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Bad Delta123, very bad Delta123…

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Well-Known Member
Feb 28, 2007
Problem solves no review for me anymore. Thanks John.

All I wanted was bringing a little contribution.
But I must quit with integrity. YES, I asked for rebate from time to time. Does it change the content of my reviews, I don’t think so.
Sad cause instead of TOFTT (I kind of liked it) I’ll TOFM.

Have fun guys.

I missed the show... but Delta, this is really silly. I have to call you on this one. So John questions you/ your reviews, and you just quit like that? This is how you solve a problem??
You wanted to contribute, so because John publicly doubts you, you have a big poo poo and deprive us hobbyists all of your reviews?? This is : John doubts me, so fuck you guys, you're all losing me...
Actually it really really makes me believe John...

Oh, BTW, I saw Prada a few weeks ago, I was not going to write a review, but now I will say a few obvious words:
- She is hot, GND style hot, sexy and great built.
- No she does not thrill on CIM... she'll probbaly do it for those who insist... it's advertised ... but I don't like to force a girl into what she is not really into, esp if it has to do with sex...
- She likes to fuck, if she connects with you... she is actually a wonderful fuck buddy, if I could put it that way
- the Y is clean and tasty... but I did not linger there, for reasons of full on coitus. No fould odor, no doubt about that.

Recommend: oh, yes!! Repeat: likely, but it certainly won't have a thing to do with any rebates...


Well-Known Member
Jul 28, 2011
Maybe is there one more veteran to courageously side with an agency ?

Maybe is there one more veteran to courageously speak ill of Delta, now he is on the floor ?

No ? Sure ?

Ok good, now the show is over guys, back to Prada's review...


New Member
Aug 26, 2011
Even if Delta 123 ask for a rebate, no one here has the power to make or brake a sp reputation. Come on , our reviews are usefull but we are so many to post , that any dishonest reviews would stand out .

So Delta123 keep writing and fucking,

Tiger wood :)


It's a whole new ballgame
Jan 20, 2007
Where I belong.
Maybe is there one more veteran to courageously side with an agency ?

Maybe is there one more veteran to courageously speak ill of Delta, now he is on the floor ?

No ? Sure ?

Ok good, now the show is over guys, back to Prada's review...
I'll agree with your last sentence: back to Prada's review. It's my sense that all of this should be split into two threads, one for Prada's reviews and one to leave exposed Delta's coming out as a self-avowed shill, a board terrorist to use Special K's word.

Delta is fairly new on the board and in short order, with dozens and dozens of reviews, has become one of the board's more trusted reviewers. Now he informs us that he not only trades reviews for discounts, but uses the threat of a bad review if no discount is offered.

If Delta's admission and John's charges are true, all of Delta's postings are suspect and all of his reviews should be removed from the board. Any review that was purchased from the provider is both dishonest and suspect. If merb is to remain reliable, shilling must be exposed and dealt with accordingly.

Even if Delta 123 ask for a rebate, no one here has the power to make or brake a sp reputation. Come on , our reviews are usefull but we are so many to post , that any dishonest reviews would stand out .
Sorry, this is about the most ridiculous thing I've ever seen on this board. What you're saying is that dishonest reviews are acceptable because they'll be drowned out by the honest ones. Bullshit, I say.


New Member
Oct 3, 2008
Dishonest????? like a boycott leader who snuck off and saw girls from a boycotted agency a year ago? Like that you mean? Is that not Dishonest?

If true Delta, admit your mistake and apologise, if the merb community can give rumps a second chance, surely we can you. For the record, i never have met Delta but his info shared has been spot on with myself and several others.


Jan 12, 2011
3 pages and only a couple of reviews I mean come on can someone actually write a review about her. Waaah waaah somebody call the wambulance for Delta he had a bad experience and 20 rebate would make everything better but John wouldn't. Bottom line he hasn't even been around for a year and Eleganza has been here for nine years bringing us gorgeous ladies with great service.

Btw John does give discounts when it is needed, once after half an hour in the middle of fs I had a problem and he didn't charge me one penny because of it. The mans credibility is aces in my book and so are his ladies, like Hal said some of the biggest legends started out there and one crazy bitch even opened up her own agency.

If you read Deltas reviews he's always stating that he gets more mileage from girls and maybe this time he didn't which is why he threw a temper tantrum. Stop your crying and get back on the horse a lot of people like your reviews and if you ban eleganza you will be the only loser. John your the man even though you make it hard for a brother to keep some money in his pocket lol.


New Member
Feb 4, 2011
Living in the now
Here’s a place to let go all your feeling, frustration, anger and what ever you fell…

But I owe you some details.
MOD: just give me some time to come back with my last words. After I’ll ask to be banned for life.

…If true Delta, admit your mistake …QUOTE]
I think I did Igna: “When you do a mistake in life AND you realized it’s a mistake it’s not a mistake anymore. Why… because you learn from it.”.


Well-Known Member
Jul 28, 2011
I would also like to kiss your ass John (if there's still a free place on it ?). Don't forget I side with you in this story, the next time I'll call you, my dear dear dear brother...

Love you for ever

The MERB Kissing Ass Community



Jan 12, 2011
You guys gotta check this out, its a thread to bash him that he started and will ask to be banned for life after he has his last word. You are really some piece of work Delta, thanks for showing us what a big baby you really are and all this for a $20 rebate.

Ps:if eleganza are such pricks that don't value repeat customers why did you have Shanti booked for Friday and only cancelled after John called you out? Waaah waah can the next sp please bring him some tissues and console him for this mediocre session? Maybe it's because he realized he wasn't Gods gift to women and his ego got bruised...waaah!


ebonylover retired...
Mar 26, 2010
I think I did Igna: “When you do a mistake in life AND you realized it’s a mistake it’s not a mistake anymore. Why… because you learn from it.”.
Obviously / Évidemment
La réussite est une route pavée d'erreurs! Et on apprend tous de nos ""erreurs""
( à moins d'être stupide comme malheureusement certains ici qui s'acharne contre toi! )
Si on ne fait pas ""d'erreurs"" c'est simple ... on apprend rien !
Et la perfection n'est pas de ce monde !
Plain and simple...

Ceci dit c'est quoi le problème là ? Une soi disant mauvaise revue parce que pas de compensations !
Allons donc... wow minute là !
Et la meute ensuite ( les noms viendront après... ) qui se rue en gueulant qu'il faut supprimer toutes les revues!
Non mais c'est quoi ce bordel... pour qui se prend donc ce gars là ? ET ce n'est qu'un exemple!

Lâche pas ! :cool:
Moi je veux encore lire tes revues ! :peace:

Et s'il te plait.. renomme ce thread pas d'auto flagellation... et surtout enlève "very bad delta" !!!

Pat98 écoeuré de cet acharnement stupide, malsain et qui n'a vraiment pas sa place ici.
PS Si qqun veut traduire bien à lui... mais en fait je sais que pas mal de monde est bilingue donc pas vraiment nécessaire.


Jan 12, 2011
Can someone please get this man some Kleenex he's obviously having a breakdown due to the loss of that $20.


New Member
Feb 4, 2011
Living in the now
Hi everyone,

Well every story has to end somewhere. In my case I admit not the best way but…
I was thinking about quitting the hobby the last month but I admit I was not able to see the end of it. When I do something I do it 100 mph and when I’m done I’m done. Guys that was completely crazy. In 2011: more or less $25 K, 120 different ladies. One night I tried 4 ladies, next day I was completely fuzzy. Don’t do that lol

The main subject: First of all John I have to thank you. I’m serious, without this incident I don’t know how I could have quit this amazing hobby. I needed a push and you did. John told most of the story and it’s pretty accurate. A few details left but not much.

Ladies: Je vous remercie du fond du cœur. Vous m’avez fait vivre ce que 99,9 % des hommes aimeraient vivre. Prenez bien soin de vous. xxx

Mod: can you ban me please as soon as possible. I don’t want to be tempted to get back.

Thank you all that understand that this incident it’s not the end of the world and thank you all that express there disagreement, I learned from it.


Mod 8

New Member
Jun 7, 2007
I must state that I am very disappointed in the revelations in this thread. Any member receiving a discount for whatever reason should disclose this information in the review so that members may take that into consideration when reading the review. If it does come to my attention that discounts are being requested or received in return for the posting of a review, I will take immediate action and suspend the member.

The pertinent posts from the Prada review thread have been moved here. I will allow this thread to remain open for members to express themselves on this serious situation.

Delta123, your wish has been granted and you have been permanently banned.

Mod 8


New Member
Aug 26, 2011
I'll agree with your last sentence: back to Prada's review. It's my sense that all of this should be split into two threads, one for Prada's reviews and one to leave exposed Delta's coming out as a self-avowed shill, a board terrorist to use Special K's word.

Delta is fairly new on the board and in short order, with dozens and dozens of reviews, has become one of the board's more trusted reviewers. Now he informs us that he not only trades reviews for discounts, but uses the threat of a bad review if no discount is offered.

If Delta's admission and John's charges are true, all of Delta's postings are suspect and all of his reviews should be removed from the board. Any review that was purchased from the provider is both dishonest and suspect. If merb is to remain reliable, shilling must be exposed and dealt with accordingly.

Sorry, this is about the most ridiculous thing I've ever seen on this board. What you're saying is that dishonest reviews are acceptable because they'll be drowned out by the honest ones. Bullshit, I say.

Before stating a quote as ridiculous,( and show a lack of respect ) you should take time to understand a quote. You maybe a member since 2007,but fuck you are slowwwwww.INever said that a dishonest review is acceptable, i said that a dishonest review wont have that big of a impact because of the number of other reviews that dont go in the same way. So next time , be a bit more polite


New Member
Aug 26, 2011
Just wanted to mention that your honesty in this last post is remarkable. So you may rest in peace Delta 123


It's a whole new ballgame
Jan 20, 2007
Where I belong.
Even if Delta 123 ask for a rebate, no one here has the power to make or brake a sp reputation. Come on , our reviews are usefull but we are so many to post , that any dishonest reviews would stand out .
Tigerwood, if I misunderstood you, I apologize. However, I do believe that you are incorrect. Delta123 HAS made many SPs reputations and, in return, was remunerated for it. That's dishonest and wrong. I also disagree with your assertion that a dishonest review will stand out as such.

My personal opinion on Delta's ban is that I don't think one should be banned permanently for having made a mistake. We all make them, we hopefully learn from them and we move on. That said, his ban was requested by him and I do understand his reason for his wanting to move on. I, for one, wish him well.

I also want to applaud mod8 for the wisdom he's again shown and the even handed way in which he's handled this sorry affair, particularly at a time of year when he certainly has better things to do. Thanks for all you do, mod8, and a Happy New Year to all.
Last edited:


It's a whole new ballgame
Jan 20, 2007
Where I belong.
Dishonest????? like a boycott leader who snuck off and saw girls from a boycotted agency a year ago? Like that you mean? Is that not Dishonest?
You never tire of trying to start flame wars, do you? Sorry, not biting.

Mod 8

New Member
Jun 7, 2007
This is a serious situation and I have left this thread open for comments on it, not for random banter or to take shots at each other. If you have nothing on topic to contribute you have no reason to post in this thread.

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