Montreal Escorts

Ask us anything part 2

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Thor Jr

Wǎnshàng hǎo tiānshǐ
Jul 24, 2008
As an SP, have you ever had the bad experience of having a condom break or condom coming off while inside?

I am asking because it has happened to me a couple of times and the SP had to fish the condom out of her vagina. You can feel the difference when the condom is not on anymore.


Well-Known Member
Jun 28, 2023
As an SP, have you ever had the bad experience of having a condom break or condom coming off while inside?

I am asking because it has happened to me a couple of times and the SP had to fish the condom out of her vagina. You can feel the difference when the condom is not on anymore.

Broken condom happened once with a regular I trusted a lot, so I carried on with my life and got tested a couple weeks later and so far so good. I can’t have any more kids so plan b wasn’t necessary.

The fishing however, usually happens when the condom slips off and you keep going, which is what pushes it in therefore requiring said “fishing”. This mysteriously happens a lot in doggy.

What does happen fairly often, is the grip and/or suction holding onto the condom on final pullout. So, while slipped off, the end of the condom where the opening is sticks out and you can carefully pull out the condom and its contents. This happens more in missionary for me.


Well-Known Member
Jun 28, 2023
Entièrement d’accord capitaine mais 99% des gens déclarent leurs revenus, je crois pas que ce soit le cas de 99% des sp et certainement pas de la policière dont je parle !

Je crois que passé le cap du 300h, on déclare toutes quelque chose, surtout si on fait ça à temp plein. On a beau pouvoir s’en sortir cash pour plusieurs choses, on a pas le choix d’avoir un revenu pour louer une résidence ou acheter un chalet.

Personnellement, si j’aurai un travail “de jour” je déclarerai rien pantoute. Mais comme je fait ça à temps plein j’ai pas le choix de déclarer quelque chose quelque part. That being said… on va se dire les vraies affaires, ma compagnie est dans l’art & design et les packages sont cher, mon assistante virtuelle européenne est très bien payée, je bidonne dans la crypto et je suis chanceuse au casino …


Active Member
Sep 27, 2023
How do feel about a client referring a friend to you directly without screening


Well-Known Member
Oct 7, 2022
How do feel about a client referring a friend to you directly without screening
I warn them they better be sure about their friend, because they risk never seeing me again themselves if it doesn't work out...

Don't stick your neck out for a friend unless you know he is an absolute gentleman twords women. It can come back to bite you in the butt, and get yourself blocked as well.

And it is less likely now, as chances are their friend has already tried and I didn't like what I saw in text, and he needed his friend to vouche for him. These days I just tell them there is something about their friend, when they contacted me, made me feel either unsafe, or just not willing.

Friends who need to be vouched for, are in that position, because on their own raise red flags. Screening is always important. Men don't always know how, not nice, their friends can be in private. They only know their friend they have a bromance with. Many men will treat women differently than their guy friends, and not always is it good.


Incall Downtown Montreal & outcall anywhere
Supporting Member
Sep 8, 2020
How do feel about a client referring a friend to you directly without screening

There’s no such thing. You may give my phone number or email address to your friend but I’m still going to evaluate them and make sure they meet my standards.

I appreciate that you share your little secrets with your friends though ;)


Active Member
Oct 2, 2023
For the ladies who offer GFE and PSE (in fact for all the ladies who want to answer), do you approach the meeting differently? From what i've gathered on the forum is that in a GFE chemistry and connection are important to establish that veil of a girlfriend type relationship and avoid a mechanical encounter, where a PSE i would think does not require that allure, but rather a clear cut establishing of boundaries from both sides of expectation and restrictions (I am assuming of course that cleanliness, hygiene, respect and all other minimum requirements are met what ever type of session is happening). I guess to simplify, is the attitude and demeanor different for GFE vs PSE, or would you say it is the same behavior and what differs is the list of accepted activities? I hope my question is not to vague, I wanted to avoid using acronyms


Well-Known Member
Oct 7, 2022
For the ladies who offer GFE and PSE (in fact for all the ladies who want to answer), do you approach the meeting differently? From what i've gathered on the forum is that in a GFE chemistry and connection are important to establish that veil of a girlfriend type relationship and avoid a mechanical encounter, where a PSE i would think does not require that allure, but rather a clear cut establishing of boundaries from both sides of expectation and restrictions (I am assuming of course that cleanliness, hygiene, respect and all other minimum requirements are met what ever type of session is happening). I guess to simplify, is the attitude and demeanor different for GFE vs PSE, or would you say it is the same behavior and what differs is the list of accepted activities? I hope my question is not to vague, I wanted to avoid using acronyms
I wood think the mood in the room is different.
I don't feel the same about someone asking for PSE style play, as I do for GFE. When someone starts including PSE acronyms when asking about GFE, I find my mood twords them directly changes. Some I may not be willing to meet them for, and some I might not count as extra on its own, but the expectations to do things I refused to do in my own previous relationships, brings out a side of me less willing to connect with them over.
I am not PSE. That freaky side of me is reserved for my lifetime relationship, not for work where it feels fake and without trust and love, just tarnishs the fun and purity in it.

Julia Sky

Supporting Member
Oct 29, 2016
For the ladies who offer GFE and PSE (in fact for all the ladies who want to answer), do you approach the meeting differently?

I think it's varies a lot depending on who you're asking. In my case, my attitude is pretty much always the same because I'm just being myself lol - the best version of myself, but myself nonetheless. The only thing that changes is the services offered in gfe vs pse pretty much.

How do feel about a client referring a friend to you directly without screening

It sounds flattering on paper but in practice it's often a case of "guy is blacklisted" or "he's not serious". I always ask who the friend is and 9 times out of 10 they're unable to tell me. These are just clients trying to bypass screening. The "my friend gave me your name" line resulted in an actual booking a grand total of 3 times since 2016... And one of those times the friend was waiting in the car while I fucked the other friend and then he came to fuck me right after, well after a quick shower hahah


Active Member
Sep 27, 2023
Have you ever experienced a client use a dental dam on you. If so How does it feel? I presume this an uncommon request

mikey 2424

Mar 7, 2015
Before meeting your first ever customer
did you very nervous ,excited ,maybe both.
How did it go?was it what you thought it would be like?
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Well-Known Member
Jun 28, 2023
Before meeting your first ever customer
did you very nervous ,excited ,maybe both.
How did it go?was it what you thought it would be like?

I think I probably get more nervous now than at the beginning. I think it’s because I’m more aware of the potential dangers and things that can go wrong and also all the scrutiny we’re under. When I started, I had no idea there was such a big escorting community.

im also more and more excited though because I so look forward to finding out the human I get to meet next. I had highly underestimated how fascinating everyone’s stories would be.


Dec 7, 2023
thank you ☺️ I mean, it is what it is and I’m sure we can all understand why hehe
Please, forgive my ignorance, I'm new.

Why is that?
Due to the number of partners that day?
Isn't clean? (Like after a client).
STD risks?
You don't like it?

If so, what could be the best approach to ask you if down there is clean? And if there's a risk of STD (or you have an STD)?

Thank you.
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Well-Known Member
Jun 28, 2023
Please, forgive my ignorance, I'm new.

Why is that?
Due to the number of partners that day?
Isn't clean? (Like after a client).
STD risks?
You don't like it?

If so, what could be the best approach to ask you if down there is clean? And if there's a risk of STD (or you have an STD)?

Thank you.

i was expecting this question.

I’m not saying I don’t like/do it. Personally, I love it and know very well I’m good to go. Otherwise I could never in my right mind let anyone go down there.

What I’m shocked about is knowing how little «behind the scenes» anyone really knows about and despite that still wanting to go for it.

i know I’m fine but you don’t know that.
Does that make sense?

… all that being said, I have a special place in my heart for those who specifically enjoy and want to do so after a/many clients


Incall Downtown Montreal & outcall anywhere
Supporting Member
Sep 8, 2020
Have you ever experienced a client use a dental dam on you. If so How does it feel? I presume this an uncommon request

No never, I don’t think it happens very often in general. If you are afraid of the risks, just don’t do it. Going through hoops & loops just to perform oral on the SP you booked isn’t worth it in my opinion.

You can find “safer” and other ways to pleasure her if your main goal in performing oral was to satisfy her.

I do from time to time receive requests for covered BJ and I never refuse them. I just use condoms that have less or no lube.
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