^^^ But we are a free society. We cannot quarantine as thoroughly and efficiently or ruthlessly as they can. What we can do is implement the social distancing that can be more effective and less disruptive. If you haven't yet, give this a read. An MD sent this to me: https://medium.com/@tomaspueyo/coronavirus-act-today-or-people-will-die-f4d3d9cd99ca
Coronavirus: Why You Must Act Now by Tomas Pueyo.
China and Italy waited much longer before taking strong action. Once they did yes they pretty much sent the army. Trudeau confirmed this morning he would do so in Canada if needed. I am totally sure Trump would do the same when needed.
yeah - I've read those reports too - but its China......and they have such a great reputation for accurate, truthful and honest, free reporting...with no government interference. Oh, hang on...….lol
The jury is out, I think until independent W.H.O. assesses it.
True. That is why I follow blogs of US/Canadian citizens living in China. I also watch:
Which reflects what you read on these blogs. Life is slowly getting back to better level. They even closed the temporary hospital they had built this morning.