Montreal Escorts

Backpage vs annonce 123


Oct 11, 2010
Hi everyone,

Im just wondering. Which is better ?

I always used ann 123 in the past, never really trusted BP for some reason.

But lately seems like nothings going on on ann123 but seems to be a lot of interesting prospects on BP.


New Member
Jun 4, 2009
BP full of fakes, Annonce123 many fakes. Craigslist is your best bet but still full of fakes. I go with the reviews, it will save you a lot of time, money and disappointment. Check if the ad uses many different pics, and check the pics on Tin Eye to see if it is used in another city.


Well-Known Member
Nov 9, 2010
Annonce123 seems to have lost providers interest. There are way less ads than few years ago and mostly craps.

I still go on Ann123 once in a while but for me, the best these days are Annonceintime and Humpchies.

BP I rarely found out a gem there. There must be but I'm not lucky enough I guess...


Well-Known Member
Oct 29, 2007
My last 6 rendez-vous was fake ads, big waste of time now indy ads site

Why in the world would anyone use BackPage or Announce 123 in Montreal when you have this forum and all the agency adds? Is it because it is like hunting? How much money can you save? I am assuming it is 20-40$/session? And then one bad session whips out 2 months worth of savings.


Well-Known Member
Nov 9, 2010
Why in the world would anyone use BackPage or Announce 123 in Montreal when you have this forum and all the agency adds? Is it because it is like hunting? How much money can you save? I am assuming it is 20-40$/session? And then one bad session whips out 2 months worth of savings.

For me it's really the thrill to explore unbeaten tracks...
Also, I don't like pre-booking long in advance or call early morning to try to catch a popular SP and get a RDV late during PM or evening...
When I'm horny, I want a RDV ASAP lol. Not sure I'm gonna be in the mood in few hours, few days...
With Ad's site, you text, available? If Yes, or in 30-60 min, I shower and I go...

Yes there are bad encounters once in a while, but really not much when you get experience.

For me, the merb indies are too expensive, and it feels more business then... Turn off...
Agencies? Too much business feel as well. Too difficult to book the hot one. Third party involved (Bookers, Drivers...).
Even if half hour is generally enough for me, I feel rushed in one hour session with agencies. I see the clock advancing on the desk clock in hotel room, or alarm on girls phone...
This makes me losing my hardon and focus. With SP from ads site, the time feel is not the same... Don't know why...
Last time I saw girls in popular agencies it did not went well... This was for me a real waste of money. Way more waste than going with Ad's site...

This hobby/game can be played different ways. There is a way for each different kind of people.

Advantage of ad's site for me:
- You often communicate directly with the SP which help to get a better feeling of the chemistry beforehand to the meeting.
- Better availability. Often in the next hour or two. No need to prebook long in advance.
- Thrills of exploring (hunting) unbeaten tracks, unreviewed SP, finding out gems once in a while...
- Generally less expensive for indies...
- I usually feel less rushed...

There are disadvantage too and you must be ready to assume those...
- No shows
- Bait & Switch (You must learn how to turn around and leave... You must learn also how to do your homework before booking)
- Cleanliness of the place... (I only do incalls)


Oct 20, 2015
Very wise 2 cents neverbored. People should read this post before commenting. Uncle Bob is great as well. It shows when someome has real experience with these issues. You can save more than 40$ if the SP isn't totally lame... And no one here is advocating the Oliver Kloseoff techniques of yesteryear either...


I am addicted member
Dec 28, 2015
Love your post neverboard and EB!

EB's post should be a sticky for such indy add site ppls...

You must learn also how to do your homework before booking)
For me now seeing an indy with no review no recommendation means a real phone call. I need to speak to the lady the first time..

This makes me losing my hardon and focus. With SP from ads site, the time feel is not the same... Don't know why...

I do see agency girl. Love them no problem there. But me too there is something about seeing indy that I really like and it's not explainable...

And yes the best part is like when I met Sophia in Montreal. I was sitting at the Rockland mall, 1 call, 2 text and 5 minute later I have perfect natural D boobs in my hand.
Your free, horny... With a bit of luck you got someone :)

And to respond to original poster I do not think I have ever use BP... So bait like... Often I will check to make sure the SP I am aiming is not on it as I see this as a sign for bait! haha



Oct 11, 2010
Thanks for the info guys and gals.

One rule i follow is if they tell me the incall is near guy concordia i won't go. A lot of B&S around there.

Also i never used BP because almost all the ads are in english, but most of the girls are French, so i found that fishy....

I use agencies but also indies for the same reasons Uncle Bon stated. :)


Active Member
Aug 29, 2011
Thanks for the info guys and gals.

Also i never used BP because almost all the ads are in english, but most of the girls are French, so i found that fishy....

I don't use BP, ann123 or AI but not for this reason. We can say the same thing about agencies, most of the agencies websites are in English while most girls speak French.


Well-Known Member
Nov 9, 2010
...One rule i follow is if they tell me the incall is near guy concordia i won't go. A lot of B&S around there....

True. Many remember also the infamous 1975 DeMainsonneuve W... In the same area, St-Marc / St-Mathieu streets are also to avoid...

...Also i never used BP because almost all the ads are in english, but most of the girls are French, so i found that fishy....

True. Actually, all english ads are mostly B&S (specially on Ann123, AnnonceIntime and Humpchies, but BP too). I don't know why. There are exceptions, but I don't take any chances.
Also, most ads written all in capital letters are B&S/MP's/Agencies/Pimp's ad's... Again there are exceptions I guess, but I skip those right away.


I am addicted member
Dec 28, 2015
You guys are strange, ads are not in english because it is B&S ,it is because in my case and I am not alone I aim at meeting english guys as most out of towners are.

You are an exception Lily. Your ads are different as your a pro. It's obvious it's not a bait. But believe me what UB is describing below is correct and not strange at all.


Reno Depot

New Member
Feb 16, 2011
Don't go by the ads, of course they will all tell you they are the best choice. Many are bait and switch. Ladies claiming they are 10-15 years younger, 50-100 lbs. lighter. They will put fake picks to lure you in. Reviews give you a good idea of what is the reality.


Well-Known Member
Jan 28, 2004
Anywhere and everywhere
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I have had some luck over the years with 123. I have also run into some B&S and will not hesitate to walk away. Sometimes when you let them know that the B&S is not something you will accept, they scream and yell and you wouldn't believe the name calling lol. I have also met some amazing women who I have continued to see as a result of responding to their ad. Yes the agencies have a great reputation for NOT using the B&S but there is a lot of fun in responding and then going to a meeting not knowing if you will be presently surprised or pissed off when the door opens. I should ad that I do prefer to respond to the ads when the pics are not professionally done, they tend to indicate that this is the SP herself who is doing the picture taking and the advertising. Backpage, not so much, a lot more B&S but still the odd gem if you don't mind playing the game.

Julia Sky

Supporting Member
Oct 29, 2016
I don't think there's a maximum amount of postings, per account, one can post, unlike 123 that only allows 5/day.

Well no, you can buy credits there too and post as many ads as you want :)


Oct 11, 2010
True. Many remember also the infamous 1975 DeMainsonneuve W...

Lol the place i was referring to Uncle Bob. I was victim of B&S there when i first got into the hobby. I didn't know any better.
Later i read a post on merb about it.


Feb 22, 2004
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Here's my point of view on this matter BP, Annonce123, Annonceintime or Humpchie.
The reason some of us prefer the unbeaten path is probably because we prefer to catch the salmon coming up the river than catching a farm salmon. Where's the fun to fish in a control environment? I'd like to share my hunting process and I hope some of you will be inspire and find your own way to enjoy every moment of it.

Hunting Lesson 101

The searching process.
Usually I search the phone number with Google first when I find an add that seem interesting. Then I look at the results and see how many hits there is. I prefer 0-4 hits because it mean the girl is not working too often and I might find a GEM. If there's pages of result I click on few to see if it's an indy or and agency. Agency will use the same number to advertise different girls. So I skip to the next number because why bother to use an agency when you have some reliable here. I also do the pictures search when it's too good to be true. Usually B&S will use picture that are fairly easy to find.

The validation process.
In this step I and validate the information on the add by asking them the detail of their measurement, weight and height. If the response is different you know it's a no go. They are sometime rude and say it's all on the add. So I ask something that isn't on the add and circle back to the weight and height a bit later. Since they are already too commit by responding to several questions they will give you an answer. You have to be persistent and get that validation of the text and the add. If it's off then I prefer not to book. I also validate the picture or phone number on the other add site.
These days you have more data available when you search properly.

The frequency
When you search and find an interesting add you should also search that same number or name of the girl in the same site. The result will tell you how often she work. If she work more than four time a week I'll pass to the next number. Unless you prefer a gals that has lots of mileage.

The perfect alignment
When all these three conditions are met that mean it's time to book an appointment. As you all know it require a lot of time and effort before you get the perfect alignment. I usually get that once a week or every two week. There's always the beginner's luck ;)

The moment of truth
This happen when the girl open the door or you open the door. You see all these steps are not a guaranty of success since you have in rare circumstance have a picture of her face. When you have no clue what she look like it make the process enjoyable and when she is pleasant once you see her this is when everything was worth the trouble for.

For some of you that are living in Montreal I think that once you are comfortable to the fact that you will loose a lot of time before finding a GEM. I suggest to follow some or all of my tips to have a happy hunting season. For the tourist stay with the agency on this board.



Well-Known Member
Jan 12, 2005
im tired of other members questioning going with un-reviewed indies, and that we she all go with established agencies...

i've used indyes abd agencies extensively, and there are pros and cons to both.

Once you establish a good relationship with an indy, it feels a lot more real than it does with an agency girl. It takes more homework for sure, but it is fun :)

besides all the agencies are concentrated downtown, while i practice this hobby in the east end.

It is true that AI and Humpchies are becoming more and more poplular. What bugs me is you cannot right click directly on the images of these sites to reverse search images whereas with BP you can.


Well-Known Member
Jan 12, 2005
picking up where Longtimes left off.

I never see a provider after only seeing one ad. I like to see a history. some providers delete their ads within a day, and only ever have one or zero ads up at a time. You cannot see their history of ads. Kind of annoying, but for these providers you have to follow them for a while to get a sense of the posting habits.

you can tell a lot from pictures even without reverse search. Anything that looks like a professional pict is almost always a red flag.

When you get to see particular features, especially tattoos, you verify their presence across all pictures.

You can also learn a lot from the background. If the picts look like they were taken in a hotel room (I always smile when I see the pict was taken at chablis), that lends credibility.

If I see ashtrays or cigarettes, that turns me off.


I really wish all the ads provided a more specific location, like an intersection or a metro or at least the neighborhood. I hate when I see <Montreal>. Montreal is big

Julia Sky

Supporting Member
Oct 29, 2016
1) Like Mocha said, posting ads doesn't mean the girl is working. There are even packages on some sites that will automatically repost one of your ad every hour, which means 24 ads a day even when sleeping lol. Don't take that as an indicator because it's not.

2) Tattoos are easily removable. Even to the point most people canot tell the pic was edited and you can't see any trace of ink. Just look at my pics... I have tattoos but where ? Lol
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