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Well-Known Member
Jul 31, 2011
QUÉBEC ce jour....hospitalisations ---58 pour un total de 1381 :) ....soins intensifs ----8 pour un total de 82:)....MAIS 20 décès et nous dépassons le cap des 14,000.....triste triste triste.


Well-Known Member
Dec 26, 2019
Yesterday in Russia = +345k deaths from covid

It's known that in Russia the data is underestimated.

And even considering that, with what's happening in Ukraine, it's not enough.
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Well-Known Member
Jul 31, 2011
QUÉBEC ce jour......SANTÉ PUBLIQUE...que de bonnes nouvelles, :)

-Levée du port du masque dans les lieux publics SAUF transports publics.....MI-AVRIL ou plutôt.

-Levée du port du masque dans les transports publics...MI-MAI ou même plutôt.

--La levée des mesures sanitaires prévues pour le 14 MARS.. ..devancées au 12 MARS.


Well-Known Member
Jul 31, 2011
DR.Boileau a précisé ce jour que le port du masque ---après sa levée--demeurera un choix personnel. ;)
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Well-Known Member
Jan 10, 2005
DR.Boileau a précisé ce jour que le port du masque ---après sa levée--demeurera un choix personnel. ;)
The way it should have been since day one. Having a nanny state is very destructive to society as we have seen. Prices gone up everywhere, excessive inflation, to name a few.


Well-Known Member
Jan 10, 2005
This is the ugly face of authoritarianism. The curfew served no other purpose but to control the population in the name of public health. The government still has not been able to justify (provide empirical evidence) on why they put a curfew. According to the news the health minister was looking for reasons to justify the curfew hours before they announced it. They pinned it on Horacio and threw him under the bus.

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Well-Known Member
Jan 10, 2005
It seems the protests made these politicians wake up. They plan to remove masks and it will become a personal choice. That is the it should have been since day one but unfortunately a lot of damage has been done and it is the working class that will pay the price for forced covid mandates. Canada especially Quebec and Ontario turned into a nanny state. Government played the role of Grandma and infantiled the entire population. This had disastrous effects. Mostly economic and mental health. Many small businesses closed, the forced masks caused a lot of plastic garbage, inflation is at an all time high, covid mandates caused the prices of everything to go up but salaries are stagnant, suicides went high, conjugal violence went up, etc.. I can go on and on. Reality is a society prospers the most when they have their freedom. Free markets and allowing people to decide what is best for them results in the most healthy and prosperous society.


Cap'tain Fantastic

Well-Known Member
Aug 3, 2011
Protests has nothing to do with these decision, you are dreaming. You still didnt figure out that, the changes that happens in Europe is preceding whats coming our way in the next 2 weeks or so. So if next month Europe starts to shut down again you can bet it will be the same thing following here, with or without the dumb truckers.


Well-Known Member
Dec 27, 2005
NYC mayor to announce the end of masks today even though the Governor changed that rule weeks ago. It would be nice if everyone would just loosen the stranglehold on mask wearing already. At the presidents state of the union address masks were optional. What the hell is NYC waiting for with barely a 1% positivity rate. It’s all about control, holding onto it, and making you feel like you owe the politicians something when they give it back to you.
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Well-Known Member
Jan 10, 2005
Protests has nothing to do with these decision, you are dreaming. You still didnt figure out that, the changes that happens in Europe is preceding whats coming our way in the next 2 weeks or so. So if next month Europe starts to shut down again you can bet it will be the same thing following here, with or without the dumb truckers.
Of course they did. You are in denial. Two weeks before the trucker protests Legault expanded the vaccine passport to include big box retailers (really stupid ridiculous move), and it was in the works to change the definition of fully vaccinated to 3 doses (these vaccines do not work, I know personally people who got very sick from covid and they were fully vaccinated). They refused to let the bars reopen. Now look the trucker protests are a wake up call. They know people are suffering pandemic fatigue but they did not think they would fight back. Legault is scared because this October is elections and he wants to remain in power. Now all of a sudden they took a 180 turn and are rolling back everything. Btw the protests were happening almost everywhere. Everyone is fed up of being treated like children. The leaders of the truckers sacrificed for freedom. By mid April the masks will be removed. Finally the vaccine passport will be over.


Well-Known Member
Jan 10, 2005
The inquiry on the curfew is ongoing. Apparently Montreal Public Health was against the curfew. See this is how it all starts the ugly face of authoritarianism. They lie and lie just to have more control. They still have yet to provide a scientific basis for the curfew and they say people are suffering from pandemic fatigue in other words they are fed up of covid mandates and being treated like children. Quebec was the only province in all of North America that had a curfew, any person will see that when comparing Ontario to Quebec there was almost no difference in covid cases. Authoritarianism should be stopped immediately and such politicians should be outed from office. They got no business being in government.



Well-Known Member
Jul 31, 2011
So....elections are around the corner....go vote....and we will see.....MAIS it looks que le même régime ''autoritaire'' va survivre...loll.....will probably b rigged elections... ;)


Well-Known Member
Jan 10, 2005
Legault will win because:
A) The opposition leaders are weak
B) Legault is pushing the nationalistic agenda and is very popular with Quebecors living in rural areas where the CAQ got the majority of votes. Bill 96 is very popular with nationalists and separatists.


Well-Known Member
Jul 31, 2011
Agree with A).....ON B)...... not sure LAVAL/and NORTH SORE ---20 municipalités et LONGEUIL/SOUTH SHORE --23 municipalités ...that voted LEGAULT are really in rural areas ;) .....anyway yep better to b ready for another 4 years of tyranny ;).

Cap'tain Fantastic

Well-Known Member
Aug 3, 2011
Of course they did. You are in denial. Two weeks before the trucker protests Legault expanded the vaccine passport....
You keep repeating yourself over and over and over...I think we know where you stand. But you are the delusional one, the very last thing ANY government wants to do is look like they are giving in, but here, in this case, they didnt have any choice. The measures we,'re to be pulled off, regardless of the dumb truckers or not. Its not as if Legault and his cabinet had any real saying in the handling of what was going on in Ottawa. Trudeau totally failed there, should have end it after the first week,-end.


Well-Known Member
Jan 10, 2005
You keep repeating yourself over and over and over...I think we know where you stand. But you are the delusional one, the very last thing ANY government wants to do is look like they are giving in, but here, in this case, they didnt have any choice. The measures we,'re to be pulled off, regardless of the dumb truckers or not. Its not as if Legault and his cabinet had any real saying in the handling of what was going on in Ottawa. Trudeau totally failed there, should have end it after the first week,-end.
You keep repeating the same thing also. I already told you are in denial. You trust the government too much. They had no plans to roll back covid mandates. You got a short term memory. You forgot how Legault two weeks before the trucker protests he expanded the vaccine passport to include big office retailers? Did you also forgot they were talking about changing the definition of fully vaccinated to 3 doses? Why the sudden 180 u turn? Facts are there whether you deny it or not. Does not change the reality. I do agree with one thing you wrote is that the government does not want to show they caved in. But we all know they did. All over the world now the mandates are rolling back. Ppl had enough of it that now they are willing to fight back. The fact Trudeau had to resort to emergency powers confirms they lost control and credibility.


Well-Known Member
Jul 31, 2011
You keep repeating yourself over and over and over...I think we know where you stand. But you are the delusional one, the very last thing ANY government wants to do is look like they are giving in, but here, in this case, they didnt have any choice. The measures we,'re to be pulled off, regardless of the dumb truckers or not. Its not as if Legault and his cabinet had any real saying in the handling of what was going on in Ottawa. Trudeau totally failed there, should have end it after the first week,-end.
Nice try..BUT as you know some will always pretend we are governed by an '' AUTHORITARIAN'' voir même despotique gouvernement qui travaille à nous priver de nos libertés...alors que la majorité sait très bien que tout ce que le gouvernement a fait...c'est de faire de son mieux afin que nous puissions les retrouver le plus tôt possible---et oui parfois avec maladresse mais non voulue....nous vivons assurément dans 2 mondes parallèles.....et à choisir....je préfère vraiment le mien. ;)


Well-Known Member
Jan 10, 2005
Having a curfew is authoritarian. It does nothing to protect except make life difficult for ppl. These rules effect different ppl differently. You must have missed the inquiry on the curfew and that Montreal Public Health were against it. They also were trying to find justifications hours before announcing the curfew. But of course you do not care, just follow government orders.
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Well-Known Member
Jul 31, 2011
Oh boy.....stop plz saying such grottesques affirmations....you have a FIXATION on a curfew qui a duré 2 semaines pendant que sévissait OMICRON....yes the city desagreed with...so..it's not that a big deal pendant une pandémie qui fait des ravages...
et même si ce fut une erreur de LEGAULT....does that mean DUBÉ et SANTÉ PUBLIQUE did all wrong during 2 years....you will say yes for sure....BUT i really really believe they did very well under big pressure et un réseau de santé complètement débordé
..et je leur dis----dans ces circonstances inédites et stressantes-....a big BRAVO. ;)


Well-Known Member
Jan 10, 2005
Oh boy.....stop plz saying such grottesques affirmations....you have a FIXATION on a curfew qui a duré 2 semaines pendant que sévissait OMICRON....yes the city desagreed with...so..it's not that a big deal pendant une pandémie qui fait des ravages...
et même si ce fut une erreur de LEGAULT....does that mean DUBÉ et SANTÉ PUBLIQUE did all wrong during 2 years....you will say yes for sure....BUT i really really believe they did very well under big pressure et un réseau de santé complètement débordé
..et je leur dis----dans ces circonstances inédites et stressantes-....a big BRAVO. ;)
What they did was very grotesque indeed. Such authoritarianism should never be repeated again and legislation should be passed to prevent such government over reach. Ppl fought wars to have their freedom. Ppl come to the west to enjoy freedom and all the economic perks that come with it. The beauty of freedom is if you still want to keep on wearing a mask no one will force not to unlike what the government has been doing for the past two years (forcing masks, curfews, locking down businesses). I hope such grotesque things are never repeated again. The thing to fear the most is government over reach. The way you think is very selfish. Just because you are scared of covid does not give you the right to strip other peoples liberties.
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