We Canadians are pretty good at fucking ourselves I guess... We like it submissive style
The alternative could be far worse. I keep hearing that there is a labor shortage in Quebec, especially in Montreal. What gives?
SAQ's employees may finally have a "labor contract" that would bring them back to work. The Canadian postal workers are . . .
Jalimon, I don't think Canadians, particularly Quebecers, shoot themselves in the foot, like those in France.
Maybe Airbus could start building planes in Quebec given that Quebec seems far more stable than France, especially given the current out-of-control "Yellow Vests" protects in Paris. We might see a significant increase in migration of French citizens into Quebec, if the grievances that have fueled the "legitimate" Yellow Vests protectors go unabated, no? The monthly median disposable income for a worker in France is supposedly about C$2,500 -- if so, I wonder how that compares to Quebec.
https://www.nytimes.com/2018/12/01/...tion=click&module=Top Stories&pgtype=Homepage
New York Times (Dec 1, 2018)
"PARIS — A third week of protests against the government of President Emmanuel Macron intensified in violence on Saturday, as demonstrators in Paris burned cars, smashed windows and confronted riot police who responded by firing tear gas in the most serious crisis of the French leader’s administration.
The protests — diffuse, seemingly leaderless and organized over the internet as a spontaneous outcry over high taxes and declining living standards — took a potentially more sinister turn as they were joined by extremists on the left and right, anarchists and organized labor, all seeking to capitalize on the simmering discontent."