Kin Yung Un... Son peuple de Corée du Nord n'a pas eu accès aux vaccins même si la Chine et la Russie en ont offerts. Mais ce type ne se prive de rien... Ça ne m'étonnerait pas qu'il se soit procuré des vaccins ARN pour lui et sa garde rapprochée. Comme Trump qui s'est fait vacciné en secret... Un ne vaut pas plus que l'autre.Maybe yes?, but....
By advocating continuation of the vaccination game, you assume that even if the benefit of vaccination is declining it is still positive and there is no harm. There is however some evidence that vaccination actually decreases your chances to build COVID immunity:Personally, I accept the statistics that getting regular vaccines help generate additional antibodies. So I get boosters. You certainly don’t have to if you choose not to, but I think it makes sense, myself.
Something has caused the daily death rate to decline in the U.S. to about 300 a day even though the infection and spreading rate is still extremely high.
It is either a natural weakening of the virus, antibodies from previous infections, antibodies from vaccinations, or two of the three, or three of the three.
I think it is three of the three.
And we should extend a giant fuck you, thanks for nothing to the U.S. government on two fronts.
Correct, is there a point there?It's their choice not to get vaccinated against covid.
And me, it's my choice to think of others.
I deleted my post, because it was off-topicCorrect, is there a point there?