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C.B. Brown

Nov 29, 2019
Right here
I'm quite surprised seeing agencies and independents still advertising as if everything is normal. The world is shutting down, schools, gatherings, etc but the sex trade continues? It's the most at risk! With exchange of fluids etc...come on people, put your horniness on hold for a couple of weeks,. As for SP's complaining they had 3000-4000$ in cancelations this week...shows you how much they actually make!! I don't feel bad if their business is on hold for 2-3 weeks, they make more than 99% of the population. And pay less taxes!!
i knew 1 of the top escorts many years back and maybe not all but she lived the high life $50 shots of johnny walker blue at the mar endless trips for high end cloathing and jewlery credit card and loan aux max but inspite of the money which came in it went out as fast
and she in todays crisis would be on the street in a short time as many don't save don't look for tomorrow.

Thor Jr

Asian Peach Inspector
Jul 24, 2008
Interesting development. Almost none of the escorts frequenting twitter were discussing the coronavirus before to-day. Now all of a sudden the discussion by many is how they are going to survive this financially. Also advice on putting money away for an emergency like this. The industry is feeling it and it will get worse. Anyone interested in buying a lightly used Louboutin ?

Well, i love the ladies and want to help them out, i will forgo my usual 2 hour or more meetings and break it down to 1 hour meetings so i can help more then one lady. No woman is going hungry on my watch.


Well-Known Member
Apr 9, 2019
Around the corner
wellt hey risk all the stds on a daily basis and it does not discourage them but this could be certain death and their only worry is how much money they will lose.
so do you think such girls even if they knew they were sick would do the moral thing and stop to work or be selfish and go for the money.

I would not put all in the same basket.
I know one special young lady who I think the world of who is smart enough not to play Russian roulette with this and is making a wise decision.

It is not easy when you have to make a decision between being able to make rent pay for food or risk your health and yes others also.
This is why it is so important to realize that good times are when you need to save for the inevitably rainy day and right now it is a non stop hurricane for a long time to come.

C.B. Brown

Nov 29, 2019
Right here
Well, i love the ladies and want to help them out, i will forgo my usual 2 hour or more meetings and break it down to 1 hour meetings so i can help more then one lady. No woman is going hungry on my watch.
Excellent choice do you wish flowers or a donation to some cause when you expire.


Well-Known Member
May 10, 2003
Hungry, bush meat markets in third world countries are different from wet markets found in Central and south east Asia....they don`t mix species from different continents. Humanity has suffered from starvation and famines since the beginning of civilization....yet there are still billions of rats, vermin and crickets alive that, by your theory of starvation, should have been eaten to extinction.

Hey what`s happening with the FKK`s in Germany.

C.B. Brown

Nov 29, 2019
Right here
Hey look at the bright side Olie….social security will be saved.
well at least i collected my private pension my 7th year and quebec my 4rd year

my dad worked 30.5 yrs and collected pension for 33 him i want to get what i paid into it

on subject
italy is terrible again +2,547 new cases
iran +1,289
spain 1,188

canada 158 total +16
usa 1992 + 295

C.B. Brown

Nov 29, 2019
Right here

that i can believe

her is a link to trump live speech declareing state of emergency

1 other topic trudeaus wife has corona and he does not proof they dotn have sex anymore:) i heard rhumours trudeau might be working for ''the other team''
wonder if he has a freezer full of frozen bull penis

Halloween Mike

Original Dude
Apr 19, 2009
I will admit myself i was slow to take this seriously. We seen so much virus in the last decades come and go, SRAS being one of them, that it didn't made me nervous. But seeing the world world shut down like that is pretty scary and even tough so far Quebec is not "too bad" in term of cases... we must see it as "time to stop it" and contain for its still possible.

I heard yesterday that somebody from my town could be one of the infected of Quebec, and i live in a very small village... sure its not very far from a "decent size town" (Sherbrooke) but still...

I received a mail from Cineplex saying they were still open at the moment, im thinking on going this weekend for one last time, because i fear afterward it will probably shut down, anyway the new movies are all delayed so... Want to see Bloodshot but after that my next times were supose to be Mulan and New Mutants... have no idea if they will be reported, but if they are not, i may just decide to skip them and watch on DVD. Pretty sure Wonder Woman 84 will be delayed if it has no been announced yet.

In term of sex work, i understand its a livelyhood for the escorts, but right now health is the most important thing, not money. I mean even if for the moment the services would be changed to "Safe services only" , this is a flu type of virus, not an STD, even if you don't kiss, just being in an infected environement or close to an infected person could be it... So better not take any chances.

It sucks so bad to see the world shutting down. But i guess its the only way to "beat it" right now. With summer season coming, and the playoffs and many cool events, its even worst, but oh well... nothing much else we can do. I was so exited this year for the comiccon, i was thinking on how better my pics with celebs would look as im so much slimmer than the 2 years before i attended... but it will have to wait til next year :/

At least i have multiple TBs of porn, hundreds of video games, hundreds of movies, so as long as the electricity is not shut down, i should be able to have plenty of entertainement to not find these months too hellish :p (im saying this to ease up the atmosphere a bit, in a joky way)


I am addicted member
Dec 28, 2015
[h=3]Tech Policy[/h][h=1]Worst-case coronavirus scenario: 214 million Americans infected, 1.7 million dead this was numbes from the cdc[/h]

so to the guy who said no sp will miss money on his part good luck

First sentence of the article:
"The worst-case figures are what would happen if no action is taken to slow the virus, which spreads person to person."

Headline makes people crazy worried. It's important to read further. Extreme action were taken.

C.B. Brown

Nov 29, 2019
Right here
public reaction at this time is more of a concern than the virus itself to me
try to go get food at a grocery store
cosco a friend waited 2.5 hrs in line to pay and a few big stores people cant even get in today

death rat is at 3.7%

right now 144,027 infected total world wide 5397 died 5990 critical condition so the 3.7% could double if all critical die


Banned to Heaven
Jan 24, 2017
I'm quite surprised seeing agencies and independents still advertising as if everything is normal. The world is shutting down, schools, gatherings, etc but the sex trade continues? It's the most at risk! With exchange of fluids etc...come on people, put your horniness on hold for a couple of weeks,. As for SP's complaining they had 3000-4000$ in cancelations this week...shows you how much they actually make!! I don't feel bad if their business is on hold for 2-3 weeks, they make more than 99% of the population. And pay less taxes!!

As long as there is a John, then there is a service ... I have been out of this hobby for a few weeks ... it's too risky ...

C.B. Brown

Nov 29, 2019
Right here
As long as there is a John, then there is a service ... I have been out of this hobby for a few weeks ... it's too risky ...
congrats me its been since last week of december i get disgusted with myself every year and take a break
fortunately being older it gets easier each time


Banned to Heaven
Jan 24, 2017
Before I worry about STD, now Corona. It is not fun at all when you keep worrying this and that while being with a girl ...


Well-Known Member
Jul 31, 2011
Oh just coming back from my grocery---METRO located corner Notre-Dame and La Montagne.....impossible to have access au royaume des pâtes...too section des papiers de toilette et essui tout complètement une heure en file d"attente pour passer à la caisse.....MAIS cela m"a permis d'avoir une longue conversation with a terrific girl juste en avant de moi......autant bien tirer profit de ces situations your weekend ;)


Well-Known Member
Apr 9, 2019
Around the corner
Finally Trump is doing the right thing.
He is letting the doctors and universities take over and calling in all the major health care grocery chain companies and labs to take over the fight.
This is the most encouraging speech so far, hopefully no more meddling by incompetent politicians let the doctors and the innovators take over.


Well-Known Member
May 31, 2014
The sex industry will suffer like everything else out there ,it’s unfortunate but they will not be excluded
I really feel bad for the girls , especially the ones in need of the income to make ends meet and keep the wolf from the door so to speak ,,, for the rest that used to make thousands and have saved up this will feel like a speedbump probably and I wouldn’t worry
Anyways never ever underestimate the magnetic power of the “Pussy” . Business will continue , it will not stop ,,, but just not as usual ...
Some Johns will stop , some will slow down and some will continue hobbying like nothing has changed
But to say that if ones young they shouldn’t worry about it and it’s not a big deal to be a carrier , well that’s irresponsible . True that you can get infected anywhere but being intimate surely increases the probability greatly . If someone thinks of only themselves that is SELFISH , and that is never a good thing
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