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Bad Delta123, very bad Delta123…

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Jul 30, 2011
to make up for our pathetic shortcomings in real life.

I try to make up for the pathetic shortcomings OF real life. :D

I agree that no single individual is very important and people should not take themselves too seriously. However I think reviews can have an impact on some, like new or independant escorts.


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Feb 9, 2004
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I am seeing 2 reactions to what Delta did.

One reaction is Delta committed the mortal sin of using his MERB membership and ability to write reviews to garner favor and discounts and he should be punished severely for it, and he never can be trusted from this day forward.

The other reaction is he did this, he admitted to it, learned from it, should be suspended, reinstated after serving a long suspension. Life goes on.

My personal opinion is since he wanted to be banned for life, and wants to break from the hobby, the mods should let him have his wishes. I don't have any ill feelings towards Delta123. I wish him luck in stemming his spending on the hobby. I know it can become an addiction, and many people can get swallowed into it.

My other point in this post is how do you personally communicate with agencies?

Do you tell them your MERB handle when you call them hoping that they may give you a discount?

I personally never have. They usually figure out who I am if (and a big IF) I have a problem and write a negative review or comment. If I write a positive review, they still cannot associate my name with the MERB handle. I did not develop this policy on purpose. I just never thought of advertising that I had a handle on MERB. I did not see the purpose of it.

If an agency advertises discounts, I certainly take advantage of it. If they ask me my MERB handle, I always gave it to them to get the discount. John from Eleganza had his own board on his website which gave discounts. I don't know if it is still in operation. I had the same handle on there as here. But I never altered my opinion in a review of an experience because of a discount.

I have always seen the purpose of reviews as a curteousy to other members. If I had a good time, the girl was good looking and friendly, I would post the information. It helps her and fellow members of the board in deciding who to see in their next trip or call. If I had a bad time or something dishonest happened, I would post the information. Sometimes other members have different experiences than I do. There is a YMMV factor. In fact, I have had a not so good experience with a SP that I had a great experience in a previous trip. Talk about YMMV. We are dealing with people, not robots. They haven't begun cloning people yet.

If Delta was using his reviews to get favor and wasn't being honest, he was wrong. I hope this teaches us why we write reviews. It supposed to help the fellow members of the board in their selelction, and not for our ego or to curry favors and discounts.


Well-Known Member
Oct 29, 2007
I am seeing 2 reactions to what Delta did.

Do you tell them your MERB handle when you call them hoping that they may give you a discount?

No I do not tell them my handle with the exception of John at Eleganza. This is so I can take advantage of the club discount. To get it you had to tell them your handle. I have also given my handle a few times to USA agencies so that I could pass their LE check.

What I have done in the past is to inform the agency that I am an active reviewer. I may say something like the followimg: I am not going to tell you who I am but I do review many of the girls I see. I don't want them to think that I just fell off the turnip truck and I want the girl to be at her best.

Yes DD41, these are people and not robots. They are going to have a bad day just like I have bad days. I just don't want them having a bad day when they are coming to see me and i am spending my precious 200$. When girl x from agency y had some mixed reviews, I told the booker that I read girl X doesn't do DATY on certain occasions so send me girl Z instead. He said that's not true. I said if you send me girl X and she doesn't do DATY then I will send her packing in a hurry.


ebonylover retired...
Mar 26, 2010
post#87 ???

Hello mods ?
I wanted to answer at post#87 from Rumpleforskin ... and now post#87 is from Hungry101 ???
Can you restore it ?
I think it was really interesting for ALL merbistes as it really contains pertinent information for all of us!

Mod 8

New Member
Jun 7, 2007

That post was deleted by rumples himself and I can not restore it without his permission. He has my permission if he wishes to repost it or wishes me to restore it. I also believe it contains information pertinent to this discussion.



It's a whole new ballgame
Jan 20, 2007
Where I belong.
Well, it seems he wanted a 24 hour break from the hobby. Delta has gone over to the other board where he is being welcomed like a long lost hero. And he's telling a whole different story than he told here yesterday.

There's an irony here. Over there, there are a few who refer to merb as "the shill board." And now when a self-avowed blackmailing shill is exposed and banned here, he's openly welcomed there. Unfortunately, what he's going to learn is that the agencies aren't likely to be as forthcoming with discounts for reviews written on a board that no one reads and exists mainly of those who have been banned from here and reside in bitterness and an obsession with what goes on here.

For all those who showed Delta some sympathy yesterday, and that would include me, one would hope his showing of his true colors would put an end to that sympathy.

In other news, Ziggy has apparently gone off his meds, is hallucinating and making shit up again. Poor pitiful schmuck. He should change his handle to Gollum


ebonylover retired...
Mar 26, 2010
That post was deleted by rumples himself and I can not restore it without his permission. He has my permission if he wishes to repost it or wishes me to restore it. I also believe it contains information pertinent to this discussion.
Thank you mod8 AND rumple to re-posted it !
Happy new year :cool:


Nov 4, 2009
I had the chance to pm with Delta about a few girls i was interested in and after meeting them, i realised Delta was nothing but 100% truthful in everything he told me about them. His shared experiences based on first hand knowledge myself were spot on and truthful as far as i can see and it also seems others agree wholeheartedly. He made a mistake and seemed to have an addiction as well to the hobby and is now gone, but his words to me personally were nothing but the truth, every single time, and was more than willing to answer any questions about any girl.

You really think we believe you man? Stop trying to mislead the people, you aren't impressing anyone. You don't have a single review on any escorts from Goodgirls or any other agency, so how could you tell the Merb community with a straight-face that Delta's reviews are 100% truthful and accurate. We know that you haven't fucked a girl since the Leafs last won the Stanley cup. You're on an Escort Review board and literally 95% of all your posts are about men wearing skates and shin guards, it does NOT get gayer than this.

I've noticed you going into many different review threads and always try to act like you've also seen the SP when in reality you didn't. And you'll do this by making comments in each review thread about how you agree with everything the reviewer said or how you shared a similar experience, yet amazingly somehow you always fail to provide your own review about the SP in question. I could show you many instances of this. You really think by writing comments like those we would believe that you saw the SP? I could go into 30 review threads right now and make similar comments like those just to impress the readers that I too have seen the SP, when in reality I haven't seen fuckall. You don't gotta lie to us. Stop being so insecure, the sports thread shows how insecure you are. The first time I joined Merb I remember you sending me several pms trying to get me to turn on another specific member who you didn't get along with and tried to portray as evil. I told you that i wasn't a follower and I would defend anyone fighting for the right cause, even if it meant supporting someone i didn't get along with. Igna69xxx stop playing these highschool games where you're trying to get as many friends as possible on your side and lying about fucking the hottest girl in the school. Get your money up and bang a few hotties. Come on Brah!

Now please prove me wrong by directing us to some of your useful reviews. Happy New year brah!


Oct 16, 2004
6' under
You're on an Escort Review board and literally 95% of all your posts are about men wearing skates and shin guards, it does NOT get gayer than this... sports thread shows how insecure you are.
:lol: his remaining 5% sound like ed macmahon sitting on johnny carson's couch. iow, being an obedient 'yes man'...
The first time I joined Merb I remember you sending me several pms trying to get me to turn on another specific member who you didn't get along with and tried to portray as evil...
:nod: me, too.
Now please prove me wrong by directing us to some of your useful reviews.
that's mean. you know he can't direct you to stuff of a non-existent nature.

ok, seriously now, i know lgna has actually seen a hooker or two. but his public opinion doesn't mean squat. it's a bunch of "me too!" chirping a la the usenet days in the mid 90's by the aol collective.

if you want your opinion of reviews about sp's to mean something, lgna, post some meaningful reviews about sp's... jeeez... how about at least 1 sp review for every 1,000 sports posts? is that too much to ask? hmmm, ok, i'll make it easier. 2,000...?

this opinion is expressly written as a disclosure to newbies


Nov 4, 2009
Mod 8 we wrote at the exact same time!:D What does this mean? I hope it means that Merb will pay for my next three sessions with any SP of my choice:nod:


New Member
Oct 3, 2008
Wow, the laptop thing really hit a nerve eh? :lol: Happy New Years to you as well bro :thumb:

You really think we believe you man? Stop trying to mislead the people, you aren't impressing anyone. You don't have a single review on any escorts from Goodgirls or any other agency, so how could you tell the Merb community with a straight-face that Delta's reviews are 100% truthful and accurate. We know that you haven't fucked a girl since the Leafs last won the Stanley cup. You're on an Escort Review board and literally 95% of all your posts are about men wearing skates and shin guards, it does NOT get gayer than this.

I've noticed you going into many different review threads and always try to act like you've also seen the SP when in reality you didn't. And you'll do this by making comments in each review thread about how you agree with everything the reviewer said or how you shared a similar experience, yet amazingly somehow you always fail to provide your own review about the SP in question. I could show you many instances of this. You really think by writing comments like those we would believe that you saw the SP? I could go into 30 review threads right now and make similar comments like those just to impress the readers that I too have seen the SP, when in reality I haven't seen fuckall. You don't gotta lie to us. Stop being so insecure, the sports thread shows how insecure you are. The first time I joined Merb I remember you sending me several pms trying to get me to turn on another specific member who you didn't get along with and tried to portray as evil. I told you that i wasn't a follower and I would defend anyone fighting for the right cause, even if it meant supporting someone i didn't get along with. Igna69xxx stop playing these highschool games where you're trying to get as many friends as possible on your side and lying about fucking the hottest girl in the school. Get your money up and bang a few hotties. Come on Brah!

Now please prove me wrong by directing us to some of your useful reviews. Happy New year brah!


Nov 4, 2009
We shouldn't waste anymore thread on this Delta guy. He was exposed and he admitted to all the allegations against him being true. Now he's on the other site changing his story and acting like the victim. He didn't have the balls to defend himself here because he knew he was guilty. Amazing how the same people who talked shit about him throughout the year on the other board are now embracing him as if he were a Vietnam veteran. Hypocrites, rats and liars, the scum of the earth, and Delta fits right in.

There was a time i liked that kid, he seemed naive, simple and straightforward, but now i realize that all along he was a punk and coward.


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Feb 9, 2004
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We shouldn't waste anymore thread on this Delta guy. He was exposed and he admitted to all the allegations against him being true. Now he's on the other site changing his story and acting like the victim. He didn't have the balls to defend himself here because he knew he was guilty. Amazing how the same people who talked shit about him throughout the year on the other board are now embracing him as if he were a Vietnam veteran. Hypocrites, rats and liars, the scum of the earth, and Delta fits right in.

There was a time i liked that kid, he seemed naive, simple and straightforward, but now i realize that all along he was a punk and coward.

Who the hell are you, Lovemaker? Rumps' twin brother. I was going to say evil twin brother, but you sound like a carbon copy of rumps.

Delta has more integrity than you and Rumps put together. He admitted his mistake. He really didn't change his story over at the other board. He was trying to explain himself a little bit. It really doesn't matter. It's Delta's problem, not yours. He clearly stated that he has blown $25 K in the past year. It is probably too much for his budget. This hobby can be addictive and destructive. I totally respect Delta for admitting that he has a problem and saying that he needs to do something about it. He deserves respect for that, not admonishment.

And the way you took off on lgna because lgna had only said that he found Delta to be honest is disguisting. How do you know? lt was lgna's experience with Delta, not yours.

If I or anyone else wants to comment on this thread, I and they will. We don't need your permission. Delta is not a punk. You are a punk for telling us what we should do. No one is going to listen to you.


Nov 4, 2009
I love you too! I could easily piss on everything you just said but then I remembered you voted for George Bush, so I won`t bother. You obviously don`t have the ability to analyze any individual`s true character, so it`s not worth my time. I`d rather go answer my pms. Good night, i love you too, sweet dreams!


Oct 16, 2004
6' under
Let's get back on topic guys, please.
ok, moddy. here is my strict JohnMBOT opinion...

as a customer why shouldn't i ask for a discount if i felt i wanted one?
as a customer why shouldn't i ask for a discount if i felt i deserved one?

when i ran girls i gave discounts to certain customers when i felt like it.
when i ran girls i didn't give discounts to certain customers when i didn't feel like it.
i was never extorted because i did not let myself be extorted.

i like agency owners because they sell things i like.
i use my $ to buy things i like from them.
that is the extent of our relationship.

i like merbers because they document their self-inflicted drama for all to read.
it is very entertaining.
that is the extent of our relationship.

regarding the ongoing case:


DELTA123, Plaintiff
ELEGANZA, Defendant

Jury assigned: Merbers

it is not important.
the issues between the 2 parties do not affect me.
the behavior of the 2 parties does not affect me.
the outcome of this dispute does not affect me.
the 1st two letters in merb are...?

i make educated choices.
one man's review will not influence my decisions.
if i read one man's review and expect it to be the gospel, i deserve what i get.


ebonylover retired...
Mar 26, 2010
If I or anyone else wants to comment on this thread, I and they will. We don't need your permission. Delta is not a punk. You are a punk for telling us what we should do. No one is going to listen to you.
agree 100% .. nah 1000% lol :nod:


Active Member
Feb 9, 2004
NY State
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ok, moddy. here is my strict JohnMBOT opinion...

as a customer why shouldn't i ask for a discount if i felt i wanted one?
as a customer why shouldn't i ask for a discount if i felt i deserved one?

when i ran girls i gave discounts to certain customers when i felt like it.
when i ran girls i didn't give discounts to certain customers when i didn't feel like it.
i was never extorted because i did not let myself be extorted.

i like agency owners because they sell things i like.
i use my $ to buy things i like from them.
that is the extent of our relationship.

i like merbers because they document their self-inflicted drama for all to read.
it is very entertaining.
that is the extent of our relationship.

regarding the ongoing case:


DELTA123, Plaintiff
ELEGANZA, Defendant

Jury assigned: Merbers

it is not important.
the issues between the 2 parties do not affect me.
the behavior of the 2 parties does not affect me.
the outcome of this dispute does not affect me.
the 1st two letters in merb are...?

i make educated choices.
one man's review will not influence my decisions.
if i read one man's review and expect it to be the gospel, i deserve what i get.

Thank you, Barrister Bot.


Active Member
Feb 9, 2004
NY State
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I love you too! I could easily piss on everything you just said but then I remembered you voted for George Bush, so I won`t bother. You obviously don`t have the ability to analyze any individual`s true character, so it`s not worth my time. I`d rather go answer my pms. Good night, i love you too, sweet dreams!

You must use rumps IP address. You sound just like him, word for word.
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