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Well-Known Member
May 16, 2019
When millions of people suffer and die, philosophical theories are very far away.
Millions of people suffering how exactly?
- Measures: Same for Vaccinated and Non Vaccinated
- Transmission: Again same for both
- Hospitalization: Non Vaccinated more at risk, but Vaccinated catching up
- Privileges: The passport made sure that only Vaccinated have access to it.
This situation is not is not the doing of the Non Vaccinated. They are not the ones moving around, going out to clubs, etc... So stop trying to make it so. It is simply illogical and has no real grounds.
Do you Know how many Millions died to protect our Freedoms? The ones that they are preparing us to step on and shatter. The issue of personal freedom stands even if this vaccine is efficient, but the fact it has failed so miserably makes it even more critical.
Do you know how many have survived COVID?
Confirmed: 739,293
Deaths: 11,940
Recovered: 577,427
Percentage from Recovered:

Percentage from Total: 98.35%
What are you really talking about man? You want us to loose our rights for that?!?!!?
Personally, I Had COVID 3 times, my EX wife had it 2 times. I cannot find one good reason why I need the Vaccine, or any of at least the 95% that have survived and recovered from COVID. I would even go further and state that forcing Vaccination for a Virus, which its permanent existence is almost a certainty, can be considered a Criminal Act, as it will strip as from adaptability, and natural immunity, which is how we evolved.
The Vaccine passport's existence was based on the notion that the Vaccinated were safer in terms of spreading the Virus (reduced spreading). This last wave have proved them wrong, and now that passport is used as "the stick and the Carrot". This shows that their calculation and assumptions were wrong. They were wrong since the beginning when they Claimed 70 percent was needed for herd immunity, it went up to 75, 90, and now they want 100 percent. Again, why would they be right? Now, They are assuming that for this Vaccine to be effective, it needs to be repeated, I think they are saying 4 times a year. Giving their history of predictions, starting by saying that Masks were not necessary, and then making them mandatory, we can assume that they know shit.
Loosing our rights for such clownish management is not something we should be willing to accept.
Finally, philosophy has its place in anything and everything :)


Well-Known Member
May 10, 2003
Please tell us how you got covid 3 times and are you certain that one or more times wasn`t a bad cold or the seasonal flu?
Did you test during (positive) and after(negative) each time. Maybe you had long covid that didn`t go completely away.
What type of work or social situation would place you into such a risky environment ? Besides being not vaccinated did you take any caution?


Well-Known Member
Apr 9, 2009

The National Institute of Excellence in Health and Social Services (INESSS) presented its most recent projections on the impact of the pandemic in Quebec on Thursday.
He anticipates that the milestone of 3,000 beds occupied by patients with COVID-19 will be crossed around January 16.

In addition, Quebec should cross the threshold of 400 intensive care patients at the same time. In both cases, it is significantly beyond level 3 of designated beds for COVID-19.
Currently, 1953 COVID-19 patients are hospitalized in Quebec, including 207 in intensive care.
Normally, at level 3, only 1,252 beds are expected to be occupied by COVID-19 patients.

Here's the discussion every Canadian should be having after all this shit is over: we need to fix the medical system from top to bottom.

It’s easy to point fingers at the Legault government, but the truth is we got here after 30+ years of neglect from all levels of government. Generations of Canadians voted in politicians who starved and stripped the medical system down to its bones.

Population was just over 25 million in 1984. We had 6.8 beds per 1000 people, so about 170,000 beds.

Population is now 38 million people in 2020. 2.5 beds per 1000 people so 95,000 beds. (Comparatively: Japan 13, Germany 8, France 6).

To a certain extent, the reduction was driven by improvements in medicine & practices but obviously we’ve gone too far. If we don't want to go the American route - higher prices, lower accessibility & unrestrained greed, then we need to vote in politicians who will do what needs to be done.
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Well-Known Member
Jun 27, 2010
Healthcares were defunded by the Canadian federal governments. When public healthcare were put in place, it was a 50% financial contribution from the federal government and a 50% contribution from the provinces. Now 77% of the cost is paid by the provinces and only 23% by the central federal government. That also contributed to the degradation of the service. With COVID and specially Omicron, more people gets in the hospitals than those going out, cause those patients needs at least a few hospitalization days. Those in ICU may be there for one week, sometime more.


Well-Known Member
May 16, 2019
Please tell us how you got covid 3 times and are you certain that one or more times wasn`t a bad cold or the seasonal flu?
Did you test during (positive) and after(negative) each time. Maybe you had long covid that didn`t go completely away.
What type of work or social situation would place you into such a risky environment ? Besides being not vaccinated did you take any caution?
The first time was at the very beginning of the wave. This was the longest and the most tiresome. The last one was in December, with the vaccination wave in schools. I tested positive on the first, the second i just assumed since it had almost similar symptoms than the first. The last one we all tested positive on the self test kit my son brought from school. My mother also got it in the first wave. I did test negative the first time. The rules was to stay home until you test negative. I own a grocery store, and i am always in contact with employees and clients, and also hobbying. Many of my friends also got it. How many without symptoms got it, it is impossible to know. I called and asked them why should I be vaccinated, they claim the vaccine is better than Natural immunity. Go figure, I was convinced on the spot:).
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Well-Known Member
May 10, 2003
My friend works at Urgence Sante as a medic. He handles covid patients on an almost daily basis yet he has not caught covid or even the flu.
He is fully vaxxed including boosted, gets tested regularly and wears an N95 mask.
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Well-Known Member
May 16, 2019
My friend works at Urgence Sante as a medic. He handles covid patients on an almost daily basis yet he has not caught covid or even the flu.
He is fully vaxxed including boosted, gets tested regularly and wears an N95 mask.
My brother never had it too. He is 35, he was with us when we caught it, took care of my mom, is very active socially. Not vaccinated though. Half of my staff got it lately, and 90 percent of them are vaccinated. I am certain that the counting that was being done is under representative of the numbers that got the COVID. If these are taken into account, we will find that the hospitalization rate is much lower, and yet our hospitals are over loaded. This administration did not anticipate anything, they are lazy, and just copy other European countries measures. It was a certainty that new variants are coming, they should have prepared instead of just focusing on Vaccination. What king of planning is it to put all your eggs in one basket? A failed plan in my opinion. To make things worse, they are dividing the people so that they can get away with it. I agree with wetnose that the debate should mostly focus on WHY was this administration taken by such surprise, and why they did not account for such a scenario. They had the time and the information to act on.
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Active Member
Dec 28, 2019
This covid business is here to stay, 90% of the population is all in with the 24hr media fear porn.

Biden signs $137 million deal with German pharmaceutical company for COVID test strip factory that will take THREE YEARS to build and will start producing 83.3 million tests a month in late 2024 at the earliest​



Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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Well-Known Member
Jul 31, 2011
QUÉBEC....ARRUDA offre sa démission et LEGAULT l' était évident que le DIRECTEUR de la Santé Publique ne faisait plus l'unanimité et ses décisions étaient de plus en plus questionnées et critiqué l'aura pas eu facile dans une situation/position
extrêmement difficile ou chacune de ses décisions ---prise en fonction de l'intérêt public---était scrutée à la a fait de son mieux MAIS il était temps de passer la rondelle à quelqu'un d'autre soit Luc Boileau à qui l'on va souhaiter une bonne gestion de cette
crise merci HORACIO.


Well-Known Member
Jul 31, 2011
Sondage LÉGER...ce jour....65% des Québécois appuient les mesures sanitaires....c'est important MAIS une baisse de 14% par rapport à Novembre y a là un puissant message vis-a-vis LEGAULT que la population accepte difficilement les mesures
draconiennes prises récemment et a l'impression que le gouvernement n'est pas en contrô lune de miel s'effrite dorénavant avoir la vie moins facile.
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May 10, 2003


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Nov 2, 2017
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Well-Known Member
Jul 31, 2011
Ouin.....évidemment ne plus se fier aux nouveaux cas--le dépistage étant maintenant réservé à des groupes spéciaux...MAIS 62 décè o_O +188 hospitalisations +7 soins intensifs...pour un total de 255 qui nous préparent malheureusement à d'autres
nombreux décès à la grosse job attend le nouveau DIRECTEUR de la santé publique.:confused:
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Well-Known Member
Nov 2, 2017
Ouin.....évidemment ne plus se fier aux nouveaux cas--le dépistage étant maintenant réservé à des groupes spéciaux...MAIS 62 décè o_O +188 hospitalisations +7 soins intensifs...pour un total de 255 qui nous préparent malheureusement à d'autres
nombreux décès à la grosse job attend le nouveau DIRECTEUR de la santé publique.:confused:
M. Legault just told that the non-vaccinated will have to pay a tax surcharge.
The details are discussed.
I think other countries have annouced the same dispositions.
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Well-Known Member
May 10, 2003
M. Legault just told that the non-vaccinated will have to pay a tax surcharge.
The details are discussed.
I think other countries have annouced the same dispositions.
Good they should pay for the harm they are doing. Their selfish and un-proven beliefs are causing harm to the health of the majority and the economy.
And good riddance to that incompetent clown Arruda.
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