There are few if any deaths caused by getting jabbed,,,,,better chance of getting hit by lightening.
I'm not sure this is true. Depends on the legitimate source, which at best today, is VAERS. This is a passive reporting system, so by design it must be incredibly under reported. I think last I read, over 14000 deaths have been reported (and many more adverse effects). The problem is, they claim because so many have been vaccinated, its inevitable some people will merely die after a vaccination, so I think many get dismissed (interestingly, this is the argument people make on the other side that some deaths, irrespective of covid, would have occurred anyway, yet these arguments get dismissed as well).
The VAERS process after these reports are to conduct investigations and have a different oversight body make conclusions. I really don't think many of these have even started yet. It is not as simple as some doctor making a declaration after a death that it was vaccine related and it gets counted.
WorldNetDaily (which as been discredited before) cites OpenVAERS that there have been 21000 covid vaccine deaths, and much more hospitalizations and adverse events. No idea if its true, but of the massive amount of reporting, the conclusion isn't necessarily that it is false, merely unverified.
Now consider countries like, Russia, Turkey, Brazil, etc. If there isn't a timely one in the US, I can't imagine there is any reliable reporting system that tracks vaccine related issues, elsewhere.
I am vaccinated and think people should be, but there is probably way more concern than currently being reported, or that any of you (or me) could possibly intelligently comment on.
So even though I'm vaccinated and believe people should be, I find it absurd that other can't make their own decisions without people ridiculing them or suggesting hospitals shouldn't treat them or that they should be brought to the back of some arbitrarily contrived sequence of care.