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Well-Known Member
Jul 31, 2011
QUÉBEC ce jour....750 nouveaux cas....en augmentation constante-----2 nouveaux décès---147 hospitalisations +9----49 aux soins intensifs +7....non pas vraiment dans la bonne direction....alors prudence prudence prudence.


Well-Known Member
Dec 27, 2005
As Canada enters it fourth wave they are set to allow even more people into the country next week. Hope this doesn‘t turn into an even greater uptick in cases closing the border for Americans again. On my recent trip to Montreal the town wasn’t as lively as I’ve been accustomed to in NY. More importantly, the SP scene isn’t what it once was but the massage scene was definitely pretty good.

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Well-Known Member
Jul 31, 2011
Hey boboy....beaucoup s'en doutait bien;) ....DUBÉ --qui sûrement n'en pouvait plus de se retenir ;) --- a lâché le morceau today......OUBLIEZ L'IMMUNITÉ COLLECTIVE...a t-il dit et le virus-- avec la mutiplication des variants à travers le monde-- EST LÀ POR RESTER
encore des années....comme on dit ca fesse un peu dans le dash....o_O...lolll.
Alors il reviendra à chacun de s'y adapter----la vaccination reste l'atout principal pour confronter --éviter la maladie---et adapter son mode de vie en consé responsabilité revient à tous et c'est bien normal.
Même si c'était dans les cartes cette réalité va transformer nos vies et nous inviter à la prudence.....mieux vaut mettre toutes les chances de notre côté oui oui oui la vaccination demeure notre meilleur allié 2 cents en cette veille d'un beau et long congé...
BTW sûrement pas pour rien que DUBÉ a sorti cette nouvelle today,;)
Bon weekend.


Well-Known Member
Jul 31, 2011
.Curieux...j'ai justement recu une invitation pour demain....fête champêtre :) --5à7--dans une cour pour fêter l'un de mes neveux.....25 -30 personnes invitées ...membres de la famille et amis de mon neveu.....des lunes que je n'ai pas recu pareille invitation....
j' ai full le goût d'y aller....devrait y avoir de belles ASIANS;) voilà...j' hésite ne connaissant pas l'état de vaccination des personnes présentes et aussi étant d'un âge vulnérable ....alors j'y réfléchis encore....très possible que j'aille y faire une très brève visite à distance et surtout saluer mon neveu... lui remettre son cadeau et oui ce sera dorénavant ma nouvelle


Well-Known Member
Apr 9, 2009
Yesterday in the United States 2,932 dead.

It's a human disaster.

Last year covid was an utter disaster. In 2021's like a really dark comedy. (Anti-parasite medication for horses, anyone????) Safe, effective vaccines have been available for months. About 90%+ of hospitalizations are entirely preventable. I really don't feel sorry for them - they're just like DUI drivers who end up crushed against a telephone pole. 18 months mocking the virus response and 8 months avoiding the vaccine - they made it this far into the pandemic and finally their luck ran out.

They got sucked in by disinformation, had to prove their convictions and now their families will pay the price.


Well-Known Member
Jan 14, 2006


Well-Known Member
Apr 9, 2009
The next step for immunity ... assuming the population is fully vaxxed, is to get infected and fingers crossed, not suffer too much.


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Eventually, the spread of the disease in the population is inevitable. But this may not be a bad thing, said Prof Ooi Eng Eong, who co-directs the Viral Research and Experimental Medicine Center at the SingHealth Duke-NUS Academic Medical Center.

He said: "If one then gets asymptomatically infected, then it's the best thing that can happen for immunity - we will then develop immune response to the rest of the virus and not just to the spike gene.

If we are worried about new variants, asymptomatic infection after vaccination is the way to go.

But he admits: "Letting the virus spread will take a lot of guts. Obviously, this is harder to control and is easier to conceptualize theoretically than to implement."
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Well-Known Member
Jul 31, 2011
..oui le variant MU....l'OMS l'a répertorié...... faudra sans doute s'en méfier....pas encore dominant....mais très contagieux et semblerait résister aux vaccins ACTUELS.....à suivre.....


Well-Known Member
Jul 31, 2011
LEGAULT ce jour.....avec 171 hospitalisations today et la Santé publique qui prévoit une augmentation significative dans les prochains jours /semaines.....LEGAULT trouve la situation INQUIÉTANTE....avec en plus un manque d'infirmières....rien de rassurant.
Mentionne aussi qu'il faudra vivre avec ce virus et les hospitalisations y relié qu'il faudra revoir l'ORGANISATION de notre système de santé un défi !

DUBÉ annonce la vaccination OBLIGATOIRE du personnel en santé d'ici le 15 Octobre...que c'est absolument nécessaire pour protéger les vulnérables.....bien d'accord avec lui. Va aussi exiger des VISITEURS dans les hôpitaux et autres institutions de santé
le passeport vaccinal.

DUBÉ a aussi mentionné qu'il y a encore 900,000 Québécois éligibles qui sont non-vaccinés.....encore trop a tenu à rappeler que 90% des hospitalisations et soins intensifs sont à Montré que la grande majorité sont non-vaccinés....

Faudra t-il toujours le répéter ad nauseam...???? ;) .


Well-Known Member
Dec 27, 2005
I would never trust anything Rand Paul said.
Not so much what he said, but the proof that was provided. But what does he know, he’s only a US senator and a doctor.


Well-Known Member
Aug 20, 2017
Not so much what he said, but the proof that was provided. But what does he know, he’s only a US senator and a doctor.
Being a U.S. senator is no recommendation whatsoever. As for being a doctor, his field has absolutely nothing to do with Dr. Fauci's field of expertise, which is the relevant one for this pandemic.. It's like assuming that a bus driver is an expert on the Indianapolis 500 because he also drives for a living. Paul has NO expertise in epidemiology and he's a politician who will say anything to stir up his right-wing followers. BTW, remember when he went for a swim in the Senate pool WHILE he had COVID? Yeah: a really trustworthy guy - NOT! You might also look up HOW Paul became a doctor and you might not be impressed.


Well-Known Member
Jan 14, 2006
Not so much what he said, but the proof that was provided. But what does he know, he’s only a US senator and a doctor.

He did not provide proof. He regurgitated the OPINION of a professor. That opinion is contradicted by other professors. At the end, all politics aside, there isn't consensus on gain of function research. In the worst case they will find there was a difference of opinion. Fauci is no idiot. He is not going to lie to Congress. He knows exactly what he is saying. Were they dangerously close to the line on this one. I wouldn't be surprised.

He is asking the DOJ to investigate which is fine. Sending it to the court of public opinion is "typical". You expect that people who take horse medication over vaccination will understand this stuff ?

BTW, if you want to make it absolute political BS, just say it was most recently funded under the Trump admin.

That is exactly the kind of BS we don't need. A clown senator intentionally undermining the credibility of a guy we need in the middle of a pandemic.
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Well-Known Member
Dec 27, 2005
At least you guys read the article, one of the biggest issues with COVID is the media coverage. I don’t care much for Rand Paul either.
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Well-Known Member
Dec 27, 2005
Being a U.S. senator is no recommendation whatsoever. As for being a doctor, his field has absolutely nothing to do with Dr. Fauci's field of expertise, which is the relevant one for this pandemic.. It's like assuming that a bus driver is an expert on the Indianapolis 500 because he also drives for a living. Paul has NO expertise in epidemiology and he's a politician who will say anything to stir up his right-wing followers. BTW, remember when he went for a swim in the Senate pool WHILE he had COVID? Yeah: a really trustworthy guy - NOT! You might also look up HOW Paul became a doctor and you might not be impressed.
C'mon P, bus driver/Indianapolis 500? Not sure what your even talking about. The senator is accusing Dr. Fauci of lying. He is elected by his constituents to do exactly this. Rand Paul is perfectly in the right to make these accusations. The fact that he has nothing to do with Fauci's field of expertise is irrelevant. You just dislike the accuser. Had it been someone from the left side of the aisle you would have fallen right in line with the other sheep.
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