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Well-Known Member
Jul 31, 2011
Boileau a dit cette semaine...port du masque jusqu'à MI-MAI....MAIS si la tendance actuelle de régression SIGNIFICATIVE des hospitalisations se continue IMHO il pourrait revoir sa décision et changer sa décision de porter le masque un peu plus tôt...genre une semaine.
Le gouvernement n'a absolument absolument aucun intérêt à maintenir cette mesure si non nécessaire...bien au contraire.

Il y a sûrement fort à parier qu'avec le nombre exponentiel de cas positifs détectés ces derniers temps nous ayons atteint une bonne immunité collective qui devrait nous permettre de nous rendre à l' rendu là BOILEAU a dit que fort probablement une vaccination OPTIONNELLE serait offerte à la population...ce qui serait IMHO ok.,,et rassurant.


Well-Known Member
Dec 27, 2005
Only in the US there have been +989,000 deaths from covid out of a population of 330,000,000.

Which gives 0.3% of the population.
This is such a horrible statistic. I blame the current administration for its misuse of the vaccines and protocols left by the previous administration. All Brandon had to do was to continue what Trump started. Biden has really shit the bed on this among other things.
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Well-Known Member
Dec 26, 2019
This is such a horrible statistic. I blame the current administration for its misuse of the vaccines and protocols left by the previous administration. All Brandon had to do was to continue what Trump started. Biden has really shit the bed on this among other things.

A poll by NPR/PBS NewsHour/Marist found nearly half of Trump voters do not plan to get the vaccine. That resistance may affect when the country can go back to normal.
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Well-Known Member
Dec 27, 2005

A poll by NPR/PBS NewsHour/Marist found nearly half of Trump voters do not plan to get the vaccine. That resistance may affect when the country can go back to normal.
The COVID virus affects all Americans. As much as you would like to think, COVID doesn't choose their political party.


Well-Known Member
Dec 27, 2005

President Biden pushes sweeping vaccination mandates.

It's not Biden to blame, but the Americans.
President Brandon was left with COVID vaccinations that were created in record time because of Operation WARP Speed. That's a fact. Putting doubt in the American people about this vaccine was clearly made by both Brandon and his VP choice during their debates, fact. More people died from COVID under Brandon even though Brandon had a vaccine left to him by the Trump administration fact. So yes, Hiding Biden absolutely shit the bed.

Blaming Americans for the COVID deaths that you seem to enjoy posting with no comments is a new low. We have lost friends, brothers, sisters, mom's and dad's and many loved ones. If there is blame to go around for COVID, IMHO the blame goes to China, not the innocent American citizens.



Well-Known Member
Dec 26, 2019
President Brandon was left with COVID vaccinations that were created in record time because of Operation WARP Speed. That's a fact. Putting doubt in the American people about this vaccine was clearly made by both Brandon and his VP choice during their debates, fact. More people died from COVID under Brandon even though Brandon had a vaccine left to him by the Trump administration fact. So yes, Hiding Biden absolutely shit the bed.

Blaming Americans for the COVID deaths that you seem to enjoy posting with no comments is a new low. We have lost friends, brothers, sisters, mom's and dad's and many loved ones. If there is blame to go around for COVID, IMHO the blame goes to China, not the innocent American citizens.
I blame both the Americans and the Canadians.

But yes the Chinese are 100% to blame.

But those who said it was just a simple flu, are also to blame.

Biden has never denied the danger of this virus.

And imagine all the collateral damage.
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Well-Known Member
Dec 27, 2005
Yes I understand, but it was not me who did the survey.

The facts are the facts.
Not really, quoting an MSDNC poll is worthless and we both know that. COVID doesn’t choose political parties. That’s a fact.


Well-Known Member
Dec 26, 2019
Not really, quoting an MSDNC poll is worthless and we both know that. COVID doesn’t choose political parties. That’s a fact.

More Republicans have died of COVID-19.
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Well-Known Member
Dec 26, 2019
113 termine ma période d'isolement de 10 jours ce soir à minuit. :) Résultat des courses....légers maux de gorge....toux sèche occasionnelle....écoulement nasal....donc rien de sérieux....sûrement un gros merci à la VACCINATION..surtout à mon âge avancé;)

J'ai bien hâte à demain....lolllll
Je suis bien content de vous voir revenir à vos activités, après avoir véçu cette période désagréable.:)
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Well-Known Member
May 10, 2003

More Republicans have died of COVID-19.
The virus chooses to kill more republicans and that`s a fact. Reason is a larger proportion of them are unvaccinated


Well-Known Member
Dec 27, 2005
The virus chooses to kill more republicans and that`s a fact. Reason is a larger proportion of them are unvaccinated
That's as ridiculous as believing an MSDNC poll. The virus now can make a choice? It chooses? C'mon, be serious. When I went for my vaccination they didn't ask me for my political affiliation, did they ask yours? This is a made up bullshit agenda to put the blame on someone or some group. That someone or some group is China. All of the funerals that I attended here in the states were mostly for people that had been vaccinated. So, under my personal observation your comment is not only wrong, but way out of line and disrespectful for all of the innocent people that have died because of COVID. If you need to be reminded of how many people that is, just check a few posts back were it is proudly displayed. Saying more Republicans have died from COVID is ridiculous. Check a death certificate or a vaccination card, no place to check off political affiliation.
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Well-Known Member
Dec 27, 2005
Do you have any stats that show more Democrats have died from COVID than Republicans?
Stats or a poll? A poll is bullshit and a stat can sometimes be legit. A poll is what you posted. Polls are the only thing you post. They are useless and are not considered fact. Learning the difference between the two will help in this ongoing useless argument.

BTW, VP Harris a democrat has gotten COVID:



Well-Known Member
Jan 12, 2005
This is such a horrible statistic. I blame the current administration for its misuse of the vaccines and protocols left by the previous administration. All Brandon had to do was to continue what Trump started. Biden has really shit the bed on this among other things.
im really surprised anyone would try to blame biden for vaccination rates in the US. I'm also really surprised a lot of americans put huge 'Fuck you Biden' flags on their front lawns...sad


Well-Known Member
Dec 26, 2019

The Chinese economy is expected to take a heavy hit from the spate of Covid-19 lockdowns.
As the Omicron variant of Covid-19 proves to be enduring despite the deployment of harsh lockdown measures, the economic disruption could expand even further in the coming weeks and months.

The disruption to the global supply chain could get worse, while the slow-motion bursting of China’s property bubble could turn into a rout. But despite the dire economic consequences, changing the “zero-Covid” policy would be very difficult before the 20th national congress of the Communist Party.


Well-Known Member
Apr 9, 2019
Around the corner
I've said it before, don't blame Biden, blame the Americans who didn't want to get vaccinated.
I agree you cannot blame someone who is senile and not in control of his faculties, now his whole administration that is another thing.
They had three approved vaccines handed to them on a silver platter and have done a miserable job of informing people and getting them vaccinated
Seems nobody had any problem with anything going wrong to blame the President before, now all of a sudden the buck doesn’t stop with him it is the people lol.
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