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Well-Known Member
Dec 26, 2019

Carlos Marin, the ever smiling and sharply dressed baritone powerhouse of multi-national quartet Il Divo, died Sunday of COVID complications. He was 53.

After feeling ill, Marin had been hospitalized on Dec. 8 in the Intensive Care Unit of the Manchester Royal Hospital while on tour in the U.K. His death was announced on Sunday by Il Divo via the group’s Twitter account.

Il Divo, Ave Maria

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Well-Known Member
Apr 9, 2019
Around the corner
Yes and the majority by a large margin are fully vaccinated people.
Break thorough infection is no longer a small percentage.
The gap of likelihood of infection and even hospitalization keeps getting smaller between vaccinated and unvaccinated
Booster shots are only in a small minority. The race between booster shots and omicron is on and our three musketeers with Yo Yo Legault leading the pack have given the full advantage to Omicron.
Got to love politicians, of course they are not in the least to blame Health Canada is lol.

Quebec will continue to lead Canada in cases, hospitalizations, and deaths yet our CAQ is as popular as ever WTF.! !
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Well-Known Member
Jan 14, 2006
Yes and the majority by a large margin are fully vaccinated people.
Break thorough infection is no longer a small percentage.
The gap of likelihood of infection and even hospitalization keeps getting smaller between vaccinated and unvaccinated
Booster shots are only in a small minority. The race between booster shots and omicron is on and our three musketeers with Yo Yo Legault leading the pack have given the full advantage to Omicron.
Got to love politicians, of course they are not in the least to blame Health Canada is lol.

Quebec will continue to lead Canada in cases, hospitalizations, and deaths yet our CAQ is as popular as ever WTF.! !

Yes and no. "by a large margin" is open to interpretation.

In number of cases 65% of cases are vaccinated people, but if you prorate it to the number of people vaccinated vs non, you still have a 4x higher chance of catching if unvaccinated. We will see if this evolves, but that was the situation up to Dec 17th

edit after I originally posted. The under 12s are skewing the numbers. They are a big percentage of the cases and a big percentage unvaccinated. Your statement is accurate for the older age groups.

Cloudsurf posted a tidbit that double vaccinated that had a break through infection developed a very high level of immunity. The study was at a small scale but if it pans out, great news. May make some heads explode if they need to get vaccinated to develop their natural immunity LOL.
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Well-Known Member
Apr 9, 2019
Around the corner
Yes and no. "by a large margin" is open to interpretation.

In number of cases 65% of cases are vaccinated people, but if you prorate it to the number of people vaccinated vs non, you still have a 4x higher chance of catching if unvaccinated. We will see if this evolves, but that was the situation up to Dec 17th

edit after I originally posted. The under 12s are skewing the numbers. They are a big percentage of the cases and a big percentage unvaccinated. Your statement is accurate for the older age groups.

Cloudsurf posted a tidbit that double vaccinated that had a break through infection developed a very high level of immunity. The study was at a small scale but if it pans out, great news. May make some heads explode if they need to get vaccinated to develop their natural immunity LOL.
Interpretation or not numbers don’t lie. Just a couple of months ago hospitalization stood at X25 times more likely for the unvaccinated today it is X14.8 and the gap keeps closing and real numbers for Omicron have not come yet.
What Cloudsurf published is for Delta and may or may not hold true for Omicron.
Truth is right now it is scary shit and there are conflicting news South Africa is claiming less severe symptoms for Omicron while news out of the UK where Omicron is rapidly replacing Delta is that it is just as severe as Delta so right now we don’t know what to believe.
Give it a month before we can have any real value put to the data we are receiving


Well-Known Member
Jul 31, 2011
DUBÉ ce jour....avec la hausse fulgurante des cas c'était prévisible....le Québec reconfine....

-Fermeture des écoles primaires et secondaires dès demain.....garderies restent ouvertes.

-Fermeture dès ce soir des bars---casinos---gyms---cinémas et salles de spectacle

-Les restos ouverts MAIS DE 5h à 22 heures....pas de problème pour les take out et livraisons.


-APPEL ENCORE pressant à la à se procurer les tests rapides en pharmacie.

-Ne déroge pas ENCORE aux rassemblements de 10 personnes VACCINÉES pour les fêtes...MAIS fait appel au bon sens/discernement des serait pas surprenant d'ailleurs qu'il révise sa position dans les prochains jours.... ;)

-NOUS avons atteint le max pour les tests de dépistage....45,000/jour...le réseau est saturé.....rappel urgent ...les centres de dépistage sont pour ceux SEULEMENT présentent des symptô ne sont pas de nature PRÉVENTIVE.


Merb member
Dec 27, 2020
So ..with this new variant and almost everything shutting down in Quebec, will agencies close down too?

Similar to when they closed down in the first wave?
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Jul 11, 2003
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Well-Known Member
May 10, 2003
73% of all new Covid Cases in the USA are from the Omicron variant:
From 3% to 73% in a week....that`s fukkin insane . It`s like a car going from 0 to 60 mph in 2 seconds.

It`s scary shit times and instead of mankind uniting....... the world is ready to explode.
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Well-Known Member
Jan 14, 2006
From 3% to 73% in a week....that`s fukkin insane . It`s like a car going from 0 to 60 mph in 2 seconds.

It`s scary shit times and instead of mankind uniting....... the world is ready to explode.

Here's something interesting

In the last 30 days in Quebec, there have been 43792 cases.

0-49yo = 35275
50-90yo= 8517

largest group is the 0-9 y/o with 9616

More kids caught it than in the entire population over 50.

If this is right, maybe the cases are being driven by the kids, probably infecting their parents.

The 30-39/40-49 groups have the worst percentage of vaccinated that caught it. Of course. They live with their little virus factories.

The fastest growing groups are 0, 10, 30, 40. The groups with the kids and their parents.

Maybe this is just an anomaly of the last 30 days. Maybe i'm out to lunch and can't read. Anyone want to check the Quebec portal LOL


Well-Known Member
Jul 31, 2011
113 l'on devrait avoir plus de 5,000 cas today o_O sûrement une apparition de LEGAULT avec de nouvelles mesures dans les prochaines heures,:confused:
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Well-Known Member
Apr 9, 2009
Cases in 2021 are not the same thing as cases in 2020 and as gallantca pointed out, a large number of cases are in the younger population, who are generally more resistant to its worst outcomes. (death)

A solid percentage of Canadians are vaccinated so we have a decent chance of fighting Omicron. We'll just have to wait and see how cases translate to hospitalizations.

Best case...Omicron turns out to be mild for everyone (vaxxed or not), we all catch it and gain immunity to all of its variants. Just like how we're living with the 1918 flu.

Worst case...ugh, there's no limit to this. 2020 would be a blip in comparison. Just have to cross that bridge if we get there.


Well-Known Member
May 10, 2003


Well-Known Member
Dec 27, 2005
Our president is making a Covid announcement at 2:30. Should be as useless as the others.
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Well-Known Member
Jul 31, 2011
Agree ..a large number of cases are in the younger population BUT the problem is qu'ils peuvent transmettre le virus dans leur entourage à des gens vulnérables ...... :confused:

5,043 cas ce jour sur 42,303 tests...c'est plus de 11%..and we all know que ce n'est que la pointe de l'iceberg....en réalité il y a assurément des milliers et des milliers de positifs non déclarés....and IMHO sure many will translate in hospitalisation soon...

Suis assuré que début JANVIER nos hôpitaux vont être débordé/surchargé eux qui sont déjà dans un état très pré i don't have a good feeling 2 cents.
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