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Active Member
Jul 31, 2016
I was wasting some time yesterday and saw these 2 videos that I recommend if you have time over the weekend.

ABC News: How covid-19 came to be and dealt with in the beginning at the epicenter Wuhan. We read the news from western media but probably don't know a whole lot about the situation in China. This video was an eye opener for me in some ways, and answered some of my questions. It's a long video, so watch it at 1.75-2x speed:

Japanese medical experts simulate droplets from sneezing and talking to each other:


nice gent
Jul 29, 2016
There is a complete lack of evidence. It is not clear of the majority of people are carrying the virus and are just asymptomatic
Everything you just wrote is wrong.
Stop reading CTV news and thinking it is the same as a peer reviewed journal.
Polio is far more worse and dangerous then Covid-19
False equivalency, the means of transmission are completely different.

The Nature Boy

Well-Known Member
Jun 17, 2017
Thank you woody. I hope this all ends quickly so you can get back to pecking away


nice gent
Jul 29, 2016
I want to peck so bad!

The media reporting on this has varied from poor to absolutely idiotic.
It's always been terrible on anything science related.

Halloween Mike

Original Dude
Apr 19, 2009
There may never be a vaccine for Covid-19. Do we live in fear and locked up at home for decades? That is not living life if you ask me. I rather take my chances. My own personal opinion.

With today's technology you would think they will manage one... That being said the lockdown can't go on for... hell ... even a year is too much. They said it themselves. Life has to start again, be it June, July or something at the fartest. We can still watch out and be carefull but the whole panic mode of currently can't last forever. As you say living decades locked up... no thanks.

Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003
Many more people travel from Canada to the USA so it will be Trump succumbing to Canada's pressure. I see the border opening up sometime in June, so we will get back to you.

June? Are you fucking kidding me??? There's not a chance in hell that the border opens up in 2020 and if our government succumbs to the pressure and re-opens it too soon than I'M NOT VOTING LIBERAL AGAIN FOR THE REST OF MY LIFE!!!

Sol Tee Nutz

Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2012
Look behind you.
I have been in semi isolation since I returned Mar.19. Main reason is that nothing is open. If a pub was open with restrictions I would probably have a pint at night and a game of pool.
My daughter works at a PetroCanada dep, sees about 350 customers during her shift, from what she knows no one at a PetroCan has caught the virus.
Canada stats. Population 36,000,000, tested 528,000, cases 33,000, deaths 1,500 ( numbers rounded ).
People social distancing, feeling safe outside in lineups standing on their marks 2 meters apart while the wind is blowing 20 KPM ( find it very odd that wind direction and speed is never mentioned, perhaps necause the media never told anyone ). I was in a Costco lineup and all stsnding in their safe zones, wind was strong that day and mentuoned the wind to a person beside me, ssying that if I sneezed her plus the next 10 people would get the vapors, she looked like a deer caught in headlights, you could see fear in her face, no longer in her safe space.
In the IGA by my place, people lined up outside, wash hands before you get the sanitized cart, see people stocking the shelves, no masks or gloves, see people picking up produce then putting it back, put my items on the conveyor belt the cashier touches the items to scan them but will not touch my airmiles card? Weird.
Only essential stores allowed to be open but they allow McD, Tims etc plus restaurant food delivery to be open, sorry but they are a convenience not essential. Driving around Drummondville getting my essential McD coffee and the streets are busy like normal. Bicyclists are complaining about not going out not rezlizing how many people they will pass while breathing heavy ( moistly )
My points above are to show we are really not self isolating properly.
Personally I am for herd immunity, we have hindsight now thst shows the group most effected, keep them isolated and continue to financially support. The businesses and employees thst wsnt to work let them, no issues, if you want to stay at home fine, no issue either. Keeping us isolated will not make this go away, a cure will never be found, a vaccine will not stop the deaths ( flu has a vaccine and 500,000 die every year ). Once they decide to let us out no one will have antibodies and we will be back at square one.
And yes I know about the curve flattening but too mzny reports of empty ICU units ( friends daughter is a nurse snd her ICU unit is mostly empty ).

Right now Canada's economy is like the Titanic, five minutes after it struck the iceberg.* The passengers think that nothing much is wrong. The officers know that the ship is about to sink, and there aren’t enough lifeboats for everybody.

Our current standard of living, our appearance of economic normalcy, is being maintained by unsustainable debt. Governments cannot just send money to people indefinitely without inducing inflation. Do it at the current rate for a couple of months, and the result will be hyperinflation.

The enforced lockdowns of so many businesses has destroyed income. The billions in relief will destroy wealth. If you have guaranteed investment certificates, which are the safest financial instruments to own, they will soon lose large percentages of their value.* The equity markets will plunge, and even the housing market will implode because there won’t be enough solvent consumers to buy houses.

Take into account how many commit suicide due to bankruptcies and the amount of spousal abuse plus the second wave when no one has an immune system build up.
Sweden has not done a total shutdown, no groups of 50 or more and most all is open. They have the same problem as Quebec as 30% of their deaths are from senior homes. They prefer a few deaths over total bankruptcy, the total bankruptcy would bring up the death rate over time. Denmark and Norway are planning to follow Sweden last I heard. Leagualt also plans to open up soon, good for him, another plus in my books.
I am on the Transmountain pipeline, spring break now and back to work mid May ( late due to shitty spring ).
Dogs are happy as fuck I am back as they get walked about 5 hrs a day with nothing else to do.

There, my 5 week coronavirus post.

The Nature Boy

Well-Known Member
Jun 17, 2017
STN, absolutely the most reasonable and informative post in the entire thread.

Just out of curiosity Doc Holliday, I presume you want to ban all inbound travelers from Europe to Canada, also? Most countries in Europe, particularly Western Europe, have numbers worse than the U.S. If so, I do wonder what happens to Air Canada.

dude!! Again,[FONT=&quot]


[FONT=&quot]Italy-175,925 confirmed cases, 23,227 deaths?[/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]Spain-194,944 confirmed cases, 20,639 deaths?[/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]USA- 740,746 confirmed cases, 39,158 deaths?
UK- 120,067 confirmed cases, 16,060 deaths?

like I had to re read, the date your post was mentioned to see if it was an old post I was reading by accident?

like is it me? Did I read and interpret this post incorrectly are are you with the understanding still that Europe is still where all the cases are



I am addicted member
Dec 28, 2015
Good to read you back STN :)

The problem with this virus is full free herd immunity is not an option as we do not know if we are immune. South-Korea is studying 200 cases of re-infected people (who tested positive after being cured). China is also investigating same thing but who can trust anything with them.

And I completely agree with you we may live another depression era. Which could take a few years to go back to our normal way of living. The important thing is being alive. Dead would be harder to go back to normalcy.

South-Soudan has 12 million population. They have 4 ventilators in the whole country. Maybe early on we should have closed that shit-whole country, spray the virus over them and study how herd immunity works with this new virus?

The Nature Boy

Well-Known Member
Jun 17, 2017

I was under the impression that countries like Italy and Spain have a smaller population than the U.S., so in my way of thinking their numbers are worse.

And if so, what do you do about airlines that rely heavily on international traffic? Do you subsidize them for a year, or at some point do you just nationalize one of them. That might be easier in Canada since there is only one major airline, but won’t that cause all the fares to be shy-high if and when things return to normal?


Dude Italy and Spain combined isn’t even @ half of total # of cases as USA and their deaths are maybe a little higher than USA?

it me or aren’t flights from Europe including Ireland and UK closed to USA?

Ok, I’m not gonna waste more time on your posts. Cause @ this point with all the nonsense your posting it seems deliberate. Gonna spend time doing something more productive and right now that includes dropping a likely 1kg deuce into the old American Standard in the loo


I am addicted member
Dec 28, 2015
TNB what Patron's trying to say is that European countries have the worst death rate per ratio of population. And that is correct. Worst country is actually Belgium. I knew they should have closed their french frie shop! Italy and Spain have 4 times more death per million then USA. But they were the first one hit by this.

And very important the USA may has not seen the worst just yet. So comparison right now should be taken with a grain of salt and wait on a little bit.


Well-Known Member
May 10, 2003
Jal is right...but all this arguing isn`t doing anything to ease the situation or lessen the effect of this plague. Only time will tell . Too many unknowns and new surprises await us almost every day.
This virus is a perfect enemy of the human race. It attacks human victims under stealth and selectively, destroys the economy, and divides us. Attack,divide and conquer what an ingenious way to defeat your target and change the course of civilization.

The Nature Boy

Well-Known Member
Jun 17, 2017
Yea Spain and Italy’s daily new cases are on the decline and just number wise you can’t compare with USA’s daily new cases it churns out. Taking this, and the other numbers into account, including the ratio. I’d still be hard pressed to agree with patrons statement. None the less I did jump down your throat patron and I apologize.

With respect to the ban, I’m under the impression that the travel restrictions of going back and forth between Europe, uk and Ireland and USA are the same in effect with Canada and USA

about air canada, bail em out. We bailed out the banks in 2008 for greed, why is it hard to conceive bail out for the preservation of life?

With respect to Sauls comments, like him I also have stories from close friends but in Spain and USA. I guess we come from vastly different worlds, but they r saying they haven’t seen shit like this before. They r getting sick they r having to come up with weird living arrangements so they don’t infect their family


Well-Known Member
May 10, 2003
If the US were to respect Canada`s request to not open the border between them then it would be hard to believe that Canada would open its border to any other country


Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
Visit site
Whats going to guide border reopening is economic pressures, not public health concerns. That's just the reality of the situation. No country is going to keep its borders and economy closed and shut down while it is circling the toilet financially (See STN post #2144 above). However border reopenings will occur with conditions, and it's not going to be an all or nothing free for all as some seem to think. Tourists may need to wear identifying badges and masks when in public, etc. Some level of tracking will be done. This will make it politically more acceptable to the native populations, while also bringing to local businesses much needed tourist revenues. Who else is going to buy any of the shit in any of those shops on St. Paul? Those stores will die if tourists are not let back in.


Well-Known Member
May 10, 2003
Beav if I`m not wrong....the US/Canada border is not and has never been closed to commerce, only to non-essential travel..
Seeing escorts in Montreal or Toronto is not considered essential travel although it is a great benefit to the tourist industry.
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