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Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003
When you mention New Zealand and Australia doing a great job you are part right New Zealand yes and Australia not so much....You can`t believe any government`s data if they are run by a commie or fascist government. Hard to find any honest mouth pieces even Fauci.

I absolutely agree with your statement in regards to NZ & Australia. I also agree in regards to trust issues for communist & fascist governments such as the ones in China & the United States. You can't trust a word they say. Same thing with some red states in the US such as Florida where we're not learning that DeSantis has been trying to gag medical examiners from divulging who died from COVID-19 in order to keep the numbers down & thus not preventing him from opening up state when the real numbers would show that this is absolutely the wrong thing to do at this time.

Dont's: do not trust China; do not trust the Trump administration; do not trust Donald Trump; do not trust many red state governors; do not trust Fox News & any other right wing media outfit or talking piece; and not trust any Republican. They'll fool you once & will try to fool you twice. But shame on your if they fool you three times or more. But they'll keep on trying until they succeed. So beware.


Well-Known Member
May 10, 2003
I have a question to Legault admirers who keep reminding us of what a great job he is doing. I must be blind cause I don`t see it.
Quebec accounts for more than half the cases and more than half the deaths in Canada, with less than a quarter the population. So where is the beef ?
Ontario won`t let Quebecers into their province.


I am addicted member
Dec 28, 2015
Cloud Quebec had it's school break first week of March. When all shit started to break loose in Europe. All that traveling could easily represent why we are in deeper shit. Ontario and other provinces canceled their school break which were scheduled 1 or 2 week after Quebec and put their population in confinement.


Well-Known Member
May 10, 2003
Forget March break that he should have cancelled but think of to-day. Daily cases are rising. The death toll is 80 plus a day. The curve of new infections is far from flat but increasing daily at the second highest rate in Canada after Alberta.
5 Montreal Hospitals are at over 100% capacity. New York is doing better.

He wants to re-open schools and risk infecting families. Testing is way too little to allow proper monitoring . They can`t even test health workers and patients in nursing homes unless they are sick.
What the hell is going on ? Are these actions defensible? What`s going on in Quebec is comparable to Georgia....let`s see how that works out.

If that`s considered a good job then tell me Jal what is a bad job.


I am addicted member
Dec 28, 2015
Forget March break that he should have cancelled

That's the problem. If we had listened more closely to the WHO maybe just maybe it would have been canceled. But no country did until the shit hit the fan. Which happened around March 10-11 or so. As we were coming back from our school break in Quebec and as others in Canada canceled theirs. In the US they went on for another 2 weeks and are now paying high price for that.

Testing in Quebec is currently higher ratio then the US no matter what fucking idiot Kushner or Trump says. But yes we could do better. And we have to because Quebec has the highest ratio of elderly people, which does not help.

Halloween Mike

Original Dude
Apr 19, 2009
Guys... if you speak french watch the last Radio Quebec video. He has doctors and expert clips debunking a lot of stuff.


Well-Known Member
Jan 10, 2005
Stuff is starting to re-open finally. I must admit i have a hard time following their logic tough when it comes to what we getting vs what we don't. For instance i don't get why we can see friends at least outside, but kids will be back in school. I get that kids are not much at risk of symtoms but they can spread it just as much as adult from what i understand, so they may spread it to parents if they get it in school.

There is a logic to it. Because many people are sitting home collecting free money because of their kids. No daycare and no school. In order to be able to reopen businesses these people got to be able to work. Legault wants them to stop collecting free money. That is not sustainable long term. Even that $2000 that Trudeau is throwing around is a big issue. Many people will not want work. Why work when you can get paid to stay home. Anyhow I do not expect things to get to normal. WHO is the problem and declared this a pandemic. I think it might end up like Taiwan and the other Asian countries where it will be mandatory to wear a mask. They will turn us into a germophobe. Go the gym mandatory mask and gloves. Same for using public transit. Want to go to a cinema or restaurant you got to wear a mask and gloves. Society will be completely transformed into a nanny state. Government will control everyone.


The Longest Title in MERB
Mar 16, 2003
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“Show me the incentive and I’ll show you the outcome” by Charlie Munger, I think

When Trump won the presidential election, I quickly invested all my savings into the US stock market because Trump had a huge incentive to cut corporate taxes & boost the stock market because it benefits himself and his wealthy billionaire backers.

Today, Trump’s greatest incentive & priority is to win the election again on 3rd November. Trump doesn’t need a voter majority, just that 40+% to get him that electoral college win. Those consist of a diverse mix of of evangelicals, pro-Israel, pro-gun, white supremacists, billionaires & perhaps most importantly middle income moderates swing voters who just want to protect their stock market investments.

So till 3rd November, Trump will try to talk down the Covid-19 threat and pump up the stock market even if it results in a far worse Covid-19 outbreak and ultimately ruined stock market & economy after that.

Don’t believe me - yesterday, the US released data that the economy shrank 4.8% in the 1st Qtr. Coincidentally on the same day, the Trump administration released a positive study on the drug, Remdesivir reducing Covid-19 hospitalization by 4 days. This study has been known to the medical community for some time because it was conducted in multiple countries but other world leaders have not mentioned it because it has not been verified via peer review.

Yet the Trump administration chose to release it to pump up the stock market. Trump wants to give false hope to consumers so they will go back to spending money. Yes, Remdesivir may be a breakthrough in drug development against Covid-19 like AZT for HIV according to Fauci. But when AZT was found to work back then, did Fauci tell people to forget about safe sex??!!

If proven to be effective, Remdesivir can merely reduce hospitalization by 4 days. It is not a replacement for testing & contact tracing of Covid-19 cases. Social distancing is still required to bring down the infection rate before the economy can safely reopen.

If you truly understand Trump’s incentives then you’ll know why he’s always talking down the real threat of Covid-19. He just wants everything to look nice and promising till 3rd Nov election even if what lies beneath is a crumbling economy & healthcare system that will plague us all for many years to come.


Well-Known Member
Aug 20, 2017
Dont's: do not trust China; do not trust the Trump administration; do not trust Donald Trump; do not trust many red state governors; do not trust Fox News & any other right wing media outfit or talking piece; and not trust any Republican. They'll fool you once & will try to fool you twice. But shame on your if they fool you three times or more. But they'll keep on trying until they succeed. So beware.

Very wise advice Doc. Even some Trump cultists have finally reached these conclusions but sadly many of his cultists remain unswayed by all the factual evidence of how he has screwed up. Of course people also believed other cult leaders in the past, Jim Jones for example, at least until they were invited to share some of that final and fatal drink of Koolaid. Trump however doesn't need Koolaid since he has fish tank cleaner and disinfectants to promote to his followers. Darwin had a point that Trump's true believers are proving (with all due respect to the poor guy who watched his president touting a drug with "great possibilities" and died after swallowing the fish tank cleaner).

The Nature Boy

Well-Known Member
Jun 17, 2017
especially since you have inside knowledge that a vaccine will be available in a few months. I'll bet you China comes up with a vaccine in record time - let's say end of June. One caveat however. The Wuhan vaccine will be just about as effective as the corona virus test kits they sent to around the world. Tu e'res loco, e'se!!!

i have no inside knowledge that a vaccine will be available in the fall?? @ least a wide scale for use on general population one. I think some candidates are going to be tried out on health professionals in the fall in large scale study.


Well-Known Member
Dec 27, 2005
Yet the Trump administration chose to release it to pump up the stock market.

If proven to be effective, Remdesivir can merely reduce hospitalization by 4 days.

Dr. Fauci brought it up during a press conference not Trump.

If Remdesivir can "merely" reduce hospitalization by 4 days you increase the chance of people surviving the coronavirus by having them off a ventilator sooner or not even having them go on it in the first place, increase hospital capacity by having more beds available, 4 days less of someone being on oxygen, decrease the mortality rates from 11.6% to 8%, and on and on. If the drug does shave off 4 days it's the real deal and will save lives.

Incorrectly assuming that the president is tied to this drug for a political reasons sends the wrong message giving the haters a reason to shit on something that can be good news for a change. Why can't we just enjoy some good news for a change?

Everyday you don't spend in the hospital increases your chance to survive.

The Nature Boy

Well-Known Member
Jun 17, 2017
While it sounds like the Oxford vaccine tests are promising

Still bet these guys would have preferred to take the place of the monkeys to speed up the human testing, particularly to have had a chance to get paroled in their 70s instead of a life sentence as a result of participating. The positive test percentage is astonishing.

why can’t you just let these inmates in their 70’s out regardless if they don’t need to be there?

The Nature Boy

Well-Known Member
Jun 17, 2017
That would be fine with me, but the U.S. over-incarceration system doesn’t allow it.

The U.S. will just let them die off of covid-19 in prison without concern or comment.

im pretty sure they are already letting people out dude. I think the same prison reform initiative that was started by Jared Kuschner and Van Jones and the trump admin is also addressing this.


Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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Connecticut released almost 1,000 prisoners and the vast majority were over 50 years old. They were selected for release based on the nature of their crimes and their possible susceptibility to the virus.


Well-Known Member
Jan 10, 2005

Healthcare is never free not even in Canada. We all pay for it. Those workers got to get paid they are not working for free so yes it is kinda of business.


The Longest Title in MERB
Mar 16, 2003
Beer Factory
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Dr. Fauci brought it up during a press conference not Trump .....

Incorrectly assuming that the president is tied to this drug for a political reasons sends the wrong message giving the haters a reason to shit on something that can be good news for a change. Why can't we just enjoy some good news for a change? .....

Trump forced Dr. Fauci to mention that positive Remdesivir study on that day. As one of the world’s leading scientists, don’t you think Dr. Fauci knows that he cannot publicly promote a drug study that has not been verified via peer review?

I truly admire Dr. Fauci for his efforts to work within the system to save lives even at the expense of his reputation.

You want good news? Lots of good news from NZ which used social distancing to squash the curve. Also from South Korea using extensive testing & contact tracing to bring cases to single digit levels. Then there’s Germany having some success using a combination of both methods.

Instead of hoping for a miracle drug that may or may not appear to save the day, Trump can effectively contain Covid-19 by implementing social distancing combined with extensive testing & contact tracing. Because of the sheer size of the US plus high infection levels, this entire effort may mean shutting down much of the economy over 3-6 months but the federal government can provide extensive disaster relief via monthly payments to everyone. After that period, life can be mostly normal. With the virus effectively contained, the economy will automatically restart.

But Trump will never adopt such a sensible policy because the stock market & economy may not recover in time to ensure his victory in the presidential election on 3rd Nov.


Active Member
Aug 3, 2016
Maybe a little good news for some folks who have credit card insurance and have lost their job because of the Covid-19 pandemic. They might get some relief from their credit card issuers.

[FONT=&amp]"My jaw hit the floor," Toronto resident Allison Brown wrote in an email to CBC.
[FONT=&amp]Brown is one of 13 people who have contacted CBC in the past three months to report they've been refunded a combined total of more than $50,000.
[FONT=&amp]Credit card insurance is a product banks market as a way to help with credit card payments if a person loses their job or gets sick, but some customers have said they were signed up without their knowledge.
[FONT=&amp]Critics say the insurance can be expensive, hard to claim and may cover only the minimum monthly payment or a small percentage of the balance owing.
[FONT=&amp]Brown said she has had insurance on her PC Financial Mastercard since 2009. Until she read the CBC story, she thought it was mandatory. She was refunded almost immediately after asking for proof that she'd signed up.
[FONT=&amp]"They were unable to tell me how this ended up on my account and I have zero recollection of ever having a discussion about this," she said. "They called me back less than 24 hours after my initial call to let me know they were refunding the entire amount. All $7,452.90 of it."[/FONT]
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