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Well-Known Member
Dec 26, 2019
I agree you cannot blame someone who is senile and not in control of his faculties, now his whole administration that is another thing.
They had three approved vaccines handed to them on a silver platter and have done a miserable job of informing people and getting them vaccinated
Seems nobody had any problem with anything going wrong to blame the President before, now all of a sudden the buck doesn’t stop with him it is the people lol.


Well-Known Member
Apr 9, 2019
Around the corner
Getting People vaccinated is not about a couple of bumbling speeches in front of a microphone that he has trouble reading and provided by his speech writers.
Last I heard it is actually results that count not a lot of bla bla bla that everyone has heard before.
With results both Bidet and his administration have failed miserably but let’s blame the people instead, we blamed the previous President enough times to put the blame on the people now in a way you are correct they elected this bumbling senile idiot.

Halloween Mike

Original Dude
Apr 19, 2009
I've said it before, don't blame Biden, blame the Americans who didn't want to get vaccinated.
Blaming for what? Im so tired of this nonsense. Its a personal choice. End of story. There is no right or wrong in that. No blame to be given. They are adults and hold enough to make their decisions. You know how long it took for me to CHOOSE to get vaccinated? And its not because of the governement threats, discrimination, and other nonsense. I eventually did because i felt at this moment it was a right move. We live with our decisions.


Well-Known Member
May 10, 2003
Interesting statistics from the BBC and Global news.
30% of Canadians and 60 % of Americans have been exposed to Covid variants.

I believe the actual figures are higher.

Getting covid even after 4 shots is possible and almost unavoidable but most symptoms for the vaccinated are asymptomatic, mild or cold like . We need an improved and longer lasting vax for the Fall.
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Well-Known Member
Dec 26, 2019
You know how long it took for me to CHOOSE to get vaccinated? And its not because of the governement threats, discrimination, and other nonsense. I eventually did because i felt at this moment it was a right move. We live with our decisions.
super, bravo


Well-Known Member
Dec 27, 2005
im really surprised anyone would try to blame biden for vaccination rates in the US. I'm also really surprised a lot of americans put huge 'Fuck you Biden' flags on their front lawns...sad
C'mon man, you shouldn't be surprised at all. Brandon's campaign promise - “I will take care of this,” he promised. “I will end this. I’m going to shut down the virus, not the country.” He shit the bed on both.



Well-Known Member
Jan 12, 2005
C'mon man, you shouldn't be surprised at all. Brandon's campaign promise - “I will take care of this,” he promised. “I will end this. I’m going to shut down the virus, not the country.” He shit the bed on both.

thats not the point. I strongly disagree with both Legault and Trudeau's handling of the pandemic, to the point were I get angry. But I wont put a big 'Fuck you Trudeau' in front of my house. What happened to civility?? You guys are just too polarized (you being the US in general)...


Well-Known Member
Dec 27, 2005
thats not the point. I strongly disagree with both Legault and Trudeau's handling of the pandemic, to the point were I get angry. But I wont put a big 'Fuck you Trudeau' in front of my house. What happened to civility?? You guys are just too polarized (you being the US in general)...
Yeh, uhm, that had nothing to do with my post and you guys should stop believing the fake news they’re feeding you guys up there. Brandon’s doing a horrible job with pretty much everything and all of “us guys“ have much better things to do than to put signs on our lawn. C’mon man.
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Well-Known Member
Dec 26, 2019
The coronavirus is still here, but we are winning the war.

He has the right to prefer the Republicans with Trump as their leader.


Well-Known Member
Dec 27, 2005
Walooo you must be bored with this lame bashing of democrats. And the President's name is Biden.
Bashing? I posted a COVID related article in the COVID thread. Like this one:

Brandon's top COVID adviser WON'T attend the White House Correspondents' Dinner because of the personal risk​



Well-Known Member
Jan 8, 2006
I actually just listened to some of it now. Biden had some good lines at that dinner. He even joked about the disrespectful name "Brandon" that some Republicans are using. Biden can take these jabs, because they are just stupid. Trump never attended the WH Correspondent's Dinner, he wouldn't have been able to take the jabs because they would have had a lot more truth.

A few lines from Biden:
"We had a horrible plague followed by two years of COVID."

"And, folks, I’m not really here to roast the GOP. That’s not my style. Besides, there’s nothing I can say about the GOP that Kevin McCarthy hasn’t already put on tape."

And my personal favorite, though didn't get the biggest laughs:
"And, look, Fox — Fox News, I’m — I’m really sorry your preferred candidate lost the last election. To make it up to you, I’m happy to give my Chief of Staff to you all so he can tell Sean Hannity what to say every day. "



Well-Known Member
Dec 27, 2005
The phrase originated at an Oct. 2 NASCAR race at the Talladega Superspeedway in Alabama. Brandon Brown, a 28-year-old driver, had won his first Xfinity Series and was being interviewed by an NBC Sports reporter. The crowd behind him was chanting something at first difficult to make out. The reporter suggested they were chanting “Let’s go, Brandon” to cheer the driver. But it was clear they were saying, “(Expletive) Joe Biden."

The point of my post which you clearly missed was that it was a super spreader event that shouldn't have been held. This DC gala a few weeks ago should have been a warning to not have further super spreader events, especially where Brandon is attending.



Well-Known Member
Jun 27, 2010
We all know the story about Brandon Brown. You are late on this one. And speaking about a "Super Spreader Event" where everyone is vaccinated is ironic. Curious you did not mention trump's rallies, while COVID was killing a lot of Americans every days, where the attendants where mostly not vaccinated and where they booed their leader when he admitted being fully vaccinated and inviting everybody to do so. As we say; "Your petticoat sticks out". "Ton jupon dépasse", comme on dit chez nous.


Well-Known Member
Jul 31, 2011
QUÉBEC ce jour....encore + 27 nouveaux décès pour un total de 15,036....vraiment pathé oui on en meurt toujours :confused:...+ 25 hospitalisations pour un total de 2195...cela doit nous laisser songeur - 2 aux soins intensifs pour un total de 76...
heureusement sous contrôle.
Évidemment LEGAULT /DUBÉ sont passé à autre chose...élections obligent....MAIS les décès toujours nombreux portent sérieusement à réfléchir.
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Well-Known Member
Jun 27, 2010
La situation est encore sérieuse. Les gens de 60+ sont encore beaucoup à risque, surtout ceux avec des maladies chroniques (coeur, enphysème, etc.)
Ceci dit et admis, les derniers chiffres me confortent que nous sommes sur une lente décroissance des hospitalisations.
J'aimerais savoir, parmi eux, combien ne sont pas encore vaccinés, ou n'ont que les 2 premières doses.
J'ai eu ma 3ième dose en janvier... et récemment j'ai testé positif (test rapide). Rien de menaçant dans mon cas, un peu de fièvre, mal de gorge. Je me suis isolé et j'ai refait un test, 15J plus tard, qui s'est avéré négatif, cette fois. Je n'ai plus aucun symptômes. Je compte aller chercher ma 4ième dose d'ici 3-5 mois, selon la situation. Probablement que l'issue aurait pu être très différente si je n'avais pas été vacciné ou si je n'avais pas reçu mon "booster" en janvier.
Il faut que tous, et surtout les 60+, comprennent que cette 3ième dose peut faire toute la différence entre quelques symptômes et une hospitalisation ou la mort. Surtout que présentement, 50% des hospitalisés COVID ne se rendent pas à l'hôpital pour des symptômes de COVID... mais testent positifs à leur admission.
À ceux qui ne sont pas encore vaccinés, bonne chance! Il est toujours temps de réviser votre position. Si vous ne le faites pas pour votre propre santé, faites-le pour la société et surtout ceux qui n'ont peut-être pas la chance d'avoir un aussi bon système immunitaire que vous. À la fin, nous y gagnerons tous quelque chose.
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