Do you know the origin of the word "quarantine"??? It comes from Italian - being quarantina = 40 days.
During the days of the Black Death (15th century), the Venetians would force ships to sit in the harbor for 40 days - not allowed to dock, until the ship proved that there was no infection. Nobody called it repression back then. It was just sensible, which seems to be rarer in this century.
So my idea is not original. It's from 14th century Italy.
Given we're now looking at a possible lockdown, I'd far prefer inconveniencing 1000s than risking 1,000,000s of lives, untold mental anguish and MILLIONS of dollars in economic damage. Omicron might prove to be mild, but what if it's not??? What if the next variant is far more vicious and infectious?
Look at Australia, which had strict quarantine protocols like I described. The results speak for themselves: Canada has 788 deaths/million. Australia? 84.
9 Canadians died of covid compared to 1 Australian. Think about that.
That's like going to war with 1000 Canadians and 1000 Australians. The Canadians stagger back with 100 survivors. The Australians get to go home with 900.
Not bad for an idea from 14th Century Italy, huh?