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Well-Known Member
May 10, 2003
This discussion makes no sense. If the guy is infected with cv the girl will be infected before he ever gets a chance to cim. He`ll have her at hello.
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Well-Known Member
Dec 26, 2019
This coronavirus is very surprising and dangerous, and we don't know all its implications.

That said, the only thing I can think of is: if you aren't sure about your partner's situation regarding his screening (before for venereal diseases, and now you have to add a negative test for COVID-19) done regularly, protect yourself.

Yes I understand, but in my case the CIMSW is over, because I want to continue my pleasure as long as possible. Now the condom will become my friend for oral sex.


Well-Known Member
Dec 26, 2019
Don't believe that it will be easy, it will be very very difficult to do CBJ, because I loved BBBJ.

Since I am not a gambler, and want to continue, I have no choice.

In addition I have a co-morbidity, I have hypertension (but I am controlled).
I also receive each year the influenza vaccine.


I am addicted member
Dec 28, 2015
Patron Elizabeth Holmes's idea did not worked because her company was never able to independently proofed that it actually worked. They ended up sub-contracting their testing blood samples to regular laboratory and falsely claimed the test were made with their technology. It was a complete fraud. Even Ruppert Murdoch, who had invested millions on her company, was not able to silence a wall street journalist (a journal he owns) from revealing the complete fraud she and her company was.

Yeah she's still hot tho ;)

The problem with the virus in semen is that it can stay many many days after your have no other presence of the virus anymore. But has others have pointed out swallowing it will kill the virus. COB, COF even CIC are more dangerous now. So for the good of our hobby and our girls from now on I oblige all of you to finish CIMWS! We are cool with that?


Well-Known Member
Dec 26, 2019
Jalimon I didn't know it, so that there have been scientific studies which showed that in the sperm there could remain virus present for several days, even if you didn't have the presence of the active virus in your samples?

In the past I tried oral sex with and without a condom. I prefer the thrills of many that condom less oral sex provides.

I tell myself that when I feel the point of no return arrived, I remove junior from in her mouth and I ejaculate in a disinfectant cloth, it could be correct? But the CIM is over.


Active Member
Sep 22, 2011
... Now the condom will become my friend for oral sex.

Good for you and that is YOUR decision ... however, do not try to become an advocate for the rest of us that is the way it must go ... NOT for me ... and NOT with any gal that goes that way after this is over ... and there will be MANY that don't and they can have my business!

To each their own ... supply and demand.

"ejaculate in a disinfectant cloth" ??? OMGosh ... too funny!! Stay home and on a porn site if gonna be that uptight my friend.


Well-Known Member
Dec 26, 2019
First, what I said only applies to me.

OnJustALark knowing that you're a complete Trump fan. And that I was hoping for an answer from you, and yes you fell into the trap. You didn't even notice that I used the same word as your President.
And I almost answer you that it was only a sarcasm.
But no, I couldn't wait to tell you.

Another thing and that is only for me.
When I start the hobby again, it will be with great respect for the limits of SP that I will meet.
And yes you are right, I stay at home.
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Well-Known Member
Jan 20, 2017
I'm assuming all this talk about oral with or without a condom is all just jokes, right? You guys realize none of that makes a difference in terms of catching the virus...?


Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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Dr. Fauci has been quarantined after being exposed to the positive tested press secretary to Mike Pence:

The dude is 80 years old, although he seems reasonably fit and healthy. He says he will be tested every day, which seems excessive to me to have that long swab jabbed up his nostril to his ear every single day. I wonder if he and Trump get sedated for that, or if they man the fuck up and take it. I had an ENT doctor stick a camera tube into my nose and down my throat and he peeked into my larynx during the summer of 2019 after I had viral pneumonia and a chronic cough that lasted months. I was forced to man up and take it- no sedation, nothing. I just wonder if these power figures do the same or not.
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The Nature Boy

Well-Known Member
Jun 17, 2017
Dude how the hell did a cock roach like Steven miller grab a cutie like pence’s press secretary? More perplexing and mysterious than Stonehenge


Well-Known Member
May 10, 2003
As a wise old and ugly former secretary of state once said...power is an aphrodisiac.
Sorry I can`t spell Kissinger.


Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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Look at this, California surfer dude taking a break from quarantine at a closed beach to exercise/participate in one of 4 permitted water sports activities (surfing) ends up getting killed by a shark:

You can't watch Netflix all day...........we all have to get exercise.
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Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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California Coronavirus "cluster" traced to birthday party:

What's interesting is that a large birthday party in Westport (Fairfield County), Connecticut, for an adult, created a huge cluster of cases that spiked the infection count in Fairfield County in the initial stages of the pandemic. This is what happens when stay at home orders are not followed.


The Longest Title in MERB
Mar 16, 2003
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California Coronavirus "cluster" traced to birthday party:

What's interesting is that a large birthday party in Westport (Fairfield County), Connecticut, for an adult, created a huge cluster of cases that spiked the infection count in Fairfield County in the initial stages of the pandemic. This is what happens when stay at home orders are not followed.

Similar pattern in South Korea, whose recent winning streak was ended by one person causing at least 24 other infections at the nightclubs.

Seems some people are just very contagious. It’s unknown what causes certain people to become super spreaders but all that’s needed is one or two of these super spreaders to cause a new outbreak.



Well-Known Member
Dec 26, 2019
One of the few articles I have seen that attempts to quantify deaths from the lockdown (or whatever you want to call it).

As Hungry101 alluded to, there will also be Deaths of Delay, in addition to the Deaths of Despair, as the medical system rations preventive care (and even seemingly necessary care such as treating some tumors with drugs instead of a faster route to surgery), but you won’t see much quantification of that due to its use in potential lawsuits.

A true economic analysis would also involve years lost to the various scenarios, and even quality years lost, but that is a political hot potato, especially in an election year.

I agree with your comments so much.

Yes it is true this economic analysis will never be done. I think of the USA which with their 80,000 dead and their famous president who keeps saying that thanks to him and his team, they avoided the worst. Imagine all the lives lost because of all the collateral problems.

I have never seen before a president having any empathy, a president who has no humanity and that for him alone the economy counts, because he wants to be re-elected. The problem is that many Americans are sheep and who believe everything that their president says. Don't think he says it all for you, but no he doesn't care about you.
Today 47 states out of 50 begin their deconfinement.
Honestly I hope it works for all of these humans who live in the USA.


Active Member
Sep 22, 2011
How was Easter for white Obama Trudeau who invoked Jesus to gather the Canadian sheep to stay home while he created a carbon print to fly off to his family cabin in Quebec ... mask-less am sure ... and then with his detail of people ... how was the "cake" you got to eat ... you know Marie Antoinette


Active Member
Feb 24, 2005
I know two people who got the bug...sounds pretty nasty....fever lasting for close to 2 weeks with atrocious coughing...didn't die but took 3 weeks to recover. The two are "relatively" young, one early 30s and another early 40s. Then, there is the stigma of getting the bug. The bug never really goes away. It stays within your body and re-activates if your immune system is weak.


Active Member
Feb 24, 2005
This is quite a strong statement. I suggest you submit paper to Lancet ASAP. May qualify for Nobel

There are many reports about people who got the bug and then get re-infected. A number of researchers suggest
the virus get re-activated. Look at the Bloomberg report:

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