Montreal Escorts



Well-Known Member
Jul 31, 2011

--Très préoccupé par le plus en plus présent dans les régions...un peu moins à Montréal...MAIS demeure une menace réelle de par sa contagion...maintenant 2/3 des cas.

-Recommande la prudence aux personnes vulnérables et aux personnes âgées

-Lavage des mains, distanciation et port du masque fortement recommandé.

-Ne prévoit pas à ce jour de nouvelles mesures.

-Nous reviendra bientôt sur la levée du port du masque prévue pour le 15 Avril....semblait hésitant sur ce on peut le comprendre.

Bref...faut rester rien prendre pour acquis..absolument rien de jouer.


Well-Known Member
Jul 31, 2011
Was walking yesterday afternoon downtown--Ste-Catherine around Eaton Center.....was crowdy.....nice to see....good old days are back :) ...saw many peoples-young wearing mask..
Did the same today in Old Port--Place Jacques Cartier......less crowdy....pas encore la bonne période--and saw some with the mask...was keeps us plus for me.;)


Well-Known Member
Dec 27, 2005
I don't recall many young people wearing masks as being the "good old days" . Quite the opposite.

Here in NY the masks are no longer required so it's easy to see these unfortunate people that the media has probably scarred for life wearing masks, shields, along with rubber glove while outside or driving alone in their cars. While these people have every right to wear these ridiculous outfits it's sad that people are still this frightened.
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Well-Known Member
Jan 10, 2005
Yesterday I was at the World Trade Center Montreal and most of the ppl inside were not wearing masks. No one cared.


Well-Known Member
Jul 31, 2011
Hum...''good old days''...was just referring to how nice it was to see again a crowdy to do with mask ;) ....was just a personal observation....sorry to hurt you...;)
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Well-Known Member
Jun 27, 2010
Those people deciding to hold on masks are just careful. What is happening in UK, Germany and France, regarding to COVID, is generally a good predictor of what could happen in America. What I find frightening are those people not informed, or deciding not to get informed. Right now, cases are going up in Europe. What will happen here, in Canada, is difficult to predict. Warmer weather is coming and it is generally giving us a break for virus contagion. We also have a high rate of vaccination, with 3 doses, for people over 60. Meanwhile, today's temperature is only 1 Celsius, which is good for the virus. With over 1 millions COVID death in USA, prudence looks to be a good way to approach the next months. I do respect those complying with the rules and deciding not to wear mask when not requested, but I don't get the point bullying others deciding to stay careful. They might have many good reasons to do so. They might be immunocompromised by cancers' treatments or living with others being. They might be just living with older that do not respond so well to vaccination, etc. In USA, vaccination didn't went so well for reasons we all know. Only 66% of the population is fully vaccinated there, with lower than 80% partially vaccinated. Knowing that booster shots are required to be protected against Omicron's variants, that is frightening. In fact, Americans are less vaccinated than South American countries...

In USA the situation is like that: in this case "rosy" situation is not good at all...



Well-Known Member
Jul 31, 2011
Very well said :) ...what will happen here in Canada....well today la Santé publique par la voix de son directeur nous bien laissé comprendre que nous n'étions pas à l'abri d'une 6ème vague...better to b ready...

Regarding the mask...yes am just not young--in good health--i wear it for myself and others...d'autant plus que le BA.2 est de 30-40 fois plus contagieux que OMICRON.....alors question de prudence /sécurité non le résultat d'une obscure
manipulation mé


Well-Known Member
Apr 9, 2009
Media, governments and most of the public have been trying hard to pretend it's all over but facts are facts.

Damn covid19 is just going to keep on beating the drum like an Energizer bunny. At this point in the pandemic, if you haven't been vaccinated/boosted, you've either been in a coma for the last 2 years or simply out of it.

Would be pretty ironic if you made it this far, then got infected and died. Or ended up with serious long term injuries.

Just think, what'd happen then to your family???
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Well-Known Member
Jul 31, 2011
QUÉBEC ce jour....hospitalisations +38....soins intensifs +10 décès looking good at all lately....on peut comprendre la préoccupation exprimée par le Dr. Boileau face à l'arrivée d'une 6ème vague...faire une conf. de presse un DIMANCE matin

n'est pas dans la norme et met bien en évidence le sérieux de la situation.


Well-Known Member
Dec 26, 2019

The highly contagious Omicron subvariant known as BA.2, which led to a surge of coronavirus cases in Europe, is now the dominant version of the virus in new U.S. cases, according to estimates from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention on Tuesday.

Last week, the World Health Organization reiterated that BA.2 was the dominant version of Omicron around the world, and Dr. Rochelle Walensky, the director of the C.D.C., said she anticipated it would soon become dominant in the United States.

Scientists have been keeping an eye on BA.2, one of three genetically distinct varieties of the Omicron variant of the coronavirus, which was discovered by South African researchers in November.

BA.2 was first identified in the United States in December, and it accounted for about 55 percent of new U.S. cases in the week ending Saturday, according to C.D.C. estimates on Tuesday.
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Well-Known Member
Jul 31, 2011
OFFICIEL....INSPQ-----Le Québec est officiellement en PLEINE 6ÈME VAGUE...quelqu'un de vraiment surpris????...nous connaissons tous des gens autour de nous qui sont infectés.....le nombre de cas est en hausse quotidienne et les hospitalisation aussi.

Heureusement les cas graves semblent sous contrôle surtout grâce à la vaccination. ...MAIS évidemment avec une croissance des hospitalisations cela pourrait changer.

Pour le MOMENT AUCUNE AUTRE MESURE SANITAIRE n'est sur la table...à CHACUN de prendre ses responsabilités.....non...again...rien n'est joué.


Well-Known Member
Jul 31, 2011
L'INESSS prévoit jusqu'à 200 hospitalisations par jour d'ici la mi -AVRIL....le taux d'infection du BA.2....1 personne en infecte 12 o_O ..alors que OMICRON c'est de 1 --8....alors oui plus contagieux....BA.2 représente actuellement les 2/3 des cas.

La population---et même le gouvernement qui se fait discret en préparation des élections---semblent être passés à autre chose :confused:..MAIS la réalité risque malheureusement de nous rappeler à l'ordre très bientôt....à nous d'y voir et d'avoir un comportement responsable.


Well-Known Member
Jan 10, 2005
According to Dube the regions are being hit hard by the sixth wave and Montreal is faring much better. What I have been saying since day one you got to let the virus spread the way things happen in nature. Like all viruses they peak then drop once herd immunity is built whether naturally or by vaccines. According to Dube, Montreal is doing much better due to the population who built immunity since they were exposed to Omicron. The regions were spared from Omicron now they are being hit hard. They are choosing the right thing to do to NOT introduce any covid mandates, masks are still there. Time to toss the masks out also. Even though it is the right thing to do, I suspect they are giving us this candy till the October elections then once he is reelected, Legault will take a full 180 degree turn. Time will tell. Best to enjoy the summer and the bars.

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Well-Known Member
Jan 12, 2005
i dont see how this 6th wave is not going to be as bad as the previous. I know several people around me who have caught it and were boosted within the last couple of months.

At this point, its looking like there will be wave after wave after wave...there is no way we can re-instate restrictions everytime...but, in the meantime, i dont see our (especially quebec's) healthcare system being re-enforced. So in about a month when we are back to 3000+ hospitalizations and -15000 health care workers, what are we going to do??

We need to invest massively in health care and start considering 'covid hospitals' for the future. Doug Ford said Ontario's health care system is ready for the 6th wave, is ours?


Well-Known Member
Jan 10, 2005
The Quebec government looked at healthcare as a business but it is not. Healthcare capacity must be expanded (to accommodate people that might end up in the hospital due to covid) and yes that means more money is needed, a lot more. Other countries established field hospitals, look at Quebec expanding the capacity is a fail. Lockdowns are not the answer (there is a lot of collateral damage like destruction to the economy, mass inflation and deteriorating mental health) and they do not work. Masks too also proved to not do much, if they worked we would not see a spike in cases, currently compared to Ontario that has no forced masks cases are at similar rates to Quebec. Masks also created a lot of pollution and junk because they are made of plastics that take hundreds of years to disintegrate. Vaccines passports are a big fail, these vaccines do not work so why force doses of something that really does not work. Weird. Got to face the music everyone will eventually catch covid. No one will be able to hide from covid because it is like the sun, it is everywhere. The governments strategy has been a big fail (it has been two years of this nonsense). Time to change strategy, let this virus spread and let nature take its course. It is clear the government of Quebec does not know or is interested to manage the healthcare system properly, it is time to privatize it with a 50% cut to everyones income taxes. Let the hospitals manage their resources themselves. The government of Quebec is more concerned with polls and winning the election.


Well-Known Member
Nov 2, 2017
i dont see how this 6th wave is not going to be as bad as the previous. I know several people around me who have caught it and were boosted within the last couple of months.

At this point, its looking like there will be wave after wave after wave...there is no way we can re-instate restrictions everytime...but, in the meantime, i dont see our (especially quebec's) healthcare system being re-enforced. So in about a month when we are back to 3000+ hospitalizations and -15000 health care workers, what are we going to do??

We need to invest massively in health care and start considering 'covid hospitals' for the future. Doug Ford said Ontario's health care system is ready for the 6th wave, is ours?
For the time beeing, the only way to control the 6th wave is vaccination.
It keeps you from hospitalisation or at least intensive health care
i dont see how this 6th wave is not going to be as bad as the previous. I know several people around me who have caught it and were boosted within the last couple of months.

At this point, its looking like there will be wave after wave after wave...there is no way we can re-instate restrictions everytime...but, in the meantime, i dont see our (especially quebec's) healthcare system being re-enforced. So in about a month when we are back to 3000+ hospitalizations and -15000 health care workers, what are we going to do??

We need to invest massively in health care and start considering 'covid hospitals' for the future. Doug Ford said Ontario's health care system is ready for the 6th wave, is ours?
i dont see how this 6th wave is not going to be as bad as the previous. I know several people around me who have caught it and were boosted within the last couple of months.

At this point, its looking like there will be wave after wave after wave...there is no way we can re-instate restrictions everytime...but, in the meantime, i dont see our (especially quebec's) healthcare system being re-enforced. So in about a month when we are back to 3000+ hospitalizations and -15000 health care workers, what are we going to do??

We need to invest massively in health care and start considering 'covid hospitals' for the future. Doug Ford said Ontario's health care system is ready for the 6th wave, is ours?
You're right, some think nurses and other health workers grow on tree.
Unfortunately not on planet earth !


Well-Known Member
Jan 10, 2005
The government has mismanaged the healthcare system for years and it got especially bad when PLQ was in power. Barrette kept on making cuts and cuts while population was growing. It takes some years to train new healthcare workers but if the budget is constantly being reduced then the schools have to reduce the capacity to train new healthcare workers, this has a ripple effect. This is not rocket science, this is common sense. To add if the working conditions are poor many will leave as is the case during covid. Many left. Many doctors left to go private or to the USA where they are paid much better and the working conditions are better. Governments solution is always to add more red tape as to whip the workers to work harder. Biggest example of what I am talking about is forced overtime. Legault made promises in 2018 but not much became reality. Instead the CAQ focused on Bill 21 and Bill 96. Since covid struck they had two years to do something, all is still the same if not worse. Poor management is the problem. The Federal government also provides significant funding to the provinces for healthcare, instead Trudeau is more interested to send taxpayers money to foreign countries. You got to remember these are problems years in the making. So no I do not accept the "Healthcare workers grows on trees" answer. Covid merely exposed the major weakness and poor management of the healthcare system since the last 30 years.
Toronto Escorts