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Bad Delta123, very bad Delta123…

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Ricky bonds

the last of the mohicans
Feb 28, 2010
montreal or costa rica baby
delta- stop being a up, and keep writing reviews....
i cant believe that there are discounts for agencys going around, and i havent been notified of this! im completely shocked:rolleyes:
hell.. give me a discount, and i'll pre-book every saturday for the rest of 2012, with a n.r.p....
about your image, who gives a damn! ive seen members being accused of the most flagrant, disgusting things..and they are still here, and relevant!( bbfs, and some nasty things that are best left unsaid )
hell, ive been accused of shilling, ive accused mods of erasing my posts to protect an agency in public when it turns out i erased it myself, i even had someone call the montreal mirror and talk about me in one of their sections...
we all have had some interesting moments on this board, and life goes on.

i dont recall reading your reviews, and as a matter of fact..i dont even go see agency girls usually, so your credibility hasnt been affected in my eyes.. but this shi+ about asking for rebates is definitely questionable...
what you seem to be asking however is a ban from merb to control your sp addiction (as if seeing an sp, and writing a review go hand in hand..and without a place to write reviews, your need for sp's will dissapear)
thats sounds a bit messed up..

im all for helping out people who 'cry for help', but i think you are asking in the wrong place.
the problem wont go away by you being will feel the need to post, change handles..and end up on one of the 'toy boards' ..
whatever..those are your issues, and i hope you deal with them accordingly.
so how do i get these discounts from the big agencys again..:eyebrows:

i saw mod-8's message after i posted not sure if you consider this random banter..


Fun n games til some1...
Dec 29, 2010
i have to agree with Ricky's 1st line above.

it's too bad this situation broke down... Delta, if u needed something to help u take a break from hobbying, this situation could be that push. just not sure u needed to ban yourself, that's actually funny. of course, at the pace u were going a break is a good thing but u should come back once you've seen some sunlight. :cool:

* i like Delta123's revu's ... hope to see more down the line after the hobbying break.
* John & Eleganza have always been straight shooters, keep it up!
* now i have to slot Prada in my Top10 ... hate when u guys screw with my TDL


Active Member
Jun 27, 2003
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Don't worry guys, he will came back, with another name or as a visitor.
I try to quit the hobby for 11 years, and I'm still there, but less active than before.


New Member
Aug 26, 2011
Tigerwood, if I misunderstood you, I apologize. However, I do believe that you are incorrect. Delta123 HAS made many SPs reputations and, in return, was remunerated for it. That's dishonest and wrong. I also disagree with your assertion that a dishonest review will stand out as such.

My personal opinion on Delta's ban is that I don't think one should be banned permanently for having made a mistake. We all make them, we hopefully learn from them and we move on. That said, his ban was requested by him and I do understand his reason for his wanting to move on. I, for one, wish him well.

I also want to applaud mod8 for the wisdom he's again shown and the even handed way in which he's handled this sorry affair, particularly at a time of year when he certainly has better things to do. Thanks for all you do, mod8, and a Happy New Year to all.

Yous apologies are accepted and u just demonstrated me that you are a real gentlement.

Tiger wood


Feb 22, 2004
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delta- stop being a up, and keep writing reviews.....

Ladies! Ladies!! Ladies!!!
That's what you all sounds like:nod:
Come on are we going to stop a proficient merbite!?!? We are going to loose more than gainning from what he has to write.
I'll support reviews from any body, good or bad, true or false, that the point of this board and if you get caught then appologize and explain yourself.

Happy hunting.

Mod 8

New Member
Jun 7, 2007
I take offense at part of your post, longtimers. Posting false reviews is not the point of MERB and never has been any part of what MERB is about. False reviews help no one. They only cause members to waste their money when they expect the same service as is indicated in a false review. Bartering reviews for discounts is also against the rules of MERB as misleading reviews also cause members to have expectations that will likely not be met.

The point of this board is for members to write honest reviews, good or bad, that help other members make good choices. That is not so difficult to understand is it?

Ladies! Ladies!! Ladies!!!
That's what you all sounds like:nod:
Come on are we going to stop a proficient merbite!?!? We are going to loose more than gainning from what he has to write.
I'll support reviews from any body, good or bad, true or false, that the point of this board and if you get caught then appologize and explain yourself.

As for Prada, I like spinner type... she's not a spinner:nono: I will say she gain 10-15lbs since the photoshoot.
I will not repeat with Prada for my followers...

Happy hunting.


New Member
Jul 28, 2011
We don't need reviews obtained from using pressure tactics.

Because it's below our morals to use those tactics to get the service described in a review. Not everybody is as pathetic to do that. Our world doesn't revolve around sex, we have lives to live, and we don't want to rip everybody off, we don't draw pleasure from doing that.

Agencies and escorts also should be ashamed for letting people force them with merb reviews, and should diminish their pathetic hunger for money at all costs. If their woman performed badly, they should teach and train instead of push her onto next one.

For some reason I always feel if this woman is in her place in life doing sex work or not and I don't need regular rosy reviews from somebody else who could be flush with money and rosy because he is high on drugs or had a deal.


New Member
Nov 6, 2009
Western USA
...The MERB Kissing Ass Community:lol:
Maybe we should start a new club or something. MKSA- MERB Kissing Ass Community. Or MAKS- MERB Ass Kissing Society. Or MEAK- MERB'S Elite Ass Kissers. Of which I am one. Before I get too carried away with a session, I always kiss her ass.:D
Don't worry guys, he will came back, ...
I'm not worried about him in the least. If he does come back at a later date, I hope he will post an honest review.:nod:
...I'll support reviews from any body, good or bad, true or false, that the point of this board and if you get caught then appologize and explain yourself...Longtimer
I don't support false or misleading reviews. :nono: By the time you get caught, your false or misleading review may have caused someone to have had an undesirable experience. :mad:
I take offense at part of your post, longtimers. Posting false reviews is not the point of MERB and never has been any part of what MERB is about. False reviews help no one. They only cause members to waste their money when they expect the same service as is indicated in a false review. Bartering reviews for discounts is also against the rules of MERB as misleading reviews also cause members to have expectations that will likely not be met.

The point of this board is for members to write honest reviews, good or bad, that help other members make good choices....
Well said, M8. I already admitted to being an Ass Kisser. I'd like to join the MEOBN- MERB's Exclusive Order of Brown Nosers.:eek:


Respect & Honour
Jul 4, 2011
On The Front lines
Today is my saddest day on the board. Well, I never had a sad day before, so I guess it is the only one as well.

I am still unclear on the exact details of things. Delta did regularly ask for rebates, and it seems this practice affected his reviews. If he got rebates his reviews were slanted to the more positive side, if he didn't the tone was on the more negative, regardless of the actual experience. If I am wrong in my interpretation, of this sometimes confusing thread, please someone correct me. That is obviously a dishonest practice and calls into question the whole body of work. Especially those GoodGirls reviews, I always found the whole thing fishy. It is disappointing how things have come to be.

In saying this, I still think Delta was honest in many of his reviews and still value them. I've seen many of the same girls and have found his reviews accurate with a lot of them. He was never detail oriented, so I used his reviews mostly for the numbers on face and body. Once I got to know his scale, I found it quite useful. He also provided some good written descriptions on the girls. Service wise, his descriptions didn't vary much, so I just glossed over that part. If you look at a thread started by Delta, most times the ensuing reviews matched up fairly well to his tone. My point is that he probably played the review for rebate game a small number of times compared to the whole. I guess that's all it really takes though...

I still think Delta should have stayed on the board after coming clean and started again with a clean slate, after maybe being suspended for a month. We've PMed eachother many times, and I always thought he was very happy to help and found our exchanges very informative and fun. I considered him a MERB friend. Of course his reviews would not be taken with the same amount of weight (at least for a while), but I still believe they would be quite useful. I think he saw even more girls than I did and regularly TOFTT. I would certainly be willing to give him a 2nd chance. He's a nice guy. He just was spending beyond his means and got caught up in trying to muscle cheaper rates out of the owners. He started to get carried away with thinking the importance of his profile/reviews entitled him to do so. When this happened, his perceived importance and financial compensation for said importance became primary and the reviews became secondary. As he said, I think he could learn from this and come back a better man. He certainly had good intentions at the beginning. I just think his compulsive behavior and over spending set him off track.

As it turns out he decided to use this as an impetus to quit the hobby. I guess the hobby was getting out of control and he was looking for an excuse to do so. As Ricky said, I don't see how getting banned from MERB will help you stop the hobby, but digress. I hope Delta can one day return as a new man and I will be the first to welcome him. Good luck mate and thanks for contributing to a very fun 2011.

Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003
If Delta123 has the will power to totally 'quit' this hobby, i tip my hat off to him. My guess is that like several people i know personally who've totally managed to 'quit' the hobby, he needed to break off all links to it. Quite a few of those people i knew who did manage to quit the hobby successfully had to break up their friendships with people they met through the hobby....and through this board. Some of those friendships even included me. It bothered me, of course, but i understood their reasons & every person must do what he/she needs to do in order to free themselves from the temptations of remaining linked to the world of escorting.

As for Delta123, i'm certain many of his reviews were legit. However, the fact he requested discounts & so on put many of his reviews in doubt. I will miss his reviews....however, i understand his reasons for wanting a complete break from the business. Just a few months ago, i was on the phone with a fellow merbite & we began to talk about Delta123's reviews. My buddy made a comment that Delta appeared to be blowing a fortune on escorts. We told one another he reminded us of so-and-so and other guys who once blew a fortune on escorts.....and those guys have never been heard from again. For many of them, it was either quit now or file for bankruptcy. Or both.

I wish Delta123 well & i hope he'll find happiness outside of the 'hobby'. I wish him all the will power in the world!

Special K

‹^› ‹(•¿•)› ‹^›
May 3, 2003
Red Sox Nation
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Don't worry guys, he will came back, with another name or as a visitor.

I guarantee you that Delta123 was not his first handle nor will it be his last. :rolleyes: He's been a member of this board using this handle since Feb 11, a total of 10 months, yet he's seen dozens upon dozens upon dozens of girls and he just happened to land on Merb. Highly unlikely.
Last edited:


Well-Known Member
Jul 28, 2011
Funeral orations...


It's a whole new ballgame
Jan 20, 2007
Where I belong.
I am still unclear on the exact details of things. Delta did regularly ask for rebates, and it seems this practice affected his reviews. If he got rebates his reviews were slanted to the more positive side, if he didn't the tone was on the more negative, regardless of the actual experience. If I am wrong in my interpretation, of this sometimes confusing thread, please someone correct me.
I think you've pretty much nailed it, though I think it went even beyond that. My sense is that he went so far as to threaten a bad review if he didn't get a discount. (John from Eleganza can correct me if I'm wrong here.)
IThat is obviously a dishonest practice and calls into question the whole body of work.

In saying this, I still think Delta was honest in many of his reviews and still value them.
We'll never know; that's the problem.

I still think Delta should have stayed on the board after coming clean and started again with a clean slate, after maybe being suspended for a month.
I don't know about this. The guy clearly saw that he'd developed a problem and needed to get out of the limelight. Certainly, a ban was in the offing, whether he asked to be "disappeared" or not. How long the mod would have booted him for and whether or not it would have been permanent we might never know. Considering the subterfuge and the damage to the board's long-time credibility if such a poster were to be allowed to remain, I personally don't think a permanent ban would have been excessive.

He just was spending beyond his means and got caught up in trying to muscle cheaper rates out of the owners.
Two strikes. And consider this: when someone such as Delta extorts a discount from a booker, who is paying for it? The agency or the girl?

He started to get carried away with thinking the importance of his profile/reviews entitled him to do so. When this happened, his perceived importance and financial compensation for said importance became primary and the reviews became secondary.
Yup. Reminds me of another guy who thankfully found a girlfriend and left Montreal and the scene, hopefully for good.

Mod 8

New Member
Jun 7, 2007
There is no evidence that indicates Delta123 ever had a previous handle. No exchange I had with this member ever indicated this to be the case. Let's keep the discussion on the things we are aware of, not suppositions or guesses.


I guarantee you that Delta123 was not his first handle nor will it be his last. :rolleyes: He's been a member of this board using this handle since Feb 11, a total of 10 months, yet he's seen dozens upon dozens upon dozens of girls and he just happened to land on Merb. Highly unlikely.


Trusted Since 2003
Aug 29, 2003
Suggestion to Mod ...

Open a different thread elsewhere about reviews and rebates and link it, clean this thread for members who are actually looking for a review, this non-sense has us all reading 4 full pages (so far) ending up with only 2 reviews

That is all!

Mod 8

New Member
Jun 7, 2007
If you notice, this thread is in the Lounge, not the review section of the board. No one should come to this thread expecting to find reviews. It was split from the Prada review thread which is still in the Outcall Review forum. I have retained the original review in this thread that brought this situation to light as there is every reason to believe that review is tainted and it does not belong in the review thread.


Well-Known Member
Jul 28, 2011
4 questions Mod :

1/ Did you ban Delta a/ because of what he did (like you wrote in suspensions section) or b/ because he asked you to ?

2/ If b/, what would have been his sanction for what he did with Eleganza ?

3/ If he didn't admit his fault, what would have you done ? No decision without proofs (there's hadly any proofs in this kind of matter) ?

4/ 2543 posts, zero review, aren't you ashamed ? :confused:


Fun n games til some1...
Dec 29, 2010
Doc, interesting pts. although there's times when some hobbyists play harder than others and then take a break.
i hobby less in the summer just because.

...As for Prada, I like spinner type... she's not a spinner:nono: I will say she gain 10-15lbs since the photoshoot.
I will not repeat with Prada for my followers...

10-15lbs on what used to be a spinner bod. sounds good to me. :thumb:
that just bumped her up a couple of slots.
John/Eleganza, when's Prada workin' in a couple of wks?

Mr First

Sex Maniac
Nov 14, 2006
Je suis pas vraiment surpris de toute cette histoire sur delta, je suis presque sur que ces pas le premier gars qui essai d’avoir des rabais mais de la a menacé de faire un mauvais review si ya pas de rabais sa je suis un peu déçu.

En plus j’imagine que souvent les filles on du lui donné un meilleur service parce que il savait que c’étais Delta123 probablement que quand il appelait pour booker une filles et disait au booker son nom sur merb le booker avertissait la fille quelle étais pour rencontré Delta 123 sûrement qu’il lui disait le gars rencontre beaucoup de fille et ces review sont crédible donc donne lui un bon services et tu vas avoir un bon review.
Je dit ça parce que j’ai déjà booker des filles après avoir lus le review de delta et je peu pas dire que je n’ai pas aimé ma rencontre mais j’ai pas eu le service que je pensait avoir.

Les fille sont pas idiote si elle rencontre un gars de Merb et si elle sont nouvelle en plus elle vont donner un meilleur service comme ça si il fait un review il vas être bon.
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