee structures exist:

1) Some groups like FKS use a monthly fee regardless if the ladies are in fact booking calls or not. This allows them to provide a service to the SPs in their group, with the advantage that they are not linked to the bookings so they can't be charged with the "living off the avails of prostitution".

2) Some other groups (Judy's Secrets? use a per call structure where they charge a small fee per confirmed bookings, regardless of the number of hours (or days ;) ) per call. They are much closer to the notion of "pimps".

IMHO SPs part of the first group are still real indies, but not the 2nd group.



New Member
Nov 9, 2003
CoolAmadeus>>> what about a group that uses a per call structure with a set maximum monthly fee after which nothing is owed, regardless of the number of bookings?



New Member
Feb 28, 2007
naughtylady said:
Ziggy>>> Other than domain names for their own web sites, do any agencies or indies own all the sites they advertise on?
I did not mean to answer my own question, just thought here of a way for indies to generate extra income, that's all.


Retired Ol'timer
Nov 19, 2006
naughtylady said:
CoolAmadeus>>> what about a group that uses a per call structure with a set maximum monthly fee after which nothing is owed, regardless of the number of bookings?
Like a mix between the structures #1 and #2 I explained above? Sure. Whatever suits you.

The question is whether or not the "indy" is still an indy. My definition of an indy is someone who works on her own, books her own calls, advertises her own services, and doesn't have to tell anyone how many bookings she had.

Take another example: Web site designs. Is the woman less of an indy because she hires someone to do her web site? Not at all. But again, it's not based on her bookings. Now what if her webmasters is also paid a fixed monthly rate to maintain her schedule or other adjustments on her web site? Same idea, it's still not based on her bookings.

Now if she has to report to someone, or a booking/advertising group, the number of bookings she had in other to establish how much she owes them, whether there is a maximum or not that group of persons is not only providing a service IMO, they also control her to some degree and the SP is not as Indy as it seems.



New Member
Feb 28, 2007
It's not rare for company startups to use "incubators" service because they don't have yet the workload to hire support staff nor the cash flow to cover some fixed costs (rent, payroll, etc..) or fixed assets (server, office furniture, etc).

Indies banding together in a sort of a coop or using the services of an escort-oriented incubator can achieve greater visibility by either sharing or amortizing advertisement costs - basic stuff.

In this view and the moment there's no one in the background collecting a commission for every call, indies are what they claim to be.

Just-ass-weet said:
What could have been discussed? 60$ a call (in light of your post # 52 - maybe you need to have a talk with your "boss"???)
That's an intriguing statement. Escorts would give up $60 per call? Is it reasonable then to think that some kind of revenue sharing scheme is at work? (i.e. a pot which would be shared in equal parts after a given period of time?)

Montreal Sex City

Classy, Pretty & Sexy GFE
Mar 24, 2007
Here's another view that may bring people not to like ...

Imagine you have an agency ...
Meanwhile you realise the ladies in the business are going indy because clients like to see indy ... well that's what the tendencies are saying !!!

Well why not make an agency look like it's indies ... or indies look over an agency management or whatever this is getting confusing !! :D

Ok the reasons why I am saying this it's because I have to constantly advise merbites to stop inventing all kinds of reasons to my ladies about why they don't want to see them with the agency while my ladies doesn't want to see them as indies, no matter what they offers!

And then I tought, well if it's really the way they wanted, so then why I could not set that up with the girls ...

Let the girls go see them as indy, charge them more cause they are seeing the client as an indy and pay the agency fee anyway ! ;) If smarter, charge even more and keep the rest, a bigger rest ! :D

Looks like an agency, under indies ... ;)

How's that ? Nooooo, I am to honest for it, but I tought about it !!! :p

:D :D :D
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Montreal Sex City

Classy, Pretty & Sexy GFE
Mar 24, 2007
traveller_76 said:
Oh! A competition now over which type of agency is actually screwing 'their' girls less :p


Nope, it was more about which type of agency is actually screwing their client more ! :eek: :D

Montreal Sex City

Classy, Pretty & Sexy GFE
Mar 24, 2007
traveller_76 said:
Oh. I though you were passing a judgement on the level of intelligence of the girls who chose to work for indy agencies and pay a fee and of the clients who chose their services.


Non je faisais juste une mise en situation démontrant une manipulation de la vision qu'on les gens sur les agences vs. les indépendantes vs. les agences d'indépendantes.

En quelques mots, je pense que le sujet est intéressant puisqu'il s'agit peut-être de leurrer la clientèle qui a démontré un penchant pour les indépendantes dans le temps versus les agences alors qu'en définitive on parle peut-être de la même chose...a un prix différent !

En fait ce que je viens de dire n'est pas mal du tout ... ;)
Il semble qu'elles aient toujours la faveur du publique peu importe le prix alors qu'avec les agences c'est le contraire ... :rolleyes:

Désolée pour la confusion, c'est mon super anglais vous savez !!! :D

Montreal Sex City

Classy, Pretty & Sexy GFE
Mar 24, 2007
traveller_76 said:
C'était un commentaire général de toute façon. Ne te sens pas visée. Je ne soutiens aucune agence, sauf celles, si telles agences existent, qui agissent en tant que véritable 'agent'-- i.e. qui vivent des revenus de leur travail de représentation, et non pas de la prostitution des filles qui travaillent en leur nom. t76

Ah ca non, je ne me sentais pas visé du tout. Mon explication en anglais sûrement oui ! :D Pas toujours clair ma seconde langue ! :eek: :D

Un agent, oui, je pense que pour une fois je vais être prétentieuse et me donner le titre d'agent. Après tout, j'ai quand même booké des filles de Toronto pour un de mes clients qui s'y trouvait ! Agent dans les 2 sens, pour des filles et pour des clients ! ;)

J'appelle ça '' l'extra mile '' du service de Montreal Sex City ! :)

Montreal Sex City

Classy, Pretty & Sexy GFE
Mar 24, 2007
Elizabeth said:
Tu penses vraiment qu`aucune agence n`est meilleure qu`une autre?

J`aurais cru pourtant que certaines offrent des conditions de travail plus avantageuses et/ou plus de liberté aux filles.

J`ai toujours dit que toutes les agences avaient leurs plus et leurs moins.

L`expérience c`est vue, entre autres, lorsque Marie-Anne de Extase a essayé Satin Dreamz.
Elle est retournée chez Extase pcq le fonctionnement de l`horaire convenait mieux:

Post # 12
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