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Well-Known Member
Jan 10, 2005

Healthcare is never free not even in Canada. We all pay for it. Those workers got to get paid they are not working for free so yes it is kinda of business.


The Longest Title in MERB
Mar 16, 2003
Beer Factory
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Dr. Fauci brought it up during a press conference not Trump .....

Incorrectly assuming that the president is tied to this drug for a political reasons sends the wrong message giving the haters a reason to shit on something that can be good news for a change. Why can't we just enjoy some good news for a change? .....

Trump forced Dr. Fauci to mention that positive Remdesivir study on that day. As one of the world’s leading scientists, don’t you think Dr. Fauci knows that he cannot publicly promote a drug study that has not been verified via peer review?

I truly admire Dr. Fauci for his efforts to work within the system to save lives even at the expense of his reputation.

You want good news? Lots of good news from NZ which used social distancing to squash the curve. Also from South Korea using extensive testing & contact tracing to bring cases to single digit levels. Then there’s Germany having some success using a combination of both methods.

Instead of hoping for a miracle drug that may or may not appear to save the day, Trump can effectively contain Covid-19 by implementing social distancing combined with extensive testing & contact tracing. Because of the sheer size of the US plus high infection levels, this entire effort may mean shutting down much of the economy over 3-6 months but the federal government can provide extensive disaster relief via monthly payments to everyone. After that period, life can be mostly normal. With the virus effectively contained, the economy will automatically restart.

But Trump will never adopt such a sensible policy because the stock market & economy may not recover in time to ensure his victory in the presidential election on 3rd Nov.


Active Member
Aug 3, 2016
Maybe a little good news for some folks who have credit card insurance and have lost their job because of the Covid-19 pandemic. They might get some relief from their credit card issuers.

[FONT=&amp]"My jaw hit the floor," Toronto resident Allison Brown wrote in an email to CBC.
[FONT=&amp]Brown is one of 13 people who have contacted CBC in the past three months to report they've been refunded a combined total of more than $50,000.
[FONT=&amp]Credit card insurance is a product banks market as a way to help with credit card payments if a person loses their job or gets sick, but some customers have said they were signed up without their knowledge.
[FONT=&amp]Critics say the insurance can be expensive, hard to claim and may cover only the minimum monthly payment or a small percentage of the balance owing.
[FONT=&amp]Brown said she has had insurance on her PC Financial Mastercard since 2009. Until she read the CBC story, she thought it was mandatory. She was refunded almost immediately after asking for proof that she'd signed up.
[FONT=&amp]"They were unable to tell me how this ended up on my account and I have zero recollection of ever having a discussion about this," she said. "They called me back less than 24 hours after my initial call to let me know they were refunding the entire amount. All $7,452.90 of it."[/FONT]


Well-Known Member
Dec 27, 2005
Trump forced Dr. Fauci to mention that positive Remdesivir study on that day.

You say he forced him. There is absolutely no proof of that. The balance of your post gets even more political when I was simply pointing out some good news for a change. I wish the anti Trump crew would just stick to the correct section under politics so they can slap each others backs about all the horrors the president has done in the past as well as the future.


Active Member
Aug 3, 2016
Today, Trump’s greatest incentive & priority is to win the election again on 3rd November.

If an effective vaccine is invented before November 3, 2020 (even if that occurred outside America), which most experts say is highly unlikely, trump will proclaim that he discovered it and claim all credit for it.

I still doubt biden can beat trump.


Well-Known Member
Oct 29, 2007
I just heard that Obama called Biden and announced on live TV that he was endorsing him. Biden said "For what?"

It is going to be a shit show for awhile. Too many of the C students get into politics.


A poor corrupt official
Jun 29, 2003

Doc Holliday

Staying hard
Sep 27, 2003
Anyone see the militia in Michigan storming the Michigan Capitol???

All a bunch of good patriotic Americans who love their country, right?

Good bless America!


The Longest Title in MERB
Mar 16, 2003
Beer Factory
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You say he forced him. There is absolutely no proof of that. The balance of your post gets even more political when I was simply pointing out some good news for a change. I wish the anti Trump crew would just stick to the correct section under politics so they can slap each others backs about all the horrors the president has done in the past as well as the future.

The proof is painfully obvious for those who are not pretending to be naive. No credible scientist (let alone one as distinguished as Dr. Fauci) would peddle the results of a Non peer-reviewed study publicly.

Peer review is the critical cornerstone of ensuring the integrity of scientific literature - By subjecting the study to the scrutiny of other experts in the same field, it filters out flawed studies. Any credible scientist would have simply waited a few more days for peer review before making a public annoucement. Clearly Trump wanted ‘Good News’ to offset that terrifyingly bad 1st Qtr economic result announcement on Wed.

As I mentioned in my earlier post, I made a lot of money from my stock investments b/c of Trump’s election & his pro-stock market policies. But now the situation has changed drastically esp. w/ Covid-19; Trump’s short term focus on winning at all cost & refusal to be guided by scientific evidence are now pushing us all into an abyss.

I’m a realist, not a Trump cultist so I do know the difference between ‘Good News’ versus Trump’s political propaganda.


The Longest Title in MERB
Mar 16, 2003
Beer Factory
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Anyone see the militia in Michigan storming the Michigan Capitol???

All a bunch of good patriotic Americans who love their country, right?

Good bless America! ��

Fuck!!! Those are seriously scary looking assault rifles. They even tried to enter the legislative chamber floor with those rifles. There are photos & videos of the armed men yelling at the legislators from the gallery, outright intimidation.


Well-Known Member
Dec 26, 2019
I saw this morning.

Luckily, not all Americans speak with their weapons.

Unfortunately, as long as Trump is in power, weapons will be used more and more as an argument.


Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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Here is a State by State analysis of flattening the curve:

Note how CT, NJ, and NY, 3 of the hardest hit states, are all displaying a downward arc the last 2 weeks. This can be presumed to be due to stay at home orders and social distancing and mask laws. The question is where will those curves go once we are back in business as usual mode?


Well-Known Member
Dec 27, 2005
The proof is painfully obvious for those who are not pretending to be naive. No credible scientist (let alone one as distinguished as Dr. Fauci) would peddle the results of a Non peer-reviewed study publicly.

Great opinion, still no proof.


The Longest Title in MERB
Mar 16, 2003
Beer Factory
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Great opinion, still no proof.

Pls do feel free to continue flaunting yr ignorance. If u can’t even understand how critically important peer review is for scientific studies then u shld just admit that fiction or fantasy is more yr area of specialty like Trump.
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