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Bad Delta123, very bad Delta123…

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Mod 8

New Member
Jun 7, 2007
Here are your answers:

1) Delta was banned for his actions. Using reviews to barter for discounts is considered to be board blackmail. Others have been permanently banned for this in the past as well as attempting to use reviews to barter for extra services or BBFS.

3) While he did admit his guilt in this matter, eventually the truth would have come out. He would have pushed one time too many and one agency or another would have approached us on the subject. This would have led to an investigation and with enough corroborating information, the result would have been the same. Any agency or provider who has a similar situation with any member of MERB should not hesitate to contact a moderator about it.

I will admit that this was not a banning that I felt good about handing out. I, like many others I assume, trusted in his reviews and still believe that most of them were written honestly as other reviews on the same ladies are similar in nature. I think that this is someone who got in over his head and was trying to cut his costs due to necessity. Despite his actions, I do not believe he deserves to be despised or demonized for them. If anything, he deserves our sympathy and needs to take a step back and evaluate what brought him to this point and possibly seek some professional help. He is more than welcome to contact me by email if he feels there is anything I can do to help.

If one day he feels he has overcome his problems and would like to be re-instated on MERB, I will be willing discuss it with him and decide what to do at that point in time. I might even put it to an open vote on the board and let the membership of this community decide. But that is in the future and we do not know if this will ever be a decision that needs to be made.

As ManApart said in his post: this has been a sad day.

3 questions Mod :

1/ Did you ban Delta a/ because of what he did (like you wrote in suspensions section) or b/ because he asked you to ?

2/ If b/, what would have been his sanction for what he did with Eleganza ?

3/ If he didn't admit his fault, what would have you done ? No decision without proofs (there's hadly any proofs in this kind of matter) ?


ebonylover retired...
Mar 26, 2010
En plus j’imagine que souvent les filles on du lui donné un meilleur service parce que il savait que c’étais Delta123 probablement que quand il appelait pour booker une filles et disait au booker son nom sur merb le booker avertissait la fille quelle étais pour rencontré Delta 123 sûrement qu’il lui disait le gars rencontre beaucoup de fille et ces review sont crédible donc donne lui un bon services et tu vas avoir un bon review.

Heu ???
Privilégier les très bons clients est une pratique hyper courante et partout et dans le monde entier quel que soit le service !
Attention ne pas prendre ce que je viens de dire à contre sens...

Imagine tu as un client qui t'achète plusieurs fois par semaine un service.
Tu dois lui proposer un nouveau service... c'est pas mal évident que tu vas mettre tous les efforts possible pour que ensuite tu continues à l'avoir plusieurs fois par semaine...
Non ???
Par rapport à un client plus occasionnel, ou pourrait aussi appeller ça aussi un traitement VIP !

Maintenant que le client en question utilise sa notoriété et fasse des demandes de rabais ça c'est du business entre le client et le prestataire de services... et ça regarde les deux parties impliquées !

Moi quand j'achète un café le matin ... tous les jours de semaine, j'apprécie d'en avoir un gratuit ou à rabais de temps en temps..
Ça s'appelle entretenir une bonne relation avec ses clients.
Pis si ça me plait pas ou que je n'ai pas cette satisfaction là ou.. que je sens que je dépense trop... alors je vais acheter mon café ailleurs ....

Bon si on revient au sujet ici; Les rabais ont servi à fausser des revues ... Alors non c'est inacceptable ! :nono:
LE but de ce forum est de publier des revues honnêtes et réalistes... quoique... pour le réalisme ça ... c'est une autre histoire lol
Mais on est tous d'accord sur la base honnête au moins !

Les fille sont pas idiote si elle rencontre un gars de Merb et si elle sont nouvelle en plus elle vont donner un meilleur service comme ça si il fait un review il vas être bon.
Heu... ben là l'est bonne celle là... t'as jamais fait ça toi ? et je PLAISANTE lol

Ceci dit comme mod8 vient de le résumer très bien ... ça reste un jour triste !

Bon sur une note bien plus optimiste ...
Meilleurs voeux et bonne année à tous !
happy safe hobbying :peace:


Well-Known Member
May 10, 2003
In saying this, I still think Delta was honest in many of his reviews and still value them. I've seen many of the same girls and have found his reviews accurate with a lot of them. Good luck mate and thanks for contributing to a very fun 2011.
Well said ManApart, I couldn`t agree more.
BTW if there was a thread on the most honest poster....I would nominate you bro.


Nov 13, 2008
Visiting Planet Earth
I'll support reviews from any body, good or bad, true or false, that the point of this board and if you get caught then appologize and explain yourself.

Happy hunting.


This sounds like you are saying you practice fraud, don't care about others, and have no reason to change until caught. Maybe you could explain it better so there's no mistake.

I don't support false or misleading reviews. :nono: By the time you get caught, your false or misleading review may have caused someone to have had an undesirable experience. :mad:

Yup, there it is.

He's been a member of this board using this handle since Feb 11, a total of 10 months, yet he's seen dozens upon dozens upon dozens of girls and he just happened to land on Merb. Highly unlikely.

This seems to be usual enough to be viewed as odd, and suspicious enough to be questionable. I've read a small amount of his reviews, but never enough to notice the great volume. For me, any situation where someone who bursts onto the scene claiming very large numbers of meetings over a short time would be suspect.

This is not to say guilty of anything at all. But if the sheer number of ladies and reviews described here is accurate, the cost involved, the freedom and energy needed to see so many, and the time needed to write so much...would make one seem like a wealthy human jack rabbit with a reporting obsession. Isn't that suspicious?

I gave Delta's reviews some notice some times, but took his reviews only as a start for further inquiry with familiar reliable members with a bonafide track record.

As for discounts, considering the revelations in this thread and many others in the past, it's too bad an automatic reporting system from the agencies on discounts isn't possible...for various practical and "business" reasons. It sure would do more to clear up the real value of reviews.



forever newbi

Active Member
Dec 12, 2006
all these for 40$???

Could anyone remind me how much 40$ means????

Two drink in a fansy bar to impress the hottie and hope to start a conversation?

A week worth of gas?

A nice dinner?

A good bottle of wine or whatever?

two 20$ bill?

A nice tip for a sp you like?

a cheap motel room for 4 hours?

Point is I don't think it worth to start a thead or get banned...


New Member
Jun 21, 2003
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Discounts should not be asked for by the client, they should be offered to the client!

If the client doen't like it, then they take their business somewhere else.

People who insist on discounts and use it as a way to keep their business should get a boot up their ass!!!


Aug 27, 2010
Habs Nation!
During the summer I was wondering how the guy was doing. He was doing so many reviews, though during the fall he seems to have slowed down.

Is that he was getting less rebates?

I agreed with ManApart when he says

That is obviously a dishonest practice and calls into question the whole body of work.

The main issue with his behavior is how do you know if what you are reading is a reliable information on the concerned ladies?
Even if we take in account that the guy has many and many review that are accurate and honest and has contributed in a great way for our


Born again punter
Nov 13, 2005
I confess…

Some years ago, a well-established agency had a « 1st MERB review policy » that went like this : the first client to write a MERB review of one of their new girls would receive a 30 minute « time bank » at the agency, to use whenever he wanted to extend a date. I do not recall seeing the policy posted on the board or the agency site, but it was mentioned to me when I booked dates.

The 1[SUP]st[/SUP] time this was brought up, I asked what they wanted: they said new girls need press, and they needed feedback. So I asked if I get my time bank even if I write a negative or indifferent review. The answer was an unconditional yes.

I had dates under that program three times. Twice, I wrote positive reviews because I had had a fabulous time. The other time, I actually said to the booker that I was forfeiting my time bank, because I felt that maybe the chemistry had been wrong: my rationale was I might start off the girls’ thread on a bad note because we didn’t click. I suggested the girl meet someone else and let him open the ball.

On to our fellow MERBite Delta123…, our friend. I admit being very curious about you the last few months. Some other members said your reviews had little use because of the “too-positive” slant. I countered that it lay in the subtleties. I suppose we will never now know how accurate these reviews are, or which are and which aren’t :nono:.

Meeting stunning looking ladies decades younger than we are, who seem more than happy to play loving horny girlfriend for however long we pay them is potent stuff. Combine that with “board personality” and other accolades reserved for frequent reviewers, might make some men feel like they are way up there. It’s always good to carry a mirror… I became friends with such a guy. When he left the scene behind, he really vanished from it, the only way to break free.

One thing that told me that Delta should have stopped long ago is demanding discounts: here on MERB we probably get the best VFM ratio in town already. Everyone knows this is an expensive pastime even once a month, and we plan accordingly. I do not ask for discounts just because I call often, or write reviews (I have on a couple of occasions “negotiated” the rate for multi-lady, multi hour dates, but that is a normal thing). I call often because I like it, and I write reviews for much the same reasons. The mere fact Delta was asking for discounts is an alarm bell that he couldn’t really afford the activity in the first place.

Many agencies have or had fidelity programs, but that is a totally different thing. Its’ an agency program, not a client demand. As far as I am concerned, that kind of stuff can be publicized or not, at the choice of the operator. The reason is that this way they can choose to extend the privilege to only those who their ladies truly appreciate spending time with. And that is in line with VIP passes at many posh nightclubs in town.

I am not mad at Delta for two reasons: obviously he had lost some self-control, and by balancing his reviews against that of others, I was never led astray by his reviewing.

Delta, I do wish you all the best. If you feel you have enough self-control to come back one day, please do! Best of luck. :peace:


Active Member
Feb 9, 2004
NY State
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I take offense at part of your post, longtimers. Posting false reviews is not the point of MERB and never has been any part of what MERB is about. False reviews help no one. They only cause members to waste their money when they expect the same service as is indicated in a false review. Bartering reviews for discounts is also against the rules of MERB as misleading reviews also cause members to have expectations that will likely not be met.

The point of this board is for members to write honest reviews, good or bad, that help other members make good choices. That is not so difficult to understand is it?

Mod 8, I don't think Delta was writing false reviews. I think what he wrote in his final post was the truth. He was caught up in the hobby and he was spending too much money and by asking for discounts, he thought he could control the spending. 25K and 120 SP's is a lot for everyone unless you are making near 7 figures a year. Even if you are doing $100,000 a year, 25K would be a big chuck of change to spend on SPs.

Spending money on SP's can become a serious addiction. His threat of withholding a review or doing a bad one or whatever he said to John of Eleganza probably came at a weak moment. Delta has written a lot of reviews. Almost all of them are positive towards the SP. Another MERB member commented to me that Delta likes every girl that he sees.

If Delta was spending too much money on SP's, I hope he truly either quits or finds a way to moderate himself. Many guys have ruined their finances, marriages and life by spending more than they can afford on this so called hobby. I wish Delta the best of luck. I hope he works things out. Please don't be too harsh on him. This could happen to any of us.

Hi everyone,

Well every story has to end somewhere. In my case I admit not the best way but…
I was thinking about quitting the hobby the last month but I admit I was not able to see the end of it. When I do something I do it 100 mph and when I’m done I’m done. Guys that was completely crazy. In 2011: more or less $25 K, 120 different ladies. One night I tried 4 ladies, next day I was completely fuzzy. Don’t do that lol

The main subject: First of all John I have to thank you. I’m serious, without this incident I don’t know how I could have quit this amazing hobby. I needed a push and you did. John told most of the story and it’s pretty accurate. A few details left but not much.

Ladies: Je vous remercie du fond du cœur. Vous m’avez fait vivre ce que 99,9 % des hommes aimeraient vivre. Prenez bien soin de vous. xxx

Mod: can you ban me please as soon as possible. I don’t want to be tempted to get back.

Thank you all that understand that this incident it’s not the end of the world and thank you all that express there disagreement, I learned from it.



Feb 22, 2004
Visit site
I take offense at part of your post, longtimers. Posting false reviews is not the point of MERB and never has been any part of what MERB is about. False reviews help no one. They only cause members to waste their money when they expect the same service as is indicated in a false review. Bartering reviews for discounts is also against the rules of MERB as misleading reviews also cause members to have expectations that will likely not be met.

The point of this board is for members to write honest reviews, good or bad, that help other members make good choices. That is not so difficult to understand is it?

Mod 8
I understand your point! Shilling is not the purpose of this board.
We nerver know a true from a false review... it's a question of stats!!!
One good review doesn't mean that's a real one until it's confirm by many other members.
The more the better, good or bad, true or false. At the end only really great one will emerge from the plot and the shill will be discover simple as that. That's how i see the purpose of this board and other board (Merc, Canbest and the rest... too long to elaborate)

Happy hunting


Jan 18, 2006
We'll never know; that's the problem.
Really? So his positive reviews could have been influenced by a discount. And a negative review by not being given a discount. Am I following you correctly here? And because of that it's a problem for you to garner any useful information from his reviews?
I suppose we will never now know how accurate these reviews are, or which are and which aren’t :nono:.
And that matters how? Are you saying you can't adjust your own assessment of someone's review based on some known bias or prejudice?

When someone I know who hates hair extensions reviews a girl who has hair extensions, I don't throw their opinion out the door. I can find some use to it regardless. Further, what I do know of the agencies in Delta's reviews, is that if he flat out lied...we would hear about it. From them. Even John isn't denying that Prada didn't smell...only that Delta's cheap and manipulative.

So possibly, y'all just aren't booking any of the girls that Delta has reviewed in his time on this board. This seems a fitting reason to completely write the guy off. No context whatsoever. So I suggest doing so...and you'll find yourself with a better perspective to his reviews.

And by the way...isn't that we do ALL the time with reviews and reviewers here? Some have more value than others. And enough have said that they don't condone his actions but still appreciate his reviews. Adjust people! :D Every pertinent event, including his banning, is over.

Otherwise...I understand your point, but still find you melodramatic. :)

That said, I agree in every review that doesn't say an implicit understanding that you paid the known rate. Non-disclosure is wrong.


New Member
Oct 3, 2008
I had the chance to pm with Delta about a few girls i was interested in and after meeting them, i realised Delta was nothing but 100% truthful in everything he told me about them. As far as the other stuff he admitted to about rebates/discounts, well thats another story, but his shared experiences based on first hand knowledge myself were spot on and truthful as far as i can see and it also seems others agree wholeheartedly. He made a mistake and seemed to have an addiction as well to the hobby and is now gone, but his words to me personally were nothing but the truth, every single time, and was more than willing to answer any questions about any girl.


It's a whole new ballgame
Jan 20, 2007
Where I belong.
Really? So his positive reviews could have been influenced by a discount. And a negative review by not being given a discount. Am I following you correctly here? And because of that it's a problem for you to garner any useful information from his reviews? And that matters how? Are you saying you can't adjust your own assessment of someone's review based on some known bias or prejudice?
Exactly. Did you read what he said himself? "With rebate = good review and no rebate = bad review" So...his reviews tell you only one thing: not whether the girl was good or not, but whether or not he got a rebate. That's how it matters. Yes, I can adjust my assessment of his reviews. I know whether or not he got a discount and that's the only thing I know. And that's the only thing you know.

And I will say that my activities have been influenced by Delta's reviews, with mixed results. In one recent instance, I can now clearly see that I was misled.


Well-Known Member
May 10, 2003
We can all fault Delta for his actions.
I`m one of the biggest critics of board I`m as dispointed in Delta as are most of you....Bad Delta!
As far as his reviews go....most if not all have been accurate and helpful....Good Delta!
I`ve never met him, but we chatted often and I found him to be a stand up guy.


Well-Known Member
Jul 28, 2011
I think it's usefull to remind that this kind of things is normal in any other businesses. To use his influence on other customers to obtain rebates, is a common practise in business, even by threat. In any other business, a client with the influence on thousands of client like was Delta, would have hobbying for free. A customer like Delta has no price for an agency. So in a normal business, the 20$ he asked for would have been matched without any hesitation. So in the relationship between Delta and John, the fact Delta asked for a rebate even by threat, is not a surprising thing. Come on, this is business, not Disneyland ! Business is a balance of power between customer and provider.

The only problem here is between Delta and us. Cause he took his power from his credibility in the MERB community. And if he didn't write everywhat he thinks about his encounters, just to obtain rebates, we didn't have the good information on girls, which is the goal of MERB. BUT, everybody knows here, that he was always nice in his reviews, and that the difference between girls he saw were to find between the lines. So the matter doesn't change anything in the way to understand his reviews : look @ the details, read between the lines and be aware that he was always very nice with the girls.

We all know very well that in all the veterans that speak ill of Delta, @ least 70% of them know very well how to obtain rebates, maybe more subtly, maybe not by threat, but they do know how to use their MERB reputation. The simple fact to make know to an agency who you are on MERB could be enough. And we all know very well too, that all MERB veterans are always very very veyr nice, always have a lot of compliments to say when they talk about agencies' boss... Maybe Delta was just not enough subtle in this "MERB customer to SP provider" game.


New Member
Oct 3, 2008
By her service, looks or both?

All kidding aside, I assume service wise because most of the girls have pics other than face so remember clearly the golden rule, YMMV. I have met ladies that some guys rave about only to ask myself "what was all the hype about?" (always looks wise, i have never once had a problem with a sp's service, knock on "wood") so i wouldnt put that all on Delta's rebates or non rebate reviews. Like i said, what he did was wrong but his help to myself via chatting back and forth for the most part i feel was spot on. Never really read his reviews much as i take all reviews for what they are, that persons "high" after "they" lived the experience. I prefer to talk to that person one on one after they have had time to reflect on the experience and make my own assessment, i dont need like you say "no stinking numbers"

Anyways, it is sad he is gone because he did contribute to the community with a lot of good and helped others and i have heard very little negative from his words as far as the help he provided thru his writings. As Cloudsurf says, he seemed to be a very stand up guy indeed and everyone is never an Angel all the time. My opinion, he deserved a suspension but should not of been banned permanately had he not asked for it over $20 here, $20 there, then again it is not my board and i do not make the rules so in the end, it is what it is, life goes on and i wish you well Delta if you read this and ty for all your help, and that beer stands this spring when i will visit your city, and had it not been for you i would likely not of took the plunge and had some memorable moments with some of Montreals gems, and especially, hidden gems, Kudos!

In one recent instance, I can now clearly see that I was misled.


It's a whole new ballgame
Jan 20, 2007
Where I belong.
By her service, looks or both?
I'm not going to answer this completely as that might give away the name of the lady in question. I will tell you, however, that it had nothing to do with her looks. Looks are always subjective. A girl that looks great to you may not look particularly good to me, and vice versa.


ebonylover retired...
Mar 26, 2010
I'm not going to answer this completely as that might give away the name of the lady in question.
Heu... I don't get it...
Only ONE disapointment with ONE girl and you put all Delta's reviews to garbage ?
With all 120 ladies he saw... Well you have some chances to make some adjustment to your "sampling"... :peace:


It's a whole new ballgame
Jan 20, 2007
Where I belong.
Heu... I don't get it...
Only ONE disapointment with ONE girl and you put all Delta's reviews to garbage ?
With all 120 ladies he saw... Well you have some chances to make some adjustment to your "sampling"... :peace:
No, Pat, that's not why I reject ALL of his reviews. That's just one example. I reject ALL of his reviews because we don't know which of them were posted with the benefit of his extortion and which were honest.


Well-Known Member
Oct 29, 2007
We know the pen is mightier than the sword but is the pen mightier than the penis?

After reading most of this thread I believe Delta123’s guilty of having an overinflated sense of self importance. Delta isn’t some professional reviewer from the NY Times that can substantially cut into the revenue of a movie or a restaurant with one review and John called him on it. Sometimes we get caught up in how many PM’s we get about who sucks the best cock and who to see for a 3-sum when in South America blah blah blah. Please remember that we are a small club of guys that likes to spend time in a fantasy world with a “pay for play” hobby to make up for our pathetic shortcomings in real life.

Would John or some termas in Rio or brothel in Sampa or Germany really miss my few hundred dollars if I did not go there? Does, John and the Eleganza crew not have a reputation that transcends Delta123’s puny review? What happened to Delta should be a lesson for all of us. This is a time for self reflection. I am a bargain hunter too and demand top service from a provider and I will take advantage of every discount that I believe is coming my way. In the past like Delta I have teetered on the belief that my posts are more important than what they really are. My words have never been for sale but I may be guilty of dangling the prospect of a fair and honest review in hopes that I would ensure top service. A few years ago, Martin at Xxxtase provided an eye opening experience when I called him to complain that I could not get a review published in TER because I was having difficulty providing a link to the exact girl on the Xxxtase web site. Martin said “I don’t care. My girls are booked every night anyway.” Martin would survive without my pathetic TER review. This was an eye opener for me.

Let us remember that MERB is a place where we come to share the realization of our fantasies. Fantasies that if we shared them in the real world would lead to embarrassment, ridicule, and contempt from the non-hobby community that think we are a gang of exploiters of women that enable human traffickers’ and underage prostitution and drug habits everywhere (and could lead to divorce and terminationof our employment.)

In closing, I believe that Delta123 should be reinstated after a suspension upon recognizance of his transgression (which I believe is included in this thread.)

Delta's pen is not mightier than the collective penis of the MERB community! Mods have mercy.
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