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Jul 11, 2003
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Expert Says Covid will fizzle into a nuisance:


Strong as a bear. Swift as a deer.
Sep 22, 2020
Why january 18? It's too late.

All these people have time to go and stock up o_O
Why… you can’t figure why, it’s very simple they just want people to have more time to spend more money on these essential services that they provide for you. It’s not easy for a pusher having to lose hundreds of thousands of customers because of a sanitary delirium, you gotta feel for them and I’m sure you do. Would not be surprised if they push back again, they might come to a new solution on the night of the 17. To be continued…
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Well-Known Member
Dec 26, 2019

After almost two years, you'd think that era should be a thing of the past. But like many people supposedly recovered, I still find myself facing the consequences of this disease called "COVID long"

There are many more people caught in this predicament than one might think. Even after two years, I have no resistance to the slightest effort; I have a constant cough; persistent shortness of breath that occurs after every minimal effort; fibrous lungs which will accompany me until the end of my life.
Before these two years, I had no health problems, either physical or psychological.
Since I contracted this virus, I can confirm that my system is at least ten years old all at once.

Today, I hear on the news that there are people who are fed up with the measures one needs to take in an attempt to protect themselves from this new variant.
They even say that they prefer to catch this disease and that after that we will not talk about it again.
To these people, I can tell you that the disease, even very serious, is nothing compared to the after-effects it causes afterwards.

bonerland citizen

Active Member
Feb 22, 2009
What on earth did I just read!!??
Montreal Gazette.

'We’re not in charge. The virus is in charge'

"“What we’ve learned is that we’re not in charge. The virus is in charge,” said Dr. André Veillette"

A doctor said this??
Did Aliens just take over?

I would think the Sun is in charge giving us a habitable Planet.

Picture from front page Montreal Gazette.

They want us in cages?
(metaphysical cages)

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Well-Known Member
Apr 9, 2009
First dose vaccines in QC go from 1,500 per day to 6,000 per day, after requirements for presentation of vaccine passport in SAQ.

When they first announced it, I didn't think it would work. Hopefully, it means 6,000 Quebecers (multiplied by however many days) won't get severely sick.

Maybe Macron is on to something when he says it's got to hurt. Enough of the carrot, time for the stick.
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Carmine Falcone

Well-Known Member
Feb 11, 2017
Maybe Macron is on to something when he says it's got to hurt. Enough of the carrot, time for the stick.
Yup. We've tried reason and appealing to people's common sense doesn't work if they don't have any. Some people only understand force. We've had more than a year for people to do "their own research" as if they're setting up a virology lab in their kitchen only for them to still be spouting the same uninformed nonsense they were spouting on day one.

The other side of people only understanding force is that some people just don't want to play by the rules, even rules they agreed to. I'm at Disneyworld right now. Masks are required indoors, including on the monorail. There are signs about this requirement posted everywhere. Indoor mask requirement is also on Disney website. Despite that, some halfhead walked onto the monorail today with his family of five. He and his wife never wore a mask. If you don't like wearing masks, it's fine. You can go some place else that doesn't impose "tyranny" or stay home. But your presence in the park is tacitly agreeing to wearing a mask, and even that was too much to for you to do. These are probably the same people that will rail against traffic lights and don't understand the social contract. Rules exist because if every single person did only what their hearts desire, the only form of government on the planet would be anarchy.


Nov 14, 2021
During this whole 2 years of pandemic I did not stop my "hobby", exchanging fluids ,sex, dfk, daty ....with more than a dozen of girls in a repeat mode, 2-3 meetings every month. So, I was running a statistic in my mind and I want to share it with you. A girl that works, in a "spa" for example, for 100 days and meets 3 clients per day/ one hour each, that's 300 people..... 300 hours of full contact, heavy breathing, fluid exchanges etc .... now multiply that by 10 and you get 3000 people and 3000 hours.... yes some people are in repeat, but they see the other girls in the same establishment. That is, based on science, the best way to transmit this virus ..... but the goverment closed the gyms (remember the gym in Quebec city that allegedly infected over 400 people lol) and restaurants. None of the girls I was seeing got the covid. "Spa's" should be the principal vectors of spreading this virus, but thank god they're not. I don't want them closed .... but the reality is what it is. Just the other day before Christmas, people were fear stricken and spent 2hours in line to get tested for kvid, I went to test the Omicron with a girl at a "spa" lol..... four days later ....nothing ... I guess natural immunity exists ..... I'm a nonvax rascal :):):)
Hi guys, I'm still alive :):) ... since my previous post I went to 3 Christmas parties, mostly nonvax truckers and their families, went to New Year's Eve party (don't tell Legault), and I've been to a nice "spa" seance, full contact dfk daty etc, with a great looking girl .... and I feel great, no flu, no delta, no omicron
cheer on apes :)


Well-Known Member
May 10, 2003
Hi guys, I'm still alive :):) ... since my previous post I went to 3 Christmas parties, mostly nonvax truckers and their families, went to New Year's Eve party (don't tell Legault), and I've been to a nice "spa" seance, full contact dfk daty etc, with a great looking girl .... and I feel great, no flu, no delta, no omicron
cheer on apes :)
Are you bragging about how stupid some humans can be compared to Apes ? No flu , no delta, no brains.


Nov 14, 2021
Are you bragging about how stupid some humans can be compared to Apes ? No flu , no delta, no brains.
I'm not bragging, just presenting facts ....
what should I do to get these viruses? ....
I'll start licking door knobs and shopping carts ... based on "propaganda science" I should be dead by now .... I am a healthy human being, not a virus spreader as the goverment wants you to think
I am legend
cheer on apes :)


Well-Known Member
Apr 9, 2009
Yup. We've tried reason and appealing to people's common sense doesn't work if they don't have any. Some people only understand force. We've had more than a year for people to do "their own research" as if they're setting up a virology lab in their kitchen only for them to still be spouting the same uninformed nonsense they were spouting on day one.

Next step is requiring a vaccine passport for admission into hospitals. Don't hospital staff (technicians, personnel) have a right to safe working conditions?

Listen, if you're an anti-vaxxer, it's just a little virus with a 99.995% survival rate. Stay home, you'll be ok.
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Well-Known Member
May 16, 2019
Next step is requiring a vaccine passport for admission into hospitals. Don't hospital staff (technicians, personnel) have a right to safe working conditions?

Listen, if you're an anti-vaxxer, it's just a little virus with a 99.995% survival rate. Stay home, you'll be better off with some Tylenol and lots of rest.
The respiratory is sometimes necessary when there are complications. Plus since the Vaccine is so succesful, why would the vaccinated need to be hospitalized? Most of us are not anti vaccine, we are anti forcing us vaccine. This vaccine in particular has failed miserably.
For arguments sake, lets say that we are totally wrong, and we are a bit, not that intelligent, why would you deny us our rights for hospitalization? What crime did we commit to loose a basic right? Doctors are on both side, the argument goes on both sides, so what makes you right, and even then, what gives you the right to take away mine? I see no difference between someone forcing his faith on another, and this logic you are following. While we are asking you not step on our rights and we are not denying yours, you want to remove ours completely on the basis of a faith. This Vaccine has become a faith.
Mar 2, 2020
Quelqu’un peut m’expliquer la logique : le gouvernement ferme les restaurants, bars, gyms, salles de spectacle, salles de sport, il impose un couvre-feu et plein d’autres restrictions, MAIS, il laisse les places de « soins personnels » ouvertes (=salons de massage érotiques). Je ne comprends pas : expliquez-moi pourquoi il y aurait plus de risques d’attraper la covid dans un restaurant qu’en recevant un massage corps-à-corps?
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Well-Known Member
Jan 10, 2005
While we are asking you not step on our rights and we are not denying yours, you want to remove ours completely on the basis of a faith. This Vaccine has become a faith.
He is just repeating what the government tells him like many other bow down to the government people. Many people are just conformists and they will follow without thinking.
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