EB I don't agree.
It was a new virus, no president, prime minister, in short, no head of state knew how to manage this new crisis, then this pandemic. That said, yes it is true that no one had received a plan to follow.
Do a question come to mind? is it better not to want to create panic, and not to react, and to become the country in the world with the most deaths, yet the country most likely to have the economic possibilities of halving the number of deaths.
No one is going to convince me that Trump handled the crisis well. In a few weeks they will reach 200,000 dead.
Think of the other people who have gone through it, and who will come out of it with after-effects, to all those who suffered these side effects, all that could have been reduced if we had reacted.
I have a lot of sympathy for all these families destroyed by COVID.