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Well-Known Member
Dec 27, 2005
The situation in Quebec is totally out of control and you don't have the USA punching bag to blame for it. Stay at home!!!!!!'

EB, I for one would like to see the border closed from any incoming Canadians because they refuse to take this pandemic serious. Their continued disregard for the science and common sense for slowing the spread of this disease is appalling to say the least. Keep them out!
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Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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It's fairly clear that if the Border wasn't closed, Quebec would be on the travel advisory list for Connecticut and probably all of the other Sensational 6 States. The list has 35 States/territories on it right now:
  1. Alabama
  2. Alaska
  3. Arkansas
  4. Colorado
  5. Delaware
  6. Florida
  7. Georgia
  8. Guam
  9. Idaho
  10. Illinois
  11. Indiana
  12. Iowa
  13. Kansas
  14. Kentucky
  15. Louisiana
  16. Minnesota
  17. Mississippi
  18. Missouri
  19. Montana
  20. Nebraska
  21. Nevada
  22. New Mexico
  23. North Carolina
  24. North Dakota
  25. Oklahoma
  26. Puerto Rico
  27. Rhode Island
  28. South Carolina
  29. South Dakota
  30. Tennessee
  31. Texas
  32. Utah
  33. West Virginia
  34. Wisconsin
  35. Wyoming



Well-Known Member
Apr 9, 2019
Around the corner
You keep holding up the sensational six as an example.
I am glad they have tremendously improved but overall they are anything but sensational in fact 4 of your sensational list have the worst death rate in the whole US.
Yes it happened in the beginning but even Florida hasn’t gotten close to New Jersey and New Yorks death rate ( death rate per 100,000 population) in fact Quebec which is hovering around 68 is close to Florida’s death rate.

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Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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Make no mistake, no place got hit harder than NY, NJ and CT at the beginning of the pandemic, but no place has been better at controlling the virus since the first 2 months. It's because of good State level political leadership, a population responsive to that leadership, and tremendous medical care in all 3 states. It's not an exaggeration to say that NY, NJ and CT are the shining beacon States in the entire Western Hemisphere's Covid response. All States and Countries need to study and follow our lead. As Governor Cuomo said about the Tri State coordinated response, "history books will be talking about what we did for decades."
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Well-Known Member
Apr 9, 2019
Around the corner
Sorry but no. It is not time to follow states which have the worst record in the US.
It is great that you are so patriotic, but for once get real put aside your pride and face reality.
I wish it wasn’t so, half my family is in the US, but the US is leading the world in deaths, infections, it is a total cluster fuck what is still going on and now you have governors wanting to have 60,000 fans at a football game.
You have the Governor of New York undermining the Mayor every chance he gets. He had a huge hand in thousands of elderly dying in senior homes just like Quebec and Ontario had here.
You can try and spin this any way you want but all statistics all evidence points to exactly the opposite.

History books will be talking about it for years what a fuck up took place in the US during this pandemic, let’s hope they will also be talking about how the US came up with a vaccine that saved the world from more years and millions upon millions of deaths.

The Nature Boy

Well-Known Member
Jun 17, 2017
Would disagree with you Fradi,
Lots of guys talk about being able to run around and do whatever they want and that you will get the virus either way and that it won’t kill you. In NY, NJ, CT there is so little virus circulating people are enjoying a lot. And there’s little virus floating around. Not same case in other states. I couldn’t agree more with a lot of what Eb wrote.


Well-Known Member
Apr 9, 2019
Around the corner
I guess we are going to disagree then, which is fine.
Does the fact that for now things are better in these states bring back all the people that have died.
Quebec had infections down to 60-70 a day and several days in a row with O deaths just a month ago and now it has spiked.
This is not over yet it is not time for anybody to be patting themselves on the back especially not States that still overall have the worst record.

The Nature Boy

Well-Known Member
Jun 17, 2017
Sorry, lol didn’t mean to compare Canada in anyway to USA, lol when it comes to federal covid response, lol. Believe me. No comparison. But what I will say, where I agree with EB is that these states are examples where they did get it right.


Well-Known Member
Apr 9, 2019
Around the corner
I don’t disagree on that count either, and I am glad they got it right and hope they keep on getting it right.
I just don’t believe in holding people up as shining examples when they still have the worst record.
Learn from it, yes by all means
My point is thousands of people have died does it matter to their loved ones that they died before or after they woke up and
figured out what to do.
I am not all that proud of our Health Minister Aruda either, there is a reason Quebec is the New York of Canada anyway we spin that it won’t change either, obviously some provinces did a better job than we did.
I just don’t have this patriotic cloud over my eyes and always try to spin some way to hold up my country as the greatest.
Sometimes people, and sometimes countries fuck up and we need to own it and learn from it.


Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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Fradi, has nothing to do with patriotism, I have simply stated the facts. We can't bring back the people that died, nor can anyone, but the point is what happened when things got crazy bad here and what theses States did to respond. It was a model response and I say this having lived and worked through all of it here, as an essential employee, and having also recently traveled through every state from Florida to Connecticut and in between.
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Well-Known Member
Apr 9, 2019
Around the corner
Let’s hope these States continue to make the right decisions and are able to hold down the numbers and the rest can follow in their footsteps.
I think we can all agree on that and let’s hope that the US or any other country comes up with an effective vaccine to end this nightmare that we are all living and we can get back to talking more about which SP we like and be able to visit our loved ones like we did before.


Active Member
Jun 1, 2020
It is very heartening to hear from the posters above that NY City and areas nearby are essentially virus-free now, thanks to the excellent job done by the governor. It is a little less heartening though to learn that the said governor is so clueless about that achievement that he has decided to reimpose lockdown restrictions in a large part of the state.

The restrictions will affect large swaths of New York City, as well as nearby Rockland and Orange counties, with closures of nonessential businesses and limits on mass gatherings in certain hot spots.


The Nature Boy

Well-Known Member
Jun 17, 2017
Be respectful to all members at all times. (Rule #2)

It’s not an entire city lockdown. The amount of new virus cases in NYC is still well below 10%. These interventions are taking place to keep it that way. I’m not a Cuomo fan, by no means.
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Well-Known Member
Dec 27, 2005
It is very heartening to hear from the posters above that NY City and areas nearby are essentially virus-free now, thanks to the excellent job done by the governor. It is a little less heartening though to learn that the said governor is so clueless about that achievement that he has decided to reimpose lockdown restrictions in a large part of the state.

The restrictions will affect large swaths of New York City, as well as nearby Rockland and Orange counties, with closures of nonessential businesses and limits on mass gatherings in certain hot spots.

What's interesting about the new lockdown areas or "clusters" as they are now called is that they are primarily in Orthodox Jewish communities. This is a very religious group of people. The new lockdowns are limiting attendance to their synagogues at 25% and/or only 10 people. This is causing a major problem their community. Especially with holidays coming up:


The Nature Boy

Well-Known Member
Jun 17, 2017
Babes please, it’s TG weekend


Active Member
Jun 1, 2020
“Doctors gave Christie the anti-viral drug remdesivir, according to CNN, the same treatment that President Donald Trump was provided when hospitalized with Covid-19 at the Walter Reed National Military Medical Center.”

In addition to remdesivir, Trump was treated with Regeneron's experimental antibody cocktail. No word if Christie got the same.


Well-Known Member
Dec 27, 2005


Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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CNN doesn't use the word "overweight" anymore, it's been replaced with the overused phrase "morbidly obese". It scares people more efficiently.

I have noticed that as well, also used for Trump. I read medical records for a living and it is the correct medical term that is used for persons who are a certain amount over the weight for persons of their height, age and sex. The term is used frequently in medical records because a significant percentage of Americans are morbidly obese. I think Christie's weight may be more concerning than Trump's based on my subjective visuals of the 2. This being said, I have clients who are much more morbidly obese than either of these 2. I have a client, ex college football defensive end, who carries over 400 pounds on a 6'4" frame. He is in his 40s and has had so many knee operations I have lost count- at least 12. Persons with chronic morbid obesity that is severe usually develop knee problems from the heavy load. He also had gastric bypass surgery but cannot keep the weight off. I am guessing his diet is not great (cheeseburgers, cheese doodles and lots of fried chicken is my guess), but I think he also battles genetics. He also has type 2 diabetes. Wonderful upbeat guy, but I worry about his health down the road.

The Nature Boy

Well-Known Member
Jun 17, 2017
Both trump and Christie are obese, Christie more so. He’s the prototypical guy u would think would be needing oxygen and working harder to breathe if he got covid. Both got remdesivir started waaaaaay earlier than any average person who gets covid. An average person who gets covid gets remdesivir started not when they are hours after diagnosis by a positive test or hours after mild symptoms start (remember Christie drove himself to hospital) but the average person gets it started after they are admitted in hospital, which has a different set of criteria for admission unless ur governor or president. Both trump and Christie were out in a matter of days, did fine. Kinda makes you wonder if remdesivir was able to be started earlier on others how much it would help, like if you could take it in oral form kinda like a tamiflu within 48 hours of start of symptoms or positive test result
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