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Sol Tee Nutz

Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2012
Look behind you.
When I take this calculator test below, I get a .99931 percent chance that I won’t die of Covid-19,

Is your decimal place out by 2 for chance of not dying

Sol Tee Nutz

Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2012
Look behind you.
^^^^ I see 20+ people a day.


Well-Known Member
Dec 26, 2019
I'm really glad the numbers are going down for new cases and also for the death toll.


Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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It's not a question of defending Trump. It's a question of what is a President's duty in a time of a public crisis. The duty is to not create a public panic. One can certainly question how to handle a situation like this, made much more difficult by the fact that the media was selling a ton of fear and negativity at the outset of the pandemic. It's kind of the same reason why it's against the law to yell "fire" in a crowded movie theater. You don't want to create a stampede that is going to cause lots of injuries. Similarly a President has a duty to react to a crisis in a manner that is consistent with not creating a public panic.

Nobody here has suggested what would be the proper course of action, because nobody here really knows what that would have been. Wilson completely ignored the pandemic. Trump minimized it. Are we suggesting that he should have overstated it? I think doing so would have had much more dire consequences for the public. I think the panic to get things would have been much worse and the supply chain disruptions would have been greater. Fistfights in supermarket aisles might have been the least of the problems.

The other things seems to be this notion that there was a "correct" way to handle the pandemic given the wildly conflicting medical opinions even after the pandemic started because nobody fully understood the virus. There was no such thing. All of this is to simply say that there was no blueprint to follow except for a general Presidential blueprint to not create a public panic.


Well-Known Member
Dec 27, 2005
EB, I agree with most of what your saying. The one thing that bothered me most about Woodward’s tapes was that the president knew Covid 19 could be transmitted through the air but never did anything about it until recently and even then he minimized the effectiveness of masks. If you look at the pics in your article along with many others regarding the Spanish Flu everyone is wearing masks. He made it into a political debate when he should have pushed more to have people wearing masks, especially early on.
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Well-Known Member
Dec 26, 2019
EB I don't agree.

It was a new virus, no president, prime minister, in short, no head of state knew how to manage this new crisis, then this pandemic. That said, yes it is true that no one had received a plan to follow.

Do a question come to mind? is it better not to want to create panic, and not to react, and to become the country in the world with the most deaths, yet the country most likely to have the economic possibilities of halving the number of deaths.

No one is going to convince me that Trump handled the crisis well. In a few weeks they will reach 200,000 dead.
Think of the other people who have gone through it, and who will come out of it with after-effects, to all those who suffered these side effects, all that could have been reduced if we had reacted.

I have a lot of sympathy for all these families destroyed by COVID.


Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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EB, I agree with most of what your saying. The one thing that bothered me most about Woodward’s tapes was that the president knew Covid 19 could be transmitted through the air but never did anything about it until recently and even then he minimized the effectiveness of masks. If you look at the pics in your article along with many others regarding the Spanish Flu everyone is wearing masks. He made it into a political debate when he should have pushed more to have people wearing masks, especially early on.

Trump is certainly worthy of criticism on that point and on others, but people here are playing a blame game and the blame does not lie only at his feet. Lessons were learned by the medical community and hospitals and the lives that were lost were not lost because of any one person or event. No matter who was President lots of lives were and will be lost.

It's already been discussed ad nauseam that the USA doesn't have a centralized government on public health matters and public health decisions are largely in the hands of the States. Mask laws are state to state, and it really doesn't matter what Trump says or does. In Connecticut since April 20 you can't go in a store without a mask and furthermore most businesses here post signs saying that. All of this keeps getting lost in the analysis. I think one of the biggest reasons for the high death toll is that there is no centralized government on public health matters in the USA. That and we are a large country with a very very mobile work force. Many of the posts in this thread are painfully, awkwardly shallow in their failure to analyze some of the real reasons for why it's been a debacle. When I was in Maine the lack of consistency in regulation State to State is the biggest topic of concern I heard in discussion with tourists from other states including those who were mobile work force employees who are part of the federal government. It's confusing even to me.
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The Nature Boy

Well-Known Member
Jun 17, 2017
EB, I agree with most of what your saying. The one thing that bothered me most about Woodward’s tapes was that the president knew Covid 19 could be transmitted through the air but never did anything about it until recently and even then he minimized the effectiveness of masks. If you look at the pics in your article along with many others regarding the Spanish Flu everyone is wearing masks. He made it into a political debate when he should have pushed more to have people wearing masks, especially early on.

He knew it was airborne and has had a shitload of gatherings/rallies
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The Nature Boy

Well-Known Member
Jun 17, 2017
Fake news!

One of the 1/989373736289203729303846483938!!!!

She should buy a lottery ticket with her luck!!

CNN is paying actors to come on air and tell bullshit!!

F the fake media


The Nature Boy

Well-Known Member
Jun 17, 2017
There’s also mental health effects on those who are coping with chronic infection. Not being able to get back to baseline health after initial infection. Chronic lung issues and lung capacity deficits. Not being able to exercise and getting winded more quickly and easily after being infected. Mental health issues have always taken a back burner when compared to regular medical issues not just in USA, but in many of the countries in the world. Best way to help these people who are dealing with the depression of economic ramifications and prevent people from developing depression secondary to chronic covid infections is to get the virus transmission levels in check.


Well-Known Member
Dec 26, 2019
Patron, I don't agree at all with your last sentence.

Why, because if there is no control, it's the most vulnerable people, who will be infected by other asymptomatic people.

If you would have lost your beloved mom in a CHSLD who had her mind, but zero mobility, maybe you would like there to be more rules.

Yes I am aggressive because my mom was the person I loved the most in the world.

jeff teliska

Active Member
Feb 26, 2013
Native Land
" We have done much, much better than the European Union "
Donald Trump on September 10th, 2020

Coronavirus daily deaths reported on that day :

USA: 1,136
Spain: 71
France: 30
Italy: 14
United Kingdom: 8
Germany: 3
Belgium: 2

Canada: 2
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The Nature Boy

Well-Known Member
Jun 17, 2017


Well-Known Member
Apr 9, 2019
Around the corner
Trump is an ass when It comes to the pandemic and mishandled it like many leaders throughout the world especially in the beginning.
Lets not forget that as Quebecers we were and still are the New York of Canada.

Why give all the credit to Trump though, how about all those governors and mayors who can’t agree on shit that are suing each other for issuing a mask mandate.
We can give a lot of credit to Governor Cuomo for how well he handled the senior homes in New York.
How about all the people that gather in large crowds without any distancing or wearing of masks to this very day.
Why don’t we give some credit to all the medical so called experts throughout the world not just in the US who were telling us well into the end of March that the wearing of masks would actually be worse as they would lull us into a sense of safety and masks actually don’t provide any protection.

It is very convenient to have the big Orange idiot who everybody can dump on and blame entirely for all this.
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The Nature Boy

Well-Known Member
Jun 17, 2017
Why don’t we give some credit to all the medical so called experts throughout the world not just in the US who were telling us well into the end of March that the wearing of masks would actually be worse as they would lull us into a sense of safety and masks actually don’t provide any protection.

Again, you keep mentioning the mask thing. This is false. I’m China, Taiwan, Singapore, Malaysia masks were promoted. I even remember seeing some shit on cnn international where some Chinese dude said wearing masks is beneficial. There is a culture of mask wearing in that part of the world. If you have ever been to any airports like Hong Kong, Kuala Lumpur or Singapore you will always see people wearing masks. This was pre covid as well.

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Well-Known Member
Apr 9, 2019
Around the corner
Of course I keep mentioning the mask, why because now everybody is wearing one not just the Asian populations.
Funny why US and Canadian medical experts thought it was not necessary did they think all of China was wearing it just because of air pollution.

Now can you imagine if this shit virus would have originated from the US what the news media would do to Trump.
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The Nature Boy

Well-Known Member
Jun 17, 2017
WOW, there were no masks dude. I kid you not. Even now. I’m working. I can honestly say that precovid if I was called to casualty to see a patient and they were like this dude has tested positive for flu btw, there would be N-95’s outside room. Not surgical masks, n-95’s. You would see patient and chuck it. If there was another flu patient you would get another one. Now you have to keep it for whole day. Back in March and April my colleagues would have to keep one for weeks and have to actually show a beat up worn out mask to their supervisors to get a new one.

These masks were being hoarded like toilet paper. @ a time where there was no clue how rampant the infection rate was, if there was asymptomatic spread, what the modes of transmission were, info was given which some of you are calling lies, lol?? Wtf,get over yourselfs. There are people who needed them then more than you did. It’s that simple of a concept

There’s still not enough masks

In America they should be cranking out n-95’s left and right since half the country won’t wear anything
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