We do not obey. We go by the rules because they make sens.
I responded here as it pertains to covid, not Biden. No, I do not think you understand, your brand of collectivism is very destructive to society as we have seen (inflation, mental health, labor shortage) all this for a virus with less then 0.1% death rate, that is nonsensical. I wanted to point out to you how inflation is caused by the government. We are all paying for it but none of the politicians have lost one cent of their salary. Other thing is no we do not need to choose between the economy and health, both are essential and decisions about health are to be left to the individual, that is not the government's place. Do you expect the government to exercise for you? You got to do it yourself. Same principal. You want to keep on wearing the mask and get a 100 doses that is your right, so long as they do not bother me with it. You want government involved in everything, the government is the enemy remember that.Honestly this message was not addressed to you.
I think Fradi is able of defending himself.
I understand the whole covid phenomenon, but we had to choose between the economy and health.
Glad to see you agree with me. I posted the article to point out that it was just fear mongering to keep the COVID fear alive and well. Your fellow white knight brought up the former president, not I.For those concerned about this article on virus surviving on frozen meat. As soon as you cook it, those RNA virus are destroyed. Don't you even wonder why stock mRNA vaccine are stocked at -80C! Trying to do diversion speaking about the funny 45th is just a non-argument.
This is what Communist government do, I always knew you were Pro-Communist. In all Communist governments including what Putin is doing, anyone that opposes the political narrative is silenced or cancelled. No one is allowed to have a different opinion even if it is right. Communist governments keep on repeating the same lies and if repeated often enough people begin to believe it. This is what you support. Many doctors are against covid mandates but are told to not speak against it or will loose their jobs. Anything done under a threat is proof at how the government is coercing people. Sanctions = Force. As you can see one by one the government is stripping away our freedoms forcing us to their will.![]()
Misleading information: punishing dozens of workers - canada today
Dozens of workers have been punished since the beginning of the epidemic for their statements against vaccines or anti-health measures, or for their negligence in implementing the rules. According to many speakers, these sanctions are necessary while for others we are witnessing a clear...canada.tawdif.ma
According to many speakers, these sanctions are necessary while for others we are witnessing a clear slippage.
For once I agree with you. The point that OP brought up is that they keep on posting useless nonsense like this to incite fear. What is the point? Is it just bad journalism or was it intentional? Many people who do not know better will panic. Fear is the best control mechanism.For those concerned about this article on virus surviving on frozen meat. As soon as you cook it, those RNA virus are destroyed. Don't you even wonder why stock mRNA vaccine are stocked at -80C! Trying to do diversion speaking about the funny 45th is just a non-argument.
Actually COVID did not change much regarding life expectancy and population growth.