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The Nature Boy

Well-Known Member
Jun 17, 2017
Who r u Larry and why do you have me so intrigued? R u someone I know incognito?


Jul 6, 2017
yea, but that’s a border closing, not a lock down.
I apologize TNB, and especially to Doc. I'm sure the lockdown in Canada will be over in a few months, and Doc was just joking about the lockdown of the border until the end of 2020 and into the indefinite future - especially since you have inside knowledge that a vaccine will be available in a few months. I'll bet you China comes up with a vaccine in record time - let's say end of June. One caveat however. The Wuhan vaccine will be just about as effective as the corona virus test kits they sent to around the world. Tu e'res loco, e'se!!!


The Longest Title in MERB
Mar 16, 2003
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It is true that Covid-19 originated in Wuhan and China covered it up for several weeks. But all this China bashing’s true intention is to distract us from the fact that Trump ignored all the obvious warning signs and delayed taking the proper preventive actions.

This China bashing is still used as a distraction from Trump’s continued inability to function as a leader and properly coordinate the US response to Covid-19.

Why isn’t the President leading the response instead of throwing the responsibility to the state governors while making snide remarks from the back?

Why do the different states have to compete against each other & the federal government for medical supplies?

Why is US Covid-19 testing still so limited?

Why is there no coordination with European & Asian allies for a unified response to Covid-19?

Why is there outright favortism in allocating aid to red states?

Why is the President publicly inciting his supporters to break social distancing laws?

Why are big companies being bailed out w/ no questions asked but help is still reluctantly, sparingly given to the newly 26+ million Americans unemployed as well as the poor?

Even in the worst crisis since the Great Depression, why does the President continue dividing people and spreading lies on national televison?

There is no defending Trump’s total lack of leadership in the fight against Covid-19. So his supporters continually look for scapegoats like China , WHO, etc. What they should really be looking for is a new leader!


Well-Known Member
May 31, 2014
Maybe the most important post yet. There is so much hate in this thread for Trump and no hate for the commies that caused it all. How was Trump able to sneak into Wuhan and plant this virus?

Nice post indeed from Capt
And I do agree Hungry101 , the fair thing to do would be to bash them equally :/ . After all they both do have something in common, and that’s the MOUNTAINS OF LIES constantly being told by Trump and the Chinese Communist Government . No but seriously it’s true that at times the anger and criticism seems almost one sided considering where this originated, but it’s his hole persona that makes him an easy target for everyone , and not that he’s not deserving . I mean the Chinese of course they lied but the signs we’re there , the Chinese were building Hospitals for C19 , seriously who does that if it’s not something major ?
But he chose to roll the dice and not listen

But China is the real culprit here as they pose a serious threat for all mankind
So something needs to be done , but what exactly ??
The west needs them as they have become too much dependent on them and they know it , they have the leverage
Medicines , Computers , military equipment , clothing , the bloody phone that I’m typing this on and so many other things that we are reliant on China
Can this be reversed? Can the West go back to manufacturing more of their goods away from China ? I doubt it because they will all go where the labour is cheap , it’s called Capitalism something that “ the Donald “ understands very well

But strangely enough I find myself agreeing with Trump on something, and that’s on renaming the virus the “ China Virus “ . How’s that for expressing my anger for the commies ?

I’m sure many will argue against such a thing . This will make people that are already prejudiced become more racist and abusive against Chinese/Asian’s that live outside mainland China . Unfortunately these stupid ignorant and prejudiced people do exist and they cannot differentiate who the real culprit is which is none other than the CCP
I still believe that it’s worth renaming the virus ( but unlike DT it’s for the right reasons ) and therefore I’m willing to live with the negative consequences
This way we the World will not forget , as we shouldn’t and that’s a start


Well-Known Member
Jun 8, 2015

I propose you modify your motto a bit from:

I used to be schizophrenic, but we're OK now.

to: I used to be schizophrenic, but we're OK fighting against Tramp now.


Well-Known Member
Dec 26, 2019
US President Donald Trump signed a decree on Tuesday ordering meat producers to continue operating amid fears of shortages due to the coronavirus, the White House said.

The union representing workers in the agro-food sector, the UFCW, asked Tuesday that the presidential decree be accompanied by measures to increase Covid-19 tests and measures of social distancing in factories.
"The reality is that these workers are putting their lives on the line every day to feed our country during this deadly epidemic," said its president Marc Perrone.

According to the latter, at least 20 employees in the sector died from the coronavirus and more than 5,000 others were hospitalized or presented symptoms.

Probably there were flaws in their feeding system before COVID-19, but with the coronavirus, all of this exacerbated the crisis.

Trump is looking to all sides to improve his image before the election.

Doc Holliday

Staying hard
Sep 27, 2003
I apologize TNB, and especially to Doc. I'm sure the lockdown in Canada will be over in a few months, and Doc was just joking about the lockdown of the border until the end of 2020 and into the indefinite future - especially since you have inside knowledge that a vaccine will be available in a few months.
No apologies needed but i wasn't joking when i said that the US-Canadian border should remain closed for the rest of the year. The american government has totally fucked up handling the coronavirus pandemic & with the tremendous lack of leadership at the federal level things will only get worse over time & there is no end in sight. It'd be too risky for Canadians to re-open its border to Americans.

As for the possible vaccine there is no sure-thing that the scientists will ever come up with one and i firmly believe that if they do succeed in coming up with one it very likely won't happen this year. Maybe by the summer of 2021, who knows. Hopefully sooner but i'm not very optimistic.


Well-Known Member
Oct 29, 2007
Our deaths per million are much lower than Spain and Italy. We are at 100 deaths per million and Spain and Italy are at 500 and 700 deaths per million. We would be doing great if it weren't for New York and NYC but that Governor dropped the ball. Thank God Donald Trump cut off flights from China and then from Europe.

BTW - Why did China allow international flights but stopped all domestic flights during the breakout?


I am addicted member
Dec 28, 2015
They just published that Remdesivir can provide great results for seriously hill cases. Strange the Chinese had published a study that it no effect at all...

Again who to believe? I have for a personal belief to never trust anything coming out of China so I will go with the American study. Hoping it's not just a political/pharma stunt...


Well-Known Member
May 10, 2003
Our deaths per million are much lower than Spain and Italy. We are at 100 deaths per million and Spain and Italy are at 500 and 700 deaths per million.

That`s nothing to be proud of. Actually US deaths are 200 per million and moving up at an alarming rate. 4 countries in Europe are presently in worse shape.
Canada and most of the world including China have fewer deaths per million than the US. The only state that should be congratulated is California.


Well-Known Member
Oct 29, 2007
Do you believe China's data for a second?


Well-Known Member
Dec 27, 2005
We would be doing great if it weren't for New York and NYC but that Governor dropped the ball. Thank God Donald Trump cut off flights from China and then from Europe.

BTW - Why did China allow international flights but stopped all domestic flights during the breakout?

100% correct. NY didn't need the extra hospital beds, Red Cross boat with more beds, converting all of those beds to covid friendly, hoarding all the ventilators that were never needed, etc. But, I'm glad that Cuomo initiated all of those things because he was looking out for his state and at the same time covering his ass. He should of planned for all of this years ago, but he ignored to.

Curious how people feel about how Australia and New Zealand handled the pandemic by truly shutting down their borders by not letting anybody in. Their numbers clearly show that it worked. 2 months ago something like this would have been an impossible thing to suggest in the states, but now I would have no problem going forward by completely shutting the USA's borders and doing what Australia and New Zealand has done. The problem with the current pandemic is that the coronavirus has probably been around in NY long before people started shutting things down. I wouldn't be surprised if data comes out showing the virus being here as early as November.


Well-Known Member
Dec 27, 2005
China have fewer deaths per million than the US.

Doubtful. Comparing anything covid19 related to China is a waste of time. They will never contribute accurate information let alone inform the world that they fucked up and exposed all of us to this bullshit.


Well-Known Member
May 10, 2003
When you mention New Zealand and Australia doing a great job you are part right New Zealand yes and Australia not so much. Viet Nam has done a great job but they are run by a communist government so you can`t believe their data just like you can`t believe China`s data. You can`t believe any government`s data if they are run by a commie or fascist government. Hard to find any honest mouth pieces even Fauci. Remember when he was telling everyone that face masks provide ineffective protection to users ? There was a reason for that that the scarce masks would be available to health care workers first. Ya maybe it was a good lie....but still a lie that put thousands into the hospital.


Well-Known Member
Dec 27, 2005
Hard to find any honest mouth pieces even Fauci. Remember when he was telling everyone that face masks provide ineffective protection to users ? There was a reason for that that the scarce masks would be available to health care workers first. Ya maybe it was a good lie....but still a lie that put thousands into the hospital.

I completely agree with you right there. Amazing how that when the healthcare workers had enough masks it was right around when it was recommended to start wearing masks again.


Well-Known Member
Dec 27, 2005
So, you think here in Canada or USA, you have the right informations? And all it true when it come from new paper?

I do not. I never did, but there is no doubt that China withheld information thus causing this whole mess. It's not what they reported more so than what they covered up.
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