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Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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A "Reopen Connecticut" protest is being staged outside Governor Ned Lamont's mansion as we speak. I have mixed feelings about this. I am an essential employee per the Governor's order and have been going to work every day and getting paid for it. A lot of these protesters aren't working and have families they have to feed and shelter. Although mortgage payments being suspended is some help to them, they are facing uncertain economic realities:

I am wondering if they woke Ned up this morning? His wife probably isn't happy. This is not what she signed up for when they left their cushy mansion in Greenwich.

The Nature Boy

Well-Known Member
Jun 17, 2017
Are any of these protesters “packin heat”? Is that even the correct phrase?


Active Member
Aug 3, 2016
Japan is offering financial aid to sex workers.

I hope Canada too will provide some financial assistance to its citizens who happen to be sex workers.

protesters “packin heat”? Is that even the correct phrase?


They will use their firearms to kill the coronavirus. :doh::noidea:

I have a bad feeling about that. Trigger happy jerks could set off another crisis. So, what they are going to shoot and kill the protesters on the other side, who happen to be healthcare workers in many instances.

While the senseless murderous rampage in Nova Scotia that has claimed 20 lives last weekend most likely has nothing to do with the Covid 19 lockdown, I am alarmed by people conflating the First Amendment (which guarantees peaceful protests and "peaceful" speech--unlawful to incite violence) with the Second Amendment in the global war against Sars-CoV-2.

"WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Major U.S. business lobbying groups are asking Congress to pass measures that would protect companies large and small from coronavirus-related lawsuits when states start to lift pandemic restrictions and businesses begin to reopen."

Businesses want to make sure that they are not held liable for policy decisions by government officials, should employees or customers contract COVID-19 once operations resume. They also want protection from litigation that could result from coronavirus-related disruptions to issues like wages and hours, leave and travel.“These are practical things to reassure businesses that they can confidently move to implement a reopening,” Neil Bradley, the U.S. Chamber of Commerce chief policy officer, said in an interview."

I imagine that federal and provincial laws in Canada already provide some measure of protection to employers and businesses in this regard already.


Well-Known Member
Oct 29, 2007
Now that the test kits are coming out they have determined that many more have had the virus than thought. A recent Stanford study of 3,300 people in Santa Clara indicated that 2-4% had the virus. Projected out, 40,000-80,000 have had the virus when the actual number detected was 965. That's 50 to 80X more people that have been exposed than thought. This means that the death rate is way lower than reported and if this continues we may begin to see the herd immunity/or we are on our way. Ben Shaprio today was talking about similar data in LA county that indicates the death rate is about 0.2% or 2x the flu.

So why are gutting the economy? The lock down was so that we don't overwhelm the hospitals, correct? The disease is not going to go away if we all stay home for a month. In my state the Governor has put in place some bizarre rules. You can go to Home Depot Walmart but you cannot buy paint and grass seed. People with cabins up north are not allowed to shelter there. You can go on a lake with a canoe or kayak but you cannot go on a lake with a boat with any kind of a motor (will the heat of the engine attract the virus?).

We all have to get the virus sooner or later. There is no cure. It's not going away. Why don't we protect eh co-morbid, use social distancing, and shut down hot spots and try to salvage some of the economy? The key is mass production and dispersion of reliable testing.


Active Member
Jun 27, 2003
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I hope Canada too will provide some financial assistance to its citizens who happen to be sex workers.

Should help only those who work on the street.
Most of them make more then us, and they don't pay taxes. I don't know why they need help for not working 1 or 2 month.


Active Member
Aug 3, 2016
Most of them make more then us, and they don't pay taxes. I don't know why they need help for not working 1 or 2 month.

True many of them don't pay income taxes but they pay consumption taxes (about 15%), pay rent, pay for school books and tuition, and some of them support their children or other family members. Not all SPs make more money than most of their clients on an annual basis, plus they receive no sick day pay or vacation pay. Many of the SPs probably don't make enough money to trigger income tax obligations. IMHO, the SP's provide highly valuable services to their clients, albeit YMMV.

Unfortunately, business may not return to the level it was prior to the pandemic for months.


Well-Known Member
Oct 29, 2007
^^^Yes, I really feel for them Shyman. However, when the going was good I didn't realize how good it was. One girl said she was paying two rents and a mortgage and she was able to save money to be able to keep paying this because of her savings habits. I have to say that I worked my ass off through school and I've worked my ass off over the years and I have acquired considerable knowledge but I wouldn't be able to live like this. Some girls may have to forgo one or two of these rents for the time being. Many of us are in the same boat. How many have lost their jobs due to Covid 19?

The old saying by Henry Clay applies: "There is a time when the winter asks 'What have you done all summer to prepare for me.'"


Active Member
Aug 3, 2016
I have to say that I worked my ass off through school and I've worked my ass off over the years and I have acquired considerable knowledge but I wouldn't be able to live like this.

I hear you Hungry, and I had to do the same. I was poor and had to eat shit to get to where I am.

I think it will take a long time for consumers to feel safe before they will return en mass to businesses that provide personal services like hairdressers, nail salons, dentists, massage therapists, etc. As for the escort industry, independents and agencies will need to figure out and implement safety measures against transmission of Sars-CoV-2 for the providers and clients, just like providing condoms for STDs. If there's any sizable Covid 19 outbreak traceable to Hobbying, the health authorities will clamp down on the activities with the help of LE. It will be interesting how Germany deals with reopening of brothels there; how Germany deals with the sex work industry will be highly instructive for other nations, because the sex work industry will not go away.

The Nature Boy

Well-Known Member
Jun 17, 2017
[FONT=&quot]With respect to all this “herd immunity” bullshit. So forget about the #’s from that LA county and Santa Clara study’s for a sec. Forget about the economy just for a sec, I know it’s tough as the economy and covid have something to do with each other, but let’s for a second just concentrate on what exactly Herd Immunity means to us all. I’m not an epidemiologist but I think my understanding of what Herd Immunity happens to be is vastly different than others on this thread.


[FONT=&quot]To me herd immunity means enough of the population is exposed to a pathogen through infection AND OR a vaccine where a vulnerable person in the middle of this “herd” of people is protected. That's why they call it fucking “herd”. [/FONT]

[FONT=&quot]How some you (not singling you out Hungry but certainly including you) who are saying that in the current situation where that outer rim of individuals contains enough healthy and non vulnerable peeps who are getting picked off and placed in hospitals and many are requiring ventilatory support and dying, that this is herd immunity is very tough for me to comprehend. If I’m wrong, and this is herd immunity, well than your “Herd Immunity” certainly isn’t working with COVID-19. [/FONT]

[FONT=&quot]We r all feelin the pinch. Everyone’s got different opinions on how and when to get the world economy started and that’s a separate and not an easy debate in itself. I absolutely acknowledge that. However, please do not use some false concept and call it “herd immunity” and say it’s gonna work.[/FONT]



Well-Known Member
Jan 8, 2006
Now that the test kits are coming out they have determined that many more have had the virus than thought. A recent Stanford study of 3,300 people in Santa Clara indicated that 2-4% had the virus. Projected out, 40,000-80,000 have had the virus when the actual number detected was 965. That's 50 to 80X more people that have been exposed than thought. This means that the death rate is way lower than reported and if this continues we may begin to see the herd immunity/or we are on our way. Ben Shaprio today was talking about similar data in LA county that indicates the death rate is about 0.2% or 2x the flu.

So why are gutting the economy? The lock down was so that we don't overwhelm the hospitals, correct? The disease is not going to go away if we all stay home for a month. In my state the Governor has put in place some bizarre rules. You can go to Home Depot Walmart but you cannot buy paint and grass seed. People with cabins up north are not allowed to shelter there. You can go on a lake with a canoe or kayak but you cannot go on a lake with a boat with any kind of a motor (will the heat of the engine attract the virus?).

We all have to get the virus sooner or later. There is no cure. It's not going away. Why don't we protect eh co-morbid, use social distancing, and shut down hot spots and try to salvage some of the economy? The key is mass production and dispersion of reliable testing.

Good post. I agree.

There is a definite possibility that these measures that have devastated world economies will come to be viewed as having been a big overreaction.


I am addicted member
Dec 28, 2015
You are correct TNB.

Since the virus is very contagious herd immunity will work in addition to a vaccine. Without one the chances are very slim to non existent. I think our chief scientist should say and explain this. We are stuck inside with limited activity for a many more months.

Mistral of course once this is all over the conspirationist will invent whatever theory they want, as usual.


Active Member
Jun 27, 2003
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You are correct TNB.

Since the virus is very contagious herd immunity will work in addition to a vaccine. Without one the chances are very slim to non existent. I think our chief scientist should say and explain this.

You means Baruda?
This guy know nothing about the pandemics.


I am addicted member
Dec 28, 2015
You means Baruda?
This guy know nothing about the pandemics.

Man911 scientist will all tell they don't know much about pandemics because they are kind of rarity and completely unpredictable. A pandemics happens when we know nothing about a new virus.

Just go and ask any epidemiologist and they will tell you herd immunity is not a viable option without a vaccine. As simple as that.


Well-Known Member
Dec 27, 2005
So a session with cbj will be no safer than a BBBJ/CIM session.

I agree. So going forward I think we should insist that all blowjobs will be BBBJ as well as CIM at no additional cost!


Active Member
Aug 3, 2016
Just go and ask any epidemiologist and they will tell you herd immunity is not a viable option without a vaccine. As simple as that.


For humanity to obtain herd immunity, billions of us would need to be infected, get sick and survive--millions of us will likely die from this approach.

Because the entire human population needs to be vaccinated, it's likely that multiple vaccines might need to be developed and administered.

Sars-CoV-2 seems to hit men harder--men tend to get sicker. And very healthy and strong men tend to get sicker because their immune system seems to overreact, attacking their own vital organs. The theory is that it could be genetic. But no one yet know for certain.

Let's hope Germany, Italy and Spain succeed in reopening their societies, slowly. But Singapore today extended its lockdown until June 1.


Active Member
Jun 27, 2003
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Who know someone test positive to covid19?
Share your experience?
I know two people test caught covid19. They told me don't believe too much What it say on tv/newpaper.
It a littler more then a flu, nothing to kill you.
They was thinking they Will die after testing positif, because of what they heart on tv. It much exaggerate on the symptoms.


Jul 6, 2017
Just go and ask any epidemiologist and they will tell you herd immunity is not a viable option without a vaccine. As simple as that.

It's not quite that simple. If you want to get a better understanding of all the complexities involved in fighting a virus check out this leading U.S. Epidemiologist at U.C. Berkeley.
As he explains a vaccine by most accounts is 18 months away. There is no way we stay locked down for that length of time. There are many things we can do in the mean time. One is herd immunity. Remember 80% of the people who get this virus have very mild symptoms or don't even know they have/had it. This must be done in conjunction with social distancing measures to control or "flatten the curve" of new cases in order not to overwhelm the hospitals. Also, many researchers are furiously developing anti-viral drugs that would help reduce the effects of the Covid virus in more serious cases, i.e. fewer deaths. And finally, many researchers are currently using the anti-bodies from the blood of infected persons to then deliver those anti-bodies to newly infected persons to help fight off the virus. Even after a vaccine for Covid-19 is developed, it will not stop this virus completely. By most accounts, like the annual influenza virus, Covid-19 will likely be around for quite some time. The ultimate goal will be to reduce the amount of deaths that are inevitable from this type of virus.

I believe I was infected with the virus 3 weeks ago. I had most of the symptoms, low fever, dry cough, body aches. I called my family doctor and was told that unless I developed shortness of breath I should not go in for testing since there was insufficient testing in my State. My symptoms never got worse and after a couple of weeks they disappeared. I now hear that persons infected with the virus are being requested to give blood, since the anti-bodies in their blood could help fight this virus. I certainly plan to get tested and give blood if I was infected.

The Nature Boy

Well-Known Member
Jun 17, 2017
Family friend we grew up with, waaay less than 50 year old, fit male, exercises regularly requires inhaler sometimes after rigorous exercise was in hospital for a week requiring high oxygen but never vented

Another elderly parent of a lad from the neighborhood I played footy with died.

immediate fam member sick with flu like symptoms

non immediate fam members also sick with flu like symptoms

i had the sniffles a week after I left Spain, maybe I had it? Who knows
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