..... The one thing you haven't done is answer the question as to where you've gotten your proof to claim that Dr. Fauci was "forced" into to mentioning something positive about Remdesivir.
If this is your opinion that's great, but stop trying to play it off as fact.
Pls stop w/ the misleading statement, I specifically wrote that “Trump forced Dr. Fauci to mention that positive Remdesivir study on That day.”
That’s a huge difference from what you are now trying to mislead everyone with which is claiming that I wrote that Dr. Fauci was "forced" into to mentioning something positive about Remdesivir.
It is the suspicious timing that I was highlighting and I have already laid out my case clearly which is:
1. Credible scientists will not publicly promote a drug study that has not been verified via peer review.
2. Dr. Fauci is a highly credible & respected scientist.
3. Dr. Fauci could have simply waited a few more days for the positive study to be peer reviewed.
4. Trump is well-known for arranging to pump up the stock market especially on days when there is terrible news.
5. If Dr. Fauci wasn’t forced by Trump, why would the most respected scientist in the entire government violate scientific ethics and protocol?
Also look at the end results: On Wed, US released data that the economy shrank 4.8% in the 1st Qtr but yet US stock market indices went up 2 to 3+% b/c of Fauci’s premature annoucement on Remdesivir.
If you still want to dismiss all these facts & evidence as merely “my opinion” then go ahead. Maybe you can finally get that well-deserved pat on the head from yr fellow Trump cultists.