..same for me BUT it seems it will work for some...lol
Yup. We've tried reason and appealing to people's common sense doesn't work if they don't have any. Some people only understand force. We've had more than a year for people to do "their own research" as if they're setting up a virology lab in their kitchen only for them to still be spouting the same uninformed nonsense they were spouting on day one.Maybe Macron is on to something when he says it's got to hurt. Enough of the carrot, time for the stick.
Hi guys, I'm still aliveDuring this whole 2 years of pandemic I did not stop my "hobby", exchanging fluids ,sex, dfk, daty ....lol ....with more than a dozen of girls in a repeat mode, 2-3 meetings every month. So, I was running a statistic in my mind and I want to share it with you. A girl that works, in a "spa" for example, for 100 days and meets 3 clients per day/ one hour each, that's 300 people..... 300 hours of full contact, heavy breathing, fluid exchanges etc .... now multiply that by 10 and you get 3000 people and 3000 hours.... yes some people are in repeat, but they see the other girls in the same establishment. That is, based on science, the best way to transmit this virus ..... but the goverment closed the gyms (remember the gym in Quebec city that allegedly infected over 400 people lol) and restaurants. None of the girls I was seeing got the covid. "Spa's" should be the principal vectors of spreading this virus, but thank god they're not. I don't want them closed .... but the reality is what it is. Just the other day before Christmas, people were fear stricken and spent 2hours in line to get tested for kvid, I went to test the Omicron with a girl at a "spa" lol..... four days later ....nothing ... I guess natural immunity exists ..... I'm a nonvax rascal![]()
Are you bragging about how stupid some humans can be compared to Apes ? No flu , no delta, no brains.Hi guys, I'm still alive... since my previous post I went to 3 Christmas parties, mostly nonvax truckers and their families, went to New Year's Eve party (don't tell Legault), and I've been to a nice "spa" seance, full contact dfk daty etc, with a great looking girl .... and I feel great, no flu, no delta, no omicron
cheer on apes![]()
Apes have more integrity and a better sense of social responsibility.Are you bragging about how stupid some humans can be compared to Apes ? No flu , no delta, no brains.
I'm not bragging, just presenting facts ....Are you bragging about how stupid some humans can be compared to Apes ? No flu , no delta, no brains.
Yup. We've tried reason and appealing to people's common sense doesn't work if they don't have any. Some people only understand force. We've had more than a year for people to do "their own research" as if they're setting up a virology lab in their kitchen only for them to still be spouting the same uninformed nonsense they were spouting on day one.
The respiratory is sometimes necessary when there are complications. Plus since the Vaccine is so succesful, why would the vaccinated need to be hospitalized? Most of us are not anti vaccine, we are anti forcing us vaccine. This vaccine in particular has failed miserably.Next step is requiring a vaccine passport for admission into hospitals. Don't hospital staff (technicians, personnel) have a right to safe working conditions?
Listen, if you're an anti-vaxxer, it's just a little virus with a 99.995% survival rate. Stay home, you'll be better off with some Tylenol and lots of rest.
AbsolutelyWhile we are asking you not step on our rights and we are not denying yours, you want to remove ours completely on the basis of a faith. This Vaccine has become a faith.
He is just repeating what the government tells him like many other bow down to the government people. Many people are just conformists and they will follow without thinking.While we are asking you not step on our rights and we are not denying yours, you want to remove ours completely on the basis of a faith. This Vaccine has become a faith.
No logic at all. This is why it is authoritarian. Just a set of useless rules just to show to the world he is doing something and to have people obey him. It is all about politics. As per the data the majority of covid transmissions are from schools (kids spreading to their parents) and workplaces yet the first thing to be shut down are bars. This is borderline Orwellian Society. Whatever involves entertainment and socializing is banned. SAQs are far from essential but always remained open because the government wants to make money. The goal of the curfew was to ban young people from socializing even though data proves the curfew showed no benefit at all. Lego is hell bent to keep schools open because they want their future taxpayers to be ready as fast as possible to pay taxes. Noticed how only school and work is allowed.Quelqu’un peut m’expliquer la logique : le gouvernement ferme les restaurants, bars, gyms, salles de spectacle, salles de sport, il impose un couvre-feu et plein d’autres restrictions, MAIS, il laisse les places de « soins personnels » ouvertes (=salons de massage érotiques). Je ne comprends pas : expliquez-moi pourquoi il y aurait plus de risques d’attraper la covid dans un restaurant qu’en recevant un massage corps-à-corps?
Je pense que ça s’explique dû au fait que c’est difficile voir impossible pour le gouvernement de contrôler l’économie souterraine et non dû à la covid.Quelqu’un peut m’expliquer la logique : le gouvernement ferme les restaurants, bars, gyms, salles de spectacle, salles de sport, il impose un couvre-feu et plein d’autres restrictions, MAIS, il laisse les places de « soins personnels » ouvertes (=salons de massage érotiques). Je ne comprends pas : expliquez-moi pourquoi il y aurait plus de risques d’attraper la covid dans un restaurant qu’en recevant un massage corps-à-corps?
All these Liberal lovers and pro-government members on this board who want lockdowns and vaccine passports should be lucky that escorts are not regulated by the government, if it were they would be all shut down just like the bars are. And what is more because the government wants to play Grandma and interfere with every aspect of peoples personal lives in the name of protection and security, the services would probably be no DFK and only CBJ (with the way the Canadian government thinks it would probably be glory holes during covid restrictions). Very weird how they enjoy the pleasures of Merb escorts thanks to no government interference and zero government regulation but on the other hand want everyones liberties stripped in the name of protection/security. See how much better things would be for everyone if government mind its own business. The most healthy and prosperous society is one with minimal rules and a free market.Je pense que ça s’explique dû au fait que c’est difficile voir impossible pour le gouvernement de contrôler l’économie souterraine et non dû à la covid.
Par exemple j’ai été joué quelques fois au Poker dans une vraie salle underground organisée à Toronto sans aucune restriction sanitaire requise. Tandis qu’au même moment tous les casinos officiels étaient fermés…
It's interesting how some Libertarians forget some key pillars of their philosophy, freedom of choice and individualism.
A very revealing observation about the depth of conviction of some self-proclaimed “libertarians”.
By Chance in Montreal Gazette UN news:It's interesting how some Libertarians forget some key pillars of their philosophy, freedom of choice and individualism.
I am not a professor of philosophy, but I am also capable of philosophizing.By Chance in Montreal Gazette UN news:
COVID-19: Stronger action, more vaccinations urged as Quebec hospitalizations surge
In the article:
"But making vaccination compulsory — an option floated Friday by federal Health Minister Jean-Yves Duclos — should only be considered as a last resort, once other alternatives have been exhausted, said Jocelyn Maclure, a professor of philosophy at McGill University and Stephen A. Jarislowsky Chair in Human Nature and Technology."
So funny I recognize the name Stephen Jarislowsky. My dad's sugar baby used to work at IGOPP.
Basically he is a heavy duty Billionaire Industrialist Philanthropist.
"Institute of Governance"...hehe mention that Montreal Gazette.
Stephen A. Jarislowsky | IGOPPhttps://igopp.org › igopp › board-of-directors › stephen...
Also he throws money into the University platforms.
2-million gift from Montreal philanthropist Stephen Jarislowsky ...https://www.mcgill.ca › newsroom › channels › news
Jocelyn Maclure:
I am a philosophy professor at McGill University in Montreal. I ...http://jocelynmaclure.com
Jocelyn Maclure | Philosophy - McGill Universityhttps://www.mcgill.ca › philosophy › jocelyn-maclure
"He is the current president of the Quebec Ethics in Science and Technology Commission."
"I am a philosophy professor at McGill University in Montreal. I hold the Stephen A. Jarislowsky Chair on Human Nature and Technology."
I bet we have some serious "Designer" ethics coming in the future.
He ain't just an casual philosophy professor like Montreal Gazette mentions.
I doubt they forget the key pillars of philosophy, freedom of choice and individualism.
Ethics and philosophy seems to be run by actual "Stakeholder$" errr "Investors".
Follow the money.
My Understanding is we have a Parallel corporate "System of Governance" competing with our "Outdated" government of the people.
It's called the "Progressive agenda" or "Brave New World"
We all instinctively know mandatory vax will be the last resort. They just preparing our minds to accept.