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Well-Known Member
Sep 11, 2015
Jalimon, first we have to confirm whether or not one can gain immunity to covid or if it’s a recurring type infection like the common cold or gonorrhea. There are currently about 200 cases of reinfection in S.Korea. One of the possible explanations is that those 200 just didn’t mount enough of an immune response the first time. The other is much less preferable which is that you can’t gain immunity at all. If they do conclude that immunity is not possible, I would snatch up some Gilead stock REAL QUICK.


I am addicted member
Dec 28, 2015
Jalimon, first we have to confirm whether or not one can gain immunity to covid or if it’s a recurring type infection like the common cold or gonorrhea.

Absolutely true my friend and as a scientist you know much more then me.

Herd immunity is simply just not an option until we get a vaccine.

Patron talks about "Acceptable Mortality Rate". But frankly that is pure non sense. Who would ever accept to work in the healthcare industry or anything related to health like our elderly pension or even grocery store if we open everything up because the death rate is acceptable?

Life as no price tag. This will most probably turn into a incredible recession/depression where the value of everything will go down and trillions and trillions will be lost. Down the road it will not matter if we die. If we survive eventually we will prevail. And then and only then will we be able to fuck delicious girl like we did so many times (and here my friend SSJ, and shyman, and detour, and Fly) do I ever think about you! haha



Well-Known Member
Sep 11, 2015
If you say there is no such thing as an acceptable death rate then you would have to lock everyone down into perpetuity. Do you find the death rate for the flu, car crashes and heart attacks unacceptable? If you really were for an absolute zero death rate you would ban all cars. It is one of the leading causes of deaths annually. Every time they raise the speed limit they’re saying they’re ok with the rise in deaths that come with it.

The Nature Boy

Well-Known Member
Jun 17, 2017
SS, that would have to be a funky coronavirus for it to not elicit any Immunity. They call it SARS-CoV-2 for a reason, hopefully it will act similar in terms of an immune response

with regards to all that shit about the “reinfection” stuff out of South Korea? How r they being tested? How do you know it’s not remnant RNA strands being picked up on subsequent testing?

they r starting vaccine trials here in England by end of week @ imperial and oxford. In the states I think the vaccine mentioned by SS will be given widely to health care workers in the fall as part of a study. They r cutting a lot of corners, it is quite possible a vaccine may be out earlier than 18 months, not overnite, but sooner. All I know if I’m offered one in the fall, I may go for it. Won’t be looking to get compensated, consider it a solid to all you fuckers and I’ll let you know how it goes if I can take it

Doc Holliday

Staying hard
Sep 27, 2003
We're now learning that the first American victim from COVID-19 occured in early february, three weeks earlier than they previously believed. There were two deaths from the coronavirus in California in early february with the first one occuring on february 6th and likely was infected in mid-January.


I am addicted member
Dec 28, 2015
SSJ do do not make non sense comparison... We have a vaccine for the flu. Car crash and heart attack are not contagious. With this virus we need to wait until one of the above happens:

Better treatment
Great fast testing capacity
More data on the real contagion rate
Of course eventually a vaccine.

Until one of these becomes significant we will need to be very careful and isolate our self a lot.



Active Member
Nov 15, 2006
I agree. So going forward I think we should insist that all blowjobs will be BBBJ as well as CIM at no additional cost!

You can insist all you want, but in the end this is up to each provider to decide. And after suffering such losses of revenue i think they will want to recoup as much money as possible and not give any free extras. I think this is definitely a non-starter.


Well-Known Member
Oct 29, 2007
Who would of predicted that hospitals would have to lay-off staff due to the Covid 19 crisis:

I have heard first hand accounts from relatives in other states that are health care workers that they are experiencing the same thing. A hospital in Phoenix is half empty waiting for the rush of Covid 19 patients that has yet to materialize. Meanwhile, there are massive layoffs at these hospitals. Imagine that? This is horrible.

Let's put a plan together to protect the most vulnerable and get the economy up and running and see some return to normalcy. This is crazy.


I am addicted member
Dec 28, 2015
Hungry they are layoff in American hospital because those are businesses. In pretty much every other country it's not the case. In Montreal they reopened an old hospital (close to where Euphoria used to receive ;) ) as a full fledged testing center.

Patron I agree with you. We are lucky to live in develop countries. In many other parts of the world they are not as lucky. By the way in Quebec the first Mexicans (and some from Guatemala) already arrived to be put in quarantine before working the fields later this spring.

I don't think we disagree much. All I am trying to say is to give time some time. It's still way too early for full reopening. It will have to be a slow process over 3-4 months maybe more. Flattening the curve is exactly that. It's being careful to make sure our healthcare workers are not scared/infected too much. I would never dare speak about acceptable death rate to a nurse as she would slap me harder then the girl I once CIM by mistake ;)


Well-Known Member
Oct 29, 2007
Jalimon - What is acceptable risk? If no risk is acceptable than why not shelter in place for the normal flu season which has a 0.1% death rate every year? Research in California is suggesting a 0.2% death rate for Covid-19. What is the death rate due to the mental anguish and increase in obesity and other factors created from the hysteria of this pandemic?


Well-Known Member
May 31, 2014
And what is normal ?
It’s True that there are half empty hospitals , but that’s because of the lockdown . If we go back to normal I imagine those hospitals will quickly fill up
If governments decided to leave the virus unchecked millions more would have died
What effect you think that would have on the economy? .... we need to buy a bit more time so our governments can figure the best course of action , we are starting to talk like it’s been years when it’s been but a month or so

Eventually they may decide that what is needed is to better quarantine the elderly and the immunocompromised and better protect our nursing homes and such from outsiders and then just let the younger ones return to work

The Nature Boy

Well-Known Member
Jun 17, 2017
There is tamiflu for the flu. There are multiple vaccines for the flu. Mostly inactivated and quadrivalent I might add.

The flu, motor vehicle accidents with patients sustaining poly trauma, heart attacks are not flooding hospital Casulties/ER’s requiring patients to be placed on 5 litres of oxygen or ventilation

no college/university/ medical/dental/law school is gonna be closed for 4 fucking years, lol.

who is fear mongering now?

Sure there’s empty icu beds in Phoenix, but there’s tents being set up in other city’s with full ers and ICU beds, just because Phoenix doesn’t see it doesn’t mean nyc has to start sending everyone back.

theres a plan to open up, but some places need to fucking stabilize first before you can get a massage and get one rubbed off or a hair cut


Well-Known Member
Oct 29, 2007
There is tamiflu for the flu. There are multiple vaccines for the flu. Mostly inactivated and quadrivalent I might add.

And still, there is a 0.1% mortality rate from the flu. What is acceptable risk?


Well-Known Member
May 10, 2003
Jalimon - What is acceptable risk? If no risk is acceptable than why not shelter in place for the normal flu season which has a 0.1% death rate every year? Research in California is suggesting a 0.2% death rate for Covid-19. What is the death rate due to the mental anguish and increase in obesity and other factors created from the hysteria of this pandemic?

Just a little something that you left out H. Corona19 has infected many more people in 2 months than the seasonal flu infects in 8 months.


Well-Known Member
Sep 11, 2015
TNB, you already know that any given year the efficacy of the flu vaccine oscillates. This is not a good argument. They just guess which strains are going to be circulating the upcoming flu season and just hope they were correct. Antivirals like oseltamivir are only effective if started shortly after infection. The fact of the matter is that people who say there can’t be an acceptable death rate are basically virtue signaling. Jalimon, are you saying that the economy should stay ground to a halt until there are ZERO deaths each day?


Well-Known Member
May 10, 2003
ssj you can`t equate a hypothetical "no acceptable death rate" with an actual death rate. Jal is way too smart to actually believe in a no death rate scenario...Not even close to one. We should stick to what we can control or at least effect the outcome to a manageable level..


Well-Known Member
Oct 29, 2007
Just a little something that you left out H. Corona19 has infected many more people in 2 months than the seasonal flu infects in 8 months.

Hey Cloudy - Good point. I just think that there is a better way. For example, we need to afford more protection to people like yourself. Is there a way to do this a little more targeted and not crash the economy and cause other problems? Is the only way for everyone to shelter in place for an indefinite period of time?


I am addicted member
Dec 28, 2015
Exact Cloud. It's all about being able to manage it instead of the other way around. And it takes a bit of time for that.

There will never be a zero death rate. But right now the illness caused by this virus is the number 1 cause of death in the US. Killing more people every day than heart disease or cancer. All that in the space of a month...

Look even Amazon employee are going on strike saying their condition are too dangerous.... That they are not well equipped. Just imagine all the lawsuit and strikes if you open everything..

The Nature Boy

Well-Known Member
Jun 17, 2017
TNB, you already know that any given year the efficacy of the flu vaccine oscillates. This is not a good argument. They just guess which strains are going to be circulating the upcoming flu season and just hope they were correct. Antivirals like oseltamivir are only effective if started shortly after infection.

WTF!?! These modalities are keeping people out of the hospital and not over burdening health systems, causing over infections in police/fire dept and 1st responder medics, and with your 0.1% mortality rate hungry

yea, there needs to be a targeted response. But what we are going through in UK is still in the trying to keep calm as we get the shit punched out of us in a boxing match by this virus, we are not alone and am sure are joined by other cities.

The social distancing done in ny, Cali, Seattle could be the very reason why those Phoenix beds are empty

no one is saying lock everyone up and throw away the keys for years and years. That is just pure fear mongering


Well-Known Member
Dec 27, 2005
You can insist all you want, but in the end this is up to each provider to decide. And after suffering such losses of revenue i think they will want to recoup as much money as possible and not give any free extras. I think this is definitely a non-starter.

First of all my comment was a response to another comment and meant as a joke. Secondly, I have my own financial problems to worry about because of the pandemic and could care less about providers that are most likely sleeping on beds of cash. As far as recouping as much money and not giving extras I think you are very wrong. So many girls will be getting into the provider game and will squeeze out the entitled Twitter complainers with a fresh new group of girls looking to earn and providing the services that Montreal used to be famous for.
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