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Well-Known Member
Dec 27, 2005
Who would of predicted that hospitals would have to lay-off staff due to the Covid 19 crisis:

Once elective surgeries are permitted again this should correct the problem. It is madness that the people who are literally risking their lives by going into work everyday get shit on like this. A business like a hospital should care more about keeping people on the payroll for a few extra weeks and take the hit while keeping our brave employees working.


Well-Known Member
Jun 8, 2015
Exact Cloud. It's all about being able to manage it instead of the other way around. And it takes a bit of time for that.

There will never be a zero death rate. But right now the illness caused by this virus is the number 1 cause of death in the US. Killing more people every day than heart disease or cancer. All that in the space of a month...

Look even Amazon employee are going on strike saying their condition are too dangerous.... That they are not well equipped. Just imagine all the lawsuit and strikes if you open everything..

This is a multi-parametric problem. There are lives lost to COVID directly and lives lost due to measures enacted to mitigate COVID. How many lives will be shortened when people lose say half of their life savings? When country’s revenue is going down the quality of the medical service is also affected. So how many lives will be lost to this? It is a difficult problem but for sure there needs to be a balance. Did we react in optimal way to save maximum of lives? Probably not.

Halloween Mike

Original Dude
Apr 19, 2009
Sol Tee Nuts post around 7 pages ago was pretty good.

One thing to remember is that South Korea stories about peoples retesting positive may simply be test errors. We have 3000+ cured here in Canada, at some point they will probably be retested and we will know for sure if indeed the virus go dormant instead of bring cured. Because based on what we know of virus, you CAN'T catch the exact same virus twice. That being said i saw reports by a doctor on TV mentioning the virus may change itself when it get in contact with different "host", not its core but the proteins around and thats why it make it hard to get a vaccin. That being said im no doctor and don't quote me on that.

As for treatment, we already know Hydrochloroquine is working to ease it, Quebec never mention it but its been mentioned by doctors around the world. There is even stories of covered it up because too much money is at stake with the vaccin etc. I saw today nicotine of all things could help? LOL

The Vaccin if/when it get approve may simply help but sure it will not be a miracle solution, we know that. That being said no matter what is decided life has to restart sometimes.

The biggest issue with what i understand about covid19 is not that its "that deadlier" than other virus, its just much more contagious than flu etc. It spread fast, wich cause the issue...

I was watching Iron Maiden Rock in Rio yesterday on youtube, seeing all these peoples in the crowd rocking, close to each others, 100 000 peoples !! I really wonder if we will be able to see that again in a close futur (a few years) or shows will have to become "sit at a table 2 meters away from each others" once the worst has passed.

Right now even tough at times i get vocal about my wish to PROGRESSIVELY start deconfinement, and when i say PROGRESSIVELY i mean start with a few things, like small businesses, seeing 2/3 friends at our home, stuff like that, im not talking borders, festivals and other big things like that, well even tough i say that, i do see some current advantages of being "on hold" and one of them is im spending a lot less. Its been confirmed (even tough we knew it for a while obviously) that Montreal Comiccon is reported to 2021, so iim crossing that on my list (thats 400$ i won't spend there) and my Amaranthe show in August will also not happen due to Montreal rules, so its another 200$ (ticket + expenses) is save. Megadeth in October... super unlikely, already had my ticket paid so ill get that 120$ or so back, plus again expenses.

And when it comes to meetings, well Montreal is the most touched region, so the last one that will be deconfined ... even if sex workers start back working in June, maybe i won't even be able to make it due to transportations. So who knows it may take me til August/September to see someone again. Therefore during that time, ill be smart, keep expenses to a minimum and pay that card.

Its at the moment my biggest ray of light, as the world is upside down in crap due to the virus, my personal life on the short term may improve in some way so it kinda keep me "optimistic" .

BUT and there is a big but, i remember when i was 18/20, i was miserable in term of life. I was ultra fat, i was staying at home eating and gaming, only seeing 1 friend a couple times a week for gaming, i was never going anywhere beside restaurants and stores at times. Then as time pass, i started expending, at 21 or so i watched my first musical show in Quebec City, at 24 i started going to Montreal and discovered the escort world. And from that i started to "travel" (even tough i never left Canada) a bit more, i was less afraid of leaving home and basically what im trying to say is that nowadays i often go to Montreal, i go watch shows, i was thinking this year of maybe going to Toronto once by train, a trip i always wanted to do, and my long term plan is to one day make a trip to the USA and see someone there, either high end escort (one in particular i follow on twitter...if she is still around by then) or maybe a pornstar. Obviously this will cost a lot so its why i said long term (3/4 years). Im just hoping that ill be able to do this still and the world will not remain in a bad state forever. And if anything the "misery months" wiil have accelerated the savings/refunding to put on those trip.

My point is i feel like i started really living in my mid 20s and im in my mid 30s now. I have a good 30 years to enjoy life before im "old" and i want to make the most out of it...


I am addicted member
Dec 28, 2015
Well Patron she is right. As a mayor she does not have the authority to reopen so it's logical she's not the once who will give guidelines as well.

But she is as naive as one can be...

She says...
"I want everything back. We never closed down the United States. We've never closed down Nevada. We've never closed down Las Vegas because that's our job. Entertainment capital of the world where everything is clean"

For fucking christ sake we ALL want everything back. But someone should tell her there is a pandemic out there.

Beside would you go to Vegas right now? Seriously?

The Nature Boy

Well-Known Member
Jun 17, 2017
Dude she wanted to use Vegas as a control group? @ LOL did I get that right? What was that about?

The Nature Boy

Well-Known Member
Jun 17, 2017
This pretty much summarizes the problem with vaccine development.

Why were the viewers horrified?

By the time a vaccine is tested on humans in the highly regulated, highly litigious, civilized world, everyone is either dead or has immunity.

And a higher percentage of those catching it in Africa will be dead instead of immune with the lack of good medical systems. And if the vaccine is developed completely outside of Africa, relatively few people in Africa will be able to afford it anyway, unless Bill Gates buys it for them.

Give the vaccine test subjects in Africa a damn good payment up front, and a percentage of profits from a successful vaccine.

Try being a warlord over some shithole country if the vaccine is successful after being tested in that country. Everyone can say Fuck You, Warlord. I am going to Paris, where I have a large bank account with a monthly direct deposit.

If some villages in Africa don’t want that deal, I am certain plenty of people in a Syrian refugee camp would.

Here is a realistic look at Africa and covid-19 with no treatments or vaccine.

what would I do if I was in charge? I think the federal guidelines are a great start, naturally if your team comes up with them, you should back them the fuck up and not tweet out “Liberate”. I wouldn’t back up and support policies that undermine my own guidelines, lol.

I wouldn’t be sending people to get haircuts in places where they shouldn’t be

def would not be using Vegas citizens as a control group for a trial without asking them

and def not by conducting a vaccination study using Africans and paying them for it, lol

The Vegas mayor May support your African vaccination trial though


Well-Known Member
Sep 11, 2015
Don’t say there’s no “acceptable death rate” then jalimon. Because at some point you will be fine with reopening the economy even though people are still dying. There’s an acceptable death rate in EVERYTHING we do or else like I said before everyone would be hermits and just staying home.

The Nature Boy

Well-Known Member
Jun 17, 2017
Don’t say there’s no “acceptable death rate” then jalimon.

okie dokie, u got it Cuddles. However, there most certainly is an UNACCEPTABLE death rate. There is an UNACCEPTABLE rate of daily hospital admissions, ER visits, intubations and deaths. Do you think we may be seeing any of this anywhere possibly, maybe? Any chance? Hmmmmm..??

mike pence went on today and said “not one American who needed a vent did not receive one!” Did that pasty face albino forget how they have been splitting vents??? Lol

The Nature Boy

Well-Known Member
Jun 17, 2017
Is it American innovation or Italian or Spanish? Prob now stolen by the Chinese?


Well-Known Member
May 10, 2003
This coronavirus is a real multi-tasker. It doesn`t just attack one organ or part of the body like say Ebola which makes you bleed out from your nose , eyes ears and probably rectum . Nope king corona attacks your lungs, kidneys, heart, brain and blood. Creates blood clots that can go to any part of your body and if that doesn`t kill you it will get your leg amputated. We may not find out about all its hidden talents till next year and then it may surprise us with more misery.
That idiot Governor of Georgia should be hauled off to court and charged with manslaughter


Well-Known Member
Jan 8, 2006
Don’t say there’s no “acceptable death rate” then jalimon. Because at some point you will be fine with reopening the economy even though people are still dying. There’s an acceptable death rate in EVERYTHING we do or else like I said before everyone would be hermits and just staying home.

Correct. There is a balance of freedoms with common causes of death.


I am addicted member
Dec 28, 2015
Guys we are in a pandemic virus era. Its completely catastrophic yes. The only way to reopen the economy tomorrow would be to completely refuse treatment to all infected by this virus and tract them to make sure they quarantine at home and hopefully survive.


Active Member
Jun 27, 2003
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Guys we are in a pandemic virus era. Its completely catastrophic yes. The only way to reopen the economy tomorrow would be to completely refuse treatment to all infected by this virus and tract them to make sure they quarantine at home and hopefully survive.

Forget that. With fake quarantine. It newer end. Real quarantine, all business must closed. When I say all is ALL.
Nobody can't go out for 14 days. Even for Walk.


Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
Visit site
A study out of NY is showing that 88% of the patients who needed ventilators ultimately died:

If the Docs tell you that you need a ventilator, it seems like the time is right for Last Rites and make sure any last minute changes to the will are in order.

Beyond this it is showing that once you get to the stage of needing a ventilator, there is not much of a chance that it will save your ass.
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