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Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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The prior posts implied that the poor would be driven into bankruptcy. The poor have Medicare. Independent Contractors have the option of Obamacare. It's true that it is not cheap. But many have it and the poorer ones who qualify, have Medicare.

Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003
Just out of curiosity Doc Holliday, I presume you want to ban all inbound travelers from Europe to Canada, also? Most countries in Europe, particularly Western Europe, have numbers worse than the U.S. If so, I do wonder what happens to Air Canada.

For the time being, yes! But Europeans are testing & social distancing so they'll get out of this thing before the US will. Trump is now encouraging some states to re-open now & you already have anti-distancing/closings demonstrations going on in some states. Demonstrators are backed by far right-wing money and i have a feeling that they'll eventually get their way, especially with Trump backing them. Some Florida beaches were re-opened yesterday. And testing in the United States still sucks & until testing there is greatly expanded it'll continue to be a catastrophe & the body count will continue piling up!

Right now i can't even cross into Quebec! You think i'd want Americans to cross into Canada right now?? So until they stop fucking things up & dramatically reduce the number of infections there's no way i'd re-open the border!


Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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Exactly! The airlines, cruise lines, hotels & the millionaires shouldn't be getting a fucking penny!

And none of these businesses are getting a penny on the small business loan program. It's for small businesses.

The real problem is that the government is just printing and giving away money and the resulting debt is not sustainable. This has already been discussed ad nauseam.


Active Member
Jun 27, 2003
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And none of these businesses are getting a penny on the small business loan program. It's for small businesses.

Sure, it not enough for them. Big company Will get more money.
They don't need loan program. If They want money or something else they call directly the Prime minister.


Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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Apparently, and this morning is the first time I read about, it's true that some businesses have claimed loan monies that they are not entitled to, including Shake Shack, which is giving the money back:

The way the program works is that you are supposed to apply through banks. It is not clear to me why Shake Shack or these other companies are filing loan applications or why the banks would be processing them in the first place.


Active Member
Aug 3, 2016

These protesters could provide us with early indications of what could happen as society opens later, hopefully in stages. If these protesters get sick in the next two weeks, we will get some confirmation of what our level-headed leaders have been warning against and projecting.

Japan's sex industry could also serve as a useful example.

A Hong Kong news outlet reported on 20 April 2020 (local time):

"In Tokyo, the adult entertainment industry is very much built around immediate, face-to-face convenience. Stressed salarymen can pop into a hostess club to chat with a young woman – for a fee – or rent a 40-minute booth in a pinsaro, or oral sex bar, for around 6,000 yen (US$55)."

In Japan, oral sex is not considered prostitution."]

"Unlike other countries where stricter measures have been enforced, the Japanese government has requested, not told, many businesses to close. This has left sex workers and adult-industry business owners in a “grey zone”: do they stay open and try to maintain clients while risking their health? Or shut entirely and face losses?"

“We’ve been making sure patrons wash and sanitise their hands and clothes before entering the venue,” says Britney Jane, an American in her 20s who has lived in Japan for five years and works at an S&M club in Osaka."

"Yu, 27, from Tokyo, has a friend working at a pinsaro in the city. Most pinsaro comprise a single open room with sectioned-off booths, where clients are serviced by a rotating roster of hosts. Yu says that clients are given nothing more than a wet towelette with which to clean their genitals before the service starts."

“My friend told me she is trying to cut her days back,” she says. “She’s in the upper echelon of girls in the bar, so she has regular clients and the freedom to do that.”

"Some of the newer girls, or girls who moved to Tokyo to make money, aren’t so lucky and have little choice in terms of who they serve."

“Many of those girls who move to Tokyo from elsewhere live in a flat provided by the owner of the bar, which means they do not have a lot of autonomy,” Yu says, adding that their bosses want these more vulnerable girls to work as much as possible."

The Nature Boy

Well-Known Member
Jun 17, 2017
These protesters need the fuckin hose, preferably with antiseptic spray shooting out. Btw, having a tough time trying to understand how the second amendment comes into all of this? Please explain someone? :noidea:


I am addicted member
Dec 28, 2015
Just saw a protester against confinement in the US with a sign that read "End the virus not the economy".

I am flabbergasted by that. That dude who wrote that simply has no brain. How in hell can you think like that?

Science is not able to end the virus at the moment. Is that too difficult to understand?


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Apr 23, 2004
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Unfortunately, you can't fix stupid or the ignorant.

All the jokes about certain segment of the American population were all jokes...until now, and you realize that it all turned out to be serious issues...not a laughing matter anymore :/

The Nature Boy

Well-Known Member
Jun 17, 2017
What the fuck is up with the guns???? Really, I don’t get it. How is this tied to the virus? I can see the argument that social distancing and other mitigation efforts impinge on civil liberties, but wtf is up with people wearin commando gear and semi’s?


I am addicted member
Dec 28, 2015
Natureboy you are not American and it shows.

It's really simple all attempts of removing any kind of freedom to Americans is also an attempts against the second amendment. That is how fucked up they are.


The Longest Title in MERB
Mar 16, 2003
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A study led by one of China’s top scientist Prof. Li Lanjuan indicates that the coronavirus strain infecting New York & many parts of Europe is a lot deadlier than the dominant strain commonly found in other parts of the US like Washington state. This could help explain the varying death rates across different regions.

If true, this is bad news as the previous consensus among many scientists was that mutations of the coronavirus were likely to be inconsequential.

More than 10,000 strains of the coronavirus have been sequenced by scientists around the world using a standard method but Prof. Li Lanjuan used a more costly & timing consuming method known as ultra-deep sequencing that highlighted the difference.

Her paper’s currently in preprint meaning not peer reviewed yet so let’s see if these results can be replicated by other scientists.


Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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A "Reopen Connecticut" protest is being staged outside Governor Ned Lamont's mansion as we speak. I have mixed feelings about this. I am an essential employee per the Governor's order and have been going to work every day and getting paid for it. A lot of these protesters aren't working and have families they have to feed and shelter. Although mortgage payments being suspended is some help to them, they are facing uncertain economic realities:

I am wondering if they woke Ned up this morning? His wife probably isn't happy. This is not what she signed up for when they left their cushy mansion in Greenwich.

The Nature Boy

Well-Known Member
Jun 17, 2017
Are any of these protesters “packin heat”? Is that even the correct phrase?


Active Member
Aug 3, 2016
Japan is offering financial aid to sex workers.

I hope Canada too will provide some financial assistance to its citizens who happen to be sex workers.

protesters “packin heat”? Is that even the correct phrase?


They will use their firearms to kill the coronavirus. :doh::noidea:

I have a bad feeling about that. Trigger happy jerks could set off another crisis. So, what they are going to shoot and kill the protesters on the other side, who happen to be healthcare workers in many instances.

While the senseless murderous rampage in Nova Scotia that has claimed 20 lives last weekend most likely has nothing to do with the Covid 19 lockdown, I am alarmed by people conflating the First Amendment (which guarantees peaceful protests and "peaceful" speech--unlawful to incite violence) with the Second Amendment in the global war against Sars-CoV-2.

"WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Major U.S. business lobbying groups are asking Congress to pass measures that would protect companies large and small from coronavirus-related lawsuits when states start to lift pandemic restrictions and businesses begin to reopen."

Businesses want to make sure that they are not held liable for policy decisions by government officials, should employees or customers contract COVID-19 once operations resume. They also want protection from litigation that could result from coronavirus-related disruptions to issues like wages and hours, leave and travel.“These are practical things to reassure businesses that they can confidently move to implement a reopening,” Neil Bradley, the U.S. Chamber of Commerce chief policy officer, said in an interview."

I imagine that federal and provincial laws in Canada already provide some measure of protection to employers and businesses in this regard already.


Well-Known Member
Oct 29, 2007
Now that the test kits are coming out they have determined that many more have had the virus than thought. A recent Stanford study of 3,300 people in Santa Clara indicated that 2-4% had the virus. Projected out, 40,000-80,000 have had the virus when the actual number detected was 965. That's 50 to 80X more people that have been exposed than thought. This means that the death rate is way lower than reported and if this continues we may begin to see the herd immunity/or we are on our way. Ben Shaprio today was talking about similar data in LA county that indicates the death rate is about 0.2% or 2x the flu.

So why are gutting the economy? The lock down was so that we don't overwhelm the hospitals, correct? The disease is not going to go away if we all stay home for a month. In my state the Governor has put in place some bizarre rules. You can go to Home Depot Walmart but you cannot buy paint and grass seed. People with cabins up north are not allowed to shelter there. You can go on a lake with a canoe or kayak but you cannot go on a lake with a boat with any kind of a motor (will the heat of the engine attract the virus?).

We all have to get the virus sooner or later. There is no cure. It's not going away. Why don't we protect eh co-morbid, use social distancing, and shut down hot spots and try to salvage some of the economy? The key is mass production and dispersion of reliable testing.
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