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Mar 16, 2003
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..... The one thing you haven't done is answer the question as to where you've gotten your proof to claim that Dr. Fauci was "forced" into to mentioning something positive about Remdesivir.

If this is your opinion that's great, but stop trying to play it off as fact.

Pls stop w/ the misleading statement, I specifically wrote that “Trump forced Dr. Fauci to mention that positive Remdesivir study on That day.”

That’s a huge difference from what you are now trying to mislead everyone with which is claiming that I wrote that Dr. Fauci was "forced" into to mentioning something positive about Remdesivir.

It is the suspicious timing that I was highlighting and I have already laid out my case clearly which is:
1. Credible scientists will not publicly promote a drug study that has not been verified via peer review.
2. Dr. Fauci is a highly credible & respected scientist.
3. Dr. Fauci could have simply waited a few more days for the positive study to be peer reviewed.
4. Trump is well-known for arranging to pump up the stock market especially on days when there is terrible news.
5. If Dr. Fauci wasn’t forced by Trump, why would the most respected scientist in the entire government violate scientific ethics and protocol?

Also look at the end results: On Wed, US released data that the economy shrank 4.8% in the 1st Qtr but yet US stock market indices went up 2 to 3+% b/c of Fauci’s premature annoucement on Remdesivir.

If you still want to dismiss all these facts & evidence as merely “my opinion” then go ahead. Maybe you can finally get that well-deserved pat on the head from yr fellow Trump cultists.

Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003
Fuck!!! Those are seriously scary looking assault rifles. They even tried to enter the legislative chamber floor with those rifles.

There's nothing more un-American than that scene in Michigan yesterday. I mean....what the fuck??? How is this allowed?? I'll bet the outcome would have ended differently if the armed terrorists' skin color would have been black instead of white!


Well-Known Member
Dec 27, 2005
Pls stop w/ the misleading statement, I specifically wrote that “Trump forced Dr. Fauci to mention that positive Remdesivir study on That day.”

If you still want to dismiss all these facts & evidence as merely “my opinion” then go ahead. Maybe you can finally get that well-deserved pat on the head from yr fellow Trump cultists.

I posted some potential good news about coronavirus and you decided to negate it by throwing your opinions and politics into this. So let's be clear about how this got started by you.

I'm not misleading anyone, that's your job.You wrote what you wrote and you cannot verify that Trump forced Dr. Fauci into making the statement regarding Remdesivir. I'ts very clear that your trying to mislead people by falsely injecting your opinion of what you thought happended. Fact is Dr. Fauci made a statement. Your opinion was that he was forced to make it.

Your 1-5 points are yet again, opinions.

1. Credible scientists will not publicly promote a drug study that has not been verified via peer review. Opinion
2. Dr. Fauci is a highly credible & respected scientist. Opinion
3. Dr. Fauci could have simply waited a few more days for the positive study to be peer reviewed. Opinion
4. Trump is well-known for arranging to pump up the stock market especially on days when there is terrible news. Opinion
5. If Dr. Fauci wasn’t forced by Trump, why would the most respected scientist in the entire government violate scientific ethics and protocol? Opinion

As far as misleading anyone, I was the one who posted something good about a potential drug for coronavirus that was mentioned in a press conference (fact), you decided to inject your opinion by stating it was forced (opinion).

Regarding getting a pat on the head for being a Trump cultisits, that once again, is your opinion. I never said it was about Trump, you did.

I'll agree to disagree, and stick to the facts.
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Well-Known Member
Dec 26, 2019
President Donald Trump has announced that he is finally giving up on removing the coronavirus crisis cell set up to organize the federal response to the pandemic

You have to turn your tongue in your mouth seven times before speaking.
It means that you have to take the time to think before you speak so as not to risk regretting what you are saying.

Unfortunately in the case of Trump, he always speaks without thinking and when his entourage finds that he has again said bullshit, his entourage explains to him that what he said makes no sense, and especially that it will be not good for his election campaign, so there he goes back.
How can we leave all the powers in the hands of Trump?
It's completely irrational and dangerous.


Active Member
Aug 3, 2016
Life can return to a "new" normal.

Lessons from Germany, as discussed in today's WSJ:

"MULFINGEN, Germany—When much of Europe’s economy shut down in mid-March, business kept right on going at Ebm-papst Group, a fan and motor manufacturer based near Germany’s Black Forest.

Throughout the six-week national lockdown that now is gradually being lifted, the family-owned company kept its domestic factories running at 80% of normal capacity, said Chief Executive Officer Stefan Brandl.

Social distancing, ubiquitous face masks, in-house Covid-19 tests and contact-tracing when employees fell ill helped the company keep its plants open. Just 15 of its 6,700 employees in Germany have contracted the virus, the company said.

Large parts of Europe have been ravaged by the pandemic, but Germany has fared better. While it has seen roughly the same number of diagnosed infections as similar-size neighbors—Italy, Spain, France, the U.K.—it has registered only about one-quarter as many deaths.

. . . .

German businesses also cite their presence in China, Germany’s largest trade partner, as an important factor in helping them prepare for the pandemic.

“Nearly everybody somehow is located in China,” said Thilo Brodtmann, executive director of the German Mechanical Engineering Industry Association, or VDMA, which represents more than 3,000 companies.

. . . .

Ebm-papst, the fan and motor maker, has three factories in China. When the coronavirus began sweeping through that country, Thomas Nürnberger, the Shanghai-based head of the company’s China operation, called his colleagues to sound the alarm, giving them weeks to prepare before the virus made landfall in Europe. One of his first pieces of advice was for them to buy masks—as many as they could.

“We started trying to buy them all over the world,” said Tobias Arndt, the comany’s head of logistics. Mr. Brandl, the CEO, said the company now had one employee whose sole job is to source masks. It has a stockpile of more than 100,000 and is beginning to experiment with reusable ones.

. . . .

Like most German companies, Ebm-papst routinely involves employee representatives in management decisions—a tradition called co-determination. The head of personnel and a workers’ representative sit on the crisis task force."

. . . .

Paul Horn GmbH, a precision toolmaker based in Tübingen, has kept its three factories running continuously. The company, which makes machines used to build medical devices, cars, airplanes, wind turbines and other products, has shortened shifts, but it hasn’t furloughed any of its roughly 1,000 employees.

It, too, has a crisis group of management and workers that meets daily. The company has rearranged its canteen and workstations, and moved departments to different buildings to increase distance between workers. Employees work staggered shifts and wear mouth and nose protection, including its CEO, who wears a bandanna."


New Member
Jul 13, 2013
It is the suspicious timing that I was highlighting and I have already laid out my case clearly which is:
1. Credible scientists will not publicly promote a drug study that has not been verified via peer review.
2. Dr. Fauci is a highly credible & respected scientist.
3. Dr. Fauci could have simply waited a few more days for the positive study to be peer reviewed.
4. Trump is well-known for arranging to pump up the stock market especially on days when there is terrible news.
5. If Dr. Fauci wasn’t forced by Trump, why would the most respected scientist in the entire government violate scientific ethics and protocol?

Once somebody accepts money from the government, that person is no longer a scientist, since that persons livelihood depends on the government's interests. This disqualifies Fauci as a credible scientist, he is now a political figure.

It should be noted that the Niall Ferguson model that was widely used by government for policy decisions was NOT peer reviewed, and the Oxford research was dismissed. Government will pick and choose which research to use depending on whether or not it serves their interests.

Governments also are not homogeneous, there are factions within government fighting each other.


Active Member
Sep 22, 2011
This Ferguson guy is pathetic in that not only did he advocate for a "Wuhan Model" of containment (ie. military and police rounding up and hauling off Chinese citizens to an undisclosed encampment for involuntary quarantine) to be broadly applied to the rest of the world ... this hypocritical fool not only did NOT follow that "containment" in his own life, but HAD the virus and yet was banging his married mistress WHILE being infected by having her NOT remain contained but instead visiting him at his apartment (probably a basement apartment) ... so that she could THEN go back to her HUSBAND and their CHILDREN to further infect and spread the virus.

Very similar here in States to Cuomo who WAS infected, supposedly quarantining in HIS basement, only to be "caught" visiting the construction site of his new beach house and chastised the person who CAUGHT him being out and about without a mask and within the timeframe of his infected period ... but THEN goes on his show to call people in parks "FOOL" and "Its not about you - you could be murdering someone" .... what hypocrites BOTH of these people are.

Oh, and to bring it all back home to Canada ... saw Trudeau said it was Jesus' model for health and safety for all to remain home and in place for Easter ... that is what Jesus would want .... but what does two-face hypocrite narcissist Trudeau do - jets off to Quebec to visit family at their lake house .... like any of YOU would have wanted to do but were chastised NOT to ....

What's good for you and mandated .... does NOT apply to "these" people.

That should piss any levelheaded normal person off ...


Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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Smart-Mouthed Dallas Salon Owner Jailed for Defying Lockdown Order:

In court she told the judge: "I have to disagree with you, sir, when you say that I am selfish, because feeding my kids is not selfish. I have hair stylists that are going hungry because they'd rather feed their kids."

"So, sir, if you think the law is more important than kids being fed, then please go ahead with your decision. But I'm not going to shut the salon."

These kinds of statements are considered contempt of court and almost always mean going to jail for some short period of time. But the question raised here is are we going to have obeyance of the rule of law or not? Way too many people are marching to their own drummers and anarchy is developing.


Active Member
Aug 3, 2016
Let's hope our beloved Montreal's first phase of reopening in two weeks goes well.

But hospitals' could become overwhelmed. Let's hope for the best.

"Quebec has two weeks to clear a backlog of COVID-19 patients recovering in Montreal-area hospitals, physicians say, or the city's health-care facilities won't be prepared for the reopening of schools and businesses.

Hospitals in the Montreal area are currently running out of beds, three weeks after health authorities stopped sending elderly patients back into the province's long-term care network, where the coronavirus continues to spread and claim dozens of lives each day.

"This is a new problem and it needs to be addressed fast," said Gilbert Boucher, head of Quebec's association of emergency medicine specialists.

"There are a certain amount of beds dedicated to COVID-positive patients on the island of Montreal. And those are full. There are still other beds in the hospitals that are empty, but they are fewer and fewer."

. . . .

The province has set aside roughly 700 beds around Montreal to serve as temporary recovery wards, converting hotels, hockey rinks and other sites to accommodate the hospital overflow.

But on Wednesday, Health Minister Danielle McCann said the massive staffing shortage in the health-care system — more than 11,000 workers are absent daily — is limiting how many patients can be transferred to these temporary wards.

"We have the physical locations, but we don't have the personnel to transfer more people who are currently in hospitals but who could be moved to the buffer zones," McCann told reporters."


Active Member
Aug 3, 2016
I wonder if parents in Quebec will allow their children to return to schools later this month.

OMG. Is Deputy Premier Geneviève Guilbault for real. What has been happening in NY disprove what this lady said. I hope she's right but . . . .

Deputy Premier Geneviève Guilbault, who filled in for Premier François Legault on Wednesday, acknowledged that she understands that teachers and educators are feeling stressed about returning to work, but she said people who are under the age of 70 face minimal risks to their health.

“Public health authorities tell us that, before the age of 70, it is possible to return to work without significant risk,” she said. “All Quebec employers are asked to take this into account.”


Well-Known Member
Jun 8, 2015
It appears that the first confirmed COVID case in Paris was as early as December.

With so much traffic between France and Montreal on holidays it is quite possible that it started to circulate in Montreal area around the same time. Has anybody heard anything about people getting sick with similar symptoms at that time (December-January)?


Well-Known Member
Jan 10, 2005
I wonder if parents in Quebec will allow their children to return to schools later this month.

From the comments I read on Facebook most will not send. Many are outraged. I also suspect is they like getting the free money. I see Legault's logic to reopen schools and daycares. It is the first step to be able to reopen businesses otherwise many parents will have an excuse to not go to work and collect free money to sit home.


Well-Known Member
Jan 10, 2005
I found an interesting article on the events of the Spanish flu in 1918. The pandemic is very similar to Covid-19. It is spread the same way and is a respiratory illness. It was just as contagious but its effects were far more deadly because it occurred right after WW1. They did a lockdown also like they did today but it was far more worse then it is now because back then they did not have the same technology we have today like internet, cellphones. computers, etc.. It was very lonely. Mask wearing was enforced also. The protests were very similar to today. When they relaxed the rules in Nov 1918 a second deadlier wave came. Anyhow I found this article very interesting ->

On another note it seems every 30 years there is a similar flu type pandemic originating from China. There was the Spanish flu in 1918, the Asian flu in 1957, and the Hong Kong flu in 1968. No one talks about the Hong Kong flu. It caused many deaths also and was just as contagious. Anyhow the pattern is similar. It persists for one year then it just disappears.

An article about the forgotten Hong Kong flu ->
It bears many similarities to Covid-19.
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Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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The Governors of CT, NY and NJ all have sky high approval ratings for their handling of the Coronavirus pandemic:

Support for the governors

"The majorities of voters in all three states are overwhelmingly supportive of their governors' responses and their states' restrictions.

Gov. Ned Lamont gets a 65 - 26 percent job approval rating, and a 78 - 17 percent approval rating for his handling of the coronavirus.

New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo received a 72 - 24 percent job approval rating, and an 81 - 17 percent approval rating for his handling of the response to the coronavirus.

New Jersey Gov. Phil Murphy gets a 68 - 23 percent job approval rating, and a 78 - 18 percent approval rating for his handling of the coronavirus.

“A crisis rockets governors to approval ratings rarely seen. In the tri-state area, the public leans on their leaders and the gratitude shows," Quinnipiac University Polling Analyst Tim Malloy said in a release announcing the polls’ results.”

Largely the 3 Governors have worked as a team and have enacted similar orders and protocols. It is still not clear how the planned "phased reopening" of Connecticut will go starting May 20, but we will soon find out.


Active Member
Sep 22, 2011
And we ALL know how accurate these polls are here in the States (eye roll)

Would also be interesting amongst those three amigos to see what "deaths from other causes" looks like against typical timeframes from years past ....

At $14,000 per patient "diagnosed" as China Virus, and up to $37,000 when they are put, perhaps needlessly, on a ventilator ... becomes PRETTY LUCRATIVE for these three governors to have the highest impact rate .... now doesn't it. Look to Illinois - Pricksker is another one milking the system all in the name of fear and control over this china virus.


I am addicted member
Dec 28, 2015
And we ALL know how accurate these polls are here in the States (eye roll)

Would also be interesting amongst those three amigos to see what "deaths from other causes" looks like against typical timeframes from years past ....

At $14,000 per patient "diagnosed" as China Virus, and up to $37,000 when they are put, perhaps needlessly, on a ventilator ... becomes PRETTY LUCRATIVE for these three governors to have the highest impact rate .... now doesn't it. Look to Illinois - Pricksker is another one milking the system all in the name of fear and control over this china virus.

Back to your nonsense.

Do look back at previous years please you will see numbers of death are no way near the past 2 months.

The economy of these states is on a verge of collapse and you think it's lucrative for them to put people on ventilators? Wow...
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