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The Nature Boy

Well-Known Member
Jun 17, 2017

Kinda think they should not completely forget about doin more trials with hydroxychloroquine as prophylactic against covid or giving it early on and see what results are. Prob is in Brazil testing is shitty. You would need to have a quick turn around time and not limit testing to set criteria. Someone feels sick, they get tested, get results back quick, and if positive can start med. provided they get baseline ecg to make sure nothing shaky goin on there

Sol Tee Nutz

Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2012
Look behind you.
SolT there is no herd immunity against the coronavirus anywhere in the world....and it won`t happen till there is an effective vaccine that is given to 95% of the world in a relatively short window of time.
There is mounting evidence that CV antibodies fade after several months .

The flu vaccine is only good for 70% of the population, what makes you think this one will be better. The covid-19 does not even effect 30% of the population.
As for herd immunity, I was using NY & NJ as an example to their drastic reduction in cases because a majority of those to catch it ( it you are meant to catch this you will be it now or in 6 months ) have caught it.
I would like to see a study of people who had the virus catching it again and then dying, my guess is no one or an ultra low number.


Well-Known Member
May 10, 2003
How effective a vaccine is , is based mostly how fast a virus mutates. Most flu and cold viruses mutate pretty fast......but we don`t know much yet about our novel friend..


Well-Known Member
Dec 26, 2019

Dr. David Kaiser, a Montreal public health official, is concerned about the transmission of COVID-19 in bars and is recommending patrons get tested for the virus.

“There are at least five bars in Montreal which have reported cases of COVID-19 among patrons or staff and we’ve identified eight people who have been infected,” Kaiser said. “We know there are probably more cases out and we want to get out in front of this before we find ourselves dealing with a second wave.”

Kaiser said bars pose more problems than restaurants. He noted the layout of most bars allows for mingling and people might be less likely to follow the rules on social distancing after a few drinks.

The city has the power to intervene if there are continuing problems with an individual bar, but Kaiser said if there was a wide-scale problem in the industry, the city would have to take its concerns to the province for action.

The coronavirus prowls and waits for its prey, and there it's full.

The Nature Boy

Well-Known Member
Jun 17, 2017
The covid-19 does not even effect 30% of the population.

What do you mean by this, and where r u getting this # Saul?

My and NJ reduction of cases I doubt has anything to do with herd immunity. It’s like sayin there’s great music comin out of Memphis because of Elvis, wishful
Thinking, that’s all it is. He’s dead. He really is. I’d say NJ, CT and a few other of those states is because they followed the guidelines.

What CNN and a ton of other American outlets are being politically correct about is not mentioning how much the protests played in propagating the virus. No one wants to even touch that shit, but to turn a blind eye is not gonna help the situation. I’m not talking about the looting, and crime, I’m talking about the peaceful gathering of thousands. A lot of whom were not wearing face masks are wearing them the wrong way and screaming the top of their lungs.

Having said that, there is a huge difference between these protests and Trump rally’s. The protests should not be used by trump and his team to say, if the left can gather so can we.


Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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The protests did come at a terrible time and definitely didn't help matters as far as containing the pandemic. We had some protests in CT, but they were mostly small and peaceful.


Well-Known Member
Dec 26, 2019
On TV. A lady from Florida said I don't want to wear the mask, because 99.6% of people who have coronavirus recover from it.
Madam, you are miscalculating.
Confirmed cases of coronavirus: 3,290,000 and 135,000 dead = 4.1% died

Do you know the % of people who recover but remain with after-effects?
No, but we thought it was just a respiratory virus. Finally, it reaches the pancreas. It reaches the heart. It affects the liver, brain, kidneys and other organs. We didn't really realize that at the start, "said Dr. Eric Topol, cardiologist and director of the Scripps research institute in California, to the Reuters news agency.

Sol Tee Nutz

Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2012
Look behind you.
The amount of people tested and the amount of cases shows the percentage, yes given that these people " may " catch it in the future. Lets use Italy for an example, 243,000 cases they and a population of 60 million the infection rate is ultra low, I was being more than generous with my 20% I think. As for the drop in cases you can not say it is due to social distancing or masks because not much has changed from day 1 to today from what I have seen. Either the people were in lineups outside before or in buildings today, the mask uses is still less than 20% from what I am seeing. Again with the generous 20%.
Having such a deadly virus that was to be the end all and you need a test to see if you even have it.. Well.
These are just my opinions and on other sites than this one many agree with me.
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The Nature Boy

Well-Known Member
Jun 17, 2017
U can say what you want about the numbers in Italy and I can say they were splitting vents and ran out of icu beds, so poop, poop on your #’s luv.

And yes I can certainly say social distancing and better practices is what is causing demise of the rates of hospitalizations, # of deaths and % of people testing positive
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Sol Tee Nutz

Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2012
Look behind you.
4th of July lake celebrations cause Covid 19 cluster in Michigan;

It should not be a surprise to anyone that numbers will go up when more people get together in large groups, the rise in numbers now should not scare people.
Some of you forget what flattening the curve was meant to do, drag this out, not stop it as this virus is not going away.
It should be expected to see numbers go up.

Sol Tee Nutz

Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2012
Look behind you.
U can say what you want about the numbers in Italy and I can say they were splitting vents and ran out of icu beds, so poop, poop on your #’s luv.

And yes I can certainly say social distancing and better practices is what is causing demise of the rates of hospitalizations, # of deaths and % of people testing positive

What does splitting ventilators have do with what I posted? The comment was not about overcrowded hospitals.

The Nature Boy

Well-Known Member
Jun 17, 2017
Prob nothing, had to figure out away to give that poop, poop line some punch


The Longest Title in MERB
Mar 16, 2003
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Looks like first step being taken towards removing Dr. Fauci, think he’ll be fired or reassigned in a month or two. There’s really not much anyone can do to discredit Dr. Fauci. He has certainly earned his credibility & his advice on the coronavirus has been similar to other health authorities among the developed nations.

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The Nature Boy

Well-Known Member
Jun 17, 2017

Do you think Fauci will end up on dancing with the stars?



Well-Known Member
Dec 26, 2019

Coronavirus infections rose above 13 million across the world on Monday, according to a Reuters tally, climbing by one million in just five days in a pandemic that has killed more than half a million people.

World Health Organization chief Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus said there would be no return to the old normal for the foreseeable future, with too many countries headed in the wrong direction.

“The virus remains public enemy number one,” he told a virtual briefing from WHO headquarters in Geneva.

“If basics are not followed, the only way this pandemic is going to go, it is going to get worse and worse and worse. But it does not have to be this way.”

The Reuters global tally, which is based on government reports, shows the disease is accelerating the fastest in Latin America. The Americas account for more than half the world’s infections and half the deaths.


Well-Known Member
Dec 26, 2019
Looks like first step being taken towards removing Dr. Fauci, think he’ll be fired or reassigned in a month or two. There’s really not much anyone can do to discredit Dr. Fauci. He has certainly earned his credibility & his advice on the coronavirus has been similar to other health authorities among the developed nations.

Donbusch, I didn't know that.
Another one who will be off track.
There I am completely disillusioned.


Well-Known Member
Apr 9, 2019
Around the corner
Again I disagree about Dr. Fauci.
He misled everyone in the beginning with down playing this whole pandemic in February and March and telling people masks were not necessary at all and could actually give you a false sense of security and make things worse. He said go on a cruise if you want.
He was nothing but a mouth piece and brown nose for the WH administration.
Now that things have totally soured and gone totally out of control, and It is obvious to anyone who has a brain, he is trying to save his ass by finally doing what as a leading professional expert he should have done in the first place.

I have no sympathy for brown noses .
Dont take a job if you are not willing to take the consequences of doing the right thing.
If you want to be famous in front of the world then do it for something that will help humanity and not for fame and your personal gain.
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