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Active Member
Feb 7, 2009
NY state
i have little faith that trump will be able to effectively lead the usa during this crisis. first, he has no credibility due to his constant (16,000) lies. the country needs a leader it can believe and over 60% dont believe him. second, he does not believe in science- he has a history of bashing science and has decimated the science advisory boards. he now must rely on scientists to get us out of this mess and he clearly is uncomfortable deferring to scientists (of course, if you are a stable genius, why defer to anyone.) finally, this is just not in his wheel house. he is a demagogue who rallies his base by blaming various people and groups for their problems. his insults and hateful language will not wear well during a crisis.

Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003
Doc I heard that you rented a log cabin in Nunavuk… it true.

You're not that too far off the mark but it's not in Nunavuk. Log cabin on a small island and lots of fishing these days. Generator gives me electricity. I travel to a small town once or twice a week for provisions and then back on the island until things have calmed down. I'm planning to stay here until August or maybe longer. for some more fishing!

Cap'tain Fantastic

Well-Known Member
Aug 3, 2011
90% des américains? Peut-être aussi 70% de la population mondiale? Ce n'est pas quelque chose qui va disparaître comme par magie, on en a pour des mois avant de maîtriser la situation, après on devra apprendre à vivre avec, comme avec tout les autres virus.


Well-Known Member
May 10, 2003
Ohio governor announces polls will be closed Tuesday over coronavirus

DeWine earlier on Monday asked a court to move the primary election to June amid the pandemic, only to be denied by a judge later in the day. It's not clear whether the
Here’s a Doomsday Scenario - Government shuts down the Voting, and TRUMP just stays the President for the Next 4 Years...


Yes it is a doomsday scenario. State governments should start drawing up plans for drive thru voting booths.
Or maybe google can come up with software that would allow citizens to vote safely and securely from home.


Well-Known Member
Aug 25, 2011
Universal's movies currently in theaters will be made available on demand this week

Consumers will be able to rent the films for $19.99 per film for 48 hours.

“Rent the films for $19.99 per film for 48 hours.”
WTF $19.99, and you don’t Own IT! ...

What’s the Avg Movie Theatre Ticket Price?
Hmm, $10-$15/Ticket.

Way to Gouge the Public!...

Robert, I hear what you're saying but I like this price. When I compare it to going to the cinema, this is a no brainer. For example,
Go to cinema:
2 tickets: $30
Parking: $10
2 popcorn: $15
2 sodas: $10
Total: $65
If I bring my 2 kids, add $20, if they want popcorn and drinks add $20. Add the driving (sometimes even frustrating in Montreal), looking for parking etc...
Compare this to watching this in the comfort of my home on a big screen TV, recliner, $2 for popcorn, $2 for soda, maybe pop a beer $1 or glass of wine $3.
$19.99 is well worth it for me! IMHO


Sr Moderator
Jan 27, 2014
Please respect Merb’s policies on posting. Copying and pasting a long article or posting links without giving your opinion (saying ‘that’s the way the cookie crumbles’ is not an opinion). Also please try to shorten your quotes. Some posts have been deleted because of this and will be deleted if it is not respected.


Well-Known Member
May 10, 2003
The difference between Trump and Legault is that one of them is a good businessman and the other runs around wearing a dunce cap.
Trump is a showman who surrounded himself with good but crooked lawyers and a bunch of yes men. Legault co-owned and ran a successful airline.

Meta not Meta

Active Member
Dec 26, 2016
COVID19 – Au Québec, en date du 17 mars 13 h, la situation est la suivante :

➡️63 cas confirmés
➡️3513 personnes sous investigation
➡️3723 analyses négatives

Pour connaître le nombre de cas confirmés par régions : #santéquébec


Well-Known Member
Oct 29, 2007
Did you saw Trump's tweet about the "chinese virus"... Fuck these 2 words will resonate for a long time over there... They are furious. Even if we all know it originate from China they do not want the virus to be named after them the way the Spanish flu was linked to Spain...

But that is where it came from. And it comes from the same place: The Wet Markets. Fuck them and their feelings. What's the next plague we are going to get from the wet markets? Did you watch Joe Rogan's interview #1439 with Michael Osterholm the Director of the Center of Infectious Disease Research and Policy? There are some bad practices at these markets. It is going to happen again if they don't figure out a way to deal with it. We have a problem with our supply chain for drugs and other medical supplies. Hopefully, the Politicos will get the message and fix this. The problem is that politicians only care about power and being reelected until it's almost too late.

The majority of us have to get it and survive it unless we can come up with a vaccine. The choice is either flatten the curve and slow down the spread so we don't overwhelm the healthcare system and the precious ventilators and experience a mortality rate of about 0.5% or we have rapid spread of the disease and overwhelm the medical system and run out of ventilators and experience a mortality rate of 2-5%.

Bred Sob

New Member
Jan 17, 2012
For example the #1 company for the masks (3M) is a chinese company.

A very good example indeed. And that is why it is based in Maplewood, Minnesota, a suburb of St. Paul, and used to be called Minnesota Mining and Manufacturing Company.


Well-Known Member
Dec 1, 2014
Actress Vanessa Hudgens making some bizarre comments on her instagram concerning the virus.

“Um, yeah, ’til July sounds like a bunch of bulls–t,” she said of the potential quarantine timeline for the United States on Instagram. “I’m sorry, but like, it’s a virus, I get it, like, I respect it, but at the same time I’m like, even if everybody gets it, like yeah, people are going to die, which is terrible but like, inevitable?”

She sounds like just another entitled out of touch celebrity who needs to go back to rehab facility for whatever she is suffering from.

The Nature Boy

Well-Known Member
Jun 17, 2017
There’s people on this thread who have made comments like that

substitute the me for we fuckers

Meta not Meta

Active Member
Dec 26, 2016
#COVID19 – Au Québec, en date du 17 mars 15 h, la situation est la suivante :

➡️74 cas confirmés
➡️2949 personnes sous investigation
➡️4778 analyses négatives

Pour connaître le nombre de cas confirmés par régions : #santéquébec


I am addicted member
Dec 28, 2015
Meta the testing process is not well oiled in all North America. Probably everywhere... The case under investigation should be much higher. This is why our gouvernment say to stay home! They already know we are in deep shit for many weeks.

Meta not Meta

Active Member
Dec 26, 2016
Quebec hospitals ready for influx

Health Minister Danielle McCann says Quebec is prepared for an influx of patients with COVID-19.

She said Quebec has 1,000 intensive-care beds, and another 1,800 hospital beds that can be used. Another 6,000 beds are being freed up by cancelling elective surgeries and moving people who don’t need hospital care to other locations. Quebec can add another 3,000 beds, she said.

“We have the scenarios, we know we will be able to give the care – hospitalization or intensive care,” McCann said.

She noted that most people who get the disease will not require hospitalization.


Active Member
Nov 11, 2017
we already know that this virus has mutated. every evidence thus far indicates that the mortality rate of COVID-19 is higher than the seasonal flu. we also know that two related viruses - SARS and MERS - have much higher mortality rates than what has been associated to COVID-19. it could still mutate in a deadlier variant

risking the health of the world population - billions of people - on the pretense of protecting the economy, simply based on what has been observed thus far during the 4 months COVID-19 has been circulating in the human population and the 200,000 people affected so far, is a gamble that no serious government will take

Boris Johnson thought of going down that road and then realized what it would cost to the NHS just dealing with the people getting sick. it would bankrupt the UK


Well-Known Member
May 8, 2011
I want to fuck, but i'll stay home. And no, i won't do outcalls. End of story for me.
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