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Baseball offseason, let's get ready for 2014.


Nov 13, 2008
Visiting Planet Earth

Unless, of course, he can manage to come up with one of his signature lame rationalizations.

Wow Rumps, did you nail that like a laser locked on target. Still, I'm not sure how much credit you really should get when the target is as so damn easily predictable as Beav. We should call him the atomic clock.

in fact odds are he will be traded within 3 years at most. Probably back to the Yankees with Seattle eating most of the contact, a la Vernon Wells with the Angels.

Rumps, have you ever seen a sadder case of separation anxiety? Not since this 1953 classic have I seen anyone pine so pathetically over a loss. Come back Robinson...cooommmee BAAAAACK!!! :lol:

You have to understand what happened with Cano. Here was the heir apparent to be the next great Yankee top idol, the next great paragon of Yankeedom already measured for his bronze enthronement wearing pinstripes in the Hall of Fame. Then despite all the grand delusional myths of how every player is dying to become and die a Yankee forever Robinson Cano goes and gives Beav, all Yankee fans, and especially the team a great big fat MIDDLE FINGER right up their snobby eternally self-entitled noses. There's Beav puffing his chest with impenetrable pride that Cano "plays the game for joy", plays the game for the love of being a Yankee getting an iron fist of reality right in the teeth.

As Beav declared, Cano had to choose between the joy of playing in New York or the terrible purgatory of lost souls in Seattle, and Cano chose SEATTLE taking the money over all the now crushed delusions of the great Yankee Olympus of happiness...and BEAV can't deal with it. IT'S THE MONEY EB!!! It was always THE MONEY no matter how much you fooled yourself that all baseball life is only worth it if you are a Yankee. Cano has said screw you to everything connected with New York and pinstripes. Cano was on the verge of inheriting the crown as the great Yankee icon with all the alleged glory and eternal idolization. Then he said...SCREW YOU! :thumb:

I love this signing, he also made the All Star team the past two seasons, 30 plus HR is almost a given.

Of course you'll sniff anything in pinstripes.

Well, 30 HRs from Beltran, 10 from Ellsbury to make up for the loss of 40 by Granderson and 30 by Cano. That's a -30 since last year there sir math wiz.




It's a whole new ballgame
Jan 20, 2007
Where I belong.
I30 plus HR is almost a given.
It's a three year contract. I'd say probably more like 65. Too bad he can't pitch.

Well, 30 HRs from Beltran.
Joe's bookie is just drooling for some of that action. Joe's overlooking just a couple of salient points. 1) Beltran's stats suggest more like 22-24. 2) Beltran has missed more than half of the season four of the past six years. In his later years, and let's not kid ourselves, Beltran's in his later years, he's become the poster boy for injury prone.


New Member
Oct 3, 2008
Beltran a Yankee, excellent signing by Brain Cashman, just Fantastic! And he aint done yet, stay tuned folks!

Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003
Love the Beltran signing by the Yankees. The spare outfielder will likely DH.

I also love the Napoli signing. If he's able to stay alive, that is. He doesn't look in that great of shape for a guy his age.

I still think that Seattle will wind up regretting signing Cano and that he'll once again wind up with the Yankees within a few years.


Active Member
Mar 18, 2005
Beltran a Yankee, excellent signing by Brain Cashman, just Fantastic! And he aint done yet, stay tuned folks!

He was an excellent Met signing

We even got Zach Wheeler back from the Giants for him

I wish the Yankees success...

Best Regards



New Member
Oct 3, 2008
Word has it Beltran left money on the table to become a Yankee. He finally gets to wear the pinstripes, something he has wanted for a long time.


Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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I don't mind the signing because Beltran is a New York battle-tested player, but I don't like the 3rd year. I don't believe it was necessary or appropriate. 2 years is all that he deserves. He is a switch hitter which helps, and means he can be platooned later in the contract.

However, the Yankees signing of Beltran likely drove up the price of Choo because he is now by far the best guy left on the free agent market. Teams which want an OF's services will need to pay dearly to get Choo. I am pretty sure Cashman knows this too. When possible a GM should overpay if it causes a likely competitor to have to overpay. And whomever gets Choo will need to overpay to get him.

This signing also could mean Gardner will be traded as there is now a glut of outfielders and Gardner looks like the most tradeable one to me.
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Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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I still think that Seattle will wind up regretting signing Cano and that he'll once again wind up with the Yankees within a few years.

No less an authority than Chercherfemmes has noted that if the reported Yankees offer of 8 years, $200 million is correct, Cano would have easily gotten $40 million in endorsement income more than what he will get in Seattle by signing with the Yankees, especially if all of Jay-Z's talk about branding is to be believed. Cano is far more attractive to endorse products wearing a Yankees uniform; now he will have to settle for slim pickings promoting cars for local Seattle dealerships. The contract was dumb by both Seattle and Cano and it is almost a lock Seattle will be paying to have him play for someone else (with Cano's assent) by contract's end.
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It's a whole new ballgame
Jan 20, 2007
Where I belong.
However, the Yankees signing of Beltran likely drove up the price of Choo because he is now by far the best guy left on the free agent market.
Agreed on all counts, including the third year. I'm a bit mystified by the signing as it eliminates the possibility of Jeter or McCann or A-Rod, if he's around, getting any DH time. It also appears that the Yanks have abandoned the plan to stay under the luxury tax level. More on that below.

You're possibly right about dealing Gardner, though he's probably not going to get more than $5 in his last year of arbitration. Is Ellsbury really worth $17 M more than Gardner, who is probably 80% the player Ellsbury is? What do you get from Ellsbury that you don't get from Gardner? As good a defender as Ellsbury is, Gardner might just be the best defensive outfielder in the AL. You might get a little more power from Ellsbury, but in fact Gardner had more extra base hits this year than did Ellsbury. Ellsbury hits for higher average, but Gardner works counts better and their OBP is pretty much the same. Ellsbury steals more bases. Is that worth $17 M, or $25.5 with the luxury tax?

AS for Choo, the Mariners have to keep coming. I'd bet he winds up there.

No less an authority than Chercherfemmes...
ROFLMAO. Can't argue with this one. I've read ALL his books.

As I suspected the NY Post reporting that Gardner may be part of a trade to the Reds for Brandon Phillips:

Cashman still has some tricks up his sleeves.
Some trick. The only problem with Brandon Phillips is that he sucks. Playing his home games in the bandbox that is Great American, Phillips continued his decline to .706 and his WAR was a miserable 1.6. He'll cost someone $59 M over the next five years, not including luxury tax. I'm sure that Cincinnati will be picking a good bit of the tab if he's dealt.

One other problem with a Phillips to NY deal. The Yanks already have a better player in Kelly Johnson. But don't tell Brian Cashdollar. In his world, the more the guy costs, the better he is.


It's a whole new ballgame
Jan 20, 2007
Where I belong.
The luxury tax threshold:

It appears that the Sox are close. They now have about $10.5 M left to spend, estimating the salaries going to arb eligible guys. They are going to want to hang on to most of that to allow for in season trades and call ups. They can free up another $13-$16.5 M by trading Peavy or Dempster. Given the current market, they should be able to move one of them without eating salary.

The Yankees appear to have blown by the threshold and are banking on seeing A-Rod's suspension upheld. I think that's wishful thinking, because any judgement against him will keep him on the payroll until it's settled in court, which could take months or years. The Yankees are now at $173.5 (including A-Rod). Player benefits and insurance takes it to about $185. That doesn't include arb eligible guys like Robertson, Kelly, Nova, Gardner, or Cervelli. Or pre-arb guys. Or pitchers, of which they still need a whole bunch. The arb guys certainly take them into the $200 M range. That still doesn't allow for in-season moves. Honestly, I don't see how they can stay under $200 M, even if A-Rod misses the whole season.

Here's the Yankee budget, without Rodriguez, from

1- C: Brian McCann (5/$85MM) $17.000MM
2- 1B: Mark Teixeira (8/$180MM) $22.500MM
3- 2B: Kelly Johnson (1/$3MM) $3MM
4- 3B: Eduardo Nunez (Min) $0.511MM
5- SS: Derek Jeter (1/$12.81MM) $12.810MM + $7.000MM Bonuses
6- LF: Jacoby Ellsbury (8/$169MM) $21.175MM
7- CF: Brett Gardner (Arb 3) $4.000MM
8- RF: Alfonso Soriano (8/$136MM) $17.000MM*
9- DH: Carlos Beltran (3/$45MM) $15.000MM
10- BN: Brendan Ryan (1/$2MM) $2.000MM
11- BN: Vernon Wells (7/$126MM) $18.000MM**
12- BN: Ichiro Suzuki (2/$13MM) $6.500MM
13- BN: Francisco Cervelli (Arb 1) $1.000MM
14- SP1: CC Sabathia (5/$122MM) $24.400MM
15- SP2: Hiroki Kuroda (1/$16MM) $16.00MM
16- SP3: Ivan Nova (Arb 1) $2.800MM
17- SP4: David Phelps (Min) $0.511MM
18- SP5: Michael Pineda (Min) $0.511MM
19- CL: David Robertson (Arb 3) $5.500MM
20- RP: Shawn Kelley (Arb 2) $1.500MM
21- RP: Preston Claiborne (Min) $0.511MM
22- RP: Dellin Betances (Min) $0.511MM
23- RP: Adam Warren (Min) $0.511MM
24- RP: Vidal Nuno (Min) $0.511MM
25- RP: Cesar Cabral (Min) $0.511MM

Total: $200.873MM

40-Man Roster

26- SP: Manny Banuelos (Min) $0.040MM
27- SP: Nik Turley (Min) $0.040MM
28- SP: Brett Marshall (Min+) $0.080MM
29- SP: Jose Ramirez (Min) $0.040MM
30- SP: Shane Greene (Min) $0.040MM
31- SP Jose Campos (Min) $0.040MM
32- RP: David Huff (Min+) $0.080MM
33- RP: Bryan Mitchell (Min) $0.040MM
34- C: Austin Romine (Min+) $0.080MM
35- C: Gary Sanchez (Min) $0.040MM
36- C: J.R. Murphy (Min) $0.080MM
37- IF: Dean Anna (Min) $0.040MM
38- OF: Ramon Flores (Min) $0.040MM
39- OF: Zoilo Almonte (Min+) $0.080MM
40- OF: Slade Heathcott* (Min) $0.040MM

Total: $0.88MM

Final Calculations
Total Roster Owed: $201.753MM
Cash Considerations: *-$13MM (From Cubs for Soriano), **-$18MM (From Angels for Wells)
Player Benefits: $12MM
Cushion For Non 25-Man Players: $3.5MM

Current Budget Owed: $186.253MM

Current Budget Remaining: $2.747MM

The infield is pitiful. The starting pitching is weak and without depth. And there ain't much bullpen.


It's a whole new ballgame
Jan 20, 2007
Where I belong.
Word has it Beltran left money on the table to become a Yankee. He finally gets to wear the pinstripes, something he has wanted for a long time.
Which table? The operating table? If you look at his record over the last six years, there's a 1/3 chance that Beltran will play more than half a season. He does fit the Yankee mold perfectly: old and fragile.


Active Member
Mar 18, 2005
part of a trade to the Reds for Brandon Phillips

I seriously doubt the Reds would trade Phillips

He's one of the most productive 2nd basemen out there

Best Regards



It's a whole new ballgame
Jan 20, 2007
Where I belong.
I seriously doubt the Reds would trade Phillips

He;s one of the most productive 2nd basemen out there.
I made a comment earlier about Phillips sucking, based on his decline as an offensive performer and, in fact, he's become a mediocre hitter at best. I just, however, looked at his defensive stats and they're quite impressive. He's not Dustin Pedroia, but he's not far behind. Given today's salaries, I don't see Phillips' as excessive.


New Member
Oct 3, 2008
Agreed, he is a very good 2b and would fit nicely with the Yanks. Not only a gold glove winner 4 times over but is a lock for 20 hr and 85 rbi, not as good as Cano's production but also not burdened with a 10 yr 240mil deal either. I do feel the Reds would be interested in trading him for 2 reasons, they are getting a very good player back in Gardner and cutting payroll. They are a small market team, remember. I hate to see Gardner go but it it means filling a hole at 2nd then it is a no brainer.

Cashman is doing a phenominal job so far this offseason and i am sure he will address pitching soon. Would love him to somehow go after and get Matt Garza to join CC, Kuroda Nova and likely Pineda.

I seriously doubt the Reds would trade Phillips

He's one of the most productive 2nd basemen out there

Best Regards



Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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I think the plan is to play Johnson at 3rd, trade Gardner for Phillips and then if Tanaka is posted bid on him. If all of that happens the Yankees will put a formidable team on the field in 2014. It is clear that Cashman is not done yet.


Active Member
Mar 18, 2005
Why would the Reds trade this guy for someone who has done nothing ( Gardner )

There's gotta be some more prospects coming to the Reds in the package to make sense

Best Regards



Well-Known Member
Jun 20, 2003
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The Yankees are getting applauded for the moves that they have made and they are not done yet, Jim Duquette from MLB likes the moves so much that he has labeled the Yankees as legitimate challengers for the World Series, meanwhile the Red Sox have let one of their best players go, signed a few of their own players, meaning that they are hoping for a repeat of their fluke season from last year where all the pieces fell in, not bloody likely.


It's a whole new ballgame
Jan 20, 2007
Where I belong.
Why would the Reds trade this guy for someone who has done nothing ( Gardner )
My dear Smuler. I think, as a Mets fan, you should know the answer to that. Yankee fans are entitled. a lock for 20 hr and 85 rbi...
Please educate me. How is a 32 year old player who hasn't hit 20 home runs in 5 years despite playing in a band-box a "lock" for 20 home runs in 2014???

If all of that happens the Yankees will put a formidable team on the field in 2014.
It's nice that you think that. It's nice that someone thinks that. Can you explain to me, Sir, why the NY press is freaking out, why knowledgable Yankee fans are throwing themselves off bridges as the Yankees overpay for fragile older player after fragile older player, while their best player takes a hike.

Are you not aware that the Yankees best player was, last year, the fourth best player on the Red Sox. Isn't that a bit scary? Are you not aware that the Yankees only have three starting pitches with any significant major league experience and two of them are elderly, one of whom sucked last year while the other collapsed down the stretch...and their third spent part of the season back on the farm?

Are your really happy with the mediocre Kelly Johnson at third? Who is going to play shortstop? Brendan Ryan? Really? On a team that likes to think it's going to contend? A bullpen that starts and ends with David Robertson?


It's a whole new ballgame
Jan 20, 2007
Where I belong.
The Yankees are getting applauded for the moves that they have made.
I guess you don't read the NY papers or listen to talk radio in NY. They are absolutely freaking out.

meanwhile the Red Sox have let one of their best players go..
Yup, their fourth best player...who is now the Yankees best player. Have you noticed that no one in Boston is weeping over his departure?
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