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Well-Known Member
Jan 10, 2005
It's exactly the opposite, the anti-everything takes away our freedoms.
I am not sure you know what the word freedom means. No one is preventing you from wearing a mask, to get quadrupled dosed, or to remain locked in your home. How is that taking away your freedom? You are free to choose. Some of us do not want to be forced to wear a mask or get vaccinated or be under a curfew and we are not forcing you to not protect yourself with masks and vaccines. Worry about yourself and let others live the way they want. See you are pro-authoritarian. You are very frightened of covid and you expect everyone to have their liberties stripped to make yourself feel comfortable, that is very selfish. You do not care how these restrictions affect others, only your fear matters. Authoritarian governments is stripping away freedom by forcing masks, imposing vaccine passports, imposing curfews, and locking down businesses (so many ppl lost their livelihoods due to forced government lockdowns). We see large scale inflation and price increases due to government covid mandates. Not everyone is 60+ yr old and already have their house paid for and have high paid office jobs. These price increases affect younger ppl a lot more especially since they are starting out their careers and are looking to purchase their first home. They want to go out and socialize not remain locked up at home. Mental health especially of young ppl took a big toll since these two years.
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Well-Known Member
Dec 26, 2019
I know very well what the word freedom means.

We are not entirely out of the Coronavirus tunnel, but almost, so a little patience.

I kept in touch with a former post-doc student, who is of Russian origin.

These parents live in Russia, and their freedom is violated by Putin.

Imagine in Ukraine.
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Well-Known Member
Dec 27, 2005
Millions of vax doses dumped as demand plummets:



Well-Known Member
Nov 2, 2017
What they did was very grotesque indeed. Such authoritarianism should never be repeated again and legislation should be passed to prevent such government over reach. Ppl fought wars to have their freedom. Ppl come to the west to enjoy freedom and all the economic perks that come with it. The beauty of freedom is if you still want to keep on wearing a mask no one will force not to unlike what the government has been doing for the past two years (forcing masks, curfews, locking down businesses). I hope such grotesque things are never repeated again. The thing to fear the most is government over reach. The way you think is very selfish. Just because you are scared of covid does not give you the right to strip other peoples liberties.
You still forget that all those measures were to save lifes but MOSTLY the Health System.
Thousands of surgeries and investigation exams hve been postopned for months or years because of Covid.
In case you don't know, the Health System is not a machine that function on fuel but with humans.
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Well-Known Member
Jan 10, 2005
You still forget that all those measures were to save lifes but MOSTLY the Health System.
Thousands of surgeries and investigation exams hve been postopned for months or years because of Covid.
In case you don't know, the Health System is not a machine that function on fuel but with humans.
That might be the case but consider this, instead of stripping us of our liberties the government should look upon themselves and for once hold themselves accountable. The healthcare system has been in trouble since the past 20 years due to government mismanagement. All those deaths in CHLSDs is 100% the government's fault. The funding for healthcare has reduced, the ratio of beds to the population in Quebec has shrunk by more then half since the 70s. Since the previous provincial Liberal government when Gaeten Barrette was health minister, he kept on cutting funding but adding more red tape and rules to make the healthcare workers work harder. The Liberal Federal government has slashed Federal funding for healthcare. They artificially increase the population by bringing in immigrants/refugees but fail to expand the capacity of healthcare to meet the growing population. You cannot run healthcare on bare bones because as we seen if there is an increase in load it cannot handle it.

When the first lockdown happened, Legault had two years to improve the healtcare. Fast forward to today and everything is still the same if not worse. The curfew is under inquiry now, there was no science to back up that it works yet Legault still imposed it. Legault threw Horacio under the bus. Legault's head of cabinet Martin Koshiken keeps on repeating that public health recommended a curfew but we now all know that was a lie. Legault has no choice but to fire him and if he does not he no longer has the legitimacy to govern Quebec.

I am not against vaccines but I am strongly against mandates. I am also strongly against authoritarianism no matter what their justification is. Authoritarianism is very destructive to society and the economy. It is not the government's job to play Grandma, we are all grown adults and are accountable for our own actions. Where do we draw the line on being treated like children? Do people who smoke, use drugs, eat a bad diet should also have mandates imposed? The government should stay in their lane. I will decide what protection I need, NOT them. If I get sick that is on me. So instead of imposing mandates, time they overhaul the healthcare system, expand its capacity, and to greatly increase funding to meet the increasing population and to handle more covid cases. Fact is universal healthcare is one of the most costly social services next to welfare. It has been two years of this insanity and the collateral damage is adding up fast. Enough of this insanity. Those who are still too afraid can continue to wear masks, keep themselves locked up, and avoid bars if they want. It will be their choice to make.
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Well-Known Member
Nov 2, 2017
That might be the case but consider this, instead of stripping us of our liberties the government should look upon themselves and for once hold themselves accountable. The healthcare system has been in trouble since the past 20 years due to government mismanagement. All those deaths in CHLSDs is 100% the government's fault. The funding for healthcare has reduced, the ratio of beds to the population in Quebec has shrunk by more then half since the 70s. Since the previous provincial Liberal government when Gaeten Barrette was health minister, he kept on cutting funding but adding more red tape and rules to make the healthcare workers work harder. The Liberal Federal government has slashed Federal funding for healthcare. They artificially increase the population by bringing in immigrants/refugees but fail to expand the capacity of healthcare to meet the growing population. You cannot run healthcare on bare bones because as we seen if there is an increase in load it cannot handle it.

When the first lockdown happened, Legault had two years to improve the healtcare. Fast forward to today and everything is still the same if not worse. The curfew is under inquiry now, there was no science to back up that it works yet Legault still imposed it. Legault threw Horacio under the bus. Legault's head of cabinet Martin Koshiken keeps on repeating that public health recommended a curfew but we now all know that was a lie. Legault has no choice but to fire him and if he does not he no longer has the legitimacy to govern Quebec.

I am not against vaccines but I am strongly against mandates. I am also strongly against authoritarianism no matter what their justification is. Authoritarianism is very destructive to society and the economy. It is not the government's job to play Grandma, we are all grown adults and are accountable for our own actions. Where do we draw the line on being treated like children? Do people who smoke, use drugs, eat a bad diet should also have mandates imposed? The government should stay in their lane. I will decide what protection I need, NOT them. If I get sick that is on me. So instead of imposing mandates, time they overhaul the healthcare system, expand its capacity, and to greatly increase funding to meet the increasing population and to handle more covid cases. Fact is universal healthcare is one of the most costly social services next to welfare. It has been two years of this insanity and the collateral damage is adding up fast. Enough of this insanity. Those who are still too afraid can continue to wear masks, keep themselves locked up, and avoid bars if they want. It will be their choice to make.
You always have all the answers.
Explain how you would have improved the health system in 2 years in a pandemic.
Open a nurse factory ?
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Cap'tain Fantastic

Well-Known Member
Aug 3, 2011
When the first lockdown happened, Legault had two years to improve the healtcare. Fast forward to today and everything is still the same if not worse.
Absolutely right, that is one big concern about Legault's government. He managed the crisis on a day to day basis, not looking forward to improve anything. I guess having a constant +70% support from the population gave him too much confidence. Never voted for the CAQ never will.

Cap'tain Fantastic

Well-Known Member
Aug 3, 2011
You always have all the answers.
Explain how you would have improved the health system in 2 years in a pandemic.
Open a nurse factory ?
I understand its may not be possible to rethink and rebuild entirely a healthcare system in 2 years. But as a government, in such an unseen crisis, putting up a serious exclusive team at work, would certainly start, today, to produce major decisions to change things.
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Well-Known Member
Dec 26, 2019
You always have all the answers.
Explain how you would have improved the health system in 2 years in a pandemic.
Open a nurse factory ?
I agree with you Womaniser.

CLOUD makes it easy to see the damage.
Who would have thought that this pandemic would have lasted 2 years and killed 6 million people.

As a former healthcare worker, I can tell you that training a nurse takes several years. We couldn't invent any.

I agree that we have a health system (which is sick) and that we have a flagrant lack of beds in hospitals.

The solutions proposed so far have not improved matters.
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Well-Known Member
Jan 10, 2005
You always have all the answers.
Explain how you would have improved the health system in 2 years in a pandemic.
Open a nurse factory ?
For starters funding must be increased to match demand. In layman terms if you need 20,000 nurses but only have funding for 400 then it will not work. So far they are reacting. This problem has plagued the system for years, this is nothing new. Covid just exposed how fragile the system is and to what extend government mismanaged the system. Single payer universal healthcare is the most expensive type of system. It puts a big burden on taxpayers. However Legault was more interested in Bill 96 and the OQLF (the OQLF had an annual budget of $25 million in 2019. What a big waste of money. That should be diverted to healthcare). I will tell you this, lockdowns and mandates are not the answer. There is a lot of collateral damage that comes with it and a lot people are fed up.

Canada should look to places like the Netherlands, Denmark, Taiwan, France, and the UK on how they manage their system and then do a complete overhaul. Those countries have some of the best universal healthcare in the world and they do not have problems with wait times. Do not believe me? Look it up yourself. But I do not think politicians in Canada have the political will or interest to make any changes.
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Well-Known Member
Jan 10, 2005
I agree with you Womaniser.

CLOUD makes it easy to see the damage.
Who would have thought that this pandemic would have lasted 2 years and killed 6 million people.

As a former healthcare worker, I can tell you that training a nurse takes several years. We couldn't invent any.

I agree that we have a health system (which is sick) and that we have a flagrant lack of beds in hospitals.

The solutions proposed so far have not improved matters.
The capacity is too small. Government controls all funding. They need to grossly increase the amount of seats in the schools to train more nurses and doctors which goes back to what I said that funding must be increased to match the needs of the population. This is a government over sight. Remember this has plagued the system for years. Running on bare bones is bad management. And it is not so much the lack of beds it is more a lack of healthcare workers. If demand required 20,000 nurses but you only have enough funding to train 4,000 nurses then it will not work.
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Well-Known Member
Jun 8, 2015
Now when the gas price is the problem:


Well-Known Member
Jul 31, 2011
INTÉRESSANTE entrevue....entendu ce soir à Radio-Canada MONA NEMER----CHIEF SCIENCE ADVISER au Gouvernement du Canada......scientifique émérite.....faire le BILAN de 2 ans de pandémie au pays. En bref,

--a d'emblée déclaré que le CANADA n'était pas prêt....que nous avions délaissé les recherches et que nous avons mis un certain temps avant de réagir.

-a dit que la SCIENCE a bien fait son travail et rapidement ...en un temps record les vaccins se sont développés et les médicaments ont suivi....travail même que les avis des scientifiques au Gouvernement en regard des mesures sanitaires ont joué
un rôle majeur dans la lutte au virus

-a cependant dit que souvent la SCIENCE a eu le dos large...avec des décisions poltiques douteuses non basées sur des données scientifiques.

-estime que nous devons rester vigilants...que le virus est là pour rester et que d'autres pandémies peuvent surgir.....faut donc demeurer sur un pied d'alerte et améliorer nos INFRASTUCTURES surtout celles relatives à nos aînés en résidence.

--a terminé en disant qu'une fois écoulée l'immunité actuelle faudra avoir un vaccin----sans doute annuelle---pour à tout le moins les groupes à risque.

Merci MMe...nous avons besoin de gens sérieux/responsables comme vous afin de guider nos autorités dans leurs prises de décision.



Well-Known Member
Jul 31, 2011
DR.BOILEAU....ce jour...très bon pédagogue et toujours crédible,

-LA PANDÉMIE N'EST PAS TERMINÉE...même si les hospitalisations sont en constante/ nette diminution.

--dit que nous bénéficions actuellement d'une ''certaine'' immunité collective....fait appel à la 3ème dose.

-le variant BA.2 est présent et est très contagieux.

-rappel que ce virus peut-être mortel.....mieux vaut garder encore une bonne discipline sanitaire.....masque----distanciation--lavage des mains fréquents.

-garde le cap sur la levée des mesures le 12 Mars.

--port du masque...on peut lire entre les lignes qu'il va fort probablement devancer l'échéancier de Mi-Avril.


Well-Known Member
Jan 10, 2005
Legault has to go. He craves power and is very authoritarian. Every province will drop masks except Quebec. This province is the worst in all categories. Ontario is removing all mask mandates effective March 21.


Well-Known Member
Jul 31, 2011
Oh boy...que le temps passe vite et comme la vie peut nous jouer de vilains tours ;) oui il y a 2 ans déjà LEGAULT mettait le Québec sur pause suite à l'annonce de l'OMS qu'une pandémie COVID-19 se répandait à travers la planète......personne ne se doutait alors
de la tragédie qui allait sévir ici comme ailleurs sur la planète.
Allait suivre une période de flottement et de questionnement sur la marche à suivre....comme a dit LEGAULT on a bâti l'avion en plein vol....s'en est suivi 2 ans de misère, de détresse, d'incertitude. 6 millions de morts et une vie effectivement mise sur pause.

Après maintenant 2 ans on voit en fin la lumière au bout du tunnel grâce à une détermination et solidarité jamais vue.

Mordons donc maintenant pleinement dans la vie....nous l'avons tellement mérité un merci immense à tous les travailleurs de la santé ''nos héros'' qui n'ont rien négligé---ont tout fait pour gagner cette guerre...RESPECT.


Well-Known Member
Jan 10, 2005
Looks like they are setting us up for another lockdown and the reinstatement of mandates. The government just are too addicted to control and power. They now invented stealth Omicron variant to keep the fear going. Watch them keep us muzzled up with face diapers and force 4th doses.

Here the CEO of Pfizer submitting data for a 4th dose.



Well-Known Member
Jul 31, 2011
So enjoy spring and summer. :) ...and good news if vaccines are ready when needed.


Well-Known Member
Jul 31, 2011
DUBÉ....ce jour....Introduction d'un projet de loi pour suspendre la loi sur l'urgence sanitaire...MAIS veut garder la possibilité d'utiliser certaines mesures en cas d'urgence.....nous rappelle qu'une 6ème vague pourrait surgir à l'automne....faut être prêt.

Recommande fortement la 3ème probablement une 4ème vers la fin Août pour les groupes vulnérables....recommande le port du masque toujours très utile.
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