Dude she wanted to use Vegas as a control group? @ LOL did I get that right? What was that about?
This pretty much summarizes the problem with vaccine development.
Why were the viewers horrified?
By the time a vaccine is tested on humans in the highly regulated, highly litigious, civilized world, everyone is either dead or has immunity.
And a higher percentage of those catching it in Africa will be dead instead of immune with the lack of good medical systems. And if the vaccine is developed completely outside of Africa, relatively few people in Africa will be able to afford it anyway, unless Bill Gates buys it for them.
Give the vaccine test subjects in Africa a damn good payment up front, and a percentage of profits from a successful vaccine.
Try being a warlord over some shithole country if the vaccine is successful after being tested in that country. Everyone can say Fuck You, Warlord. I am going to Paris, where I have a large bank account with a monthly direct deposit.
If some villages in Africa don’t want that deal, I am certain plenty of people in a Syrian refugee camp would.
Here is a realistic look at Africa and covid-19 with no treatments or vaccine.
Don’t say there’s no “acceptable death rate” then jalimon.
Did that pasty face albino forget how they have been splitting vents??? Lol
Don’t say there’s no “acceptable death rate” then jalimon. Because at some point you will be fine with reopening the economy even though people are still dying. There’s an acceptable death rate in EVERYTHING we do or else like I said before everyone would be hermits and just staying home.
Guys we are in a pandemic virus era. Its completely catastrophic yes. The only way to reopen the economy tomorrow would be to completely refuse treatment to all infected by this virus and tract them to make sure they quarantine at home and hopefully survive.
TNB the republicans will fuck it up big time.
That idiot Governor of Georgia should be hauled off to court and charged with manslaughter
Forget that. With fake quarantine. It newer end. Real quarantine, all business must closed. When I say all is ALL.
Nobody can't go out for 14 days. Even for Walk.