..et le virus est en croissance aux Etats-Unis de même que les hospitalisations....rien pour crier victoire....encore.... 
I don't get what idea you are trying to push. Everybody knows that even being triple shots vaccinated, no one is 1000% protected against catching the virus COVID. The big difference is that being vaccinated you are 95% protected against serious illness needing to be hospitalized. Trying to divert the discussion focus is totally of bad faith and will not help in anyway to improve the health situation. Previously you post that the situation is going in the wrong direction in NY and ask what could be done. I would suggest to stay honest and addressing the real problem would be a good beginning. We all know the recent wave is due to unvaccinated people who made bad choices and vulnerable people on which vaccination is not very efficient because diverse co-morbidity factors, mainly being over 60. A journalist, fully vaccinated, testing positive to COVID, with none or small symptoms, is not a big deal. I do not get what is your agenda posting about it, and staying silent about GOP meetings full of anti-vax and/or not vaccinated people.Do as I say not as I do:
Journalists from multiple news outlets test positive after White House Correspondents Dinner weekend
Trevor Noah joked about the event becoming a superspreader — and now the cases are rolling in.www.cnn.com
Were they not following local, state or federal guidelines at the WH Correspondents Dinner?Do as I say not as I do:
Yes, they were all vaccinated with the third shot.Were they not following local, state or federal guidelines at the WH Correspondents Dinner?
Nor really. There is a rise now in US. It is normal that a specific day numbers are over 7 days average. When the cases are going down it is the opposite. This is a simple mathematic fact.The seven-day average was 568. There is a lot of delayed reporting, so there are one-day spikes such as yesterday.
That was quite the reply. Useless, ongoing, political, and childish. Dr. Fauci is the only one who did as he says. The rest are all hypocrites. And you are a supporter of this do as I say not as I do narrative.I don't get what idea you are trying to push. Everybody knows that even being triple shots vaccinated, no one is 1000% protected against catching the virus COVID. The big difference is that being vaccinated you are 95% protected against serious illness needing to be hospitalized. Trying to divert the discussion focus is totally of bad faith and will not help in anyway to improve the health situation. Previously you post that the situation is going in the wrong direction in NY and ask what could be done. I would suggest to stay honest and addressing the real problem would be a good beginning. We all know the recent wave is due to unvaccinated people who made bad choices and vulnerable people on which vaccination is not very efficient because diverse co-morbidity factors, mainly being over 60. A journalist, fully vaccinated, testing positive to COVID, with none or small symptoms, is not a big deal. I do not get what is your agenda posting about it, and staying silent about GOP meetings full of anti-vax and/or not vaccinated people.
Not the point at all. But a nice attempt.Were they not following local, state or federal guidelines at the WH Correspondents Dinner?
It's all tied to the official guidance in place at any given point in time. When people said earlier not to assemble in crowds, that was at that time, not forever obviously. Now it's 2022 and most people are vaccinated. Do you have evidence that two weeks ago, someone said not to assemble in crowds but went to the event?Not the point at all. But a nice attempt.
Dr. Fauci, which was the point of my initial post even though you continue to try to spin it in another direction. So now it's ok to gather in large groups indoors? I wish you would make up your mind and follow the science and not your political agenda.It's all tied to the official guidance in place at any given point in time. When people said earlier not to assemble in crowds, that was at that time, not forever obviously. Now it's 2022 and most people are vaccinated. Do you have evidence that two weeks ago, someone said not to assemble in crowds but went to the event?
Nothing interesting to post than naming individual? What is the point? Should we name the 1 million who died?