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Well-Known Member
Jan 10, 2005
You guys are wrong. If girls have not been afraid of STDs doing BBBJs why should they be afraid of catching the COVID? Plus, most of them probably already had it and have some immunity. There are several agencies working right now with girls advertising GFE and sometimes PSE. So, you think COVID taste is so much worse than gonorrhea or syphilis?

That is wishful thinking. First thing is first they are not being exposed to fear mongering reporting on a daily basis on STDs in the same they are about Covid-19. They did not lockdown the whole world for STDs. It is all psychological. There will be always some girls in extreme need (Got a pimp? Or addicted to drugs? Or something else?) to resort to still serving during this pandemic but as you can see more then half the agencies shutdown and most Indys are not serving. And lastly STDs is not spreading like wildfire in the same way as Covid-19 is. Do not expect anything to go back to normal before 2021 and when it does most of these girls will be gone and probably a lot of the agencies will disappear.


The Longest Title in MERB
Mar 16, 2003
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Ever wondered how they found out so quickly that Trump’s valet had coronavirus? That’s b/c anyone who comes into contact w/ the President & vice president are constantly being tested. W/o that constant testing, that valet would have hv gone undetected & passed Covid-19 to much of the White House. Now as an enhanced precaution, Covid-19 testing has been intensified even more for the White House.

Oddly this testing strategy works wonderfully for Trump & inner circle but is being regarded as impractical for the rest of the country. So the US is now left w/ 2 false choices:
a) Lockdown for long periods to save lives but crash the economy
b) Restart the economy prematurely but sacrifice more lives and eventually crash the healthcare system & economy

There is a 3rd choice that is far more feasible - roll out a robust Covid-19 surveillance system (Test, Trace, Isolate). Germany & South Korea have proven that it works even w/ an initially large outbreak. Hong Kong, Singapore, Taiwan have been doing it for the start.

Instead of making decisions based on science & evidence, Trump has decided to go w/ his gut and take a totally unnecessary gamble w/ American lives. God help us all!
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Well-Known Member
Jan 12, 2005
massage parlours will get the green light to reopen in BC in a week or moving there!


Well-Known Member
Jun 8, 2015
That is wishful thinking.

The agencies were closed not because all girls are afraid of COVID but because of the stigma working during lockdown and sometimes pressure from LE. We shall see, but my prediction is that a lot of advertising sites, personal and agencies, will soon have mark “POST COVID” together with the boobs size to attract the most reliable portion of the clientele -older fuckers
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Well-Known Member
Dec 27, 2005
Totally agree with the above post. If the juice is worth the squeeze we should all be doing some squeezing in no time.


The Longest Title in MERB
Mar 16, 2003
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I posted some potential good news about coronavirus and you decided to negate it by throwing your opinions and politics into this. So let's be clear about how this got started by you.

I'm not misleading anyone, that's your job.You wrote what you wrote and you cannot verify that Trump forced Dr. Fauci into making the statement regarding Remdesivir. I'ts very clear that your trying to mislead people by falsely injecting your opinion of what you thought happended. Fact is Dr. Fauci made a statement. Your opinion was that he was forced to make it.

Your 1-5 points are yet again, opinions.

1. Credible scientists will not publicly promote a drug study that has not been verified via peer review. Opinion
2. Dr. Fauci is a highly credible & respected scientist. Opinion
3. Dr. Fauci could have simply waited a few more days for the positive study to be peer reviewed. Opinion
4. Trump is well-known for arranging to pump up the stock market especially on days when there is terrible news. Opinion
5. If Dr. Fauci wasn’t forced by Trump, why would the most respected scientist in the entire government violate scientific ethics and protocol? Opinion

As far as misleading anyone, I was the one who posted something good about a potential drug for coronavirus that was mentioned in a press conference (fact), you decided to inject your opinion by stating it was forced (opinion).

Regarding getting a pat on the head for being a Trump cultisits, that once again, is your opinion. I never said it was about Trump, you did.

I'll agree to disagree, and stick to the facts.

This is hilarious. I didn’t even know you had posted first about the Remdesivir, talk about inflated ego.

Looking back on the posts, yes u did post about Remdsivir and the fact remains you still don’t know what Peer Review means. Also interesting how u first deemed it as good news and now trying to backtrack by calling it ‘Potential Good News”.

Paranoia plus fact distortion - Hmm, u are kinda similar to yr idol.

As for being a Trump cultist, just be honest about it, nothing for u to be ashamed about worshipping The Great Orange Leader.


Well-Known Member
Dec 27, 2005


The Longest Title in MERB
Mar 16, 2003
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Absolutely no issues w/ Remdesivir, I even own Gilead shares. I just happen to know what the proper scientific protocol for making public announcements. Btw, anyone seen Dr Fauci recently?


Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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I am tending to agree with Cloud 500. The reaction is different and these generalizations that GFE will be back because it's not as big an issue as STD lose sight of some important differences. If you guys really want to gauge the impact of Covid 19 go on Seeking Arrangement and read the profiles. There are a very large number of women saying ONLINE only due to Covid 19. Many are addressing their feelings about Covid 19 and how it impacts on arrangements in their profile. It's knuckleheaded to think there is any general consensus on intimate actions among a large population, but there will be a severe detrimental impact on GFE services. Will some SPs still offer it? Yes, and they are probably not the ones you want to see unless you want to roll the dice on your immunity to Covid-19. Will some who previously offered GFE services restrict them? Of course. Just get ready for a big time knockdown on GFE frequency and mentally warm yourselves to the idea of CBJ. CBJ is still better than masturbation.


Active Member
Sep 22, 2011
Testing and tracking is to give up all personal freedom and liberties ... if you are really ready for that, go live in China or Venezuela for a bit first just to be sure before advocating it on the rest.
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I am addicted member
Dec 28, 2015
Testing and tracking is to give up all personal freedom and liberties ... if you are really ready for that, go live in China or Venezuela for a bit first just to be sure before advocating it on the rest.

I would give all my freedom and liberties in heartbeat if it can helps me staying healthy. I have fuck all to hide right now. Once it's over and were safe (cus one day we will) I will just throw my phone away and our freedom and liberties will be back. While in China and Venezuela it will not.

Like I wrote before, alive we will get over this shitty situation. Dead we won't.
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The Longest Title in MERB
Mar 16, 2003
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Amazon, Facebook & Google hv been tracking you and everyone else for years. Google probably knows yr escort preferences & budget, Amazon knows your favorite condoms & sex toys while Facebook knows everything u do when u’re not whoring or trumping. Covid-19 testing & tracing can save your life and is a pittance compared to the rights to privacy that everyone has gladly surrended to the tech giants for years.


I am addicted member
Dec 28, 2015
Donbusch it goes even further. One of Trump's first move in office was to repeal of U.S. broadband privacy rules. Meaning AT&T, Comcast, Verizon and all other provider to do pretty much what they want with your data. And worst then that because google or facebook could be fooled by your VPN but these providers are not. VPN or not they know exactly who you are.


Well-Known Member
Dec 26, 2019
Yes it's true, that some countries don't have many freedoms.
However, there are countries that have many more.
Also there are countries which under an appearance of total freedom, but in reality, they have less, like the USA. Because the country is run by Trump.

When a man unilaterally dismisses people who don't think like him.
When a man brandishes his authority, as soon as someone has another opinion.
OMG, I think of these tweets where he expresses himself without restraint, without limits, without any complexes and frequently publishes attacks on these provocative tweets.
I laughed so much when I saw his photomontage showing him in Rocky, posted on his Twitter account.

When the people around him have afraid!!

I think of the magnificent scenario organized by Trump with Dr. Fauci, to give good results (remdesivir). Dr. Fauci would never have done this without the support of his peers, but with a dagger in the back, he had no choice.

Some people call it dictatorship. Not me, I said some.
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Well-Known Member
Jan 20, 2017
IWill some who previously offered GFE services restrict them? Of course. Just get ready for a big time knockdown on GFE frequency and mentally warm yourselves to the idea of CBJ. CBJ is still better than masturbation.

This whole "many won't offer GFE anymore" line of thinking is downright bizarre to me. It's certainly possible that it will be the case, but it's delusional. If one of the people involved is COVID19 positive, cutting out GFE won't make any difference at all. Might as well just offer it anyway.
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Jan 28, 2004
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Far too many of us think that the flattening of the curve will mean life goes back to what it was, seriously ? This is a virus with no cure, no vaccination so let's be serious, life has changed for the foreseeable future. I have been working from home for 8 weeks and have zero intention of returning presently. The government can tell us they are opening the economy but the reality is that doing so will only put more people at risk meaning more deaths. There will be a second wave, a third and who knows how many more before a cure or vaccination is available. Moving about on public transportation, eating in restaurants and gathering with friends and family will not be able to be done without huge risks to lives. This is far from over and is currently NOT being managed by governments world wide


Active Member
Sep 22, 2011
This thread is chock full of liberal shills that can only blame one person thanks to there TDS ....

Government tells you let me implant chip in your penis and you will be healthy for life ... i see at least 6 above that would clamor to be first in line ... fools

PT Barnum has your number!
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Well-Known Member
Jan 20, 2017
This thread is chock full of liberal shills that can only blame one person thanks to there TDS ....



Apr 29, 2007
I would give all my freedom and liberties in heartbeat if it can helps me staying healthy. I have fuck all to hide right now. Once it's over and were safe (cus one day we will) I will just throw my phone away and our freedom and liberties will be back. While in China and Venezuela it will not.

Like I wrote before, alive we will get over this shitty situation. Dead we won't.

So that meant, you re the perfect candidate for RFID Chip, good luck with your soul. All i can say :(
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I am addicted member
Dec 28, 2015
So that meant, you re the perfect candidate for RFID Chip, good luck with your soul. All i can say :(

It's actually not about me. It's about WE. Any action I can take that will improve the general health of WE... I will do. Of course until this pandemic virus is contained.
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