I think anyone looting a Trader Joe’s or target isn’t gonna give a shit about BLM or let alone wearing a F’ing mask.
It’s funny how you said protest “escalate” into riots and looting. There’s a lot of evidence that the protests do deteriorate into violence. I would use as an example that 17 yo shit head who thought it’s his duty to protect businesses with a semiautomatic. Yes, he was attacked, he was instigated, true, but when u stand around looking like a shit head with a semiautomatic, u may intimidate people.
However there’s a lot of evidence that the looting, and riots are being started by people who have no affiliation with BLM, lol.
It’s funny how a black dude running out of a target with a Samsung 65 inch is a BLM antifa affiliate, but the boys carrying torches and yelling “Jews will not replace us” have absolutely nothing to do with Trump?
Anywhoo since this is a covid thread,
Protest are reactionary. Sure they coulda found another way to show civil
Disobedience that may have been pandemic friendly but these movements were in a reaction to something. I don’t see them as in the same context as having campaign rallies which are planned, and coordinated
Schools, churches, and business can be open if the level of virus is down, but everyone has to play a part. You can’t have half the group saying it’s a hoax, fuck masks, I’m gonna do what I want. These fuckers make it hard for everyone else
Steven Miller tests positive. Now I feel even worse for his wife